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The Bestiary - Create Your Own Creature

You are a monster tracker of some renown. A historian wants to collect as much information about your homeland as possible, which includes cataloging all the strange creatures that inhabit it. Of course, being so busy, you only have time to tell him about one very particular beast...

Is the monster humanoid or eldritch in appearance?

Is it intelligent? Does it have any special abilities?

And - most important of all - what are its weaknesses?

Tell us all about your creature in 100 - 5000 words!

You are a monster tracker of some renown. A historian wants to collect as much information about your homeland as possible, which includes cataloging all the strange creatures that inhabit it. Of course, being so busy, you only have time to tell him about one very particular beast...

Is the monster humanoid or eldritch in appearance?

Is it intelligent? Does it have any special abilities?

And - most important of all - what are its weaknesses?

Tell us all about your creature in 100 - 5000 words!

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