The next day, or the day after that - or maybe it was a week, or a month, or even a year - I woke from a fitful slumber to the sounds of an all out brawl. The crunch of bone, the howls of pain, and the sounds of wolves dying reminded me all too vividly of the Alpha battle all those weeks ago, and I huddled in my corner, heart pounding, praying that no one else would get hurt because of me. It was bad enough Simon had had to fight those rival Alphas because of my stupid mistake. To have more lives lost because of my continued stubbornness would be the icing on the cake.
Suddenly, the hatch crashed open, and I screamed. Samuel stood there, his mouth bloody, eyes glittering with insane rage. He said nothing, instead grabbing me by the legs and dragging me outside. I screamed and kicked, trying to get away from him, but he slapped me across the face so hard I saw stars, and by the time I registered what was going on, we were well into the forest. The sounds of battle died behind us, until only the nighttime forest sounds surrounded us. By now, I was shivering with cold, but Samuel did nothing to try and warm me up, and my teeth were chattering violently by the time we reached the lake where Ethan and I had stopped in happier days. Overhead, the moon shone full in a cloudless sky, but the air was bitterly cold, and I was stunned to see snow on the ground. How long was I a prisoner? I thought.
Then all thoughts were ripped over my head as Samuel threw me in the lake. I had time for one scream before the icy water closed over my head.
I sank like a stone, kicking, flailing, lungs burning as I tried to get back up to the surface so I could breathe. But months of being stuck in the same position had left me with no strength, and though I struggled desperately, I couldn't summon the energy to swim to where the precious air waited. Bubbles burst from my mouth and nose as what little air I managed to get left my lungs, and panic took over as I kicked and flailed more desperately, lungs burning as the air completely ran out, the pressure growing unbearable until finally, the urge to breathe became too strong, and I gasped involuntarily, inhaling sharply. Bad idea.
Water rushed into my mouth and nose, and I kicked feebly, choking, body convulsing as I started to drown. Black spots swirled across my vision, and the panic faded, giving way to calm as the darkness finally overwhelmed my sight, head tipping back as I let it take me entirely. And as I passed out, I saw the moon, shining brightly, rippling in endless patterns of silver that tantalised my vision before my eyes closed and all my senses snuffed out.
The next thing I knew, I was lying on the bank, coughing up water. The wind hit my wet hair and clothes with an icy blast, setting my teeth to chattering and sending me into a sneezing fit. By the time I recovered, I became aware that Samuel was sitting next to me, also sopping wet. I opened my mouth to thank him for saving me, but he gave me a cold look that caused the words to dry up in my throat.
"You're such a stupid bitch," he growled. "You were supposed to swim, not fucking drown."
I stared at him in shock. "I was locked in that box for months," I protested. I got no further; spots danced across my vision, and when my sight cleared, I realised my jaw was aching. Samuel glared at me.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch," he said. "You speak when I tell you to speak, you hear me?"
I grimaced and nodded. "Yes, Gamma Samuel."
This time, he hit me hard enough to dislocate a tooth. I gasped as I lay face down on the ground, spitting up blood and the rogue tooth. I tried to roll over, but a foot in my back prevented me from doing so, and cold snow went up my nose, causing me to cough as I tried to turn my head to stop from inhaling any more foreign substances into my abused lungs. Samuel, however, didn't seem to care. "Lesson number one," he said. "You never use my name. You address me as Gamma, got that?"
I coughed again, miserably reminded of just how cold I was. "Yes, Gamma," I said through chattering teeth. I deserve this, I reminded myself. Had I not been so stupid, I knew I would never have ended in this position.
Samuel grunted. "Lesson number two." He grabbed me and rolled me over, placing his foot on me again, this time on my chest. "You never, ever look me in the eye. You don't deserve to look at me. You don't even deserve right to be in my presence. You're lucky I need you alive, or I'd have let you drown like the worthless piece of trash you are."
I stayed silent, teeth chattering even more violently than before, though now it was more from fear than from the cold. "Lesson number three," Samuel said, hauling me to my feet. I obediently kept my eyes down, not wanting to invite another hit to the face. "You ask for nothing. You beg for nothing. You do not even think about wanting anything. You take what I give you, and show some fucking gratitude. Otherwise, it gets taken away, and you get nothing else for however long I decide. If that's sleep, food, warm clothes, a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head... well, you get the idea. And if you get sick, just remember, it's all your fault. You just had to take what Alpha Simon gave you, and not spread all those lies about how "abused" you were. Alpha Simon was nothing but kind to you, taking you in when no one else would have you, and you repayed him by throwing it all in his face and almost getting him killed!" His voice rose at the end, and I flinched.
"I'm so, so sorry, Gamma," I whispered, tears of shame stinging my eyes as I realised how right he was. Alpha Simon had been kind to me, and I'd repayed him in the most shocking way imaginable.
Samuel hit me again, and I landed heavily in the snow, spitting up more blood. "Did you forget what I told you, bitch?" He grabbed me, lifted me by the throat, and leaned in until his face was inches from mine. "You. Do. Not. Speak. Unless. You. Are. Spoken. To. Understand?" Each word came through gritted teeth, and I shuddered as the fear came back in stronger waves.
"Yes, Gamma," I said, trembling.
"Yes, what?" he said, a warning in his voice.
"Yes, I understand, Gamma," I said.
He struck me again. "You're still not getting it, bitch," he snarled. "What. Did. I. SAY?"
I swallowed. "I am not to speak unless I am spoken to, Gamma."
Samuel grunted and let me fall to the snow. "Maybe you're not as stupid as you look, but by God, you're the dumbest bitch alive." He sighed. "Fuck this shit. You're sleeping out here tonight. Maybe you won't be a frozen lump by the morning, but I wouldn't hold my breath." He chuckled nastily. "Jutst remember, bitch. You get sick, it's your own stupid fucking fault." So saying, he stalked off, and once I could no longer hear his footsteps, I closed my eyes, huddling into the snow, praying for death to take me. That way, I wouldn't have to endure Samuel's torment anymore, but even as I shivered my way into an uneasy sleep, I already knew that wasn't going to happen. Samuel would do just enough to keep me alive, and he'd drag me back kicking and screaming from the grave if I did die.
And it was all my fault. 158Please respect copyright.PENANA9iDvFhgMzP