My heart goes the way the wind blows, for it can not linger in the same place. Some say the heart can be tamed, but mine can not. For it is like a wild stallion that forever must roam free. The soul can feel restless at times, but that is when it searches for meaning. That is when it searches for purpose. That is when it searches for God. My heart must always go the way the wind blows. Life can bring you through many roads and places. Yet it is important to follow one's heart. You never know where you're heart may take you, but surely it will lead you to the right place in time. If one's heart remains wild and free, then forever wild and free it must be. If you ever are to find the one you think you're searching for in life, then you can run with that somone or walk without. For a wild heart can never be tamed. As a bird flys so high in the sky, so must I, for you can't keep a bird from touching the sky. The wind blows, so my heart follows as I walk through this journey. There are always certain paths that cross in this path of life, for some things are just meant to be. Everyone has a calling, and if you listen closely to the voice within, it will direct you to the right place to be. Don't live life with your eyes closed, live life with them open. For time passes by so quickly and moments should be treausured. Never forget to live a life full of meaning. There are different things you may stumble upon at times, but don't let that stop you from following your heart. A pure heart, is a heart with God. So never stop listening to the voice of you're heart. Life can't be planned, for you can never be definite about you're future. Yet one thing is for sure, when you follow you're heart, you will never stop seeing the beautiful things in life. So my heart continues to go the way the wind blows.
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