Pikekit was still, Rushkit trotted over to him, confused.
"Have you found it already?" Rushkit asked.
Pikekit didn't respond, "Dawnstar! Tinyfur!"
Suddenly, the two came bursting out of the nursery, concerned.
"Yes, Pikekit?" Tinyfur questioned.
"This scent! I don't recognise it!" Dawnstar interrupted.
"Yes! That's what I called you out f-for." Pikekit stuttered.
Dawnstar narrowed his eyes, "Russetclaw! Get a patrol ready to check!"
Russetclaw turned around, and nodded, before ordering the Clan to be calm.
"Lakeeyes, check on what that scent is, take Poolfoot, Sorrelstripe and Forestbreeze with you."
"Got it." Lakeeyes nodded and gathered the others.
They rushed out of camp, Tinyfur looked worried, "Pikekit! Seedkit! Come in the nursery!"
Badgersight was doing the same, "Rushkit! Stormkit! Birdkit! Come inside!"
Stormkit turned around, confused, "What about Forestbreeze?"
"Your father will be fine, come. Now."
Dawnstar and Russetclaw were setting up defence mechanisms with leaves and logs. The camp was busy and they had already set up a few traps when the patrol trotted back into camp.
"Dawnstar!" Lakeeyes called.
"Yes? What is your report?"
"We scented-" Lakeeyes seemed hesitant.
Sorrelstripe interrupted, "Snakes! Several snakes! It seemed it was a pack of snakes the size of a small Clan!"
The cats who had heard this gasped in terror, many voices were talking about it suddenly.
Dawnstar was still, but then made his way up to the Shadow Rock.
"Let all cats old enough to sneak through the shadows gather beneath the Shadow Rock for a Clan meeting!"
Tinyfur and Badgersight told the kits to stay back and walked to the entrance to listen.
"As you know, we have just found out that a group of snakes are living in our territory. Our patrols will be doubled now, and I will be telling the Clans this tonight at Fourtrees." Dawnstar announced.