Later that day, when Dracula brings me some food and some water, I'm cradling a sleeping Nightingale. He smiles half-heartedly and sighs. Thirty minutes of silence pass, when Dracula suddenly whispers,
"Ah, um …" He sighs. "I don't mean to disappoint you or anything but, um, it's best if you left. And take her with you."
"But why?"
"It's a precaution. I don't want to hurt you because you remind me of Elisabeta too much."
"What about helping me find my father?"
"I'm afraid you're going to have to figure out how to do that on your own." He sighs. "I don't want to do this, but I have to. It's to keep you and the ba—Nightingale—safe." He sighs again.
"Shh," he says, putting a finger on my lips. He gets up, leans down, and kisses me.
"When do I have to go? Now?"
"Ah, no. No, no, no. Most definitely not now. I'll take you later. After lunch."
"So, this is breakfast?"
"Yes, this is breakfast."
"Alright." I sigh.
Four hours later, Dracula comes with more food and water. "We're leaving after this." He sets the food and water down. "Let me know when you're done and I'll help you. Got that?"
All I can do is nod my head slowly. I don't know why he's suddenly so moody. Fifteen minutes later, after picking at the food little by little and eating only scraps of it, I try getting up when the door opens. He sees me trying to get up, rushes over, and catches me before I fall. He picks me up and carries me downstairs. I just rest my head against his shoulder as he carefully opens the castle doors and walks out to a car. He opens the car door and gently sets me in. Then, he shuts the door and closes the doors to the castle. After shutting the castle doors he gets in the car and starts the engine. I look out the window.
"Didn't know you knew how to drive a car."
"I learned how to while you were gone." He sighs. "And guess what?"
"I've got enough money to buy about fifty more of this exact brand and still have enough to last me a lifetime."
He laughs. "Yes, I do." He looks over at me. "Testing your Romanian?"
"Omoara ma."
"No. Not happening."
I sigh. "Do I have to leave? I have a feeling my mom's going to criticize me. I mean, considering it was her idea for me to either get an abortion or put her up for adoption. She's probably going to hate Nightingale."
He puts his right hand on my shoulder. "Just don't listen to her. Try to ignore her."
"But then she'll get angry with me and she'll want me to move out." I sigh. "And I won't have any money or a place to stay. I'd be on the streets. And that's not a place to raise a child. The government would more than likely take Nightingale away from me if that happened."
He pulls his hand away. "Then I don't know what to tell you." He sighs. "We're almost there."
Ten minutes later, he pulls in my driveway and unlocks the doors. I look at him. He just looks back and sighs. I open the door and realize I can't stand. My legs are too weak. I grab the handle and try to stand up. I'm able to stand there leaning against the car. I try standing up enough to walk and immediately fall into Dracula's arms. I didn't hear him get out of the car. I groan. He pulls me up close and puts my head to where I'm looking up at him. He leans in and kisses me. Suddenly, I hear the door open.
"You get away from her!" I look up to see mom standing on the porch. She smiles at me and opens her arms.
I try to move and start to fall. Dracula grabs me and pulls me up. "I didn't know you were this weak." He picks me up like a bride and carries me to the house. Mom tries to stop him, but he just brushes by her and takes me in the house. He takes me through the living room, heading toward my room.
I look over to see Charlotte and half-heartedly smile at her. She smiles back sympathetically. Dracula takes me into my room and lays me on my bed. He turns to leave and Nightingale starts crying. He stops and turns around. He looks at me with sympathy. I gently rock her and cradle her closely. Dracula smiles half-heartedly and turns away. He leaves. I watch out my window as my mom stands there and watches him leave. Probably making sure he really leaves. I lean back on my bed and sob silently, while stroking Nightingale's head gently.
"Shh," I say softly as tears stream down my face. "It's alright. Daddy still loves you, I'm sure."
I look over and see mom. "What?"
"He's gone now. You can come out. I ordered food from the Dracula café for supper."
"I'm not hungry." I look away. "Besides, I don't have the strength to get up and go in there, anyway."
"I can bring you your—"
"I told you, I'm not hungry." I turn away. "Please go away. I need some time alone. With Nightingale."
"I'm not letting you keep that. You still have a year of school left."
I turn around to look at her. "I'm not giving her up. I don't care if a selfish, centuries old vampire is her father. I'm going to raise her by myself. Even if you kick me out of the house. I refuse to give her up. And you can't make me." I turn away. "Now please go away."
She sighs and I hear her shut my bedroom door on her way out.
Oh, gosh. This isn't going to go by well. I can tell already. Oh, Dracula. Why'd you have to bring me home?