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sand grave 3 (rewrite)


Fireheart and Bluestar were now captured once more by Whitetail and Spottedheart. Fireheart tried to run away but he was swiftly caught and thrown roughly against the sandy floor.

“You really think you can escape us, stupid kitty-pet?” Whitetail laughed, rolling his eyes. Heading over to a bush he grabbed some more brambles and then went back over and tightened them around Fireheart’s and Bluestar’s paws.

“Just kill us already.” Bluestar hissed. “Bury us alive or do whatever you're going to do.”
“Oh, we're not going to bury you alive. That would be too much of an easy death. You're going to suffer for a while.” Spottedheart informed the thunderclan leader.

Fear pulsed through Fireheart as he wondered what these cats were going to do to him and Bluestar. They dug a big hole and they were definitely going to use it. But if they weren’t going to bury them alive then what were they going to do? Maybe the tigerclan cats were going to attack and wound Fireheart and Bluestar first. But that still didn’t make sense to the flame-colored tom.

Suddenly a thought appeared in Fireheart’s mind. He remembered an old tortue method that barely any cats used anymore. The method was to dig a large hole in the sand and then throw a cat or two inside of it and pour just enough sand to the point where only their heads were out of the sand. That made the cats in the hole spend days slowly running out of food and water before they died. Fireheart knew that was cruel but so were these tigerclan cats.
“You're going to bury us in that hole and only keep our heads out, aren’t you?” Fireheart demanded. “So we will slowly run out of food and water?”
Spottedheart and Whitetail let out a purr. “You're right about something for once, Fireheart. That’s exactly what we're going to do.”
Not wasting anymore time Spottedheart and Whitetail grabbed the two cats and threw them into the hole. The two tigerclan cats then slowly kicked sand onto the two cats. Fireheart and Bluestar began to slam against the hole and Fireheart leaned down to try and bite the brambles on his paws but he couldn’t reach them and he didn’t want to snap his back trying. 

“Just stop squirming.” Whitetail ordered. “You're never going to get out of here. You and your stupid leader are going to die a long, painful death in your own sand grave. You might as well just give up.”
Fireheart met Whitetail’s gaze, his green eyes narrowed into tiny slits. “I will never give up!”

Whitetail’s reply was a simple snort before he went back to throwing more sand into the hole. Once the only thing in the sand showing was Bluestar’s and Fireheart’s heads Spottedheart and Whitetail took a step back, their expressions smug and gleeful. 

“Have fun slowly starving to death.” Whitetail purred, kicking sand into Fireheart’s eyes before he and Spottedheart left.

Fireheart tried to get the sand out of his eye but it was hard. After a while he managed to blink most of it out. 

As he watched  Whitetail and Spottedheart walk away as if this was nothing, Fireheart felt even worse about himself. Sighing the orange tom tried to stay hopeful. But it was hard. Then again he was only trapped inside a hole. There was a chance that he could loosen his ropes and get free, right?

“You idiot!” Bluestar suddenly screamed, making the orange tom flinch.

“W-what?” Fireheart asked, tilting his head.

“Don't act like you did nothing.” the blue she-cat scoffed. “You knew what you did.”
“No, I don't. Tell me.” Fireheart ordered.

“You ran off!” Bluestar snarled.

“Are you seriously mad about that?” Fireheart questioned. “Why?”
“You ran off without me!” Bluestar was getting madder by the minute. Her blue eyes were narrowed into slits and they were blistering like blue flames.

“Did you seriously expect me to go back and untie you? I didn't have the time for that.” Fireheart pointed out.

“So, you were just going to leave me? I see how it is…”
“I didn't say that. Did i?” Fireheart demanded. “My plan was to run off and go back to thunderclan. I then was going to take the clan and come back to save you.” he informed his leader, outraged at the way she was thinking.

“No you weren't.” Bluestar hissed. “You were going to leave me here to die. Just admit it!”

“I wasn't!” 

“Well, none of that even matters now.” Bluestar pointed out. “You didn't even manage to escape yourself. Now the shadowclan cats tied our forepaws even tighter. We have no chance of escaping and it’s all your fault.”
“Don't you dare blame this on me! I’m so sorry I tried to escape while you just laid there and pouted. I’m so sorry that I put actual effort into trying to escape while you just sat there and whined like a new-born kit!” Fireheart snapped, having enough of his leader’s attitude. 

Going silent, Bluestar rapidly began to squirm. The ropes around her forepaws were getting tighter each time she moved it seemed. 

Rapidly wiggling and slamming against Fireheart, Bluestar tried her best to get free. Soon tears began to drip down the blue cat’s face and land onto the hole.

“This is hopeless!” the blue she-cat pointed out. “They made sure we can get free. Our paws are tied so tightly together they get even more tighter as we move!”
“You can't give up hope yet.”  Fireheart urged.

“I already gave up hope. Maybe I would be more hopeful if our ropes were not so tight. Which is your fault.”

Narrowing his eyes, Fireheart hissed and closed his eyes.Bluestar did the same and soon both cats forced themselves to go to sleep.


Bluestar and Fireheart have now been trapped in their sand grave for two days. The sun was seeping through their fur and skin, making them both overheated and tired. They also haven't eaten or drunk anything.

“I have enough of this.” Bluestar spat. “I wish I was dead already.”
“Come on, don't say that.” Fireheart urged. He had been listening to Bluestar whine for a bit now and he barely had the energy to deal with it for any longer.

Growling Bluestar turned to face her deputy. “I will say what I please. I am the leader of our clan after all! I rather die a quick and painless death than slowly get my brains fried out here!”

As she said that, Bluestar began to slam her body weight against the hole and use her forepaws to try and dig once more. But as she did that more sand just ended up falling into the hole. Which frustrated both Bluestar and Fireheart. 

Sweat poured off Fireheart as he heaved for food and water. Fireheart was so hungry he would eat anything right now. Even a wet fish or slimy toad. 

“I’m done with this.” Bluestar said, leaning back against Fireheart, some of her droplets of sweat poured off herself and landed onto the orange tom. “This is hopeless.”
“Maybe if you had the slightest bit of hope that we could get out of her your attitude would be better.” Fireheart pointed out. 

“My attitude will be however I want it to be. You don’t have the right to tell me I need more hope when you're just sitting there not even trying to get out of here! You lazy foxheart.” Bluestar growled.

“Slamming against the hole isn’t really doing anything anyway.” Fireheart pointed out. “In fact it’s making things worse because when you slam against the hole you're just making the brambles around your forepaws and hindpaws tighter and you're making more sadn go into this hole.”
“Shut up.” Bluestar hissed. It was clear she knew that Fireheart was right. Although she wasn’t going to dare say that out loud. 

The two cats stayed silent for a while. Fireheart’s brain was a mess and he wondered how in starlclan’s sake he would get out of here. But he soon quickly shook his thoughts away as he smelt a familiar scent. Rabbit. 

“Do you smell that?” Fireheart asked. He wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him. Although the orange tom didn’t think he was that hungry.

“Duh, it's a rabbit or two.” Bluestar pointed out. “But the rabbits are most likely far away and we will never be able to catch them.”
“You're such a downer.” Fireheart muttered. “We need food. We might be able to catch them if they approach the hole.”
“That’s unlikely. I don’t think rabbits are dumb enough to approach a pile of sand with cat heads pointing out of it.” the blue-gray she-cat pointed out. “And even if we did kill and eat the rabbits what would we do about the fact we have no water? If we eat it will only make us more thirsty.”
“Well, if we have to, we could drink our own spit. Or it could rain maybe.” Fireheart suggested hopefully. He would rather be full and thirsty than starving and thirsty put together.

Trying to say hopeful Fireheart ignored his leader. The rabbits would come to the hole and they would make a great meal. If Bluestar was so concerned about water then she could just starve. 

Soon the smell of the bunnies got stronger and after a while Fireheart saw the fluffy brown and white creatures approach him and his leader. Licking his lips Fireheart couldn’t help but drool at the sight of such juicy prey. But Fireheart wondered how he would be able to catch the rabbits. Whitetail and Spottedheart tied his paws down well enough to the point where he couldn’t unsheathe his claws. If he could have unsheathed his claws he would have cut through these brambles already. But the tigerclan cats must have learned from their mistakes when Fireheart managed to get free.

Thinking of an idea, Fireheart realized he could maybe bite the bunnies if they got close enough and kill them that way. But he couldn’t give up hope. Soon the bunnies got even closer to the hole.

“You're not going to catch them. Don’t even try.” Bluestar growled.

Feeling frustrated, Fireheart turned to face his leader. “Shut up and starve then. If you keep talking this loudly then you're going to scare the prey off. Once I catch them you're getting nothing.” he growled quietly.

Once he said that Bluestar closed her eyes and shut up. Although she wasn’t asleep. She just didn’t want to deal with her deputy right now. She simply didn’t care.

The bunnies slowly got closer and closer to the hole. Fireheart tried to keep calm and not strike to soon as his lips watered. The orange tom imagined sinking his fangs into the juicy flesh of the bunnies. Once he caught the prey he would then be able to feast.

And Fireheart would eat every single bite.  After all, he did deserve it after dealing with Bluestar for a few days. Besides, if Bluestar was so worried about water instead of food she could just starve. But deep down Fireheart knew he couldn’t do that to his leader. Feeling guilty, Fireheart realized he would most likely give one of the rabbits to Bluestar anyway. If he caught them, of course. 

The bunnies were now so close in front of him that their tails were in his face. Fireheart couldn’t wait any longer. His hunger was overcoming him, controlling him. As he lunged forward Fireheart struck too fast and the bunnies heard them, their eyes now wide they ran off. Leaving Fireheart and Bluestar still hungry and Fireheart now feeling less hopeful and frustrated. He hated to admit this but Bluestar was right.

“I told you so.” Bluestar said in a snarky tone.

“Just shut up!” 

The two cats tried their best to force themselves to go to sleep but they couldn’t no matter how much they tried. Fireheart got so hungry, thirsty and sleep-deprived that his mind began to play tricks on him. For a while Fireheart even imagined that he was back in thunderclan, on a hunting patrol with some of the warriors. But he soon shook his head and came back to reality. 

But then Fireheart imagined something different. He imagined a large oasis filled to the brim with fresh water with rabbits, voles and other types of prey running all around it. Fireheart’s heartbeat quickened as he thought about taking a long drink in the oasis and then catching a pile of prey and eating every single bite he possibly could before being full. 

But soon the oasis faded away. Fireheart was confused at first and tried running after it but it was gone and Fireheart was in the desert once more, trapped in his tight hole.

Opening his eyes Fireheart realized that he was having a dream. Fireheart wished that the oasis was real though. He wanted to eat or drink anything at this point. He just wanted out of here… 

As he was thinking, Fireheart then saw an oasis in the distance away. Fireheart’s heart almost lunged out of his chest as soon as he saw it. He wanted so desperately to leap out of this hole and rush over to the oasis. The orange tom knew that his mind was most likely playing tricks on him and that the oasis wasn’t actually real. Since Fireheart didn’t see the oasis before. But he needed some kind of inspiration. He needed the courage to get out of here.

Hesitating, Fireheart wondered if he should wake Bluestar up and ask her if she had seen the oasis. But he didn’t know if that would have been a good idea. Bluestar had been acting overly cruel and mean lately. She snapped at Fireheart often and was just plain rude to him. Although Fireheart was getting really frustrated with her he also couldn’t blame her at the same time. Bluestar had gone through a lot to become leader and now all of that was gone.

“Bluestar?” Fireheart asked, nuzzling her. He decided to take the risk. If that oasis really was out there then Bluestar had to know. The orange tom wouldn’t leave her here. 

Waking up Bluestar narrowed her blue eyes. “What do you want?” She demanded.
“Do you see it?” Fireheart asked eagerly. “Do you see the oasis?”
Glancing into the distance Bluestar snorted and closed her eyes. “You're insane. Let me sleep.”
His tail drooping Fireheart realized that maybe he was going insane. But he didnt care. He knew there was an oasis out there and he wasn’t going to give up.

Starting to rapidly slam against the hole Fireheart watched as sand pulled out but he didn’t care. There was an oasis there and he was going to get to it. 

But as he kept slamming against the hole Fireheart stopped as the oasis faded away from his view. There wasn’t an oasis after all. It was just the orange tabby’s head playing with him. Sighing Fireheart closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. But he couldn't because his dreams were filled with nightmares of Tigerstar attacking and harming his clan-mates. Fireheart didn’t know what was happening in thunderclan while he was gone but he knew it most likely wasn’t anything good and the fact that Fireheart couldn’t do anything anymore to save his clan-mates made him feel frustrated and made him feel like he was useless. But the orange tom wasn’t useless. He was just not a match for Tigerstar in the end. Now he and Bluestar were going to die a slow and painful death. 

Fireheart wanted to stay hopeful. He wanted to have the courage to get through this and escape. But Fireheart didn’t even know if that was possible anymore. Bluestar was probably right. He should just give up.

Closing his eyes, Fireheart forced himself to go to sleep. No matter how much he didn’t want too.


A few more days passed and the two cats were even more frustrated and hot and hungry. They were both easily agitated and none of them were having a good time dealing with each other’s moody attitudes. 

Hearing Bluestar slam against the hole Fireheart opened his eyes and let out an annoyed hiss. He was trying to sleep. He hadn’t gotten much sleep recently due to his massive headache that came from sitting in the hot sun all day. 

“What in Starclan's name are you doing?” Fireheart demanded, getting even more angry as some sand almost landed into his eye. “Some cats are trying to sleep!”

“Oh, I'm so sorry I disturbed your sleep.” Bluestar said sarcastically. “I have better things to do than sleep right now. I’m trying to get us out of here. Something you should try to be doing.”
Fireheart snorted and rolled his eyes. “And how exactly are you trying to get us out of here?”

Bluestar froze, as if she was wondering what to say exactly. But soon she spoke.

“I’m trying to slam against this hole so we can get out.” Bluestar informed him.

“Well, do it a little quieter.” Fireheart ordered, closing his eyes. But Bluestar began to slam against the hole once more, which made even more hot sand pour down on Fireheart and her, making Fireheart get even more angry.

“No. You don’t need to sleep right now. You should get up and help me! You're so lazy it’s unreal. Maybe you never left your kitty-pet roots.” Bluestar insulted.

That insult was enough for Fireheart. Narrowing his eyes he let out a loud, hate-filled hiss. “You do not have the right to call me lazy. You shouldn't insult me, calling me a lazy kitty-pet. Because we both know that you're the cat that’s acting like a kitty-pet in this situation! You have been acting like there has been a burr stuck in your fur ever since we got here and i’m straight up sick of it! All you do is moan, complain and just act like a downer saying how much you want to die and that you wish that you were dead already and I don’t want to deal with this anymore. I wish you were dead!” Fireheart snapped, not being able to hold back anymore. He would never say anything like this to his leader back in the forest. But this was a completely different situation. 

Her eyes wide in shock, Bluestar didn’t reply. She just glanced down at the floor before starting to slam against the sand again.

“Are you going to stop?” Fireheart growled.

“No.” Bluestar narrowed her eyes. She purposely slammed against the hole by Fireheart which made some of the sand fall onto his pelt. That made Fireheart get more angry and Fireheart started to slam against the Hole too, making some of the sand fall onto Bluestar as well.

Both cats stared at each other. There were emotions flooding through both Fireheart and Bluestar. But none of them dare spoke any of that out loud. Fireheart was too tired to argue at this point. 

Bluestar was clearly hurt by Fireheart’s words earlier. But at the same time she had to admit that she kind of deserved it at the same time. 

Fireheart was starting to feel slightly bad about snapping at his leader but he didn’t dare say that out loud. He had a reason to yell at her. She had been acting rude and Fireheart wasn’t just going to sit there and take it like an obedient apprentice. He was a deputy. Her deputy for starclan’s sake! He deserved basic respect. 

But at the same time Fireheart knew that Bluestar went through a lot and that dying a long and painful death buried in a hole most likely isn’t the best death but he and Bluestar were trapped here together and they would just have to get through it. 

A few more days had passed and now Fireheart and Bluestar had been in the hole for a whole week. 

Heaving Bluestar closed her eyes. The sun was extra hot today it seemed. Sweat poured off her body and landed onto Fireheart which didn’t make the orange tom any less hotter. Sweat was pouring off him as well. 

“I-I don’t think I'll be able to make it for much longer.” Bluestar declared.  

“d-don’t say that.” Fireheart urged, remembering what he said earlier about him wanting Bluestar to die first. That wasn’t true. He was just angry at the moment. 

“If you get out. Which I doubt you will. Tell my clan I love them, and I regret how I treated them in my final moments of life. I am also sorry for how I treated you, Fireheart. I'm glad I allowed you into my clan. You truly are one of the best warriors I ever had.” Bluestar croaked, you could hear the life leaving her body.  

“No! Bluestar!” Fireheart wailed; his tears poured off him. “p-please don’t die.” 

“We both knew this was going to happen to Fireheart. Although I didn’t expect to die a cruel death like this, I'm at least glad I spent my final moments with you.” as soon as she said that Bluestar closed her eyes and went limp without another word. 

“n-no...” Fireheart didn’t know what to say. He squirmed and tried to see if Bluestar was just seeing. But the smell of death soon filled the air, and the blue gray she-cat didn't move a muscle. No matter how much Fireheart wanted to think otherwise he couldn’t deny the fact his leader was dead. 

Sobbing Fireheart didn’t know what to do. Bluestar was finally dead, and their last conversation was him screaming at her, wishing she died. The flame-colored tom felt like this was all his fault. Although deep down he knew that this was all Tigerstar’s doing, not his. But Fireheart still couldn’t help but feel like he played a part of it. 

The reason why Fireheart and Bluestar left the camp in the first place was because Fireheart wanted to talk to her about how they should take care of Tigerstar. If they just stayed in camp, then none of this would happen. The sun beamed off of Fireheart’s fur. He felt how hot it was. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to last for much longer either.  As he was slowly dying, Fireheart's life began to flash through his eyes. 

Fireheart joined thunderclan as a kitty-pet. He was exploring behind his fence when a grey cat named Greypaw, later Greystripe attacked him. Fireheart was named Rusty at the time and he first ran away and then stopped to attack Greystripe. This impressed Bluestar and Lionheart who were watching them and they offered Fireheart to join.

Bluestar offered Fireheart to join thunderclan because she and Spottedleaf got an omen from starclan that fire alone would save the clan and Bluestar thought that Fireheart was that cat because of his bright flame-colored pelt. 

Fireheart was named Firepaw and he began training. As he was training and gaining popularity Fireheart was told by one of his friends, Ravenpaw told him that Tigerstar, who was named Tigerclaw at the time, killed Redtail.

 Before Fireheart joined thunderclan there was a battle with riverclan that took both Oakheart and Redtail’s life. Tigerstar told Bluestar that Redtail got killed by Oakheart and that Tigerstar then killed Oakheart for his honor. But what Tigerstar didn’t know was that his apprentice, Ravenpaw, was watching in the bushes.

What really happened was that Oakheart got crushed by rocks and that Tigerstar killed Redtail. Fireheart was shocked but he believed his friend and later he and Greystripe took Ravenpaw away from the clans so Tigerstar wouldn’t kill him.

As battles with shadowclan were happening Lionheart ended up dying in a battle and Tigerstar was made the deputy. As another battle happened with shadowclan Spottedleaf, who was the thunderclan medicine cat was killed in the battle. That made Fireheart get angry because he had a crush on Spottedleaf. He and some other cats went to shadowclan cat, teamed up with the good shadowclan cats and attacked the evil shadowclan warriors led by Brokenstar. Thunderclan then captured Brokenstar. 

As Tigerstar was living in thunderclan he talked with Brokenstar and set up a plan. He would bring in rogues and would blame it on Brokenstar and Tigerstar would first act like he was attacking them by carefully acting like he was fighting them with his sheathed claws. Then in the heat of the battle while everybody was busy he would sneak into Bluestar’s den and swiftly kill her and then he would chase the rogues off and become the next leader.

But it didn’t go as Tigerstar planned. He sneaked into Bluestar’s den and almost killed her but Fireheart defended her and Tigerstar was exiled. Thunderclan thought they were done with him. But Tigerstar left with the group of rogues, most of them having connections with shadowclan and slowly began to help shadowclan out by hunting for them, training with them and overall acting like he was a warrior in their clan. Then once he joined he ripped off one of his claws and placed it by the leader's den. The clan seemed it as an omen and Tigerstar was claimed as the next deputy, then the next leader.

As this was all happening Fireheart was mates with a cat called Sandstorm. But Fireheart didn’t really love Sandstorm. He instead loved a cat named Cinderpelt. Cinderpelt was the thunderclan medicine cat and being mates with the medicine cat was against the warrior code. But in Cinderpelt’s defense she was forced to become a medicine cat so that made Fireheart think it was right.

Fireheart used to be Cinderpelt’s mentor when she was training as an apprentice. But she got her leg crushed on the thunder-path and was forced to become a medicine cat. This made Fireheart feel guilty and he began to spend time with her training her how to hunt and fight secretly still so she could still get a taste of becoming a warrior. The two then fell in love that way and Fireheart did something stupid. He got her pregnant. 

Fireheart hoped that his and Cinderpelt’s kits would survive and that she would survive as well. But the flame-colored tom had to admit that situation was unlikely and most likely wouldn’t happen. Tigerstar would kill Cinderpelt because he would think she’s weak.

Fireheart couldn’t help but sob as he thought of Cinderpelt and his future kits dying, bleeding out bodies with Tigerstar grinning in the background, covered to the brim in crimson blood. 

Tigerstar was a cruel cat. He wouldn’t spare the life of Cinderpelt and he wouldn’t spare the lives of her kits, especially if they knew they were Fireheart’s. In fact he would most likely tortue them if he knew that. Tigerstar was a sick cat after all.
Fireheart wouldn’t be able to watch Cinderpelt give birth either and his kits would have to grow up without a father. They would also have to grow up in the wasteland that would be tigerclan. If they even managed to grow up at all.

I’m so sorry…. Fireheart whispered inside of his head as he got closer and closer to death. Please forgive me Cinderpelt….

With that Fireheart closed his eyes and went limp. The flame-colored tom was no more. Tigerstar had won this battle.


getting up with a yawn Fireheart made sure to organize all the patrols before he headed into the medicine cat den. Yellowfang was in her den going through some herbs. as she noticed Fireheart was there she tilted her head.

"do you need anything Fireheart?" the black she-cat asked. Yellowfang was slowly becoming a mother figure to him. the two were pretty close now. but Fireheart still didn't want to tell her about his and Cinderpelt's realtionship out of fear she wouldn't approve of it.
"i'm looking for Cinderpelt. where is she?" Fireheart asked.
"she's at sunning rocks gathering up some herbs." Yellowfang informed him. "you better not to pester my apprentice. if your going to go talk to her at least come back with a mouth full of herbs." 

nodding Fireheart left the medicine cat den and made his way to the camp exit. but Sandstorm bolted over to him.

"where are you going? I thought we were going hunting." Sandstorm said, sounding slightly upset.

the orange tom sighed. he hated dealing with Sandstorm. he didn't even love her.

"sorry, but Yellowfang told me I had to go help Cinderpelt gather herbs." Fireheart lied. "and I couldn't say no since she's the medicine cat and would try to claw my ears off if I tried." 

"alright..." Sandstorm said, her tail drooping. "see you later then." 

once he was out out camp Fireheart rushed towards sunning rocks and soon tackled Cinderpelt onto the ground.

"hey! what are you doing you daft fur-ball?" Cinderpelt demanded. although her eyes were kind. 

getting up Fireheart laughed. "sorry, I couldn't help myself." he admited.

"well, that's alright~" Cinderpelt purred in a silky tone, glancing straight up at her mate.

Fireheart blushed and sniffed the air. his heart began to pound as he smelled Cinderpelt's heat scent. his mind began to swirl as he tried to control himself and keep his member sheathed.

"a-are you in heat?" Fireheart finally had the courage to ask.

gently knocking her mate off herself Cinderpelt got up and began to walk around Firheart, raising her tail to reveal her dripping wet core and walking around, purposefully making her heat scent go everywhere. she was trying her best to make Fireheart go crazy so he couldn't control himself and her plan was working.

"mhm, maybe." Cinderpelt purred. she then crouched down onto her back and spread her legs. "do you want to help me fix it?"

Fireheart tried his best not to get a raging boner. gulping he backed away.

"C-cinderpelt this isn't smart." He pointed out. "if I get you pregnant then a lot of things will go badly." 

"but your deputy and will soon be the next leader. once your leader you can do anything you want." Cinderpelt pointed out. "besides, do you really think you can control yourself?"

"no..." Fireheart admitted. his large member was already unsheathed and rock-hard. the orange tom knew that this was stupid and he was going to regret it in the future but he didn't care right now. the scent of his mate's heat was wild and the only thing on his mind was to breed her.

leaping onto Cinderpelt, Fireheart moved around until his member was pointing at the enterance of her core. heavily breathing Fireheart sank his teeth into the grey she-cat's scruff. he hoped that no cats would go by sunning rocks and that a riverclan patrol wouldn't see them. but right now he didn't care.

"F-fireheart..." Cinderpelt moaned. "please breed me. please fuck me with your large cock." 
not wasting anymore time Fireheart groaned and then slowly began to thrust inside of Cinderpelt, his member moving up and down, pressing against her walls.

her eyes going wide Cinderpelt couldn't help but moan as she laid there and felt pleasure pulse through her. she used to be a virgin before this and she never masturbated before so this was all new to her. but she already loved it and wanted more.

"H-harder! Fireheart!" Cinderpelt ordered. not being able to think straight.  "please keep pounding my pussy daddy. just because I used to be a virgin don't hold back on me. fuck me roughly and don't stop until i'm full of your cum and kits!"

hearing Cinderpelt scream this name like that only made Fireheart thrust even faster. he was thrusting so hard and deep that his legs were starting to hurt. but he didn't care. the pleasure he felt was overwhelming and he never wanted to stop this. 


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