I wake up at 10:27 at night and look around the room. I switch into my vampire form and spot him immediately. He's sitting under my desk with a blanket draped over it.
I sigh. "You're not slick, Count Dracula. I know you're under my desk."
I watch as the blanket slowly moves upward and he peeks out.
I wrap a blanket around myself and walk over to him. He just looks up at me, grinning. I cross my arms and kneel down.
"What are you doing?"
"Looking at Facebook. Problem with it?"
"Maybe." I crawl under the desk and sit in is lap. I snuggle close to him and set my head on his shoulder with my hair draped over it.
He sighs. "How long is this going to go on?"
"However long I want it to."
"I've been meaning to ask you something."
"What all are you able to do?" He puts his arms around my and pulls my closer. "Do you even have any weaknesses?"
"Yes, I do have a weakness. Only one, though."
"What is it?"
"A blood-red diamond. The rarest and most expensive diamond in the world." I sigh. "They're also known as Fancy Reds and they come in a variety of shades of red. From orange-red to brownish-red."
"Oh, wow."
"Also, I can drink the blood of the dying and it won't do anything. My body's able to filter the oxygen out of it and destroy the dead parts. I can also drink vampire blood. It doesn't really give me the nutrients I need, but also, if a vampire has just drank a human's blood, I can drink that vampire's blood and get the oxygen out of it."
"I also have the strength of twenty men, which is actually a lot for a female. I can do everything you can do. And, as you already know, I have a vampire side and a human side, and I can switch back and forth whenever and where ever I want to." I play with the buttons on his shirt. "I can also hypnotize both humans and vampires. And I can read minds and I get glimpses of the near future. I'm also the only vampire in the world that has a shadow and a reflection. And also, due to my human side, I have a soul. I have the speed of 60 or 70 cheetahs combined. Either way, I have the speed of 4,200 miles per hour. I can hear as low as five decibels and as high as 250,000 decibels."
"Why do I have a feeling you're leaving something out?"
"I basically have the powers of every vampire in the world. And more."
"I still have a feeling you're missing something."
"Oh, yeah. And I can also possess humans and vampires and make them do what I want them to."
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Oh, and I can also obviously turn humans into vampires. I can also turn vampires into even stronger and more powerful vampires."
"Can you really?"
"Yes, I can."
"What else can you do?"
"I'm obviously immortal. Um, telepathy, telekinesis, heat vision, night vision, blood flow vision, unnatural healing, etc. and vice versa."
"Wow. You really can do everything a normal vampire can do." He sighs. "Are you sure you don't have any other weaknesses."
"Yes. Silver, decapitation, holy symbols, drowning, running water, sunlight, fire, garlic, invitation. All useless."
"What about a stake?"
"It has to be made of a real--and I mean real--blood-red diamond."
"How does decapitation not work?"
"My skin is tougher than the average vampire skin. Nothing can pierce it. AT ALL. Not even a bullet will pierce my skin. It'll just basically just bounce right off my skin."
"I wish I were like you."
"Ha! That's so very funny."
"Could you turn me--"
"Into a stronger and more powerful vampire? No. Not right now, at least."
"Why not?"
"Because. It comes with side effects and it could kill you completely. Also, it has to be done carefully. Very carefully."
He sighs.
"I'd absolutely love to, but, I don't want to risk it. I've never done it before, so I don't know what exactly happens or how it really works."
"I'm the one you have feelings for, aren't I?"
"I already told you, I'm not going to tell you who I have feelings for."
"Then why do you act the way you do around me? You don't seem to act as dominant and walk around like you own the world whenever I'm around. And I definitely know it's not because you're afraid of me."
I sigh. "You realize, don't you, that me being able to do all of those things I'm able to do, makes me the queen of all vampires, right? Even of you?"
"I don't want to admit it, but, yes."
I smile. I switch to my human side and snuggle closer. I yawn and fall asleep.
The next morning, I wakeup in my bed and find Dracula gone. I moan and get up. I throw on an outfit and go to the kitchen. I stretch and change into my vampire form. I walk over to the door and gaze outside. I sigh.
"It snowed last night? Seriously?" I groan. "I hate snow. Psh. What am I kidding? I live in Transylvania, Romania. It's going to snow." I sigh again. "And Dracula left, so I don't have any company." I turn around and walk over to my calendar. "Today is Friday, November 8, 2031." I slide down the calendar with my finger and pass by the 14th. I go back to it and frown. "I swear I didn't write anything on there." I reach for something to scribble it off when I realize what it says. "Count Dracula's birthday. See me at my castle. At 6:30 p.m. on this day. Signed, Count Dracula." I groan again. "Seriously? Do I have to go?" I growl and stomp off to my bedroom.
Once in my bedroom, I grab my jacket and my boots. I pull them both on and go back to the kitchen. I head out the door and head towards Castle Dracula. After 45 minutes of running at top speed, I reach the castle. I walk up to the door and push it open. I walk inside and slam the door shut behind me.
Complete silence.
I growl and go over to the table. There's some papers on it. I pick them up and look through them. I scoff. "Why does he still have these fucking papers on Carfax? That was from over a century ago." I put them back on the table and looks around. I lean on the table and sigh. I look down on the table and see a cup half full of blood. "I swear that wasn't there before."
Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me and I turn around slowly.
"Oh, hello. What are you doing here?"
"I-I just, um, I, uh....."
"Someone doesn't seem to be able to talk."
"I don't--"
"Ah, hush." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.
I struggle to get out of his grasp. After just a few seconds, I give up. I sigh.
He looks up and sighs. He looks down at me and strokes my hair. "You are just too beautiful. You know that?"
I sigh. "Why did you write on the 14th of this month to meet you here at 6:30 p.m.?"
"I just want to get to know you more than I already know you."
"Why do you want to get to know me better? It's not like anyone cares how I feel or anything." I scoff. "Heck, all people just want me dead really. For the past two centuries people that know what my only weakness is, has tried to find it just to kill me."
"I'm not going to let that happen. Under no circumstances am I going to let anyone hurt you."
"You really don't have to. I can protect myself. Also, I don't think they realize that they have to place the blood-red diamond directly into my heart in order for it to kill me. It also has to be a certain place in my heart." I look up and he looks really confused. "It's really complicated. Really, it is. And I don't know how to explain it without making you even more confused."
"Ah, that's okay. But I really look forward to being changed into a stronger and more powerful vampire."
"Oh, shut up already. You drive me crazy."
He just chuckles.
"Can we go upstairs?"
"Why? Does someone want privacy and alone time with me?"
"Maybe. There's just so many things I need to tell you."
"Oh, alright. Upstairs, then." He picks reaches down and pulls up my legs. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck. He chuckles. "Oh, of course. Got to hang on tight."