A book of 3 deities that were banished from their home in the heavenly realm. Why they were banished only their father, God, knows and of course Mother Nature
As the years passd, the three of them were the only family they knew late on. None of the other deities were allowed to see them. But what was the punishment?
They were casted into the mortal realm to live amongst the humans, and they were to not to disprupt human's lifespans. But we all lnow that is impossible, and to top it all off slowly they were finding more amd more secrets to why they are on Earth.
"I'm telling you sister, Father has forsaken us to this pitiful realm in fear!"
"Fear of what? That we steal his latest hentai manga?"
"I think she has a point sister, we are the most influential deities known around..."
"Not you too Brother!"
!DISCLAIMER! This story revolves around things that jokes around with religions and so on, so for safety meseaures. If ya hate things like "using the lords name in vain" and "all hail satan" rather not read it. This book is written by an atheist. !DISCLAIMER!