Before the meeting inside the Harem of Court
Inside his secret chamber
"为什么 w-wèishénme My Xharmynt, 为什么 wèishénme? *sniff* *sniff*"
"对不起 d-duì bù qǐ My Shin 对不起 duì bù qǐ *sniff* * sniff*"
"Why?! Why do we have to suffer like this?! Why?! Why?! *sniff* *sniff* Why can't we still be together this time, My Xharmynt?! 为什么 wèishénme?! 为什么 w-wèishénme?!"
"对不起 d-duì bù qǐ My Shin *sniff* *sniff* 对不起 d-duì bù qǐ"
"不 bù (no!) 不可能 bùkěnéng! (impossible!) 我不要 wǒ bùyào! (I won't!) Please... 我不要 wǒ bùyào! Don't say this words to me My Xharmynt.. I-i-i can't consummate my wedding with her.. I-i-i can't imagine myself having a sex with her and make her as My Empress because I knew, I knew it will hurt my one and only true love... Please.. I want you as My Empress My Xharmynt and not her! *sniff* *sniff*"
"Please... L-listen to me, My Shin. I-i-it's not that I don't want to be your Empress but... I-if we won't do this, then s-she will win the game she started b-besides *sniff* *sniff* f-for the past three months o-only Shu Lin Mei help us in the harem, and she's the only one who doesn't want to vie for your Empress's throne *sniff* b-because she's already contented for what she have and what she received.. *sniff* F-for the past three months of observing and being with her I-i-i can sense that she can be our ally and she can be a great help for us, I-i knew that deep inside she's willing to do everything for you even if she will sacrifice her own self and you have witnessed it too even Meihua have witnessed too when she pretended as you.. 所以 s-suŏyĭ I-if you want, please give her a chance *sniff* o-or else everyone will suffer from her cruelty and selfishness if she win the game and be your future Empress"
"I-i-i got it now My Xharmynt 对不起 d-duì bù qǐ, 对不起 duì bù qǐ My Xharmynt that you have to suffer and sacrifice because of her evil deeds"
"*sniff* *sniff* F-for the sake, of your country and your people.. I-i-i'm willing to sacrifice My Shin *sniff* *sniff* e-e-even if in the end it will hurt me and crashed down my happiness *sniff* I-i-i'm willing to do it My Shin"
"*sniff* *sniff* 谢谢 x-xièxie ni My Xharmynt 谢谢 xièxie ni *sniff* *sniff* 我爱你 w-wǒ ài nǐ (I Love You) My Xharmynt"
"*sniff* *sniff* 我爱你 w-wǒ ài nǐ My Shin"
After two days..
Inside the chamber of his Concubine Shu Lin Mei
"Announcing for the arrival of His Majesty Emperor Mio Shin!"
"L-let him in, Lady Jin"
"A-as you wish M-milady"
"皇上 h-huáng shang"
"You can now rise, My Lady"
"T-thank you, Your Majesty.. y-you can now leave us alone Lady Jin"
"A-as you wish M-milady"
"皇上 h-huáng shang..."
"*sigh* H-how's your feeling now?"
"I-i-i'm o-okay now Your Majesty.. a-about our c-con-consummation 我 w-wǒ~~"
"Ssshhh... relax, we can take it slowly if you want besides you already have my word and I've already promised that I'll be gentle with you no matter what"
"O-okay, I-i-i got it Y-your Majesty"
"Shall we start now?"
"A-a-as you wish Y-your Majesty"
Emperor Mio Shin gently touch the face of his Concubine Shu Lin Mei and gave her a gentle kiss at her lips; at first, Shu Lin Mei didn't respond to the Emperor's gentle kiss for what is happening to her right now was out of her knowledge; however, minutes later, she already replied to his kiss by following the rhythm movement of his lips and with the guidance of the Emperor she have successfully done it; while their kiss gets deeper and deeper the Emperor gently carried her away without breaking their kiss and he gently laid her down into her bed, while the Emperor laid on top of her, continuing their gentle and passionate kiss to each other and later on they both stop it as they realize they're out of breath.
When the Emperor resumed kissing her, he noticed Shu Lin Mei's tears streaming down from her closed eyelids and decided to comfort her first. He has no idea what is happening to him, but something happened in his heart that he can't understand, and as he saw Shu Lin Mei's tears run from her innocent face, an image of Lei Xharmynt crying and begging in front of him while kneeling in front of him came into his head. Despite the fact that he knows Lei Xharmynt did this for the benefit of their country and people, he can't help but break down in front of Shu Lin Mei and cry like he did in front of his childhood beloved, Lei Xharmynt.
"对不起 d-duì bù qǐ 皇上 huáng shang, 对不起 d-duì bù qǐ... *sniff* *sniff* I-i-i got it now.. F-for the sake of our c-country and our p-people I-i-i'm now w-willing to s-surrender and g-give myself to you Y-your Majesty *sniff* *sniff*"
When they'd both calmed down, Shu Lin Mei decided to initiate the kiss, and the Emperor gently replied. While their lips were still dancing with each other's presence, the Emperor decided to move his hands and carefully undress his Concubine without breaking their kiss. Shu Lin Mei was taken aback at first, but she quickly recovered and allowed the Emperor to fully undress her garments. When she was fully naked, the Emperor ordered her to undress him as well, and Shu Lin Mei gulped three times before starting to undress the Emperor. Luckily, she still managed to carefully undress all of his garments while her hands were both shaking for fear of being punished if she accidentally damaged his garments.
When they were both naked, the Emperor immediately resumed their kiss as he lay on top of Shu Lin Mei, and due to their sensations of heat and arousal, it didn't take long for the Emperor to slowly enter his throbbing appendage inside her heart of femininity, leaving her roaring for pleasure and asking for more until they'd both reached their peak, and the Emperor decides not to immediately remove his length from her core to ensure that she conceives and bears him a dragon heir, so that she can become his Empress as planned.