Illya strolled onto the hunting grounds where all of the clan leaders and of course, King Sana sat waiting. A crowd had already gathered to watch the show. As much as Illya loved the thrill of battle, she despised the formalities that everyone insisted on putting on. She firmly believed that if you were going to show off the things you were proud of, you should just do it. No need to mask it with forced pleasantries.
The idea that these kinds of events were meant to foster good relations amongst the families was something she had seen through long ago. At some point, it had become some kind of unspoken contest to see which clan's disciples were stronger and even though this toxic competitiveness died down after the Qishan uprising, there were still many grudges and feelings of needing to one-up each other amongst the Haan clans. Everyone participating was aware that "fostering good relations" was just an excuse for them to show off.
Illya was different of course. She saw it as a good way for her children to practice all she had taught them. As they grew older, it became a way to demonstrate Solarian power and as a result, many people from all over the world would travel to Solaria in the hopes of training at one of their schools. If they were lucky, they'd even get to train with Sin or Ea. Today was yet another annual publicity game.
"Welcome!" Said Illya a little too dully.
She glanced over at Sana who had a sickeningly strained, obviously fake smile glued to his face. "It's been a while. How's your daughter?" He asked, clearly trying to provoke her.
For a split second the atmosphere had become thick with malice and anger, no doubt from Illya but it dissipated just as quickly as it came.
"She's doing just fine. She doesn't need your concern."
Sana grit his teeth as she walked closer to address everyone. Among those she didn't have an amazing relationship with was the Zian clan leader, her adoptive brother Zian Wanyin and her nephew Fengyu Rulan who was the leader and remaining descendant of the Fengyu clan. Their strained relationship with Illya was mostly due to Rulan being raised by Wanyin, who has a rocky relationship with Illya because of poorly resolved grudges from the past.
At least there was her favourite cousin, the leader of the Eryu Clan, Eryu Sanmu and her ex-brother in law and leader of the Hao Clan, Hao Huan who were both on rather good terms with her.
"Greetings to the Empress!" They extended their hands together in a bow as they greeted her together.
"Greetings to the Empress..." Wanyin's deep, commanding voice floated through the air as his drab tone resounded.
The softer, still brash voice that echoed after him was no doubt Rulan's. After everyone had bowed and they had gotten past the trivial formalities, there was a period of brief chatter.
"Lets get this thing moving shall we? The quicker we get this dick measuring contest out of the way, the sooner you can all go home." Exclaimed Illya."Why don't we introduce the participants for this year. Please welcome my sons Zur-Sin and Ri-is." She drew her hand back, guiding everyone's gaze to the two princes that stood behind her.
Huan laughed as he stood up to pinch Sin's cheek. "Your sons always seem to look like you rather than their father, even the sons that weren't born by you. Here are my candidates, Yuan and Yi. Its been a while but I'm sure you remember them."
The two boys clad in white approached them. The younger one, though an adult now, beamed at her with childish youth. "Mother!" Chimed Yi with his loud and excited voice.
It contrasted greatly the calm tone that Yuan had. "It's good to see you again mother." Even his smile was that of an angel's.
Illya opened her arms as her adopted sons flew into them. "Look at you boys all grown up!"
Huan was right, the two of them did look quite like Illya. She had trained them both, after all, of course, they'd take after her. They were significantly older than the triplets, by almost 13 years in fact. She had adopted the two boys after they were orphaned during the Haan civil war. While they lived apart from her, when they were younger, they used to enjoy playing with the Princes quite a bit. Zur-Sin and Ri-is greeted them, no doubt excited to see them too.
Zian put his cup of tea down and rose from his seat. "Rulan and I will be participating for our clans."
Sanmu shut his fan and stood as well. "I am sending two disciples that came to study in our clan this year. I hope you'll go easy on them."
He bowed respectively towards Illya who laughed. "Oh, I don't know about that. My boys can be pretty competitive, but I know you've never been a fighter. You're a much better strategist. I'm sure you've taught your disciples well."
The last to speak was Sana. Illya turned towards him the second she saw him move and glared, a silent threat to let him know that his head would fly the second he tried anything. He simply smiled and waved over two people. One of them was a woman clad in black. She had long wispy hair that was tied into a tight bun atop her head and a veil that covered her face. Although her face was mostly covered, her eyes were dreary. Her cold and empty gaze sent foreboding chills of an unidentifiable despair down the onlooker's spines. The man next to her was tall and handsome with little freckles that outlined his two-toned eyes.
Avarice shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was the man he met in the Nightless City. When their eyes met, the man winked tauntingly. Avarice whipped his head to the side and busied himself with his drink. He couldn't believe his horrible luck. Why was it that the universe deemed it necessary to have him be associated with Sana and his people in one way or another.
"These are my most talented students, Banshee and Gabriel."
Illya nodded curtly. "Well if they were chosen by you I suppose they must be worth something."
Banshee didn't seem to be much of a talker and so that burden fell on Gabriel. He too bowed to Illya. Gabriel was quite eloquent with words and was especially good at making witty remarks. His humour was accompanied by a presumptuous tone common to the arrogant sons of crime bosses. A tone that certainly did not escape Illya what with her history with such crime lords.
"You flatter us, your majesty. We are worth nothing more than the leaves on the tree. Anyone can do our job, it's nothing special."
Sana chuckled. "Come now don't say that. I'm the one that brought you here. If you're worthless then what does that make me! Let me ask you, both the Empress and I are rulers of great lands, everyone gathered here is wealthy and prosperous...some more than others. Between Illya and I, how much do you think we are worth?"
Illya raised an eyebrow, her irritation with him growing. She may not like him, but she did know to give credit where credit was due and for as long as she knew him, she never knew him to be some attention-seeking baffoon who fished for compliments like some kind of child. What did he think this was? A playground fight? Was his ego so inflated by this point that he was just dying to be complimented? Sana had always been a very intelligent and a very smooth talker. This sudden display was quite unlike him.
Gabriel lowered his head respectfully. "Of course, both of you are great figures. It is impossible to place any kind of monetary value on one who upholds the will of the heavens by guiding and protecting us all. When the day comes that we can measure the worth of all the oceans in the world, then I will have a better answer for you."
Sana mused at Illya who scoffed irritatedly. "Empty disgusting."
Gabriel flinched under her scrutinizing gaze but somehow maintained his smile.
"You want to speak of worth, I will tell you your worth," Illya spoke coldly.
Her finger tapped away on the hilt of her sword as if she were contemplating unsheathing it and beheading the boy. The thought of her butchering the young man was enough to lull everyone into a tense silence. With concerned anticipation, they waited for the Empress to speak. However, the look in her eyes told them it would be nothing pleasant.