Illya did her best to entertain guests and indulge in conversation while the hunt went on. She answered whatever questions the foreigners asked with poise and grace that when compared to her prior outburst, made it seem like they were talking to a completely different person. However much she tried to maintain composure she couldn't mask how unnerved she was when she felt a surge of shi that shook her to the core. The sudden surge of energy was accompanied by a blood-curdling scream that she was all too familiar with. She froze on the spot when she heard her son's scream. Everyone seemed to cease their idle chatter and an unspoken panic rose within the crowd as both Illya and Callisto's gaze darted towards the imposter king. To their surprise, he looked just as confused as they did.
Illya ordered Seibel to fire a danger signal and call the participants back to the courtyard. She turned to Semei and Yukimi, who's lily-white cheeks had paled beyond its usual complexion upon hearing the scream. Callisto had led a group of knights into the hunting grounds while Yukimi and Seimei prepared for whatever would come out.
Inside the hunting grounds, Ri-is laid curled into himself as he clutched his arm, or what was left of it after Gabriel mistook him for a beast.
"Shit!" Cursed Gabriel. He knelt beside the Prince, wrapping his shirt tight around the wound to stop the bleeding.
In the distance, Sin began furiously ripping apart the remaining beasts. By the time he had reached Gabriel, his fists were covered in residual ink that seeped from his hands as it made its way back onto Gabriel's skin. Before he could utter a word, Sin's fist collided with his face and went from ink-stained to bloodstained in a matter of seconds. Banshee quickly got in between them, raising her hands in front of her as if bracing to receive another one of Sin's punches, but that didn't happen. Instead, Sin dropped to his knees, taking his writhing brother into his arms.
"Ri-is I need you to stay with me! I'm gonna sear the wound close okay?"
Sin placed his hand over Ri-is' wound, heat rose through his fingertips until it burned against Ri-is' skin. Another pained scream sent echoes through the mountain. It was over faster than it seemed. By the time Sin was finished, Ri-is was drenched in his own sweat and barely conscious. Sin's desperate encouragement did little to fight off the approaching emptiness that threatened to consume his mind. Beads of sweat rolled down his face as his vision began to blur as he struggled to make out his brother's words.
Sin's voice sounded like it was being sucked into a vacuum. It got louder and faded and got louder only to fade yet again. It became so distorted that eventually, it faded into white noise. Ri-is' head spun wildly, making him want to throw up as he fought against the massive amount of blood loss that was quickly rendering him unconscious. He squinted, trying to focus on Sin's lips but he was still unable to understand.
Ri-is tilted his head weakly. "What?"
Sin let out a flurry of curses as he scooped his brother up. Gabriel clung to Banshee's shoulder in order to steady himself. His chest heaved as he began to ramble.
"I'm so so so sorry! I didn't mean to—"
"SHUT UP!" Sin's outburst silenced him immediately, all of Gabriel's guilt died in his throat along with any apology he could muster.
Sin was about to take to the skies again when the distinct sound of footsteps came drifting through the mountains. Many footsteps. Rushed footsteps. The group turned to see Callisto rushing towards them with a battalion of knights at his back. Sin felt a wave of relief wash over him as Callisto grabbed Ri-is.
"Dad!" Sin breathed, the panic evident in his voice.
In the courtyard, Illya managed to stay eerily calm. She expertly distracted the crowd with festive chit chat, ushering them back to the palace grounds for further festivities while she and a few others stayed behind to deal with whatever news Callisto would return to them with. She kept her eye on the Sana imposter and he did the same, not bothering to mask his irritation. Avarice paced back and forth behind her as she stood up and approached the imposter.
"...Li...I know you're watching." Her voice was dark and beneath its calm lay a twisted desire to strangle the woman on the other side of the imposter's empty gaze.
The imposter's features began to flicker into something less than human. Its body began to crack until it disintegrated into a cluster of black shi. In the midst of the cluster were two beaming red eyes that seemed to taunt the Dragon Queen.
"How did you know?" Came the distorted voice of Li.
"You weren't careful enough and got spotted."
Dark laughter came from the cluster of shi. "That's a shame. We could have really ruined your reputation but it seems like we've hit an unexpected snag."
"Li. I swear on my mother's grave that if you dare hurt my children I will hunt you and your little puppet down and I will butcher you in the most horrid way conceivable." Illya's tone was calm and clear like she hadn't heard her son's pained cries or felt the overwhelming unease that ravaged her insides.
Another chuckle erupted from the midst of the black shi and a misty hand poked out from it, its finger pointing to Illya's heart. "I'd like to tell you that our only goal was to let you screw up a bit, but even if we had come to do more harm than that, I doubt you'd be able to track us very far."
Illya looked towards where the finger was pointing and felt a sudden need to throw up.
"It seems like you're at your limit, Your Majesty. I'm surprised you lasted this long. You should know that it was only a matter of time before your shi gave out. How long has it been since the incident?"
Avarice peered over at them worriedly. "Mom...what is she talking about?"
Creeping dread took route in her, it's icy tendrils winded through her chest. Illya felt an inward shudder of shi as dark veins began sprouting from her chest and climbing up her skin. Somehow, her legs resisted the urge to give way. Illya clenched her chest as the markings grew.
"Fuck..." she mumbled.
Breathing became painful and she felt like her chest was on fire. Illya stumbled back as Yukimi and Seimei rushed to her side.
Avarice lunged for the mass of dark shi. "What did you do!"
Li laughed once again, effortlessly dodging him. "As much as I'd like to take credit for her pain, I'm afraid I haven't done anything but reveal what was already there. Why don't you ask your mother about it once she's strong enough to speak again?"
It seemed as though everything was crumbling, Avarice looked back at his distraught mother in a panic and watched as Seimei and Yukimi tried their best to figure out how to help her.
"What's going on?"
Avarice spun around to see Ea and Tah Min, who had decided to come see what had happened when they noticed guests starting to flood back onto the palace grounds earlier than expected. He explained the situation and watched helplessly as Illya tried desperately to talk through the pain. However much she tried, it was useless. Nothing but discomforted groans were able to formulate on her lips. Illya threw her head back as the marks began to climb up her neck. despite her blurry vision, she was able to make out the approaching silhouettes of several people. Ea and Avarice were relieved that their father had returned, but whatever relief they felt vanished as soon as they saw the bloodied and unconscious Ri-is in his arms.