Yelling had gone on late into the night. The High Council was adamant that Illya ceases her rampant behaviour and Illya was adamant that they shut the fuck up. It didn't take long for the screaming match to escalate into them attempting to restrain and detain Illya. Callisto had rushed to the scene to see Illya already halfway on top of Gywnevere's torso, trying to strangle her. Favian and Anduaran were struggling to pry her off while Luke and Seibel were damn near about to kill them for simply touching Illya. It wasn't until Callisto scooped her up that she stopped trying to murder Gwynevere.
Out of breath and much more exhausted than she usually was after an attempted murder, Illya clung weakly to Callisto as she hurled insults and profanities at them until her voice was hoarse. The whole palace had awoken to the sound of the dragon's wrath, but most inhabitants were too frightened to step outside and see what had happened or inquire as to what was said that angered her so. Illya's guards escorted the High Council out of the palace while Illya screamed all the way back to her chambers, where Callisto set her down on the bed and had her explain everything to him. It took much snuggling and caressing to finally quell her anger. Callisto had spent the rest of the night whispering sweet nothings to her and joking about how much trouble she caused when he looked away for just a moment.
|Morning|132Please respect copyright.PENANAUTMDR10pAn
The next morning, the palace was ripe with whispers of what had occurred last night. Sin strolled through the palace with Dez, listening to the gossip as they made their way to the gardens. Nikiro had invited Sin to eat breakfast with him and Kashino. Sin didn't think he could stand the awkwardness by himself, so he decided to drag Dez along with him. Things were much less awkward between them as they had decided to forget about their night together and let it slide as a drunken mistake.
Dez had been noticeably more fatigue as of late but assured Sin that she was fine. Sin didn't think too much of it and they arrived at the agreed-upon place as planned. Kairo was already eating sitting at the table, ready to chow down. Sin greeted Nikiro and directed an awkward nod at Kashino. An awkward silence fell upon them as they sat around the table, a silence that completely escaped Kairo as he happily ate.
Sin had been getting lectured all the way there by Dez on behaving well. So in lieu of her nagging, he decided he would give it a try for however long this sudden burst of obedience in him lasted. "So, how was your trip back home? You've been back for a while now and I haven't asked."
Kashino pushed various dishes towards them on the table. "It was good. Mom and dad were happy to see Nikiro again and even happier when we decided to have Kairo."
Judging by the grim silence that followed, it was clear that Kashino too must have received a lecture on at least behaving civil.
Nikiro cleared his throat. "Kashino and I made breakfast today! It's been a little adjustment, getting used to having servants here since we didn't for the past six years. So Kashino wanted to help me make something for you guys. Right?"
Nikiro nudged Kashino who "hmphed" in response.
Dez was already halfway through one of her dishes when she straightened up and wiped her mouth. "It tastes delicious! Right Sin!"
Sin began eating as well, nodding in agreement. Nikiro smiled, glad that everything seemed to be going smoothly.
"I'm glad you like it!"
As time passed, Sin found himself playing with Kairo and everything was peaceful for the most part. At least that was until Avarice came bearing worrying news. He apologized as he pulled Sin away. They walked until they were sure they were completely alone.
"What as you so riled up?" Asked Sin.
"It's about what happened at the Summer Isle."
"...I hear people are calling it the Scarlet Night."
"About that night, a maid named Asra had come forth with a confession. She said she was tricked into becoming an accomplice for the events that triggered the chaos."
Sin's whole demeanour changed. Now eager to find the culprit behind Tah Min's death and his brother's impairment, he grabbed Avarice's shoulders, shaking him.
"Who tricked her? What's their name?"
Avarice shook his head. "She said his name was Gabriel and that he was a part of the squadron of knights that accompanied Ea to the Summer Isle but no such man exists in our ranks. None of the soldiers recall seeing this man before either."
Sin kissed his teeth, letting go of Avarice and sighing heavily. "...We know a Gabriel"
Avarice's eyes widened in recognition. "...It can't be him...he left before anyone else. He wouldn't have known where the Summer Isle is."
Sin sighed. "It's still worth looking into. It's not like we have any other leads. Even if it wasn't go that far....especially considering the death threat...who could have such hatred for an innocent woman that they'd cause such a catastrophic bloodbath..."
Avarice shook his head. "An absolute monster, that's who."
Most of Avarice's knights had now uprooted and returned to Solaria. They never did get a chance to speak to the chief of the Nightless City. After reporting to Sin, Avarice had gone about his business, taking one last round through the base to make sure that they weren't forgetting anything or anyone. As he walked through the empty plot of land, the sound of voices hidden behind the tall grass caught his attention. He followed it wasn't long before two people appeared from the brush. A man dressed in all black and a hooded man with a cloak.
"Who's there?" Asked Avarice.
"Don't be so on edge. It's just me." The man in the cloak removed his hood to reveal his face.
Gabriele flashed a grin. "The one and only."
Avarice tensed up, remembering his conversation with Sin earlier. "When did you get back?"
Gabriele strode up to him. Avarice couldn't quite place it, but something was slightly off with him. Like he had grown more empty since the last time they spoke.
"I got back just recently. I heard that your troops were moving out so I wanted to drop by. Seems like I'm a bit late to the party though."
"Nobody told you? I'm the chief of this city." Gabriele lifted a finger, pointing to himself and then pointing back at the man in black. "That's my right-hand man, Hyde."
Hyde bowed as Avarice gaped at them. Gabriele reached into his pocket and pulled put a little amulet. "It occurred to me recently that I never had the chance to give this back to you."
"Ah! My crest! I was wondering where that went."
Avarice reached out to take it but Gabriele reached out and grabbed his hand once he took the amulet.
"Since you're here already, how about I treat you to a meal, maybe show you around the shops? It's been a while since I've seen you and well...the last time we spoke I was incredibly hungover. Let me make up for it?"
Gabriele read the apprehension on Avarice's face clear as day. "I've been excommunicated from Sindaria for lack of a better term. My screw up at the Archery Hunt caused a lot of trouble for them it seems. I probably won't get to see Banshee at all anymore. She was kind of my only friend. I've been kind of lonely because of all this. Will you humour me for a while?"
Hearing that Gabriele no longer had ties to Sindaria seemed to reassure Avarice somewhat. He nodded weakly.
"Fine...but not for long. I've got a lot of work to do."
Astrid had spent most of the night trying to convince Ablus to take a day off.
"Craftsmen don't take breaks love, we've got plenty of work to do."
Is what he would say each time. It took much persuasion on her part to finally convince her busy body of a husband to take a break. Although it was hardly the calm morning she had hoped for. Instead, she found herself standing next to Albus, her daughter in front of them with her new friend and a mysterious woman. The moment that Albus laid eyes on the woman, his face drained of blood and he yanked Isabelle and Egan to his side, despite not knowing the young boy.
"What's wrong papa?" Asked Isabelle worriedly.
"What did you do to them?" He hissed.
The woman broke into a wry grin. "Now now, is that any way to greet your mother?