Philo and Other Poems is a collection that explores reflections of young adulthood. Inviting readers to engage with personal insights on society and human connection.
Through expressive prose, the works showcase themes of nostalgia, love, and loyalty, resonating with the complexities of modern life. Each piece offers a glimpse into the joys or struggles of navigating relationships, memory, and identity, allowing readers to connect with the universal experiences that shape us.
Hello! I'm Dr. Aiken, and I'm dedicated to bringing you up-to-the-minute insights from the world of medical research. My blog aims to offer succinct, yet thorough summaries of critical breakthroughs in the medical field. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a patient, or just fascinated by medicine, I trust you'll find this blog enlightening.
All content on this website, authored by Aiken Dao, is copyrighted and may not be copied, altered, or distributed without explicit written permission from Aiken Dao. Unauthorized use of any articles is subject to copyright infringement.
Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you've read on this blog.
Everyone has a story to tell, made from the moments in the lives we share. Consequently, every person has their own perspective, their own subjective experiences, and thereby, their own subjective realities. Even if the exact same story is told by two people, the details from one will differ in the other.
Reed and Lumina share their lives together, but each of them came from different backgrounds; each of them went through their own unique experiences. Reed is a human being like everyone else on Earth. Lumina is an Altiri, like every one in Genosis. Both are aliens to their own world, and both have seen their own source of immense darkness in their time.
The other side of the same story might sound similar at a quick glance, but in the depths of every personal reality, very little is ever the same. Welcome to the far side of the universe, in a safe corner of the world you've probably heard nothing about. Welcome ~ to Genosis. Welcome ~ to The Other Side.
It stood 10 ft tall, it's not a man, my God it's a Sasquatch...
A big hairy Bigfoot!
My knees buckled causing me to fall again, I think I must have scream because a startled look flashed across his face..
As I ran past my wife, I looked backwards to see if it was chasing me, but only rustling and heavy thumps in the thick bush was heard...
On a young planet named Zanthora in the year 3000 human augmentation has been commercialized, humans are living longer and because of it the shape of society has changed, morality has slipped when there's virtually nothing in this world that can kill you, except for other people.
A specialized group made for assassinations rises when death now becomes a commodity. Come follow the story of a young assassin on their way to the number one spot while changing the course of society itself.
"Clever Red, I'll give you that." Delta scoops up the tiny reaper into his arms and starts down the sidewalk away from the sirens and automated fire prevention drones. The rain fell and clutched to Red's cloak rolling down and off the fabric to the ground or through Delta as he walked.
"Delta?" He looked down at the sound of his name to show that his attention was given.
"Why can AI touch me?" Delta's grip tightened slightly at the question.
"I'm not sure Red, maybe..." He paused briefly to look up at the heavily clouded sky.
"Maybe it isn't so much AI can touch you Red, more..." Looking down the indicator for his partners' vital signs read unconscious, he smiled and kept pace in the rain changing his appearance to seem wet as he carried Zeto back to the safe house.
Welcome to my writing portfolio!
EDUCATIONI am a York University Graduate with a degree in Psychology. My areas of focus as an undergraduate were History, Philosophy and Mythology. In working towards my degree, I became very familiar with writing academically whether it was an analysis of literature or essays and papers.PASSION FOR WRITINGI have always had a love for writing and storytelling. I wrote my first actual story in 9th grade on Wattpad and have continued to create ever since. I started off writing on Wattpad under the name Demons_Muse. Later in high school, I moved to Penana where I found it much easier and more enjoyable to further connect with others in the writing community.HOBBIESI love mythology and history. For fun, I run a myth and history Instagram account called the_dionysian_bride, where I can share fun myths and stories with others who enjoy them as much as I do.I also like to make jewelry!To relax I like to play video games or read. My favourite novel is Motorcycles and Sweetgrass by Drew Hayden Taylor!"Bu kitab keçmişdə öyrəndiyiniz bir çox mövzunun gerçəkliyinə şübhə etməyi öyrətmək məqsədilə yazılmışdır. Kitabı oxuduqca, doğulduğunuzdan bəri böyük bir yalanın ortasında böyüdüyünüzü öyrənəcəksiniz. İlk dəfədən beyniniz kitabdakı fikirlərə etiraz edərək öz komfort zonasından çıxmaq istəməyəcək. Ancaq kitabı oxuyarkən eqonuzu kənara qoya bilsəniz, ömür boyu sizi manipulyasiya edən bu sistem, bir daha sizə güc gələ bilməyəcək. Belə ki, onların qarşısına qoyacağınız tək silah, bu kitabdakı oyanışınız olacaq…”
Buraxılışa məsul: Nizami ƏlisoyRedaktor: Vüqar MəmmədzadəKorrektor: Gülər UğurDizayn: Anar ƏliYekun oxunuş: Qüdrət Yarməmmədov
Barat Əlizadə. Kod adı: Oyanış (-19, 84)Bakı, 25.05.2022, 188 səh.© Barat Əlizadə / 2022İSBN: 978-9952
Müəllifin rəsmi razılığı olmadan kitabın və ya onun hər hansı hissəsinin təkrar çapı, yayılması, elektron və ya mexaniki üsulla surətinin çıxarılması və çoxaldılması Azərbaycan Respublikasının müəlliflik hüququ qanunvericiliyinə əsasənqadağandır!