The house on the corner of Eighth Street and Camp hasn’t always been painted black. Through the years, it goes through multiple paint jobs as new tenants move in and try to bring it to life. The amount of people that rotate through the property with their different ideals on exterior design is absurd.-Making a house a home is supposed to be easy.
Brooklynd, the capital city on Vanaheim - 10923Steve looked at the brunet haired baby boy with pointed ears in the bassinet, the omega he would one day take as his wife. He could just barely hear the adults talking on the other side of the room as they whispered about courtship and marriage. He couldn’t believe the Ljósálfar would travel so far from Álfheim to discuss such topics. He was a mere five year old boy, what did he know of alliances and weddings?-The Stucky Dune AU 0.5
series: burning embers of a dying world