This collection of poems delves into writing, language, and poetry itself. Crafted with the influence of dark and starry-eyed poets alike, the poems explore the search for refuge and solace through written word, the joys and despair of writing and reading, and the struggle between knowledge and isolation. With a refine, introspective tone, this collection captures the beauty of the poet's life, where we call upon something inside of us, and beyond us.
Love, kindness and respect, The dove minus the insect, I'mfrom a different paradigm, I shifted the air of time, I know they don't careabout mine, They stare cause you like the sunshine, No matter where, Why bescared, I know God is there.
Wisdom is a peace factor. The system is a beast tracker,Where is the world headed, Why is the Word dreaded, Biblical I mean, Spiritualmy hands is clean, Enlightenment ain't nothing new, Salvation is the onlytruth, Stay away the mob. Pray away the bob.
Tap into your prime, They want you napped in grime, Thisreality will end soon, They still mad at me cause I won't bend to the moon,Folks fate leaping, Folks gatekeeping, Folks hate weeping, Folks bait reaping,I don't seek glory, You can't leak my story.
Wherever you from, lemons and limes, Come to grips with thedimes, Bumped my head a lot of times, They say I'm scum cause they dread myprime, I paint a picture, I don't faint in the scriptures, My soul ain't taintthe grace is richer.
Walk in your purpose, Talk with more purpose, World War IIIis inevitable, The Word is ethical, Life saving verses, Life is graving thecurses, Covid shocked the world, EMP attack is gon rock the world, Guard yourheart, It's hard but trust God.
Salvation is critical, Every nation is biblical, Don't trusta soul, Won't crush my soul, Wow that's disheartening, They took a vow to riskthe bottom pit, They waiting for you cause they hating on you, You on the list,The world is in the mist.
Folks say time is money, I say lime is honey, Work hard inlabor, Love thy neighbor, Educate your mind, Elevate your grind, The light youcarry is the reason in the night they want you buried, Hold your head up,People get cold because they dread your dove.
If I didn't love people then I wouldn't be trying to freeyou of the ego, Return to your heart, Discern the drought, You can't milk theclock, You can't silk the rock, So many inventions, Not enough repentance,Don't grow faint, Glow in the paint.
If you have the holy spirit then folks have a tendency tohave monitoring spirits, Keep watch cause the plans are in the lodge, Places ofworship hide the baphomet, Spaces of service hide the sacrament, The world isheld by glue, If only they knew.
The light causes folks to go haywire, The night causes yokesin the clay fire, You got to crawl before you fly, They want to brawl cause youcan't die, Not saying you won't leave this world, Just saying you have eternallife in the Word.
To get ahead in life you have to get rid of the dead in yourlife, The potential is what they dread in your life, Understand that God is incontrol, The thunder of the land talks to your heart and soul, Etherize theskies when evil rise.
Seem like only salvation is not a scheme, They deem the pikeonly in every nation for the dream, I'm talking to all, I'm not walking tofall, They blocking the world from the call, I ain't hating, I just don't playwith satan, Society is blatant.
The truth is right in your heart, The proof is the light inyour heart, You won't catch me lacking, You'll catch me stacking, The Word ofGod is the bread, The world is hard cause it's dead, The life you feel is theholy spirit, Keep it real they fear it.
I refuse to be in the game, I'm the type to diffuse thegame, Society chose the game, The game reloaded, The game decoded, The gameeroded. I ain't playing no game, I ain't praying for the game, I'm slaying thegame, Watching the decaying of the game.
Pray that you are sealed, Stay away from the deal, You can'tdecay if you're real, This ain't a wrestling clash, The saints is the excellentmatch, I ain't in denial. That's why I walk in the aisle, Every soul is onfile, Heaven on speed dial.
I'm organic not fake, I don't panic when I see the stake,They turn manic when you live for the make, New version, They knew theperversion, Truth is immersion, Rip apart the veil, They tip the heart for asale, You can't skip the dark for the grail.
Soak in silence, Woke in violence, I don't condone suchacts, They cloned your favorite acts, Underground chambers, Thunder of sound inaimers, God is love and a consuming fire, The heart is a dove in the sunblooming choir No pagan, No bacon.
The world been finished a long time ago, The Word beenimaged a long time ago, Certain things will happen to fool you, Certain kingswill be sapping to rule you, Be on guard, Gon be hard. The don is a fraud, Onlyone God, Jesus destroyed the joker card.
Only ones who knew how I grew seen the wings when I flew,They trying to milk the stew, Folks wearing silk for the brew, Why nobody in mycrew, Purge gon have many in slew, Merge with what the wind blew, God lovesyou.
Salvation is for the world, Every nation needs the Word,There's already a power infrastructure in place, There's already a hour of inthe puncture of space, Persecution is on different levels by different devils.
Many are hiding codes to the realm, Every penny is guidingthe gold of the chem, What's the equation, What's the invasion, They forsakeyou when they can't fake you, Know God within. The glow of the heart issifting, It start with the earth shifting.
I'm underestimated, They wonder why I bless the hatred, Thegame is flagrant, The fame attract agents, Corrupt minds, Abrupt signs Societyrejects the light, Society regrets the night, Folks see your glow, But yourpain they don't know, In the rain I grow.
Live up to your dreams, Don't give up on your dreams, You'reresponsible for your actions, The impossible is not a caption, Do what Godassigned you, True heart is not blind to the new, Silence with no fear got themdoing evil, Balance by not having ego.
Heaven's tea for energy, Celebrities work for the entities,Clouded judgement, Shrouded in a hundred, Tell the Pope what they looking forin them telescopes, I'm not trying to live luxurious, Folks dying notorious,I'mma lion in the glorious.
Bread winner, Could've been a dead sinner, Thank God for themercy, I know it's hard when they try to curse me, I can beat the odds of anywho want to verse me, You can't flex me, You can't next me, Watch how youaddress me, You gon see the best me.
News flash if you ain't got the juice then they want toclash, Be on alert, We all been thru hurt, I ain't talking subliminally, Iain't walking criminally, The holy spirit is the energy of peace, Society fearit cause you know the enemy is the beast.
You ain't striking terror in my heart, I ain't liking theerror from the start, How do you claim love but want to hurt the dove, How doyou claim peace but walk with the beast, There's a lot flames in the streetscause of the world's lease.
You know I don't play, Read the Word and pray, I heard themall say they want me slayed, We came from the clay, Thank God for the day, Theworld is tv gray, In her pearl I see the sun ray, For our soul Jesus was theone to pay, Nobody is here to stay.
Make a decision, Can't fake precision, God or the devil,It's hard on the level, They ain't both sides, Won't take an oath to hide,Prosper and conduct yourself in a great manner, The roster will erupt when theworld hate the banner.
When I'm around it's crickets, To go underground you needtickets, To go out of bounds you need the secrets, Energy clean, The enemybehind the scene, Folk made a covenant for evil cause they loving it by theego, Make new space, Ain't fake true grace.
Nothing can stop your destiny except you, They fronting tostop the best in me but they ain't true, They watching cause you slay theauction, In your energy folk move with caution, The saints are still marching,Unstained stars that's not dodging.
I spit fire, With my grit I won't retire, Took that hit andI still inspire, So many blows only God knows, Society is lost, The truthcosts, The world in the moss. The Word destroying the frost, No blame, No game,Jesus is the name.
Orchestrated the verse, Orchards dated the curse, Pray forcompassion and mercy, Don't play with satisfaction when they verse me, My namerecorded in heaven, The game reordered in leaven. Just imagine, Folk bust thejamming, Don't trust the world in famine.
I'm at the heart again, The holy spirit is my guardian, Theyfear it cause the Red Sea being part again, Exodus for the believers, Exit thetrust of deceivers, Old proverb, The soul's sovereign, Did you forget, To levelup it's more sweat, Been real no bet.
New lightcodes, New nightmodes, My time Olympic, My primeunlimit, Redemption no exemption, What's your intention, Either you walk rightor that reaper gon talk might, 15 minutes of fame to be crucified by the game,Lack of knowledge, Back to the promise.
Flesh heart, Fresh start, You talking about the evidence offray, How about repentance and pray, The devil uses the sentence to slay, Readbetween the lines, Take heed of the signs, Breaking news history is hidden,They making fools in the misery of bidding.
This ain't 64 bits, This is thanks when they blitz the soulyou got grit, She kissed the rose to make time sit, They missed what God chosecause they ain't legit, They sixed the gold so you can quit, The kicks of moldgot them in a skit.
See the difference in the greetings, See the difference inthe meetings, The construction of function, Their intent ain't real, If youcare repent to heal Been enlightened, Wasn't frightened, My intuitionheightened, My energy got that lightning.
How crucial when you can't be on neutral, Time is not on thehigher ups side, My prime is unlocked cause love is my guide, You can't createa heaven on this earth, The truth don't relate to the leaven of birth, Keeplove in the heart cause it ain't made up.
The truth is pleased with no ego, You got to cease from thefoe evil, Bank notes, We don't thank goats, Praise the Lamb, Grace is the jam,Grooving to salvation, It's moving in every nation, Fight the temptation, Youare the light of creation.
See from the heart, We were free in the start, The ego is adisease, The evil needs to be ceased, The world's people have increased, TheWord is illegal in grease, Walking thru the flames like a prodigy, Talking truethe game is my psychology.
Eyes on me like the sun watching the earth, The wise don'trun when the gun is cautioned on the turf, It's not a joke, The world beenwoke, The Word been soaked, Baptized in salvation, Act right in every nation,They attack the light cause you're ancient.
My mind ain't on the magic, The kind loves thru the havoc,The signs of the world show the tragic, Holy spirit is the embodiment of God'sheart, They fear it cause the environment destroys the dark, Light covers theuniverse, At night they cover the curse.
Immortal Word, Portals in the world, I learn not to judgewhat I don't know, I don't burn with a grudge to all souls, The fruit of stars,The root of scars, If you were destined by God, Then you will be invested inGod, Royal flush, Loyal trust.
Love, kindness and respect, The dove minus the insect, I'm from a different paradigm, I shifted the air of time, I know they don't care about mine, They stare cause you like the sunshine, No matter where, Why be scared, I know God is there.
Wisdom is a peace factor. The system is a beast tracker, Where is the world headed, Why is the Word dreaded, Biblical I mean, Spiritual my hands is clean, Enlightenment ain't nothing new, Salvation is the only truth, Stay away the mob. Pray away the bob.
Tap into your prime, They want you napped in grime, This reality will end soon, They still mad at me cause I won't bend to the moon, Folks fate leaping, Folks gatekeeping, Folks hate weeping, Folks bait reaping, I don't seek glory, You can't leak my story.
Wherever you from, lemons and limes, Come to grips with the dimes, Bumped my head a lot of times, They say I'm scum cause they dread my prime, I paint a picture, I don't faint in the scriptures, My soul ain't taint the grace is richer.
Walk in your purpose, Talk with more purpose, World War III is inevitable, The Word is ethical, Life saving verses, Life is graving the curses, Covid shocked the world, EMP attack is gon rock the world, Guard your heart, It's hard but trust God.
Salvation is critical, Every nation is biblical, Don't trust a soul, Won't crush my soul, Wow that's disheartening, They took a vow to risk the bottom pit, They waiting for you cause they hating on you, You on the list, The world is in the mist.
Folks say time is money, I say lime is honey, Work hard in labor, Love thy neighbor, Educate your mind, Elevate your grind, The light you carry is the reason in the night they want you buried, Hold your head up, People get cold because they dread your dove.
If I didn't love people then I wouldn't be trying to free you of the ego, Return to your heart, Discern the drought, You can't milk the clock, You can't silk the rock, So many inventions, Not enough repentance, Don't grow faint, Glow in the paint.
If you have the holy spirit then folks have a tendency to have monitoring spirits, Keep watch cause the plans are in the lodge, Places of worship hide the baphomet, Spaces of service hide the sacrament, The world is held by glue, If only they knew.
The light causes folks to go haywire, The night causes yokes in the clay fire, You got to crawl before you fly, They want to brawl cause you can't die, Not saying you won't leave this world, Just saying you have eternal life in the Word.
To get ahead in life you have to get rid of the dead in your life, The potential is what they dread in your life, Understand that God is in control, The thunder of the land talks to your heart and soul, Etherize the skies when evil rise.
Seem like only salvation is not a scheme, They deem the pike only in every nation for the dream, I'm talking to all, I'm not walking to fall, They blocking the world from the call, I ain't hating, I just don't play with satan, Society is blatant.
The truth is right in your heart, The proof is the light in your heart, You won't catch me lacking, You'll catch me stacking, The Word of God is the bread, The world is hard cause it's dead, The life you feel is the holy spirit, Keep it real they fear it.
I refuse to be in the game, I'm the type to diffuse the game, Society chose the game, The game reloaded, The game decoded, The game eroded. I ain't playing no game, I ain't praying for the game, I'm slaying the game, Watching the decaying of the game.
Pray that you are sealed, Stay away from the deal, You can't decay if you're real, This ain't a wrestling clash, The saints is the excellent match, I ain't in denial. That's why I walk in the aisle, Every soul is on file, Heaven on speed dial.
I'm organic not fake, I don't panic when I see the stake, They turn manic when you live for the make, New version, They knew the perversion, Truth is immersion, Rip apart the veil, They tip the heart for a sale, You can't skip the dark for the grail.
Soak in silence, Woke in violence, I don't condone such acts, They cloned your favorite acts, Underground chambers, Thunder of sound in aimers, God is love and a consuming fire, The heart is a dove in the sun blooming choir No pagan, No bacon.
The world been finished a long time ago, The Word been imaged a long time ago, Certain things will happen to fool you, Certain kings will be sapping to rule you, Be on guard, Gon be hard. The don is a fraud, Only one God, Jesus destroyed the joker card.
Only ones who knew how I grew seen the wings when I flew, They trying to milk the stew, Folks wearing silk for the brew, Why nobody in my crew, Purge gon have many in slew, Merge with what the wind blew, God loves you.
Salvation is for the world, Every nation needs the Word, There's already a power infrastructure in place, There's already a hour of in the puncture of space, Persecution is on different levels by different devils.
Many are hiding codes to the realm, Every penny is guiding the gold of the chem, What's the equation, What's the invasion, They forsake you when they can't fake you, Know God within. The glow of the heart is sifting, It start with the earth shifting.
I'm underestimated, They wonder why I bless the hatred, The game is flagrant, The fame attract agents, Corrupt minds, Abrupt signs Society rejects the light, Society regrets the night, Folks see your glow, But your pain they don't know, In the rain I grow.
Live up to your dreams, Don't give up on your dreams, You're responsible for your actions, The impossible is not a caption, Do what God assigned you, True heart is not blind to the new, Silence with no fear got them doing evil, Balance by not having ego.
Heaven's tea for energy, Celebrities work for the entities, Clouded judgement, Shrouded in a hundred, Tell the Pope what they looking for in them telescopes, I'm not trying to live luxurious, Folks dying notorious, I'mma lion in the glorious.
Bread winner, Could've been a dead sinner, Thank God for the mercy, I know it's hard when they try to curse me, I can beat the odds of any who want to verse me, You can't flex me, You can't next me, Watch how you address me, You gon see the best me.
News flash if you ain't got the juice then they want to clash, Be on alert, We all been thru hurt, I ain't talking subliminally, I ain't walking criminally, The holy spirit is the energy of peace, Society fear it cause you know the enemy is the beast.
You ain't striking terror in my heart, I ain't liking the error from the start, How do you claim love but want to hurt the dove, How do you claim peace but walk with the beast, There's a lot flames in the streets cause of the world's lease.
You know I don't play, Read the Word and pray, I heard them all say they want me slayed, We came from the clay, Thank God for the day, The world is tv gray, In her pearl I see the sun ray, For our soul Jesus was the one to pay, Nobody is here to stay.
Make a decision, Can't fake precision, God or the devil, It's hard on the level, They ain't both sides, Won't take an oath to hide, Prosper and conduct yourself in a great manner, The roster will erupt when the world hate the banner.
When I'm around it's crickets, To go underground you need tickets, To go out of bounds you need the secrets, Energy clean, The enemy behind the scene, Folk made a covenant for evil cause they loving it by the ego, Make new space, Ain't fake true grace.
Nothing can stop your destiny except you, They fronting to stop the best in me but they ain't true, They watching cause you slay the auction, In your energy folk move with caution, The saints are still marching, Unstained stars that's not dodging.
I spit fire, With my grit I won't retire, Took that hit and I still inspire, So many blows only God knows, Society is lost, The truth costs, The world in the moss. The Word destroying the frost, No blame, No game, Jesus is the name.
Orchestrated the verse, Orchards dated the curse, Pray for compassion and mercy, Don't play with satisfaction when they verse me, My name recorded in heaven, The game reordered in leaven. Just imagine, Folk bust the jamming, Don't trust the world in famine.
I'm at the heart again, The holy spirit is my guardian, They fear it cause the Red Sea being part again, Exodus for the believers, Exit the trust of deceivers, Old proverb, The soul's sovereign, Did you forget, To level up it's more sweat, Been real no bet.
New lightcodes, New nightmodes, My time Olympic, My prime unlimit, Redemption no exemption, What's your intention, Either you walk right or that reaper gon talk might, 15 minutes of fame to be crucified by the game, Lack of knowledge, Back to the promise.
Flesh heart, Fresh start, You talking about the evidence of fray, How about repentance and pray, The devil uses the sentence to slay, Read between the lines, Take heed of the signs, Breaking news history is hidden, They making fools in the misery of bidding.
This ain't 64 bits, This is thanks when they blitz the soul you got grit, She kissed the rose to make time sit, They missed what God chose cause they ain't legit, They sixed the gold so you can quit, The kicks of mold got them in a skit.
See the difference in the greetings, See the difference in the meetings, The construction of function, Their intent ain't real, If you care repent to heal Been enlightened, Wasn't frightened, My intuition heightened, My energy got that lightning.
How crucial when you can't be on neutral, Time is not on the higher ups side, My prime is unlocked cause love is my guide, You can't create a heaven on this earth, The truth don't relate to the leaven of birth, Keep love in the heart cause it ain't made up.
The truth is pleased with no ego, You got to cease from the foe evil, Bank notes, We don't thank goats, Praise the Lamb, Grace is the jam, Grooving to salvation, It's moving in every nation, Fight the temptation, You are the light of creation.
See from the heart, We were free in the start, The ego is a disease, The evil needs to be ceased, The world's people have increased, The Word is illegal in grease, Walking thru the flames like a prodigy, Talking true the game is my psychology.
Eyes on me like the sun watching the earth, The wise don't run when the gun is cautioned on the turf, It's not a joke, The world been woke, The Word been soaked, Baptized in salvation, Act right in every nation, They attack the light cause you're ancient.
My mind ain't on the magic, The kind loves thru the havoc, The signs of the world show the tragic, Holy spirit is the embodiment of God's heart, They fear it cause the environment destroys the dark, Light covers the universe, At night they cover the curse.
Immortal Word, Portals in the world, I learn not to judge what I don't know, I don't burn with a grudge to all souls, The fruit of stars, The root of scars, If you were destined by God, Then you will be invested in God, Royal flush, Loyal trust.
This collection centers around love, vulnerability, and the complexity of human emotions. They explore the depths of longing, connection, and healing while also emphasizing the importance of self-worth, communication, and emotional honesty in relationships. The common thread through them is the balance between desire and self-preservation, the need to love deeply while also protecting oneself from hurt.Through pleas for honesty, spaces for healing, and an exploration of unspoken feelings, my work portrays a journey of learning to love again, learning to communicate openly, and discovering the unwavering resilience of the human heart.
A Life in the In-Betweenis an exploration of life, memory, identity and time woven together.
Drowned Words: A Collection of Poems
This collection of poems delves into themes of longing, loss, and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of fleeting moments and the vastness of life. The poems explore the search for meaning, the weight of societal expectations, and the struggle between freedom and constraint. With a dark, introspective tone, they capture the beauty and despair of navigating a world where time slips away, leaving behind a lingering sense of yearning and reflection.
The light rejoices, The night revoices, Love should be your breath, Doves don't fear no death, You have been called to victory, The truth's staff is called a mystery, Everyone has their own assignment, Everyone has their own timing.
The narrow path has to deal with pharaoh’s wrath, The walk is not for the faint, The talk is for the saint, What's in your tank, Do you start by giving thanks, I'm not with the pranks, The character of society is low, 24 karats of love is how I glow.
You will prosper if you real in the roster, They hating cause I ain't faking, Diabolical fear is the adrenaline rush, It's biblical in all the tears of the Word is a medicine rush, People are intrigued, Your ego won't get you in the league.
We're on a individual basis, It's a blur the ritual spaces, The world is not special, The Word is the heart vessel, Your race or nation or religion can't save you. More grace of the ancient decision can't grave you, The path is evident for the heaven sent.
Apply the verses, Reply to the services, Deny the curses. Biblical talking to the earth, It's a miracle to make it through birth, Protect your ear gates, Connect more is what fear hates, See the love of God, Free the dove of God.
I'm going out in a blazing fire cause I ain't sowing doubt in the dazing wire, This is a revolution to bring about the resolution, God's love is restitution, Don't get it misunderstood, This ain't hollywood, Clarify it, Verify it.
Your love irritates the evil in their heart, They made up and imitate the ego in the dark, We're living in a ill society, They're giving the pill in variety, My immunity is in God, The impurity makes it hard, Peace is rare, The beast don't care.
Soaked in the verse, Broke the sin curse, People not truly awakened, The ego got them unruly faking, I'm not here to debate, I don't fear the hate, New World Order is masonic, Only a few with the Word of mortar with the tonic.
I don't take no credit cause I know God really said it, Holy spirit got them dreaded, The game gon be shredded, Raise your vibration, Grace your hydration, The powers that be don't know the flowers can see, Keep your heart right, It start in the night.
Been on that vision, Seen all that switching, The world is ending, The Word is trending, I ain't trying to be cool in a world that's cruel, Turmoil. Worm oil, I don't play with no initiation, I pray I'm real no imitation, They pay a fee for invitation.
Better go hard, The weather is in God, Major changes are coming, Got my pager cause the strangers are being summoned, Be still in God, Do the will of God, People waiting on dates, Egos hating the gates. Make use of time, Don't take the juice of crime.
Christ really came, Their price is really fame, Power is what the higher ups require, Unknown hour is what the flyer ups rewire, People act like you're insignificant but their ego sees the light of the beneficent, Stay in God, You were made in God.
Keep your faith in Christ, When you're saved you have rights, See through the glitches, We gon see who switches, Are you growing crowned or slowing drowned, Each round folk leech the sound, My energy is powerful, No enemy can tell when the hour is full.
Let grace kiss you, Race is not the issue, Sin is the root of all suffering, To win what are you truly offering, I'm not making any excuses for evil, I'm not faking any diffuses for the ego, It's crucial to be in the holy spirit, Ain't neutral they fear it.
Either you love God or you don't, That ether got the dove's heart saying no you won't, Foes ain't my kin, Them woes can't win, Staying quiet, They praying for a riot, They slaying for a diet, You can't hide from yourself, The saint's guide with more help.
Some people got peace within, Some people got the beast within, There's no bridging the gap, Keep it Christian no cap, I'm from the school of mastering the heart, Where I'm from you a fool if you're pasteurizing the dark, Organic light, Panic in the night.
I just want to be in the heavenly abode, I must live by the biblical code It's spiritual when you see the crossroad, It's a miracle I still ain't lost gold, The world gon in the moss cold, The Word is deeper than any fossil, We all need the Gospel.
They don't see the blood, sweat and tears, They just want to see your love vexed with fears, Why you flexed cause the truth is a test, So many fake claims, So many pulse flames, The enemy is busy, My energy is grizzy, Grace in my inner space.
I'm not who you expect me to be, I'm who God respect me to be, If you showing love it's going to be snowing doves, Keep your heart fresh, It's deep when the pod is threshed, It shows who lacks knowledge, The glow is not a act only to God homage.
Risen from the clay, Listen when you pray, They leave out the minor details, The thief is out in the finer retails, Know the end game. Glow in the brand name, Talking about Christ, Walking on spice. Fire lingo, This is choir not bingo.
Renew your mind, Rewind the grind, You know what you must do to level up, You know what they must do to devil up, That could be anybody, Hollywood ain't for anybody, They can't ban the holy spirit, The world in a clan because they fear it.
Second coming, Ain't no more running, Folk begging to summon, There's no rebuild mode, Where's the refill code, The systems think they gon be infinitely unstopped, The wisdom shrinks the one who definitely is sun dropped, Repent before the world is copped.
Lift up the bowed heads, The gift of the now is what folk dread, As if they didn't take a vow to have you dead, Sift thru the flour cause the game ain't wow, The shift gon have the world asking how, Money drift in crypto check the Dow.
Continue in faith, You're on the menu if you are saved, They can't offend you if you don't fear the grave, Have no worries, The staff makes the snow flurries, If you grow weary the world will seem scary, Lift up the buried cause the game is in a hurry.
You will prosper if you real in the roster, They hating cause I ain't faking, Diabolical fear is the adrenaline rush, It's biblical in all the tears of the Word is a medicine rush, People are intrigued, Your ego won't get you in the league.
When you disobey God then you will disarray your heart, Choose the connection, Don't lose correction, Stay true to love, Only a few have the dove, Stop playing with the enemy, Start praying for the energy, Peace in salvation, The beast is in every nation.
The past is night, tomorrow is out of sight and today is to get it right, They cast the light cause they follow the kite of the prey of might, Focus on the now, The hocus is their vow, Not talking flesh, I'm walking blessed, They mix error, Fix the terror.
Drafted as the first pick in the Lamb's Book of Life, Crafted is how sick they cook life, You need the link, The seed won't sink, Check for the expiration date, Check for the restoration fate, Keep your energy on your level, Peep the enemy the devil.
2 grateful to be hateful, Righteous indignation, Society is lifeless initiation, Don't let energy destroyers touch you, The loan makes you forget the restorers of truth, You don't run the show, You won't shun the glow, Production even in obstruction.
Everybody is different even in a group, Everybody is gifted if you breathing in the truth, The real light is the holy spirit, The healed might cause they fear it, You don't know what soul is behind the facial, Only God know the kind and graceful.
Dream keeper of blessings, Grim reaper of blessings, God knows your heart, God grows your heart, They can't slow you down, Pray you glow with the crown, It's a set up. Better get up, The protocol is on the table, The so called wiz on cable.
Ain't no soul I dread, Ain't no gold I thread, Make sure your screws are tight, They knew we were the light, Everything in the universe has a language, God will curse the plans of wish, Prayer is what's required, Jesus is the Saviour of the choir.
Keep your moves on hush mode, It's deep cause the grooves is on crush mode, Only the believers got the power to tread on serpent, Only the deceivers in the hour dread the serpent, Keep growing in your heart, Keep glowing in the dark, Christ paid the price.
Spiritually richer thru biblical scriptures, Ignorance is not bliss, Innocence is blitzed, I know you want to make the bed rock but please stop having seeds out of wedlock, Economy and astronomy is mixed, God found me why they trying me now they sixed.
Be blameless and unstained, Don't be flameless in the sun's rain, They don't want you to prosper cause they know you're on God's roster, Only one person said I would be beautiful, Only one person said I was biblical, Be one with the miracle.
Heart light the way. Start right today, Thru the storm and sunshine, Been knew I would transform in one mind, Glory to The Highest which is God, The story is the brightest even when it's hard, They don't get you so they want to forget you.
It's an ill effect. Their plans is thrill reject, Talking about the secret societies of all nations, Walking with no doubt they ain't no secret inside of me in salvation, Purge out the leaven, Merge out the leaven, Distractions, These captions.
I got a low tolerance for evil, Folk got a snow obelisk for the ego, You're weird if you knowingly being wicked, No fear of the glowingly fleeing mimic, Sisters and brothers tell the exact truth by the root, The world is temporary, Always God in memory.
In my devotionals I get emotional, Healing from the programming, Dealing with the soul famine, Been a long journey, Seen the wrong sternly, Still growing in the Lord, Real knowing in the Lord, They left me with the possum, They left me cause God is awesome.
Prayer of a servant in God, Gators trying to serpent my heart, Haters lurking in the dark, They thought I was down for the knockout, I bought the town for the clockout, Meaning my glow covers the city, Folks scheming cause her soul is a lover with me.
We ain't seen nothing yet, They say we ain't been nothing yet, Just false talk, It's a must for the pulse walk, Who cares if earth gets destroyed, They had stock shares of your birth no decoy, Don't think you're exempt, Hour of trial don't be in contempt.
Remove the cobwebs, I don't approve of the mob debts, What matters is making sure everyone has basic necessities by God's standards, I don't flatter the faking cause that can't cure everyone in adversities of the hearts slandered.
You are loved, I knew the star is a dove, Outpouring of peace, No mourning for the beast, Fruits and juice in the rising, The truth is not in the news ain't surprising, I don't do the french toast, I won't let you quench the holy ghost.
Stay encouraged, Pray for those who ain't switch, They slayed the ostrich, The naive pay cause of the closet witch, Hiding behind the curtain, I'm riding in the grind for certain, Lot of folks in their feelings, The heart is yoked cause you ain't healing.
Be inspired, Free sin is wired, Practice righteousness at all times, I ain't crashing in my own mind, Heart activated, It starts calculated, Jesus is immaculated, You were created in God's image, Folks blur who made it in the ark's vintage.
We all had our moments, Society turned to the opponent, Illuminati is missing the component, You can't override what's biblical, Folks can over hide what's spiritual, If you a saint you almost died but it was a miracle.
From the oak you can live without the beetle, Some folk can't live without the evil, They see you as scum cause you live with no ego, You're not in their world, You're at the stairwell, On the way to heaven, Read the psalm to remove the decay of leaven.
Study before you speak, It's muddy in the creek, I don't do the fairytale, I won't do the berry sale, Free off the land. Free all lands, Restore the earth to it's original nature, We scored the birth of the divisional greater, Combine, Calm mind.
A lot of folks thought I'd be naive with a smile all my days, Now that I broke the yoke they believe they can put me in denial in all my ways. Think again, Play with God you might not blink again, They prayed for the night that's why we couldn't link again.
If you are filled with the holy ghost why does race matter, If you are the star willed with the only most why you grace shattered, Political correct is destroying society, Biblical connect is restoring the entirety you, Salvation is victory, Rest is history.
True champion, New jamming, Everything is for a reason, Everything has it's season, Be the prodigal son, Be the radical one, I ain't talking sinning, I'm walking winning, Their style is real wild in space, The trials I faced I still smile in grace.
I know who I am, Folks fronting with the scam, Thank God for the Lamb, I know it's hard but there's always a ram, My heart got the spiritual cam. Lies ain't got the biblical jam, From the start can't eat the ham, Come to that part for the bam.
I been through so much but I ain't out of touch, God always comes thru in the clutch, Where I'm from we don't double dutch, That venom marked the world, The lemon sparked the Word, Fruit of heart is perfection, Truth is God's perception.
Everything is by design, That's why you have to renew your mind, Cause folks is trying to rewind time, They shook of the wise that's why they read book with lies, Biblical text got them spiritually vexed, We breaking the realm, Earth quaking from the stem.
Still not, Will not, Soul elevation, I was told revelation, Love is the ultimate power breaking the yoke of the universe, The dove sees the government in this hour where folks want you cursed, Take your health serious, Take yourself serious.
Why do you care about someone's skin color, Why do you dare doubt the only One who can make you a win lover, Saying compassion, Praying for them to come asking, All these cultures wars is when vultures soar, Salvation is my concern, Be patient and discern.
Game winner, Same sinner, I don't shoot bricks cause that's what's in the rubric, Love is the x factor, Acting fake who's the next actor, People think they so smart but in their ego with no heart, Discern who's in the beast, Learn to hold your peace.
What do you expect, The truth is respect, Two faced people, You can't grace the ego, The commandments are serious, The advancement is mysterious, Subconscious world hidden in plain sight, The nonsense ain't tolerated in the Word of that rain light.
I went right cause living right is always right. Within they ain't right, They went to the left cause they don't want anybody left, That's why I left, Fix your heart stance, Don't mix the dark trance, They worship the night, Score grip for the light,
It's a brand new day, Grand truth of the way, I ain't talking masonic. The world walking into atomic, Abide in the holy spirit, Take that stride cause they fear it, Just know it's a world wide conspiracy, The glow in the Word keep me in guide seriously.
Keep your mind flowing with peace, It's deep in the shine you knowing the beast, Peep the blind showing in the streets, Society ain't enlightened, There's a variety in writing, All that reading but to who are you pleading, The world needs us in Jesus.
They revolt against the wise cause we can volt up the skies, The stars light up, Mars is night up. They want you to lay down and stay down, Enlightened but still in the dark, They frightened cause I'm in the heart, Confusion, I ain't losing.
Figure of speech, They triggered by the preach, The devil got lies to leech, Every level is a moment to teach, God will put you thru trials, The heart looks thru your smile, Time is speeding, The lime is seeding, Free love then you can be love.
No rain, Check the domain, Gold
vein, Get your faith up, Untie the knot to get your saved love, Is all walks in love, Is all talks in love, That's the key element, There's a rat who's irrelevant, She's intrigued, I ain't playing in their league.
Read the Word for yourself, Feed the world for more health, I'm talking biblical immunity, The earth is a spiritual community, They won't tell you that, Pray you don't sell that, So many doctrines and school of thought, Auctioned rules is the new clout.
I plead the blood, I got it from the mud, That's why they show no love, Folks see the light, Try to yoke me in the night, In Christ I broke every chain, Grain of rice soaked in heavy rain, Free of the ego, Break the key to evil, Salvation is for all people.
Been real since day one, Behind the scenes since I prayed that psalm, The actors pretend like they ain't blind, The factors attracts those with bad mind, Even in the laughter you can't have my shine, Folks scatter when they see your grind.
There's a way to the Kingdom, I care so I pray that you don't get sitcomed, Stop lying and you will see the world stop crying, Jesus is the Saviour, The lease is up do you have favour, The beast come in all flavors, Peace to my neighbor.
Ain't no switching, If it's too hot get out the kitchen, We praying not wishing, Won't bow down to the beast at all costs, They made a vow now to destroy peace at all costs, Holy spirit is crucial to have, They fear it cause they know I'm on one path.
If you blind to the fable you will sign to the label, That could be any art, That could be any heart, You got to be self made, You got to be health paid, I don't get it. I don't let it, Why cuss to get a point across, You gon turn to the dust in the moss.
My blood boils when I see or hear evil, Their love is coiled cause they have to flee in fear of the ego is Free your mind from the chains of psychology, The key to the grind is to abstain from the world's ideology, Actions count The sanctions will mount.
If you love God with all your heart then the dove's mark will make you start, No more bench play, The core is wrench pray, Going in on the opponent, Glowing in on the atonement, The light of the holy spirit, Even in the night I don't fear it.
Anybody can say God but are you able to say Jesus, Everybody needs to pray with the heart cause the cable is trying to seize us, Practice righteousness at all times, The cactus of idleness happens when you waste time, Ain't no actors you got to face time.
The power of the wise will destroy the hour of the lies, The cowards gon see their demise, Anybody on that evil tip, Illuminati wants that equal grip, Stop playing games with your eternity, Start praying the name not no entity, Jesus saves, Reef us waves.🌊
Only put The Most High as above, Don't get in a rut because the sky is the dove, Don't make anybody feel like a god, Don't take Illuminati's seal to your heart, If you want to be wicked we can't kick it, I was left alone cause I'm the rose in the stone.
You need to know what's happening not the news, You need to grow cause they laughing it about the dues, I owe you nothing but love, The glow got them fronting cause of the dove, This is for the earth, You need the rebirth, You must see your worth.
We all going thru something, We call on the knowing on who ain't stunting, Jesus exactly, The world needs us intactly, I mean the Body of Christ, Behind the scenes Illuminati don't want you to have rights, Stay awake, Pray they can't take.
The light within you can't have it, The night of sin is gon be havoc, Be right within cause out here is the savage, The sight of sin got folks living lavish, The flight of win comes with no baggage, The game can't win cause the dough is packaged.
I'm not in collusion with this illusion, God is not the author of confusion, my Heart is the water when the sun cruising, The start of a martyr is the love fusing, 10 commandments, Can't bend the advancements, We're at a fault, The game locked in the vault.
Salvation is the highest concern in this world, Every nation's highest concern is the Word, The actions is in full effect but it is infused by the Word. The fraction is in bull collect but is confused by the third, Don't get faked, Don't get caked.
The world's core is ice cold, The Word is more than the price of gold, That's crazy cause the solar blazing, They swayze cause the polar is fading, This is for any folk who can't handle the light, That yoke got them with a candle in the night.
Excuse my demeanor, My energy fly cleaner, By enemy getting greener, I ain't no freshman I'm like a senior, The more love they get meaner, The dove been x-ray'd by the screener, Stay in peace cause society is 6, The beast got the world as a tweener.
Faithful servant, Hateful serpent, They asking all kind of questions, I ain't crashing the grind for fake blessings, Workers of ,Lurkers of iniquity, The light shines everywhere, The night blinds everywhere, Only if the world really cared.
Made Jesus my Saviour, Now they can't freeze my favor, Love thy neighbor. Doves fly in the labor, If it's made up then it's gon be vapor, Working out my salvation through fear trembling, They lurking out for the ancient through the gear of gambling.
There's no play thing with salvation, Please pray for every nation, Your portion comes from no abortion, Faith produces substance, Being saved destroys the trance, God is love. The heart is dove'd, We got to face the suffering, and You can't erase the offering.
Each moment the system is being updated, They can't own it cause the wisdom is sun rated, My soul belongs to only God, The world stole the free songs to the only God, They ignore you but got their eyes on you, You in the door cause the truth is wise on you.
Do you still have the fire of faith's compassion, Will you be saved from the wire of subtraction, Love of many waxing cold, The dove is sold for a penny taxing gold, It's not rainbows and lollipop, Don't let it rot cause the pain glows in the rain drop.
I need that spiritual strength, I need that biblical drank, Talking about the cup of suffering, Headed to the altar with my offering, We all need God, The seed is in the heart, Scan the alabaster of the holy spirit, The plans is faster for folk who hear it.
Harmony, Babylon ain't charming me, They buried the tune, Strawberry moon, I want to hear psalms, You can't taunt me with fear of bombs, You better add a dot com., Life ain't a sitcom, Takeover, Be awake sober, The fake know game over.
Please don't let the world fool you, Peace cause the Word will school you, Eternity awaits, Serenity is the fate, Everlasting in love, Ain't no casting out the dove, We need repentance and Jesus, All these inventions can't deceive us.
I don't care how spiritual, religious, enlightened or woke you are. The world is scared cause life is biblical in glitches, in the night that was spoke of the true star, Renew your mind and heart, Stay true and kind in God.
Woke up with the birds, They spoke up with no words, Folks can't stand the glow, The yoke can't plant the snow, Free of the fear, Decree the year, Degree don't make you clear, Keep the faith, It's deep when you saved, Endure to defeat the grave.
The world is being destroyed brick by brick, The Word is being restored click by click, Ain't nothing cool about sin, Ain't fronting no fool about to win, Society is tapped out and capped out, Obliteration is next, Standing ovation for the best.
The mission will be accomplished, The vision got them astonished, You can't stop nothing, You can stop fronting, Friends turned to foes, The trends burn with woes, Don't boot the dregs in one gasket, Don't put your eggs in one basket.
You shall reap if you don't faint, You shall keep if you don't taint, Different faces, I'm shifting the spaces, It's a waste of time, The skit of race is a crime, Copy and paste, They want to stop me cause of the grace, Drop the ego, Stop the evil.
Vibration raising up, Every nation is mason'd up, If you think you're slick then you're gon blink with the click, I don't know what's the obsession to keep the world in oppression, The higher ups of any race want to poison your cup of grace.
Salvation is real, Every nation needs to heal, So many prophecies need to come to pass, So plenty odysseys plead from the cast, Love will take you to eternal glory, The dove will make you see your journaled story, Thank God for breath, Don't fear death.
The power you carry is why the flower they can't marry, Rose in the stone. The world is froze by the zone, There's no game in this reality, There's no name above The Almighty, Under Jesus can you be saved, Thunder can't freeze us if you defeat the grave.
If you can't accept the truth just say so, God's plans don't consent to fake souls, The rules get rowdy if you light up the idol, Illuminati didn't write the Bible, Shook cause God has the title, Believing in Jesus is vital, Body of Christ is the bridal.
When you are protected don't matter how they're connected, We're fighting celestial powers, We're fighting extraterrestrial powers, It could be a nukestorm and folks still gon be lukewarm, It's either God or the world, The ether of the heart in the Word.
Right element I remember, The light is relevant for September, Pay them no mind whoever it is, Pray for the blind whoever it is, Don't let folks play you, Don't let folks slay you, Let go of the grudges and smudges, Pure soul cause of the judges.
New paradigm, True air of time, Danger zone, Strangers of clone, Angelsknown, God is love, The heart ain't cuffed, Look closely, They book mostly, They got a deal for everyone, You got to keep it real with everyone, How long. Just got to be strong.