Lonely, I can feel the loneliness now
What a shame on us
Killing us fastly
Such a life
God, please look down on us
Teach us what to do next
I’m lonely
Everything makes me sad
Drag me to the darkness
Into the dark will see the path
Can not see nothing but the cold
In our hearts
Hungriness told me nothing but the lessons
Is this everything will be a help to me in the end
What is the end, is the death?
What is death?
Is it a life like this
Does this ever or never have an end?
Please Lord show me the way to the road
I’m lonely, I’m lonely
We’re lonely and alone in this tiny room of ourselves
Thinking and doing, going to the upside of the mountain
Feels like now is the time for everything
To stop all of this bullshit
Heart & Life makes me alone & Lonely