Maddox Kelley has a crush on new student, Jack Meadows. The moment he enters her classroom, her universe turns upside down. She will do anything to capture his attention. He starts hanging around at her house, giving her the impression that he's in love with her. But he's there to see someone else.
In a world dominated by technology, the Schmidt family, led by teenager Evelyn, must confront a technological threat that puts humanity at risk. Evelyn is given Eve-Bot, a robotic assistant designed to help her with her projects, but things take a dark turn when a virus called EDSN unleashes an uprising of machines. They soon discover that the threat comes from their own neighbours, who work for Edison Corp, a corporation with a sinister plan: to use technology to enslave humanity.
Love, kindness and respect, The dove minus the insect, I'mfrom a different paradigm, I shifted the air of time, I know they don't careabout mine, They stare cause you like the sunshine, No matter where, Why bescared, I know God is there.
Wisdom is a peace factor. The system is a beast tracker,Where is the world headed, Why is the Word dreaded, Biblical I mean, Spiritualmy hands is clean, Enlightenment ain't nothing new, Salvation is the onlytruth, Stay away the mob. Pray away the bob.
Tap into your prime, They want you napped in grime, Thisreality will end soon, They still mad at me cause I won't bend to the moon,Folks fate leaping, Folks gatekeeping, Folks hate weeping, Folks bait reaping,I don't seek glory, You can't leak my story.
Wherever you from, lemons and limes, Come to grips with thedimes, Bumped my head a lot of times, They say I'm scum cause they dread myprime, I paint a picture, I don't faint in the scriptures, My soul ain't taintthe grace is richer.
Walk in your purpose, Talk with more purpose, World War IIIis inevitable, The Word is ethical, Life saving verses, Life is graving thecurses, Covid shocked the world, EMP attack is gon rock the world, Guard yourheart, It's hard but trust God.
Salvation is critical, Every nation is biblical, Don't trusta soul, Won't crush my soul, Wow that's disheartening, They took a vow to riskthe bottom pit, They waiting for you cause they hating on you, You on the list,The world is in the mist.
Folks say time is money, I say lime is honey, Work hard inlabor, Love thy neighbor, Educate your mind, Elevate your grind, The light youcarry is the reason in the night they want you buried, Hold your head up,People get cold because they dread your dove.
If I didn't love people then I wouldn't be trying to freeyou of the ego, Return to your heart, Discern the drought, You can't milk theclock, You can't silk the rock, So many inventions, Not enough repentance,Don't grow faint, Glow in the paint.
If you have the holy spirit then folks have a tendency tohave monitoring spirits, Keep watch cause the plans are in the lodge, Places ofworship hide the baphomet, Spaces of service hide the sacrament, The world isheld by glue, If only they knew.
The light causes folks to go haywire, The night causes yokesin the clay fire, You got to crawl before you fly, They want to brawl cause youcan't die, Not saying you won't leave this world, Just saying you have eternallife in the Word.
To get ahead in life you have to get rid of the dead in yourlife, The potential is what they dread in your life, Understand that God is incontrol, The thunder of the land talks to your heart and soul, Etherize theskies when evil rise.
Seem like only salvation is not a scheme, They deem the pikeonly in every nation for the dream, I'm talking to all, I'm not walking tofall, They blocking the world from the call, I ain't hating, I just don't playwith satan, Society is blatant.
The truth is right in your heart, The proof is the light inyour heart, You won't catch me lacking, You'll catch me stacking, The Word ofGod is the bread, The world is hard cause it's dead, The life you feel is theholy spirit, Keep it real they fear it.
I refuse to be in the game, I'm the type to diffuse thegame, Society chose the game, The game reloaded, The game decoded, The gameeroded. I ain't playing no game, I ain't praying for the game, I'm slaying thegame, Watching the decaying of the game.
Pray that you are sealed, Stay away from the deal, You can'tdecay if you're real, This ain't a wrestling clash, The saints is the excellentmatch, I ain't in denial. That's why I walk in the aisle, Every soul is onfile, Heaven on speed dial.
I'm organic not fake, I don't panic when I see the stake,They turn manic when you live for the make, New version, They knew theperversion, Truth is immersion, Rip apart the veil, They tip the heart for asale, You can't skip the dark for the grail.
Soak in silence, Woke in violence, I don't condone suchacts, They cloned your favorite acts, Underground chambers, Thunder of sound inaimers, God is love and a consuming fire, The heart is a dove in the sunblooming choir No pagan, No bacon.
The world been finished a long time ago, The Word beenimaged a long time ago, Certain things will happen to fool you, Certain kingswill be sapping to rule you, Be on guard, Gon be hard. The don is a fraud, Onlyone God, Jesus destroyed the joker card.
Only ones who knew how I grew seen the wings when I flew,They trying to milk the stew, Folks wearing silk for the brew, Why nobody in mycrew, Purge gon have many in slew, Merge with what the wind blew, God lovesyou.
Salvation is for the world, Every nation needs the Word,There's already a power infrastructure in place, There's already a hour of inthe puncture of space, Persecution is on different levels by different devils.
Many are hiding codes to the realm, Every penny is guidingthe gold of the chem, What's the equation, What's the invasion, They forsakeyou when they can't fake you, Know God within. The glow of the heart issifting, It start with the earth shifting.
I'm underestimated, They wonder why I bless the hatred, Thegame is flagrant, The fame attract agents, Corrupt minds, Abrupt signs Societyrejects the light, Society regrets the night, Folks see your glow, But yourpain they don't know, In the rain I grow.
Live up to your dreams, Don't give up on your dreams, You'reresponsible for your actions, The impossible is not a caption, Do what Godassigned you, True heart is not blind to the new, Silence with no fear got themdoing evil, Balance by not having ego.
Heaven's tea for energy, Celebrities work for the entities,Clouded judgement, Shrouded in a hundred, Tell the Pope what they looking forin them telescopes, I'm not trying to live luxurious, Folks dying notorious,I'mma lion in the glorious.
Bread winner, Could've been a dead sinner, Thank God for themercy, I know it's hard when they try to curse me, I can beat the odds of anywho want to verse me, You can't flex me, You can't next me, Watch how youaddress me, You gon see the best me.
News flash if you ain't got the juice then they want toclash, Be on alert, We all been thru hurt, I ain't talking subliminally, Iain't walking criminally, The holy spirit is the energy of peace, Society fearit cause you know the enemy is the beast.
You ain't striking terror in my heart, I ain't liking theerror from the start, How do you claim love but want to hurt the dove, How doyou claim peace but walk with the beast, There's a lot flames in the streetscause of the world's lease.
You know I don't play, Read the Word and pray, I heard themall say they want me slayed, We came from the clay, Thank God for the day, Theworld is tv gray, In her pearl I see the sun ray, For our soul Jesus was theone to pay, Nobody is here to stay.
Make a decision, Can't fake precision, God or the devil,It's hard on the level, They ain't both sides, Won't take an oath to hide,Prosper and conduct yourself in a great manner, The roster will erupt when theworld hate the banner.
When I'm around it's crickets, To go underground you needtickets, To go out of bounds you need the secrets, Energy clean, The enemybehind the scene, Folk made a covenant for evil cause they loving it by theego, Make new space, Ain't fake true grace.
Nothing can stop your destiny except you, They fronting tostop the best in me but they ain't true, They watching cause you slay theauction, In your energy folk move with caution, The saints are still marching,Unstained stars that's not dodging.
I spit fire, With my grit I won't retire, Took that hit andI still inspire, So many blows only God knows, Society is lost, The truthcosts, The world in the moss. The Word destroying the frost, No blame, No game,Jesus is the name.
Orchestrated the verse, Orchards dated the curse, Pray forcompassion and mercy, Don't play with satisfaction when they verse me, My namerecorded in heaven, The game reordered in leaven. Just imagine, Folk bust thejamming, Don't trust the world in famine.
I'm at the heart again, The holy spirit is my guardian, Theyfear it cause the Red Sea being part again, Exodus for the believers, Exit thetrust of deceivers, Old proverb, The soul's sovereign, Did you forget, To levelup it's more sweat, Been real no bet.
New lightcodes, New nightmodes, My time Olympic, My primeunlimit, Redemption no exemption, What's your intention, Either you walk rightor that reaper gon talk might, 15 minutes of fame to be crucified by the game,Lack of knowledge, Back to the promise.
Flesh heart, Fresh start, You talking about the evidence offray, How about repentance and pray, The devil uses the sentence to slay, Readbetween the lines, Take heed of the signs, Breaking news history is hidden,They making fools in the misery of bidding.
This ain't 64 bits, This is thanks when they blitz the soulyou got grit, She kissed the rose to make time sit, They missed what God chosecause they ain't legit, They sixed the gold so you can quit, The kicks of moldgot them in a skit.
See the difference in the greetings, See the difference inthe meetings, The construction of function, Their intent ain't real, If youcare repent to heal Been enlightened, Wasn't frightened, My intuitionheightened, My energy got that lightning.
How crucial when you can't be on neutral, Time is not on thehigher ups side, My prime is unlocked cause love is my guide, You can't createa heaven on this earth, The truth don't relate to the leaven of birth, Keeplove in the heart cause it ain't made up.
The truth is pleased with no ego, You got to cease from thefoe evil, Bank notes, We don't thank goats, Praise the Lamb, Grace is the jam,Grooving to salvation, It's moving in every nation, Fight the temptation, Youare the light of creation.
See from the heart, We were free in the start, The ego is adisease, The evil needs to be ceased, The world's people have increased, TheWord is illegal in grease, Walking thru the flames like a prodigy, Talking truethe game is my psychology.
Eyes on me like the sun watching the earth, The wise don'trun when the gun is cautioned on the turf, It's not a joke, The world beenwoke, The Word been soaked, Baptized in salvation, Act right in every nation,They attack the light cause you're ancient.
My mind ain't on the magic, The kind loves thru the havoc,The signs of the world show the tragic, Holy spirit is the embodiment of God'sheart, They fear it cause the environment destroys the dark, Light covers theuniverse, At night they cover the curse.
Immortal Word, Portals in the world, I learn not to judgewhat I don't know, I don't burn with a grudge to all souls, The fruit of stars,The root of scars, If you were destined by God, Then you will be invested inGod, Royal flush, Loyal trust.
Love, kindness and respect, The dove minus the insect, I'm from a different paradigm, I shifted the air of time, I know they don't care about mine, They stare cause you like the sunshine, No matter where, Why be scared, I know God is there.
Wisdom is a peace factor. The system is a beast tracker, Where is the world headed, Why is the Word dreaded, Biblical I mean, Spiritual my hands is clean, Enlightenment ain't nothing new, Salvation is the only truth, Stay away the mob. Pray away the bob.
Tap into your prime, They want you napped in grime, This reality will end soon, They still mad at me cause I won't bend to the moon, Folks fate leaping, Folks gatekeeping, Folks hate weeping, Folks bait reaping, I don't seek glory, You can't leak my story.
Wherever you from, lemons and limes, Come to grips with the dimes, Bumped my head a lot of times, They say I'm scum cause they dread my prime, I paint a picture, I don't faint in the scriptures, My soul ain't taint the grace is richer.
Walk in your purpose, Talk with more purpose, World War III is inevitable, The Word is ethical, Life saving verses, Life is graving the curses, Covid shocked the world, EMP attack is gon rock the world, Guard your heart, It's hard but trust God.
Salvation is critical, Every nation is biblical, Don't trust a soul, Won't crush my soul, Wow that's disheartening, They took a vow to risk the bottom pit, They waiting for you cause they hating on you, You on the list, The world is in the mist.
Folks say time is money, I say lime is honey, Work hard in labor, Love thy neighbor, Educate your mind, Elevate your grind, The light you carry is the reason in the night they want you buried, Hold your head up, People get cold because they dread your dove.
If I didn't love people then I wouldn't be trying to free you of the ego, Return to your heart, Discern the drought, You can't milk the clock, You can't silk the rock, So many inventions, Not enough repentance, Don't grow faint, Glow in the paint.
If you have the holy spirit then folks have a tendency to have monitoring spirits, Keep watch cause the plans are in the lodge, Places of worship hide the baphomet, Spaces of service hide the sacrament, The world is held by glue, If only they knew.
The light causes folks to go haywire, The night causes yokes in the clay fire, You got to crawl before you fly, They want to brawl cause you can't die, Not saying you won't leave this world, Just saying you have eternal life in the Word.
To get ahead in life you have to get rid of the dead in your life, The potential is what they dread in your life, Understand that God is in control, The thunder of the land talks to your heart and soul, Etherize the skies when evil rise.
Seem like only salvation is not a scheme, They deem the pike only in every nation for the dream, I'm talking to all, I'm not walking to fall, They blocking the world from the call, I ain't hating, I just don't play with satan, Society is blatant.
The truth is right in your heart, The proof is the light in your heart, You won't catch me lacking, You'll catch me stacking, The Word of God is the bread, The world is hard cause it's dead, The life you feel is the holy spirit, Keep it real they fear it.
I refuse to be in the game, I'm the type to diffuse the game, Society chose the game, The game reloaded, The game decoded, The game eroded. I ain't playing no game, I ain't praying for the game, I'm slaying the game, Watching the decaying of the game.
Pray that you are sealed, Stay away from the deal, You can't decay if you're real, This ain't a wrestling clash, The saints is the excellent match, I ain't in denial. That's why I walk in the aisle, Every soul is on file, Heaven on speed dial.
I'm organic not fake, I don't panic when I see the stake, They turn manic when you live for the make, New version, They knew the perversion, Truth is immersion, Rip apart the veil, They tip the heart for a sale, You can't skip the dark for the grail.
Soak in silence, Woke in violence, I don't condone such acts, They cloned your favorite acts, Underground chambers, Thunder of sound in aimers, God is love and a consuming fire, The heart is a dove in the sun blooming choir No pagan, No bacon.
The world been finished a long time ago, The Word been imaged a long time ago, Certain things will happen to fool you, Certain kings will be sapping to rule you, Be on guard, Gon be hard. The don is a fraud, Only one God, Jesus destroyed the joker card.
Only ones who knew how I grew seen the wings when I flew, They trying to milk the stew, Folks wearing silk for the brew, Why nobody in my crew, Purge gon have many in slew, Merge with what the wind blew, God loves you.
Salvation is for the world, Every nation needs the Word, There's already a power infrastructure in place, There's already a hour of in the puncture of space, Persecution is on different levels by different devils.
Many are hiding codes to the realm, Every penny is guiding the gold of the chem, What's the equation, What's the invasion, They forsake you when they can't fake you, Know God within. The glow of the heart is sifting, It start with the earth shifting.
I'm underestimated, They wonder why I bless the hatred, The game is flagrant, The fame attract agents, Corrupt minds, Abrupt signs Society rejects the light, Society regrets the night, Folks see your glow, But your pain they don't know, In the rain I grow.
Live up to your dreams, Don't give up on your dreams, You're responsible for your actions, The impossible is not a caption, Do what God assigned you, True heart is not blind to the new, Silence with no fear got them doing evil, Balance by not having ego.
Heaven's tea for energy, Celebrities work for the entities, Clouded judgement, Shrouded in a hundred, Tell the Pope what they looking for in them telescopes, I'm not trying to live luxurious, Folks dying notorious, I'mma lion in the glorious.
Bread winner, Could've been a dead sinner, Thank God for the mercy, I know it's hard when they try to curse me, I can beat the odds of any who want to verse me, You can't flex me, You can't next me, Watch how you address me, You gon see the best me.
News flash if you ain't got the juice then they want to clash, Be on alert, We all been thru hurt, I ain't talking subliminally, I ain't walking criminally, The holy spirit is the energy of peace, Society fear it cause you know the enemy is the beast.
You ain't striking terror in my heart, I ain't liking the error from the start, How do you claim love but want to hurt the dove, How do you claim peace but walk with the beast, There's a lot flames in the streets cause of the world's lease.
You know I don't play, Read the Word and pray, I heard them all say they want me slayed, We came from the clay, Thank God for the day, The world is tv gray, In her pearl I see the sun ray, For our soul Jesus was the one to pay, Nobody is here to stay.
Make a decision, Can't fake precision, God or the devil, It's hard on the level, They ain't both sides, Won't take an oath to hide, Prosper and conduct yourself in a great manner, The roster will erupt when the world hate the banner.
When I'm around it's crickets, To go underground you need tickets, To go out of bounds you need the secrets, Energy clean, The enemy behind the scene, Folk made a covenant for evil cause they loving it by the ego, Make new space, Ain't fake true grace.
Nothing can stop your destiny except you, They fronting to stop the best in me but they ain't true, They watching cause you slay the auction, In your energy folk move with caution, The saints are still marching, Unstained stars that's not dodging.
I spit fire, With my grit I won't retire, Took that hit and I still inspire, So many blows only God knows, Society is lost, The truth costs, The world in the moss. The Word destroying the frost, No blame, No game, Jesus is the name.
Orchestrated the verse, Orchards dated the curse, Pray for compassion and mercy, Don't play with satisfaction when they verse me, My name recorded in heaven, The game reordered in leaven. Just imagine, Folk bust the jamming, Don't trust the world in famine.
I'm at the heart again, The holy spirit is my guardian, They fear it cause the Red Sea being part again, Exodus for the believers, Exit the trust of deceivers, Old proverb, The soul's sovereign, Did you forget, To level up it's more sweat, Been real no bet.
New lightcodes, New nightmodes, My time Olympic, My prime unlimit, Redemption no exemption, What's your intention, Either you walk right or that reaper gon talk might, 15 minutes of fame to be crucified by the game, Lack of knowledge, Back to the promise.
Flesh heart, Fresh start, You talking about the evidence of fray, How about repentance and pray, The devil uses the sentence to slay, Read between the lines, Take heed of the signs, Breaking news history is hidden, They making fools in the misery of bidding.
This ain't 64 bits, This is thanks when they blitz the soul you got grit, She kissed the rose to make time sit, They missed what God chose cause they ain't legit, They sixed the gold so you can quit, The kicks of mold got them in a skit.
See the difference in the greetings, See the difference in the meetings, The construction of function, Their intent ain't real, If you care repent to heal Been enlightened, Wasn't frightened, My intuition heightened, My energy got that lightning.
How crucial when you can't be on neutral, Time is not on the higher ups side, My prime is unlocked cause love is my guide, You can't create a heaven on this earth, The truth don't relate to the leaven of birth, Keep love in the heart cause it ain't made up.
The truth is pleased with no ego, You got to cease from the foe evil, Bank notes, We don't thank goats, Praise the Lamb, Grace is the jam, Grooving to salvation, It's moving in every nation, Fight the temptation, You are the light of creation.
See from the heart, We were free in the start, The ego is a disease, The evil needs to be ceased, The world's people have increased, The Word is illegal in grease, Walking thru the flames like a prodigy, Talking true the game is my psychology.
Eyes on me like the sun watching the earth, The wise don't run when the gun is cautioned on the turf, It's not a joke, The world been woke, The Word been soaked, Baptized in salvation, Act right in every nation, They attack the light cause you're ancient.
My mind ain't on the magic, The kind loves thru the havoc, The signs of the world show the tragic, Holy spirit is the embodiment of God's heart, They fear it cause the environment destroys the dark, Light covers the universe, At night they cover the curse.
Immortal Word, Portals in the world, I learn not to judge what I don't know, I don't burn with a grudge to all souls, The fruit of stars, The root of scars, If you were destined by God, Then you will be invested in God, Royal flush, Loyal trust.
The light rejoices, The night revoices, Love should be your breath, Doves don't fear no death, You have been called to victory, The truth's staff is called a mystery, Everyone has their own assignment, Everyone has their own timing.
The narrow path has to deal with pharaoh’s wrath, The walk is not for the faint, The talk is for the saint, What's in your tank, Do you start by giving thanks, I'm not with the pranks, The character of society is low, 24 karats of love is how I glow.
You will prosper if you real in the roster, They hating cause I ain't faking, Diabolical fear is the adrenaline rush, It's biblical in all the tears of the Word is a medicine rush, People are intrigued, Your ego won't get you in the league.
We're on a individual basis, It's a blur the ritual spaces, The world is not special, The Word is the heart vessel, Your race or nation or religion can't save you. More grace of the ancient decision can't grave you, The path is evident for the heaven sent.
Apply the verses, Reply to the services, Deny the curses. Biblical talking to the earth, It's a miracle to make it through birth, Protect your ear gates, Connect more is what fear hates, See the love of God, Free the dove of God.
I'm going out in a blazing fire cause I ain't sowing doubt in the dazing wire, This is a revolution to bring about the resolution, God's love is restitution, Don't get it misunderstood, This ain't hollywood, Clarify it, Verify it.
Your love irritates the evil in their heart, They made up and imitate the ego in the dark, We're living in a ill society, They're giving the pill in variety, My immunity is in God, The impurity makes it hard, Peace is rare, The beast don't care.
Soaked in the verse, Broke the sin curse, People not truly awakened, The ego got them unruly faking, I'm not here to debate, I don't fear the hate, New World Order is masonic, Only a few with the Word of mortar with the tonic.
I don't take no credit cause I know God really said it, Holy spirit got them dreaded, The game gon be shredded, Raise your vibration, Grace your hydration, The powers that be don't know the flowers can see, Keep your heart right, It start in the night.
Been on that vision, Seen all that switching, The world is ending, The Word is trending, I ain't trying to be cool in a world that's cruel, Turmoil. Worm oil, I don't play with no initiation, I pray I'm real no imitation, They pay a fee for invitation.
Better go hard, The weather is in God, Major changes are coming, Got my pager cause the strangers are being summoned, Be still in God, Do the will of God, People waiting on dates, Egos hating the gates. Make use of time, Don't take the juice of crime.
Christ really came, Their price is really fame, Power is what the higher ups require, Unknown hour is what the flyer ups rewire, People act like you're insignificant but their ego sees the light of the beneficent, Stay in God, You were made in God.
Keep your faith in Christ, When you're saved you have rights, See through the glitches, We gon see who switches, Are you growing crowned or slowing drowned, Each round folk leech the sound, My energy is powerful, No enemy can tell when the hour is full.
Let grace kiss you, Race is not the issue, Sin is the root of all suffering, To win what are you truly offering, I'm not making any excuses for evil, I'm not faking any diffuses for the ego, It's crucial to be in the holy spirit, Ain't neutral they fear it.
Either you love God or you don't, That ether got the dove's heart saying no you won't, Foes ain't my kin, Them woes can't win, Staying quiet, They praying for a riot, They slaying for a diet, You can't hide from yourself, The saint's guide with more help.
Some people got peace within, Some people got the beast within, There's no bridging the gap, Keep it Christian no cap, I'm from the school of mastering the heart, Where I'm from you a fool if you're pasteurizing the dark, Organic light, Panic in the night.
I just want to be in the heavenly abode, I must live by the biblical code It's spiritual when you see the crossroad, It's a miracle I still ain't lost gold, The world gon in the moss cold, The Word is deeper than any fossil, We all need the Gospel.
They don't see the blood, sweat and tears, They just want to see your love vexed with fears, Why you flexed cause the truth is a test, So many fake claims, So many pulse flames, The enemy is busy, My energy is grizzy, Grace in my inner space.
I'm not who you expect me to be, I'm who God respect me to be, If you showing love it's going to be snowing doves, Keep your heart fresh, It's deep when the pod is threshed, It shows who lacks knowledge, The glow is not a act only to God homage.
Risen from the clay, Listen when you pray, They leave out the minor details, The thief is out in the finer retails, Know the end game. Glow in the brand name, Talking about Christ, Walking on spice. Fire lingo, This is choir not bingo.
Renew your mind, Rewind the grind, You know what you must do to level up, You know what they must do to devil up, That could be anybody, Hollywood ain't for anybody, They can't ban the holy spirit, The world in a clan because they fear it.
Second coming, Ain't no more running, Folk begging to summon, There's no rebuild mode, Where's the refill code, The systems think they gon be infinitely unstopped, The wisdom shrinks the one who definitely is sun dropped, Repent before the world is copped.
Lift up the bowed heads, The gift of the now is what folk dread, As if they didn't take a vow to have you dead, Sift thru the flour cause the game ain't wow, The shift gon have the world asking how, Money drift in crypto check the Dow.
Continue in faith, You're on the menu if you are saved, They can't offend you if you don't fear the grave, Have no worries, The staff makes the snow flurries, If you grow weary the world will seem scary, Lift up the buried cause the game is in a hurry.
You will prosper if you real in the roster, They hating cause I ain't faking, Diabolical fear is the adrenaline rush, It's biblical in all the tears of the Word is a medicine rush, People are intrigued, Your ego won't get you in the league.
When you disobey God then you will disarray your heart, Choose the connection, Don't lose correction, Stay true to love, Only a few have the dove, Stop playing with the enemy, Start praying for the energy, Peace in salvation, The beast is in every nation.
The past is night, tomorrow is out of sight and today is to get it right, They cast the light cause they follow the kite of the prey of might, Focus on the now, The hocus is their vow, Not talking flesh, I'm walking blessed, They mix error, Fix the terror.
Drafted as the first pick in the Lamb's Book of Life, Crafted is how sick they cook life, You need the link, The seed won't sink, Check for the expiration date, Check for the restoration fate, Keep your energy on your level, Peep the enemy the devil.
2 grateful to be hateful, Righteous indignation, Society is lifeless initiation, Don't let energy destroyers touch you, The loan makes you forget the restorers of truth, You don't run the show, You won't shun the glow, Production even in obstruction.
Everybody is different even in a group, Everybody is gifted if you breathing in the truth, The real light is the holy spirit, The healed might cause they fear it, You don't know what soul is behind the facial, Only God know the kind and graceful.
Dream keeper of blessings, Grim reaper of blessings, God knows your heart, God grows your heart, They can't slow you down, Pray you glow with the crown, It's a set up. Better get up, The protocol is on the table, The so called wiz on cable.
Ain't no soul I dread, Ain't no gold I thread, Make sure your screws are tight, They knew we were the light, Everything in the universe has a language, God will curse the plans of wish, Prayer is what's required, Jesus is the Saviour of the choir.
Keep your moves on hush mode, It's deep cause the grooves is on crush mode, Only the believers got the power to tread on serpent, Only the deceivers in the hour dread the serpent, Keep growing in your heart, Keep glowing in the dark, Christ paid the price.
Spiritually richer thru biblical scriptures, Ignorance is not bliss, Innocence is blitzed, I know you want to make the bed rock but please stop having seeds out of wedlock, Economy and astronomy is mixed, God found me why they trying me now they sixed.
Be blameless and unstained, Don't be flameless in the sun's rain, They don't want you to prosper cause they know you're on God's roster, Only one person said I would be beautiful, Only one person said I was biblical, Be one with the miracle.
Heart light the way. Start right today, Thru the storm and sunshine, Been knew I would transform in one mind, Glory to The Highest which is God, The story is the brightest even when it's hard, They don't get you so they want to forget you.
It's an ill effect. Their plans is thrill reject, Talking about the secret societies of all nations, Walking with no doubt they ain't no secret inside of me in salvation, Purge out the leaven, Merge out the leaven, Distractions, These captions.
I got a low tolerance for evil, Folk got a snow obelisk for the ego, You're weird if you knowingly being wicked, No fear of the glowingly fleeing mimic, Sisters and brothers tell the exact truth by the root, The world is temporary, Always God in memory.
In my devotionals I get emotional, Healing from the programming, Dealing with the soul famine, Been a long journey, Seen the wrong sternly, Still growing in the Lord, Real knowing in the Lord, They left me with the possum, They left me cause God is awesome.
Prayer of a servant in God, Gators trying to serpent my heart, Haters lurking in the dark, They thought I was down for the knockout, I bought the town for the clockout, Meaning my glow covers the city, Folks scheming cause her soul is a lover with me.
We ain't seen nothing yet, They say we ain't been nothing yet, Just false talk, It's a must for the pulse walk, Who cares if earth gets destroyed, They had stock shares of your birth no decoy, Don't think you're exempt, Hour of trial don't be in contempt.
Remove the cobwebs, I don't approve of the mob debts, What matters is making sure everyone has basic necessities by God's standards, I don't flatter the faking cause that can't cure everyone in adversities of the hearts slandered.
You are loved, I knew the star is a dove, Outpouring of peace, No mourning for the beast, Fruits and juice in the rising, The truth is not in the news ain't surprising, I don't do the french toast, I won't let you quench the holy ghost.
Stay encouraged, Pray for those who ain't switch, They slayed the ostrich, The naive pay cause of the closet witch, Hiding behind the curtain, I'm riding in the grind for certain, Lot of folks in their feelings, The heart is yoked cause you ain't healing.
Be inspired, Free sin is wired, Practice righteousness at all times, I ain't crashing in my own mind, Heart activated, It starts calculated, Jesus is immaculated, You were created in God's image, Folks blur who made it in the ark's vintage.
We all had our moments, Society turned to the opponent, Illuminati is missing the component, You can't override what's biblical, Folks can over hide what's spiritual, If you a saint you almost died but it was a miracle.
From the oak you can live without the beetle, Some folk can't live without the evil, They see you as scum cause you live with no ego, You're not in their world, You're at the stairwell, On the way to heaven, Read the psalm to remove the decay of leaven.
Study before you speak, It's muddy in the creek, I don't do the fairytale, I won't do the berry sale, Free off the land. Free all lands, Restore the earth to it's original nature, We scored the birth of the divisional greater, Combine, Calm mind.
A lot of folks thought I'd be naive with a smile all my days, Now that I broke the yoke they believe they can put me in denial in all my ways. Think again, Play with God you might not blink again, They prayed for the night that's why we couldn't link again.
If you are filled with the holy ghost why does race matter, If you are the star willed with the only most why you grace shattered, Political correct is destroying society, Biblical connect is restoring the entirety you, Salvation is victory, Rest is history.
True champion, New jamming, Everything is for a reason, Everything has it's season, Be the prodigal son, Be the radical one, I ain't talking sinning, I'm walking winning, Their style is real wild in space, The trials I faced I still smile in grace.
There's beautiful souls just lost in the matrix, There's biblical souls just lost in the matrix, You will see the miraculous power of God, You will see they attacking us in the hour of God, No matter the race. They can't shatter my grace.
Can't fold under pressure, I was told to stay fresher, The gold of the game is measured, My soul in Jesus name is treasured, I'm not here for lollipops and gum, I ain't got fear for the folly drop and the numb, Leap of faith, It's deep when you're saved.
Will you hearken unto God or will you darken your heart, Know who you are from he first shot, Glow thru the heart from the versed slot, Royal flush in the Word, The slush in the world, You can't put fear in me or intimidation, I don't hear the initiation.
Been delivered. Been in the river, Everybody can see your light, The murky water can see the night, We're frail in the flesh, There's a veil in the crest, Great falling away, They hate balling in delay, Not fearing what they slay, Not hearing what they say
The illusion is being shattered, The confusion got society scattered, We're at our wit's end, There's lack at the grit's blend, Everywhere there's a predicament, Every fear is so indicative, They want you to hear in the negative.
The time is right to prime my light, All the grime at night, All the crime at sight, Daytime is not playtime, It can't be sunshine and rainbows at every turn, They calling love lines and angels to stop the world from the burn, Salvation is my concern,
The greatness is revealed, The fakeness is the grill, I'm not from Mars or Saturn, I hear the drums from cars of the pattern, I'm a sharer of good news, They're a bearer of bad news, They try to devour your love, My power comes from the dove.
Holy spirit got me in peace, They fear it cause I don't play with the beast, I'm on a different frequency without elementary, I'm shifting what we can see cause it was meant to be, The world is infatuated with evil, The world is saturated with the ego.
Call the communion transcended, All the confusion suspended, The world is wise in evil, The Word will rise in people, They pasting time cause you can't afford to be wasting time, Minor changes for the grand scheme, Finer changes for the brand dream.
I won't get initiated into luciferianism at all costs, I won't get sin situated to marry wisdom at the cross, I gain Christ, The pain is spiced, Absorb the shockwaves, The orbs rock the graves, Egos ain't gon learn, The evil is why the earth will be burned.
I pray you have a full course meal, I don't play with the pull force of the deal, Don't pronounce the judgement before it's time, I'm on to renounce the hundred detours of our time, It's starts with the oxygen and water, The heart of halogen in a martyr.
Come from your own train of thought, Where I'm from it still rain in a drought, Anything is liable to happen, Many things is viable for capping, My main audience is the world, The pain is the heart against the Word. Take caution, They watching.
Don't get blinded by color, Won't get reminded about my collar, Ring tones for skin tones, That's how mundane society is, That vow is the sun's pain which is the priority, Salvation will give anyone a chance, Revelation will give everyone their own stance.
In my neck of the woods, They try to check me if they could, I have zero respect for hollywood, Pick up your cross, They kick up the moss, The world is still focused on race, The Word got the locusts to erase, This ain't space jam, This is grace yam.
Prayers works, The favor works, The Saviour works, Jesus Christ definitely, Peace of rights infinitely, Why they want the worst for me, Why they want the hearse for me, Why they want the curse for me, I'm still gon prosper, I'm still on the roster.
You can fake the jam, But you can't take the yam, If they can't get you rattled then they want you battled, I'm by the ocean breeze, Say bye bye to the exposing lease, The day the Lord reimburse we gon see who burst, The verse says they can't curse.
Got to be free, Resist the devil and he will flee, Folk on every level has the plea, Now they on witness protection, I pray for wisdom connection, Holy spirit verses, Only clear it with no curses, The blue ranks, Renew your strength, Be true in thanks.
Get to know God with your own heart, Let it snow hard with the sown chalk, They bet it flawed with the zone chart, I jet the glow when it's hard cause they can't clone the walk, I set the flow in the start cause they be thrown off by the talk,
I give glory to God who put me on this earth, My story been hard ever since my birth, We ain't playing with joker, We ain't praying with poker, Feeling like Samson before Delilah, I know she says I'm handsome I just can't give her my saliva.
I'm on biblical code, I'm on spiritual mode, The more I awaken the more they faking, It gets real when you ready to heal, Midnight upheaval, When you live right they offer you a cup of evil, Water of grace, Starter of space, Time wasters, Crime pasters.
I'm in a different dimension, Don't forget to mention, Who you thinking you benching, Who you think you quenching, Been in mvp mode, They been on cpr mode, Champion in my heart, Jamming in my heart, Have no fear no matter the year, The truth is so clear.
My spirit testify of God's plans, They fear it cause God blessed the sky in the heart's dance, Wherever you are the blessings will overflow, The weather of essence will always glow, Won't take what they serve in the lab, Don't take what's served in the cab.
I'm in the activating Body of Christ, Not advocating for Illuminati rights, I'm accurating the real karate in all fights, Not physical but spiritual, Try to harm me the angels is my army, No fear when my foes swarm me, Every year they can't charm me.
I write scriptures to my God above, The light is the bigger picture when you have love, My sight is getting richer when you see the dove, The night is sicker cause the beast is what it's made of, Been thru peace and torment, Felt the breeze of the torrent.
The gird ain't faded, The third been waded, The bird is traded, It's absurd the jaded, The Word is braided, The world being graded, Apply the verses of the biblical, Deny the curses of the spiritual, Salvation is most important, Every nation is distorting,
We ain't dealing with rookies, We ain't healing with cookies, Control, influence and power, Won't sell my soul cause I'm heaven sent for this hour, Opportunity in my life, Copper immunity is how I strive, Walk with authority, God's glory with tea.
I want to give God glory, honor and praise, I want to live my heart's story not a goner in phrase, Don't make any excuses, Won't break the penny cause it's useless, Love conquers all, The dove is stronger than all, Can't quench my thirst, Jesus comes first.
Living in love, I've been given the dove, Wickedness is a recipe for disaster, Vividness is the rest in peace for the mastered, God is working on you, Their heart is lurking on you, Could be anybody, Hollywood is Illuminati, The saved live by faith,
Be still dear one, Be real fear none, Who are you behind the reflection, Who are you in the grind of correction, We silence every false tongue, They got violence for every pulse that is strong, We stay balance but not in the wrong, Body as Christ as one.
Long time ago Strong time I got the gold. Wrong time I got to go, Artificial intelligence used for memory primarily, Heart is always with you cause my energy is why wisdom wants to marry me, The start of the issue is why the holy spirit carry me.
I'm striving for correction, I'm driving for perfection, Prepare for a global insurrection, Declare a global resurrection, I know there's gon be a great falling away, I glow anywhere cause I'm calling to pray, Repent and fast, I was sent to redeem the last.
Regard God the peace of glory, Point guard in mvp can't ignore me, Why be fake for your love in God. Why bake the dove for the heart, Wicked sacrifice, Do you have a ticket for heaven's rights, Put your faith in Jesus, Don't judge a book cause we need us.
Keep it clutch in reflection, So much deception, They rush for reception, Could be anyone, Hollywood thought they already won, But the victory is in Christ Jesus, Ain't no luck in our story true believers, The consuming fire, They assuming we gon retire.
How many shots you gon take, it could be alcohol or the gun, How many spots you gon fake with the pot of gold or the sun, I'm talking to anybody, I ain't walking with Illuminati, These are earth sermons, The beast birthed vermins, My peace is verse burdens.
This is bigger than race, Don't risk the trigger for grace, Meaning do what thou wilt is evil, Stop leaning on what's built for the ego, They want to shock the world, They want to rock the world, They want to lock the world, They can't block the Word.
Love thy neighbor as thyself, The dove fly thru the vapor in stealth, Behind the flesh you can't rewind the test, The veil is being torn off the rip, Folk all being sworn off the skip, Make sure you have God within, I don't fake pure the heart does listen.
Your divine inheritance is in the grind of heaven's stance, You know folks by their fruits, Only God knows the roots, Wheat and tares, The seat is there, They don't care so don't you dare, Walk in alignment with your assignment.
There's a way when you pray to be thankful for today like it's your last day, Give thanks for your heartbeat, You light up where the dark meet, Major steps are being taken to finalize the beast system, My pager reps are shaking to analyze the peace vision,
I'm living honestly. She's living modestly. Fake smiles, Cake styles, People pretending to be real but they ain't defending what's real, See how the world act when you pay them no mind, See how the Word act when you play like you're blind.
My vision like the aviator, Lion's den no gladiator, Faith of a mustard seed, Saved by the cluster of need, Salvation is top on my list, Every nation should have crop by the mist, Nourishment for all, Encouragement for all, Jesus does works no time to ball.
They try to downgrade cause the crown won't fade, From the ground I was made, Listen the sound fade, I was found in the wade, They try to hound the grade, God ain't bound by the spade, They want to pound you to get paid, Any town repent is being said,
I'm blessed up so they want me messed up, Miracles on repeat, Biblical can't be delete, Every moment is special if you let God use your vessel, Know what you're dealing with, Know what you're healing with, Repent with humility, Intent with immunity.
The light you embody is why they want to obliterate you, The night of Illuminati is why they want to humiliate you, I'm on God's side, I'm on the hearts's tide, The war is eternal, The score is in the journal, Keep striving, Keep thriving.
You got to be ten steps ahead of society, Your heart is sent to help bring back the dead in priority, Those who lost their way, I chose the cost to pray, God's calling is not for you to be balling, The enemy watching, My energy is the QB option.
Times of refreshment, My prime is being mentioned, Society wondering how, Authority thundering the law, The world got the obsession with oppression, The Word got me in a different dimension of succession, They can't blame me, They can't flame me.
We all need help, We all need health, The world is one thru God not the devil, The Word is one truth in God not the devil, Biblical got my peace like a miracle, Spiritual don't mean nothing to the beast, Salvation is not about race, Every nation need grace.
Realize the energy when you have wise eyes, The game is dry eyes, I felt tears of heart, I melt the fears in the dark, They can't play you so they want to slay you, God wants to see who choose the heart of love, God wants to see whose heart is love.
Epidemic looming soon. Energetic dooming the moon, Born again believers is activated, Worn again deceivers is aggravated, Bible ain't no comic book, Your idols don't have the atomic shook, It's vital you take a cosmic look, Christ name can't play no game.
Salvation is immaculate. Every nation is tracking it, Second coming you can't pin point, Stop begging to summon sin joint, We see the agenda. We free no pretender, Borrower now I'm the lender, I don't do return to sender, Believers are the defenders.
I'm in the Body of Christ, I don't sin for Illuminati rights, Most of the world in cults, That's why for the Word they got insults, Don't lose touch with nature, They choose to crush their neighbor, Get rid of the ego and self, They hid in evil for death.
They took my loyalty for granted, Now I'm royalty they can't understand it, Trying to scapegoat me, Trying to tape coat me, I'm unlimited, Sun got me pivoted, I ain't chasing dreams, I'm erasing the schemes, Bring the fire the world gon expire.
Feeling like 100 degrees, I ain't running God is taking care of my needs, I'm part of the flock only Jesus leads, The salt unlocked folks can't seize the seeds, Separating the flowers from the weeds, See the enemy lurking, Free my energy searching.
I ain't saying I'm the freshest, I'm just praying to the Precious, The Almighty God, The night gets hard, But I got to endure, Peace to you and yours, God gon open them doors, Surely you will have wars, We need to repent, Jesus is the only one been sent.
I claim no impression. The game has no protection, Every dimension is a new invention, The devil's connection is an ill intention, I don't play with society, I pray with variety, Hymns and scripture with solitude, Why be grim if you can't picture gratitude.
I take heed to instruction, The world been planted the seed of destruction, What God says is the end of discussion, The Gospel is the only option of salvation, The fossil is the caution of all nation Christ is the real, Don't pay the price for the deal.
Came in this world with action, In His name the Word ain't with the distraction, Talking about Christ, Walking in my rights, Given by God, Living in my heart, Folks don't want to come in contact with the holy spirit, Can't joke with combat I don't fear it.
Come correct from the connect, God's rejection is for direction, The devil is bringing great wrath to this world, The level is winging faith's staff in the Word, I diffuse the situation, They confuse the situation, Walk humble, They want you to fumble.
Her heart is glistening, I know the dark is listening, Ain't no more sneak dissing, The saints hear the war of creek hissing, Free masonry is the world's religion, Sipping on tea watching the grace in me cause the Word is envisioned.
My energy is in love, The enemy spills sin on the dove, But still clean as snow, The real scene is the glow, The world trying to destroy the Holy fusion, The Word is drying the moldy illusion, Hear the sound of the harp, They fear the ground of the drop.
Got a hundred on my energy, I ain't running from my enemy, I ain't talking bets or jets, Walk with the best in the holy spirit vest, I know life's a test, I glow in my rest, Majority speaking falsehood, The authority is seeking the crosswood, God is good.
I know the war and the tribulation, I know the score of the simulation, The world is infatuated with your spiritual belief system, The Word is graduated in the biblical relief wisdom Folks trying to bury the light and marry the night, God, carry my fight.
Biblical status, Spiritual atlas, Every knee will bow down before Jesus, Every tree will now be crowned to believers, Cedars and Junipers, Readers of the universe, Why not get it right the first time, Don't bet in the night for the worst grime.
Divinely protected, The blindly neglected, Got to restore the vision, We at war with the witches, At the core the gift is my riches, They want you with a brain implant, I got the grant of the grain in the sand, Love is my divinity, The dove is my infinity.
Love right, The dove is light, I was taught how to fight, Talking spiritually, Walking biblically, Feeling like Samson, She said I'm handsome, Won't give away my strength, I pray to give thanks, Don't fear when you see the tanks, Centralized of the banks.
It's quite disturbing how the world rejects salvation, The light is disturbing the world cause they inject all nations, I'm not trying to coexist, I'm waiting for God to blow this, If you don't want to listen then you gon feel the bite of serpents hissing.
Everyday you wake up is your chance to get right with God and receive the gift of salvation found only in Jesus Christ, The airplay is to bake you up for a trance in the night where your heart is deceived in revelation of Illuminati rights. Key to eternity.
Due diligence for our spiritual worship. New elegance for the biblical earth shift, True evidence for the miracle purchase, It's time to get deeper, Global crimes is the bet of the reaper, What's here is not for you to fear, Only God knows the day and year.
They fear the real pressure cause I don't buy into the peer pressure, I ain't lost the treasure, I seek God's pleasure, Keep a honest measure, I'm invested in salvation, I been tested by the nations, Many feeling the love, Why aren't you healing the dove.
Higher calibration, Messiah celebration, Fear the only God with your only heart, Salvation is the statement, I don't play with satan, Egotistical statistics, Holy spirit protect from the ballistics, My joy complete in the Lord, Who gets destroyed in war.
Now I'm awake they want to forsake, Go ahead, Only God I dread, Biblical text got me at my spiritual best, Allowing the holy spirit to flow thru, I ain't bowing down cause folk fear it when the glow is true, They vowing to clear it cause they know you.
I'm on the real with the brand dream, I don't deal with the grand scheme, The light is terrifying to the night, Keep it right clarifying to the sight, Biblical text inspired by the holy spirit, Pharaohical test expired cause now they fear it.
Feel the celsius, The real they can't sell to us. Live righteously, The gift of the odyssey, If it's not Jesus then what are you saying, If it's cash or visas you still not paying, Laugh now cry later, Wrath is now so try the greater, The fix is the remix.
If they were from us they would listen, The gift of myrrh from the dust should glisten, I'm talking about the golden soil, I'm walking out of the molten coil, The game been spoiled, His name is royal, Jesus Christ, It's a new season of lights.
My mission requires approval of only God, My vision is the fire that is the removal of a phony heart, Getting closer to the higher dimensions, I ain't letting them closer to the wired repentance, Are you trying to win souls or are you trying to sin souls.
Keep striving for perfection, Keep driving for protection, Do what's right to show the world true light, Don't grow weary, No soul fairy, Clean your praying lens of love, I seen folks paying cents for the dove.
The main topic on the table is the rights in Jesus, Abstain from the pocket of fables cause only Christ can increase us, God wants all to be saved by The Gospel, It's been a set up, They won't let up cause they see you will still get up, Don't bet up.
The truth is deleting the myth, Who you competing with, Love conquers all, The dove is stronger than all, The world has peace to do evil but really that ain't the case, The world has an ego to love what's illegal so they want to destroy your grace.
It's a different thing. I'm gifted with the halo wings, Can't sift me with the bling, Won't catch me with no jezebel, Can't match me with no chess or tale, Folks playing checkers with hell, The yoke is paying records with the veil, Check the mail.
My heart full of power, The start was the bull of flower, Depart from the fooling in this hour, Keep your mind focused, It's deep the blind see the locusts, Fix your demeanor, Don't mix the cleaner, Chemical spill. Biblical seal, Spiritual meal.
I'm not here to entertain folk, No fear of the center of pain in the yoke, Break the chains of bondage, Can't fake the stains of carnage, Keep your soul fresh, It's deep when your core is blessed, Do you have Jesus, Don't laugh with deceivers.
Nothing is speculation, Fronting for elevation, Stunting for revelation, Keep it real, It's deep when your heart is sealed, Your enemies come out at night, My energy come out at light, Got to make sure you act right, Endure thru the pain when the bag tight.
I'm with the builders not the realtors, Can't work with the craftsman, Catch me in the Aspen, I'm somewhere probably fasting, God's love is everlasting, The rituals is past ten, All the series is casting, Heart won't bow down, My thoughts are crowned now.
You want to live flawless not heartless, Erase the transgressions, Embrace the sand's blessing, That frankincense, Give thanks it makes sense, Don't sin and act like you all that, You won't win if you act like that, Repent and do right, The intent of light.
Holy spirit flowing thru my body, They fear it cause I ain't playing with Illuminati, The game is flawed, The tamed is thawed, Stop saying my name for blessings, Stop paying for the fame of presence, The night is heightened, The light is quite enlightened.
My energy got them shook, My enemy got them cooked, Start praying to God, Stop playing with God, At this level of resistance. The devil comes with persistence, Every heartbeat I have is the fragrance of love, Where the dark meet is the agents of blood.
Perfect peace. They worship the beast. Relaxing in the grace ocean, We asking what space is motion, Plot twist, Slot wrist, But I don't gamble, My heart got them scrambled, Won't quench my thirst, They want me benched or cursed.
Destined for greatness, Blessings for patience, God is giving you hope in Christ, The heart is living to cope with the price, What's gon be your fate, What's gon be more hate, Still some friction, Still some fiction, Jesus is the real for God's will.
My heart fly like aviation, The watt die in radiation, Do your part and save the nations, Global speech, The noble gon reach, Jesus died for all, He rose to God's call, We need salvation immediately, The need to have patience exceedingly.
Got to read the Word I'm in God's plans, Got to leave the world in God's hands, There's a drought coming, There's a doubt being summoned, Just know Jesus is the real, The glow is why they can't seize us in no deal, Talking to the globe, Walking in hope.
Blazing the trail, Masons got the veil, Guess what. Bless heart, Wake up before things get wild, Folks cake up so they can fake up your smile, Being saved is there's no power for the grave, Your soul is immaculate, Pour gold in the sacrament.
Do you have love in your heart, Truth came from above before the start, Why are you running from what is being summoned, Stop judging people, Stop dodging people, See the energy and deal with peace, The enemy knows I'm real with no beast.
Nothing is impossible to God, Glow wings is the stars of gold in your heart, Folks playing with words, The yoke slaying the birds, I ain't talking no junk, They walking skunked, This relate to the fake, They really hate the stake, Salvation is for our sake.
The medicine is not to meddle in sin, Ask God to wash your heart, Fast in the stars to launch your heart, Blossom to the butterfly, What caused the others to die, The world is temporary, The pearl is memory, Let the birds give praise, Always live in grace.
Live in grace, Don't give yourself praise, Honor and credit is due to God, Martyrs are dreaded due to their heart, The light disturbs the evil at play, The night deserves the ego to slay, Seed planted, The deed is granted, No undertakings. No more faking.
Focus on your mindset, The locust make the blind in debt, Wake up O' sleeper, Don't fake up when you see the reaper, Have no fear of any opponent, They try to smear you cause of the component, Holy spirit precisely, They know I can hear what the eyes see.
The world saying free the money, The Word I'm sipping tea with honey, They got a machine on their back, Behind the scenes is the hack, The takeover is real, The makeover is to seal, Subliminal interactions, Minerals enter in actions.
True heart, New start, Get out of the occultic world, Get in the salted Word, Once you get caught up it might be a wrap, When it counts they try to lock you up when your light is free no cap, It could be any face, Thank God I'm in heaven's grace.
What matters is Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, I don't flatter for rights in this war of labor, In front of you is the distraction, They stunt on you for wish action, But it don't faze me, They trying to daze me, Only God amaze me, The heart graced me.
Life's a test make sure I pass with flying colors, It's not about the flesh I love all skin colors, The energy you carry is more important, The enemy wants to marry the core of distortion, The war is real deep, The score is real cheap, I'm the Lord's sheep.
Don't judge someone's relationship with Jesus, Don't budge at someone's ancient grip against believers, Does anybody know the earth's history, Does Illuminati know that the earth will be history, We're all suffering, Be wise cause you could be an offering,
While you seize the moment they try to freeze the moment, This a planetary word cause salvation is for all, The cemetery is in the world cause the nations will fall, Fruits of the spirit, The roots is why they fear it, Gentle as a dove, Mental of love.
Salvation is glorified, The nations is horrified, Heaven is a smile away, The leaven is the style they pray, I'm sanctified, Satan ain't even fly, Society is down with the beast, There's a variety of crowns within peace, You're a dove of love.
The world is not divided it's just at odds with each other, The Word is not bridled it's just God to reach all the sisters and brothers, Repentance and walking in the holy spirit, I ain't a rookie or apprentice of unlocking the code to hear it.
You could save their life and they would still be trying to do evil to you right at the moment, They want to grave your light cause they on that hollywood lying with their ego at night dying to own it, Obedience to God, The ingredients of my heart.
All these movements, Where's the improvements, Only salvation in the holy spirit will make an impact, Only revelation is why folks fear it cause they can't keep their vibration intact, Virtual will be the takeover, This ain't personal it's a makeover,
Rule now get schooled later, Schooled now rule later, The body of Christ is sovereign, Illuminati sold our rights cause of God's pardon, Society is playing with forbidden science, The priority is praying forgiven of silence.
Believers in every nation, Deceivers in every nation, God's eyes are everywhere, The fraud's lies are everywhere, Speaking about the devil, I ain't weakened by the level, No heartbeat is guaranteed, Where the heart meet is the warranty.
I was born to be a generational seer, I was torn between the revelation of being freer, Now I know obedience will give you the vision crystal clear, They vow allegiance to the witching of abysmal fear, The eyes of the heart knows the lies of the dark.
Folks will see how God is moving in your life without you saying a word, The yoke is the seat of their vow proving your life is praying by the Word, Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith, Believers need the water of signature to be saved.
Don't cast your pearls before swine, Don't blast the Word before you become blind, Lack of vision cause you wouldn't take heed to the message, Have a knack to listen to the need of the precious, Issues I hadn't dealt with, They wish you knelt to the myth.
The Word is braided with truth, The world has traded the truth, Stay on your grind and pray God is on your mind, The biblical text is the final authority, The spiritual test is the final priority, Getting the soul right, They betting on the gold's light.
Principles and virtues, Invincible so they can't search you, All nations are welcome to the assembly, The ancients are seldom to the elementary, You should know God is love, This ain't hollywood where they act odd to the dove, Got that ether for the reaper.
Be ye separate cause behind the scenes the world is desperate, Could be any face that bless you or curse you, The grace of salvation is a test of truth to earth you, My heart is in right standing, My heart is in light standing, Will of God. Be still in God.
By product of love, Fly conduct of the dove, God is taking care of you, They faking like they care for you, Gain wisdom and discernment, Don't let them finesse you with the sixth of burning, Don't get fooled by the flesh, Don't get ruled by the flesh.
In alignment with the earth and heaven no new age theory, I'm on assignment since birth and the unleavened that grows in true ways is why they fear me, It could be anybody, This not that hollywood Illuminati. How do you feel, There's a vow to stop the real.
The ego is the world's flower, The evil is the world's power, Both decaying, To the goat they praying, Get your heart courageous the dark will be outrageous, Worship God in spirit and truth, Purchased by the blood of Jesus is why they fear it the proof.
I'm from a different range, They say I'm acting different cause I changed, But the truth is things are different cause the times are strange, I don't lack, I don't slack, I don't go back, I don't even react, I'm leaving intact, It ain't about the stats.
Seeing things clearly, I got my wings yearly, To God I sing dearly, Got to be innocent as a dove and bold as a lion, The ignorance ain't love cause they cold with the iron, The world knows what's going on, The Word knows what's going wrong.
Why give me my flowers if it's dead roses, Why live for sea powers if it's dead doses, Maintain a healthy diet, Abstain from heavy riot, Eat right, Treat right, Greet right, Sleep right, Exercise and you'll forever rise, Overflow love, Sober glow of dove.
Overflow of love, Sober glow of dove, The cards I was dealt I made it a royal flush, The heart's stars it was made by a loyal blush, The wind blowing her peace everywhere, Sin is going to the beast anywhere, You are engraved in God's palms and psalms.
In due time it's a new time, I've been on a hypocrite tip indirectly. I've seen heaven's grit win perfectly, Got to confess our sins, My heart won't rot in the stress of spins, Up and down, Got my cup and crown, God's love I didn't drown.
No matter the Testament, I'm on the ladder of excellent, Climbing the mountain of grace, I don't know Simon cause they doubting me in my face, But God will show them they got to respect the ether within, I pray I dissect the reaper of sin of the kin.
Product of the holy spirit, My conduct is why they fear it, They tried to bury me but she still want to marry me, God forever will carry me, To sin is like how dare me, Within ain't nothing scare me, Energy leeches, I don't listen when the enemy preaches.
I ain't camouflaged. I got ammo for the mirage, The temple is the devil in the garage, The example is the level in the lodge, The sample is no soul will I dodge, Folks get trampled in the mosh, I don't ramble cause the game is starched.
Keep the Rock closer, Peep the stock closure, Money going out of business, Honey flowing out the minutes, Trials and tribulations, There's different styles in this simulation, This is a worldwide revolution, The kiss when earth cried for restitution.
Only One on the throne. Make sure you don't get thrown, The chief cornerstone, The thief been warned about the zone, Will there be grief when the air is cloned, I got the holy spirit I ain't scared of skull and bones, Buy the truth with no loans.
I leave it all in God's hands, I believe in all of God's plans, What do you expect, The truth you don't respect, The devil is the invader, The level is the prayer, Don't flex in any situation, The next penny is the initiation, Star light, My heart right.
Tune into the higher vibration, Soon gon be that fire citation, Make sure you endure until the end, They fake the cure to ensure you won't repent, Don't let the matrix glitch you, Don't let the matrix switch you, Don't let the matrix critch you.
The glow like a guru, They know I ain't with the vodou, If you can't see what I'm saying, Give thanks cause I'm free when praying, All praises to God, All races to God. Salvation is for whoever, Every nation do better, Revelation we're in a new weather.
Can't buy the glow like playdough, Ask them are they born again, From the stem the days are sworn again, Fake persona, Fake corona, The plagues is still here, The page is still here, Formed by the clay. In the storm I pray, Even in joy, Seeing the ploy.
Let God handle business, I met my heart the candle is my witness, Melt the dark with the sandals in fitness, They jet like vandals cause of the minutes, They bet on the mantle cause the game is finished, Don't get the channel of the system.
The hour of temptation, The power of the ancient. I glow thru dark times, I know I been thru hard times, But I always been on God's time, We all have our own road to walk, They want me to ball so they can have my soul locked, No contact, No contract.
Immaculate. Dunking on the rim got me accurate, The world is muddy, The Word is study, I been thru circumstances, She's like the wind when it dances, Don't write sin on the canvas, Society trying to put you in trances, God's will don't play by chances.
Given to Moloch so my star would be locked, They were shocked when God said all this will be blocked, My potential is here, The confidential is fear, I ain't dodging no enemy, Take caution with my energy, Not playing with the beast, Praying in my peace.
I know I'm rising whenever I'm realizing, Who you think you sizing, I was built like a rock gushing out water, Do what thou wilt got them slushing the martyr, The game is a failure, My name is in prayer, God is King, There's a meaning to everything.
I came from a long distance, My name is a strong instance, I don't need to burn incense, Make it make sense, Society got selective hearing, Their priority is collective fearing, Reverence for God, Preference for the heart, Be in the light or free the night.
You acting like you know me you can't even control me, On the movie screen I see how you move behind the scene, Plagiarized but this is the age to rise, Time is beneficial when your lens have the crystal, The fire gon expose those who can expire.
Discipline, Don't rest in sin, Blessed to win, When you walking in compassion they start talking in subtraction, As your light shines with fire the night snow grinds in the wire, I ain't lost without a cause, I'd be lost without the cross.
Learn to be in silence, They burn to be in violence, This ain't fortune telling, Folks be extortion spelling, I'm on that love talk, I'm on that dove walk, Chance after chance, Trance after trance, Everything catches up, Everything matches up.
Got to be spiritually versed to literally break the curse, Abandonment and manipulation, Keep the commandments in this simulation, Workout your salvation through fear and trembling, Society lurks out through smear and overwhelming.
Perform your gift and stay out of harm's way, In the storm is a myth just got to pray out in the psalm's way, Don't focus on other people in terms of their doings, The locusts is gon burn the ego in terms of gluing, God won't forsake or let them bake you.
I'm grinding like I'm at the combine, I'm shining within cause the sun's kind, Stay away from sin, Pray everyday you win, Glory to the Highest, My story is in silence. But it's heard around the world, The Word found the pearl., Sell it not, Don't let it rot.
I'mma subconscious thinker, I'mma love conscious thinker, Be gentle as a dove and bold as a lion, Free with no rental from the gov and gold as the iron, Calculate your steps, Immaculate your reps, Resist the devil, Don't kiss Babylon on any level.
We got to reach every soul in the name of Jesus, Folks try to leech every soul in the name of believers, I don't rain dance, The pain put you in a trance, The Gospel is my one stance, Lost souls turn to be the devil's fans, Pray for salvation, Every nation.
Keep your head up high, They dread when you don't die, The bread gon make you fly, Can't live dead in the sky, They treat you like scum, But one thing I ain't gon play like I'm dumb, People out of touch with reality going numb, Time spinning, Prime winning.
Variety magnet psych the flow, Society acting like they know, I love God who can do all things, The dove of the heart got the plans due when it sings, The glow is spectacular that's why folks trying to bring in the snow with the dracula.
This ain't choreographed, Feel the warrior's wrath, Do the lawyer's math, Attorney fees, Journey on the seas, Return to the breeze, Bandwagon fans, Land bagging sands. Better wake up, If it ain't Jesus it's fake up, Straight up, Gates up.
The stars above, I cry with the rivers of love, You can't cave what's on automatic completion, The grave is on aromatic deletion, I don't hide from the enemy, I'mma ride with my energy, I ain't talking violence, I'm walking in silence, Real without a deal.
Feeling like 100 degrees, I ain't running God is taking care of my needs I'm part of the flock only Jesus leads, The salt unlocked folks can't seize the seeds, Separating the flowers from the weeds, See the enemy lurking, Free my energy searching.
They took my loyalty for granted, Now I'm royalty they can't understand it. Trying to scapegoat me, Trying to tape coat me, I'm unlimited, Sun got me pivoted, I ain't chasing dreams, I'm erasing the schemes, Bring the fire the world gon expire.
Life ain't commercial, What happened on the stake was controversial, Still got the world talking, I keep it real cause the Word is talking, Biblical glory, Miracles pouring, Spiritual foreign, We seeing the collusion, Matter fact the illusion.