I am not an extrovert and not an introvert either, how weird is that there is no such word for us middle people. I make friends openly in some places and sometimes I am not that open towards people they approach me on there own if they want.
I don't have many friends only 3 4 to whom I only talk to one of them normally and a study partner I am having for 2 months we do fun stuff every day for 15 after our study she's quiet nice tbh and I think she likes me too cause she tend to share with me about her friends and a lot and tbh I like that she tells me about stuff and I want to be a long time friends with her plssssssssssssssssssss even after we complete our 2 months study and she stops coming to my place, why I wanna stay friends cause we can share our ourselves with each other quite nicely.
I'm not feeling any better because of the certain someone who made me addict with himself and I being half innocent in the situation got trapped. I knew I had to leave him for his own good cause I by heart did not wanted to play with his feelings so I stopped my contacts with him, even though he throwed huge tantrums but I knew what was best for him and I at that time.
Guess what I did not knew that I got attached to him as well it's been five months and I still feel somethings missing from my life I can't even distract my self with other people cause I don't have that kind of people to take his place in my life and complete that part of me tbh he made me feel so many new emotions that I could not even had imaged in my life existed at that time. With him I had so much to do that I even blamed him that you get me involve with you this much that I am not able to do so many things I want to do I even managed to get myself easily come to my normal self, but not long after why I am trapped in a situation like this!!.
Know what I need more things to distract me cause other than that I am really okay with everything.
I can't tell him this now but I love you for every thing we had, the feelings and emotions you gave me and not even knowing I love you for that , I love you for being able to mange me when I was an asshole tbh you managed me like an pro, I love for making me feel special so many times that I can't even count, I love for every single effort you made to make me stay but failed miserably cause were not able to control your emotions! or did you even tried???......and I love you for being so good to me even when you were not in mood and I irritated the shit out of you every time, I Fucking love for everything and I don't and well never blame you for anything cause I know feelings like these can't be controlled.
My lover boy I can't feel any better now a days because of you my love I hope you are recovering well from me or maybe you have moved on I won't lie I need you to be moved on but I want to make a as and we with you which I can't so bloody hell I have move on from you too and you don't even know about these feelings of mine and I want to cry at the fact but it's best if don't know about that. So I well always be your well wisher, I hope you become a very strong and successful man in your life and well find the most perfect partner, who well spoil you with her love and you will have beautiful happily ever after with her.184Please respect copyright.PENANANKk8fBasuD
Lots of love from your snowman.
My Loverboy [ my choza]
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