Aaliyah packed her backpack with her water bottle, pencil case, notepad, sticky notes and needed stationery. Jada packed hers with random things.
Then Aaliyah and Jada left home to walk to school and Jada didn't think that Aaliyah knew the way but Aaliyah just used her phone a tried to find the school. It didn't work. Then Jada and Aaliyah got into an argument and Jada ran off. Aaliyah looked for her everywhere but couldn't find her. Jada ran into a corner shop to buy sweets since she was hungry. Then she found the way too the school and went off. Aaliyah was so worried and she was about to call the police when. Brrr Brrr her phone began to ring Aaliyah was relived agitated to see that Jada was safe and had called her at first Aaliyah thought to yell at her for running off like that but she decided to tell her to never do that again. Jada agreed not to and told her that she had found the way to school it was on a path the school made filled with flowers. Aaliyah asked were she was and said the she was near the corner shop called The snack stop. Aaliyah found her quick and they happily walked down the pretty pathway to school together.