''WHAT!'' Aaliyah shouted, she was furious she would have to abandon her school and best friends. Jada stayed quiet as a tear ran down her cheek she tried to break it out as a smile and carried eating.
''Why are we moving mom,'' said Jada quietly.
''Well it would be easier if you went to a school closer to our house since I can't drive you two to school and neither can your dad, it also a private school and I think that would be better than a public one,'' said mum firmly. Aaliyah and Jada looked at each other they knew they couldn't argue with her being this firm. So Aaliyah stomped up the stairs. Imani ran after her then came Jada then mum. Aaliyah ran into her room then slammed her door shut just then cupcake Imani's pet cat came from under her bed and leaped on to her bed she started to stroke it. That made her feel better. She started to write in her diary. There was a conversation going on outside her bedroom. Finally her 22 year old older sister, Imani knocked on her room door.
''Can I come in?'' she said.
'' Yes,'' Aaliyah mumbled.
''Can I come in?'' asked Jada.
''Okay,'' mumbled Aaliyah.
''Can I come in?'' mum asked hesitantly.
''Hmm I will think about it,'' Aaliyah replied.
In Aaliyah's room they discussed all the pros and cons about moving school but Aaliyah just wasn't, budging she really didn't want to move schools and she really didn't want to go to a private school either. Aaliyah let her mother come in after the conversation was over and her mother said.
" I know it will be hard moving schools but I can't but Jada in danger she gets curious about things way too easily and went you get off the bus she often doesn't follow you because she is curious about something else, you see it is very dangerous for a young famous year six girl to be on a bus she can't handle fans by her self you know she'll just end up annoyed and nobody likes annoyed Jada,".
"I understand but could they be another way ?". Her mother really gave it to her straight forward.
"No," her mother replied.