The school was was massive and had two parts to it one was for the primary school and one for secondary school. Aaliyah hugged Jada and they said they goodbyes. Jada happily hopped to her part of the school whilst Aaliyah observed what everybody was doing.
Then someone said.
''Quit standing and get out of my way!''
''Sorry,'' Aaliyah said but the person didn't even hear her. Aaliyah walked into the school building but people wear giving her weird looks and making rude faces at her some people even laughed at her .Aaliyah felt embarrassed and she had never felt this much embarrassment in her whole entire life. She slowly walk to her locker. At the time, her locker was next to this girl's she had bright ginger hair you could spot from a mile away Aaliyah thought she could be her friend but this girl had other plans.
''Ugh,'' said the girl '' What do you want,''
'' Just never mind,'' said Aaliyah who was in a embarrassed state. The ginger haired girl gave Aaliyah a weird look. What made it worse was that everybody started to laugh at her and the people who were laughing before laughed even harder.
''Rita come on,'' said a popular brunette who stood next to another girl who's hair was a really really dark shade of brown '' You wouldn't want to spend your time talking to this weirdo would you,''. Just then Rita pushed Aaliyah out of her way stepped on her foot she went with the girl who called her and they were off. By now people had calmed down and were about with their business. Most people left the corridor and went into the room on the left labelled form rooms. The bell rung. Aaliyah foot was in pain tried to get to her form room but a mob of people literally ran her over .Form time was over and the register was being done. Aaliyah slowly limped into the classroom her form tutor Miss Kagwaatun wasn't happy she shouted at her for being late on the first day and for the register. People in the class sniggered. Their Form Tutor lined them up for assembly. Immediately Aaliyah spotted Jada but didn't even notice her older sister she was too busy having a conversation with what looked like her new best friend. Aaliyah looked down and pretended she didn't notice her sister either. They sat down in the assembly and listened about what the party was going to be like for the school and appropriate clothes to wear.
The assembly was over. Aaliyah was exhausted she just wanted to go back home and have cup of tea but she couldn't, she had to stay in school. She went to the math classroom her math teacher Mrs Parker was really nice and made maths fun it was a really enjoyable lesson and Aaliyah liked it. Next it was art the art teach Mr Thompson was alright with had too practise using an art skill which was printing Aaliyah one was a tree with a sunset theme behind it. It was one of the best in the class so it was put one the wall of fame. It was break time Aaliyah sat on a bench alone people wear laughing at her so she got her headphones out and listened to her favourite Spotify playlist and looked the other way. Then the brown haired girl she saw in the hallway came towards her. She grabbed her headphones and listened to the song that she was listening to.
'' Eww,'' she said '' Nobody listens to these songs!''. She gave the headphones to Rita so she could listen too. By now there was a big crowd all chanting Chanelle Chanelle Chanelle. For the attention of the crowd she made a racist joke Aaliyah was so offended but she didn't know what to do their was nobody to stand up for her, she scanned around the playing field everyone else was in the crowd accept for a girl in a headscarf and her friend she was going to call out to them but they both looked occupied. It was the end of break time and it was time to go the the sports hall to do P.E. Our normal P.E teacher Mrs Jugwagi wasn't here so we had Mrs Ivory we had to all sorts of things like jumping, running, hopping, skipping, galloping, star jumps. Everybody was exhausted especially Aaliyah. Mrs Ivory said it was a common thing to be tired in P.E and that she was tired to even though she didn't even do any sports so she was just fibbing. Then we played a nice game of football. Nobody passed the ball to Aaliyah but she expected that to happen anyway and when it did she was not surprised. She wished the day would be over but it wasn't it was far from over. Aaliyah went to her history room exhausted and hungry. In history they were beginning a new topic the early modern world. The teacher didn't even say their name and was really strict the history lesson was horrible. Everybody hated the teacher or really really really dislike them. Finally the history lesson was over and it was lunchtime the lunch hall was spilt into to parts one for the elementary school and one for high school. Aaliyah sat on a table with some other girls but they ignored her and acted like she wasn't there then one of them said why are you sitting near us these sit are reserved for other people Aaliyah embarrassed and in shame sat on a bench alone. For Lunch Aaliyah had quiche and salad and for her dessert she had a cupcake. She saw her younger sister Jada again happy chatting with her friends. This time she spotted Aaliyah and gave a little wave. Aaliyah waved back. It was the end of lunch in R.E the teacher said they had to sit in are sitting plan which was horrid for Aaliyah because she had to sit next to the girl with really dark hair who was tagging along with her bully. The girl didn't say much at all she just waved that was all. Aaliyah didn't really like her at first but she helped her with her work so she thought she was alright but what confused her was that if she was nice why was she friends with Aaliyah's bully questions kept on whizzing through her head so much that she zoned out of the real world and wasn't listening to her teacher. It was time for geography and by that time Aaliyah was done she just wanted to leave this school and go back to her old one but she could put Jada in danger again so she had no choice. Geography was quiet fun they just needed to do quizzes about world capitals and for Aaliyah that was quiet simple. Now it was time for English but English was cancelled because the teacher escaped the school building last years English class was horrible. It was near the end of the day and it was they're last lesson swimming but of course they did not swim so they had to go through the rules and it was boring. The day was finally over and Aaliyah went over to Jada's classroom to pick her up. Just as they were about to start walking they both noticed that Imani's driver was there and they didn't have to walk back home. Aaliyah was very happy because her foot hurt even more. Imani asked Aaliyah how her first day of school was and Aaliyah explained everything Imani response was only one thing you need to stand up for your self then she went to ask how Jada's day went but of course Jada didn't want to say how great her day was when Aaliyah explained how bad hers was. Soon enough they were at home. Imani invited Aaliyah to hers and her fiancé's tea party but Aaliyah refused. Jada was just about get ready for the school first day party but then she decided to go to Aaliyah and give her advice she said become the popular one then get your revenge. Aaliyah thanked her but knew that she wasn't going to follow her advice. She helped her younger sister get ready for the party even though se wasn't going to go. Jada using her wits managed to bribe her into going to the party. Later they left for school. When they got to the hall they realized that primary school and high school were going to be spilt they hugged and Jada skipped off into the other hall with her two best friends. Aaliyah examined what everyone else was wearing and decided to were her white dress to the party.
Immediately she went to the food place and ate some food she had strawberry dipped in chocolate because of the chocolate fountain then she had some s'mores then a truffle and some nice pink lemonade to go with it all. People didn't even notice her so she enjoyed herself she danced and even got in some conversations with Chanelle with out her noticing. Aaliyah found out that Chanelle actually was a liar she claimed to have met Aaliyah Raheem which was her but she was a kind of celebrity she said that they were good friends but she started to act kind of weird so they weren't friends anymore. Chanelle also said her family owns they brand Chanel and named it after her because she was an only child Aaliyah guessed she was lying about that too. Aaliyah and Chanelle got in some private conversation in too and Aaliyah finally thought she was worth something again. Then all of a sudden, the little kids for primary school dashed in her for a few minutes they were allowed to be reunited with they siblings and some little kids just wanted to be here. Jada ran up to me and her friend ran up to there girl with really dark brown hair shouting Ji'a. Aaliyah froze that girl's little sister was her little sister's best friend. Ji'a didn't really seem happy to see her little sister she did a fake smile and couldn't wait until she left. Aaliyah didn't really take note of this she just wanted to carry on having fun at the party. Soon the little kids left Ji'a looked relieved. The party was finished and their father came to pick them up he told Jada that if they didn't get home quickly they would miss their prayer. Jada began to freak we got home and Jada rushed upstairs to pray with her dad Aaliyah just went to sleep.
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