Just getting my thoughts out as they'll be more fleshed out at some point in the future:
Salam having no magic. She's in the tower, her dad has locked her up for her own safety in his eyes. She wants freedom and has been sending out paper airplanes in hopes someone will free her. Ozma gets one of these and does the freeing. He tries to leave but she follows him, claiming it for her safety. He is hesitant but allows it and they go, falling in love and making a home for themselves after marriage. Ozma while out fighting a corrupted magic user, he get poisoned. This is what kills him, not an unknown illness, it was poison that he thought he could handle but couldn't in the end. He dies and Salam, magicless, goes and asks in grief for Ozma to be brought back to her healthy. God of Light tells her no because it defies the circle of life and death, how others before and after her will grieve their losses of loved ones, and see them when their time has closed. She in spite, goes to the God of Darkness and gets her love back after showing some careful word use, like we see. It's when she starts to leave with Ozma that the God of Light blocks their path and says he felt a soul leave the realm of spirits before rebirth could happen. (This will allow for that place in Vol. 9 which I'd be reworking to being a place where souls go for rebirth)
Darkness tries to tell Light that one soul missing will not disrupt the balance that much to matter and how he wouldn't do this for any other mortals. Light isn't convinced and tries to exert his magic over Darkness. Darkness retaliates and as Salam runs with a shocked Ozma, he's grabbed by Light's magic and fades away into leaves. Salam in rage strikes at Light before shouting at Darkness to bring him back. Darkness stops and denies her, for her striking his brother so she has lost his favor. She insults Darkness and both take her to a place she has never seen that it represents both Light and Dark. Both their magic surrounds her and drops her into a pool where she emerges, shocked and confused as the glow fades from her body.
Light explains she will be denied immediate reuniting with Ozma, how he'll ensure Ozma's self regeneration will always take place away from her. She screams how that isn't fair to deny her love in her time of heartbreak. Darkness speaks up and states she can be with Ozma during the period of his regeneration, before a body forms, once she has accepted that death comes to all things and can learn to let those go that have and will grow close to her heart. (This condition shows she must free herself and how Ozma/Ozpin can't beat her since she has to accept he isn't hers anymore and learn to let anyone else that gets close to her heart, go as well) She curses them for tormenting her and they do not reply. In a flash, Salem finds herself at her home.
Upset, Salem vows her revenge on the two Gods. She goes to the four leaders, making the claim that she has been betrayed by the Gods, how they care naught for human lives, how they can find and obtain immortality, how they can become the Gods of their world and ensure peace. This sounds interesting and they follow her to Light's shrine. Light is disappointed seeing this and calls Darkness. Darkness shakes his head, unpleased by the sight. When they attack with their magic, Darkness and Light together catch and stop the magic. They say together how they blessed the humans with the power of choice, the power to create, the power of knowledge and the power to destroy and their hopes to see living creatures with their own free will to not abuse what they were given. They admit abuse has taken place and so before they rest, wish to reset and erase the knowledge of magic and themselves from the world.
The pair crush the magic they held and they vanished, along with the four leaders. They scream and vanish from the dark yet lit realm of spirits. Four items appear and absorb one leader each into them, changing their appearance and overriding their minds, and giving them each new names. Once done, the items are returned to their pedestals on the mortal plane, spread out. Light says to Darkness how they will now rest and let the humans have their physical trinkets of freedom, returning only once the four are brought together and see if magic should be allowed back. Darkness holds a hand out and a flash of dark light comes and goes quickly. Darkness says how they will be tested on their accepting of things different than them, to see how they do and will help them judge on if the humans have learned to accept things that are not them and what is said. Faunus come from this action as well as another set of branches were added with gray leaves and white bark in the realm of spirits.
It would be overtime as an immortal that Salam develops magic as the immortality protected her from that wipe since she didn't have magic originally, or not accessed yet despite being in her blood. She meets Ozpin again later and he still has magic and his memories because he hadn't reincarnated himself before the wipe. So when he comes back, he has his magic.
Immortal Salam searches over the hundreds to thousands of years, as humanity continues on growing and developing, she finds in Darkness's shrine, a crystal that glows. She grabs it and the stone glows, exploding out as dark souls exit the crystal. She is shocked seeing this and confused. The souls soon morph and grow into what is called Grimm. She drops the crystal, it shatters and as she backs up, the shards stab themselves under her skin around her body. Salam collapses, shaking and screaming in pain as the crystals settle, pulsing purple and the Grimm look to her, quieting down, or the ones that stayed.
Recovering, she stands and runs telling the monsters to leave her alone. They obey her order and start to wander and they appear after a person dies naturally/suddenly/uncleanly. Salam hides away but is found by Ozma who has been forming himself a new body over the centuries. She doesn't recognize him but he treats her nicely and she falls for him, despite hiding her features until she is sure he won't run. He tells her she looks lovely and over time, she asks him if he'd want to quell disorder as there had been panic from the appearance of Grimm and their increased viciousness when the new moon would occur (this being when the moon is fully scattered before it reassembles).
He agrees and she uses her magic over Grimm to repel them as he carefully uses his magic to defeat any who linger. They are looked at like Gods by the people. A short time of a few years, Salam and Oz have their 4 kids. She is surprised when one shows she can use magic. The girl says it symbolizes her. Being told to run and play, Salam questions Oz and gets the truth that he is Ozma. Hurt, she demands to know why the secret keeping. Does he not love her? He explains it had been so long that he that she had forgotten him. Offended, she argues with him and asks if he was going to end her.
Ozma tries to figure out where that came from. Salam dismisses it, muttering to herself that if she had the power of the Gods, she could save humanity from itself. Ozma is bothered by this and during that night, sneaks off but the eldest catches him. Wanting them safe, he sneaks them out but is caught by Salam waiting in the doorway. She asks where they're going? Ozma lies with saying a walk. Salam questions the truthfulness, bringing up his lies about who he was from earlier. She steps closer and he tells the girls to run with him. He uses magic to shove Salam to one side, runs and spins around when she yells "STOP!" and uses his green magic to catch boney Grimm arms that begins to absorb his magic. In frustration, she unleashes his magic along with Grimm residue. The magic sister tried to protect her siblings but failed.
Both adults injured, Salam manages to stand and grab a sharp piece of metal from the ruins of their home, walking towards Ozma. As she accuses him of betraying her after all she did to try and get him back, getting cursed to see people after people die for simply wanting a long love life; how she tried to live alone, to heal and just exist, for him to re-enter her life in a new body and using a different name; how he knew who she was and lied to her face about himself for years,
Ozma manages to grab his own sharp improvised weapon and the couple stab the other at the same time. Their bodies turn to dust and start the days for reforming and reincarnating.