(I couldn't remember the scene very much with what was originally said and didn't feel like looking up the script or looking up the clip when I got this idea. Felt like pointing that out. So if a destination was said by Qrow to decide on what direction Ruby would be going in Volume 4, then I apologize if I messed that up)
Ruby: -gasps, jolting up in bed- "No! Jaune! Pyrrha! Yang!" -quickly looks around and tries to get out of bed only to fall back when a hand pushes her back into bed with a grunt from Ruby-
Qrow: "Settle down. You were out like a rock for three days." -sits back down in his chair next to the bed, his flask in hand at his side as his empty hand moves to open the lid and he takes a drink-
Ruby: "What happened? Where's Yang? What happened at the...tower..." -voice trails off, eyes lower then widen as the memory seeing Pyrrha and Jaune trying to fight Cinder, Pyrrha being impaled protecting Jaune-
Qrow: -takes another drink and sighs, closing the flask- "She didn't make it. Jaune was trying, his hands were glowing but...it didn't help." -quiet voice, eyes closed and opens eyes to look at a shocked Ruby- "There were other casualties but the majority of Beacon survived."
Ruby: -tears well up in her eyes and slip down her cheeks as she closes her eyes tightly, curling up in bed, quietly crying as Qrow reaches over and rubs her back-
Qrow: -after letting her cry for a bit- "Yang did make it. She's in a slump, understandable though."
Ruby: -sniffs and sits up, wiping her eyes- "I'm glad she lived. What, what about Weiss and Blake?"
Qrow: "Weiss was taken back to Atlas by her father. Seems he didn't like her being in a mass Grimm attack. Blake...no one's seen her since she ran off into an alleyway." -he watches Ruby look down sadly- "I'm sure she's alive somewhere out there. Maybe she went to go make sure her family was safe."
Ruby: "Yeah...maybe..." -she held her right arm, watching the floor and her bed for several silent moments-
Qrow: "I'm impressed you petrified that dragon Grimm."
Ruby: -looks up- "Huh?"
Qrow: "Your silver eyes, you left that Grimm petrified that was dropping Grimm from its body."
Ruby: "Do you know anyone who can teach me to use this? Could they tell me what this is? Is it another semblance?"
Qrow: -shifts his position in the chair- "Well...I know of one silver eyed warrior, if she's even still alive."
Ruby: "Really?! Where is she?!" -scoots and is nearly falling off the bed, eyes locked on Qrow-
Qrow: -sighs and gets a drink- "Not sure. Last I heard she travels around. Best bet I'd have is maybe checking Mistral. After Beacon fell, I'm betting not a lot of people feel safe and if she can or does still fight, she'd help protect others."
Ruby: "Do you know her name?" -has calmed down after a breath and stands up out of bed-
Qrow: "Maria Cyan Calavera, the Grim Reaper." -says with good memories and awe of the stories he'd heard of her skill between her weapon and use of her silver eyes-
Ruby: "Maria Cyan Calavera...the Grim Reaper...whoa. Does she...?" -motions to the corner where Crescent Rose is folded-
Qrow: -looks over and nods then back to Rose- "Yup, she used a double scythe, one on either end if I'm remembering the stories right. I never actually met her but I have no doubt the stories were about a real person."
Ruby: -starts to stretch and winces a little- "Do you think she'll really help me if I can find her?"
Qrow: -shrugs- "Dunno but she's the only one I can think of besides your mother who could give you more information on your eyes and how to use that power on command."
Ruby: -smiles and steps closer, hugging him and he hugs back- "Thank you so much uncle. This means so much."
Qrow: -gently pats her back- "I know. Just be careful and don't go alone. I want you to be safe since your speed might not be enough at some point."
Ruby: -they let go and she nods, confident- "You bet I won't go alone. Going to ask Yang and maybe I'll see how Jaune, Rin and Nora are doing. Maybe we could all go together and even start heading to Atlas after we find Maria! Then we can bring Weiss back into the party!" -excitement grows in her voice as she gasps-
Qrow: -chuckles and stands- "Yeah well get dressed then or go talk to Yang and change before you go out to speak to the trio."
Ruby: -nods and races out of the room to go to Yang's room-
Qrow: -watches then moves to the window, looks out and watches the sky. He softly sighs, lifts his flask to the clouds- "I really wish you were here to help her out. I know she'd love learning how you fought Grimm." -he takes a couple long drinks-