When I opened my eyes I found myself inside my school again. I was at recess, having fun with some friends until a message came out of the loudspeakers that made my blood run cold.
- Meet at the back of the building: we are going to evacuate the school.
I asked myself, why should we go? Had the dining room kitchen caught fire? The fact is that I didn't know, but I met with my peers at the mentioned site.
- What's going on, professor? - I asked full of curiosity -.
- Bombs are falling on Madrid. It looks like a terrorist attack, and they'll soon be here, but for these situations there are planes that are in charge of taking us to the refuge.
We quickly evacuated the school and set off. Just as we were arriving at the town hall, they told us the school had been bombed. Already in the square, military ships slowly landed and welcomed us. When everyone was inside of them, we took off.
After many long hours, they told us to put on parachutes to jump to a certain area and gave us instructions on how to do it. At that moment the door of the plane opened. I stood in front, careful not to stumble and thus be able to look at the landscape.
Suddenly I felt someone push me and I fell screaming. When the panic passed, I remembered the instructions I had just received and opened the parachute. Then, I contemplated with horror that I was rushing into the sea. In the distance, I saw a small island, and did everything I could to direct my course towards it.
"When I get back to class the funny guy who pushed me is going to die... If I ever come back. I have to survive until they come to my rescue, it can't be that hard! In the movies it seems easy." I thought to myself.
"The first thing I need is to get food. Maybe I can fish, hunt or look for fruit..." I reasoned, but the island was very small and barely had a hundred square meters of land above the water. I saw a turtle in the distance and I thought about eating it, but I watched as it climbed on some rocks and began to eat shellfish. "That's it! I can eat mussels!"
I found a leaf and some logs, and tried to make a fire, but my attempts were in vain, so I had no choice but to eat them raw.
The next thing I needed was to get water. I walked around the island and found a small lake that I drank from and discovered that wasn't salty. The only problem was that it was cold, getting dark and I had nothing with which to start a fire.
I spied the suit that came with the parachute in the distance and searched frantically in the pockets until I found a lighter. So I built a fire and relaxed by the fire.
The following days were just the same; I tried to eat as little as possible, but when hunger struck, I used up my food reserves. This is how a week passed, where I felt that I was slowly losing my sanity, and even talked to the turtle.
Then, one day, a ship passed through the sky and I screamed for help until my vocal chords were torn , but no one came. I gave up all hope of being rescued after a month, and assumed that I would stay there forever.
Until one day, a plane landed on the shore.
- Claire! Over here! It's me! - yelled a familiar voice in the distance. -.
It had been so long since I had heard a human voice, that tears came to my eyes. There they were, all my classmates, waiting for me on the plane.
- Guys! I'm so glad to see you! - I said running towards them -.
- And so are we, but cover yourself a little! - a girl yelled at me. -.
And that's when I realized that over the days I had been getting rid of my clothes. I got on the ship with everyone's eyes on me. Someone passed me a coat with which I covered my weak body and we returned home.