I opened my eyes. I found myself again in the recess of my school. I observed the scene that surrounded me; It looked like two kids from my class were about to fight. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I tried to get out of there as fast as possible. However, the people around me seemed very interested in the entertaining spectacle that was taking place and wouldn't let me leave the circle that surrounded the boys. I tried to push the people there, but it was pointless.
Suddenly, feeling fed up because of the situation, I wished to get out of there and began to levitate, towering over the crowd. I didn't know how I was doing it, but I was flying, hovering almost twenty meters above the ground. My classmates seemed unaware of what was happening to me. That's when I had a realization.
"I'm dreaming," I think then, "There's no way this is really happening." And just like that, suddenly, as if the children piling up under my feet had read my mind, they all turn their heads to look at me. They look at me mutely, their eyes shining in a somewhat disturbing way.
I start to lose strength and slowly descend. I want to fly again and move through the skies of the city at ease, but I fall. The boys and girls raise their hands to reach me, they grab my clothes pulling hard to the ground and without any expression on their faces, they begin to suffocate me. I kick and thrash and scream, but slowly succumb to death.