Aaron laughed nervously. “Very funny.”
“I’m serious.” Elijah turned towards Todd. “You remember,251Please respect copyright.PENANAyPe8iqZ2cT
right? I’m pretty sure that was his name.”
“I don’t recall,” Todd admitted. “What I do know is that the251Please respect copyright.PENANAzAnpDVONQ9
neighborhood is dangerous, so that could just be the name of some guy who went251Please respect copyright.PENANAtgmFeYOKvc
missing. The crime is why this place is so cheap.”
“Of course, Calvin wouldn’t think twice about renting in a251Please respect copyright.PENANAHhfUWmYxuf
place like this, that damn cheapskate.” Elijah faced Aaron, wide-eyed. “You251Please respect copyright.PENANApsgzT2TlDs
know what, I think that missing guy used to sleep in the same room that you’re251Please respect copyright.PENANANtabiBXtIP
“Okay, cut it out.” Aaron sighed, regretting ever mentioning251Please respect copyright.PENANAACPK3ISsUh
Caleb to them.
Todd shrugged and returned to the fridge. “Yeah sure. He’s251Please respect copyright.PENANAS84nYWMC87
probably getting the name wrong anyway.”
“No, I’m pretty sure it was Caleb Morris. Try googling it or251Please respect copyright.PENANAaBBJ91rUO2
something,” Elijah argued.
By now Aaron had enough and left. No way was he going to251Please respect copyright.PENANAKbqDvHbxnR
listen to some bullshit ghost story.
Though that did remind him of the fact that he was crushing251Please respect copyright.PENANA9WhsLpvP3P
on a virtual stranger. All he knew about the guy was his name, job, and that he251Please respect copyright.PENANArS4g5F9FVl
was drop-dead gorgeous. But why would Elijah pick on him?
He decided to shrug it off and ask one of his other251Please respect copyright.PENANAXyzf3tlHq0
roommates later. He wasn’t close to any of them since their living arrangement251Please respect copyright.PENANACpNqa9ZLYb
was more for convenience, but he didn’t have any other close friends to talk to251Please respect copyright.PENANAkqK3rFPGa8
Being in your early twenties sucked sometimes.
Rather than looking up any information on Caleb like Elijah251Please respect copyright.PENANAVQsitfKCLe
suggested, he opted to watch a few comedies in the living room until Trevor,251Please respect copyright.PENANAEiGXbhWEdJ
the bulkiest, quietest guy in the house, arrived home and asked to watch a251Please respect copyright.PENANAbtAKeX8uzv
stream. Aaron had no problems handling the reins over to the giant of a man but251Please respect copyright.PENANA0Togg3wNpe
held no interest in watching a random guy play video game either.
He returned to his room to decide on his next project. It wasn’t251Please respect copyright.PENANApNMVYTltr0
a very fulfilling day and by nighttime, he was drowsy from boredom. The good251Please respect copyright.PENANA4vAHAOG1Wh
news was that his last post had hit over two hundred thousand views. That didn’t251Please respect copyright.PENANApn7PQVESIw
sound like a lot, but considering the ad revenue, it was plenty to make him251Please respect copyright.PENANARFvF0U7AxJ
happy. Aaron planned to make it big one day so he could move to California and251Please respect copyright.PENANA4YpRnH1YUU
rent his own condo. Until then, he’d have to survive living with his quirky and251Please respect copyright.PENANAXvjnBChddY
somewhat creepy housemates.
Speaking of creepy, Aaron glanced towards the door,251Please respect copyright.PENANA147AUae6Hn
recalling how odd it was that Caleb was able to show up without making a sound.251Please respect copyright.PENANA0ugDAGFJgE
The guy could very well be a ghost the way he always snuck in.
No. Don’t be stupid! Aaron shook his head. That was a251Please respect copyright.PENANAH7KCi7sFhV
ridiculous thought, but he couldn’t help staring at the door well near251Please respect copyright.PENANARmwJ11Ofhi
midnight. He was beginning to feel a little concerned about being all by251Please respect copyright.PENANAJwooxcD5wv
Pulling up a streaming site on his laptop, he decided to251Please respect copyright.PENANAOUDhAgjyhj
watch something less scary since the vibes in the room were getting to him. He251Please respect copyright.PENANA2FpdjXh7j9
was just about to start one of his favorite old cartoon series when he noticed251Please respect copyright.PENANA7g48aOmfV3
Caleb walking towards the bed.
Despite being startled, Aaron successfully prevented himself251Please respect copyright.PENANANngGvbuu6o
from tossing his laptop this time.
“How the heck do you do that?”
“Do what?” Caleb sat on his bed with a grin. “Come home?”
“No.” Aaron set his laptop aside so he could focus on his251Please respect copyright.PENANAtV46mdVI30
roommate. “How do you get past that noisy door hinge all the time? The damn251Please respect copyright.PENANAMiUkeouLiU
practically screams whenever I open it.”
“Oh,” Caleb shrugged.
Aaron made a face, mimicking his shrug and shaking his head.251Please respect copyright.PENANAiE14pztV6l
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I just… never noticed it made a noise.”
“You’re kidding right?” He stood and proceeded to demonstrate251Please respect copyright.PENANAAaK7zC46CN
by flipping the door open and closed, causing a loud screech to echo throughout251Please respect copyright.PENANAk2CjGaUDLI
the house.
“Fucking cut it out!” Someone yelled from the other end of251Please respect copyright.PENANAouaeiF1h24
the hall. Realizing he was being an ass, Aaron stopped.
Caleb shrugged again. “It never does that for me.”
“Well, then you must have some sort of magic torch because I’ve251Please respect copyright.PENANAVb4QPRCn3x
never been able to get it to NOT do that.
“Guess so.”
“Hey!” Aaron did a quick scan before chucking a stuffed251Please respect copyright.PENANAKkshjY8uWa
koala at the man, who once more dodged with ease.
“Why do you have so many stuffed animals?” Caleb laughed.
“I do not.” Aaron retorted, quickly kicking the small box of251Please respect copyright.PENANAhA0zrWdKNE
beanie babies under his bed. He still had multiple boxes of odd things at the251Please respect copyright.PENANAotQUsvOTeT
foot of his bed, all full of toys, action figures, and games. None of which he251Please respect copyright.PENANA3XaNiziklc
planned to unpack soon.
Caleb pretended not to see and just smirked.
Satisfied that they would be dropping the subject, Aaron251Please respect copyright.PENANAP9VJk73tw0
shuffled his feet awkwardly as thought over what his housemates had said251Please respect copyright.PENANAeNT7GqS4tY
“Hey,” he decided to bring it up jokingly. “You know, the251Please respect copyright.PENANA3qGGOH9Jh9
other guys said some crazy shit earlier. Something about how a guy with your251Please respect copyright.PENANASY7rM8ijlP
same name went missing some years ago.”
“What other guys?” Caleb asked.
“Well, it was just Elijah. Todd didn’t seem to know251Please respect copyright.PENANAStRkKjVMHj
anything. But you know, our other housemates,” he gestured vaguely to the now-closed251Please respect copyright.PENANA8eOJ41pvyJ
door. “One of which just yelled at us from down the hall?”
A look of pure confusion crossed the man’s face. “What are251Please respect copyright.PENANA4Q2bf2u78g
you talking about? There’s no one else in this house.”
“What do you mean? Wait, is this some sort of joke you and Elijah251Please respect copyright.PENANAjS1XBDjzq0
have going on?” Aaron quickly came to his own conclusion. “Of course, that’s251Please respect copyright.PENANAL0Psh0iFNh
what’s going on.”
“You guys are assholes, you know that?” He replied, half-angry251Please respect copyright.PENANA56s0W4wmau
and a tad amused by the elaborate prank.
Caleb frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“You can cut it out now. I know you’re just playing some251Please respect copyright.PENANA0Uh4nTaqd6
crazy stunt on me here.” Aaron put his hands on his hips, to which the other251Please respect copyright.PENANA6CzH26Yrid
man continued to stare at him like he was insane. They had a quick staring251Please respect copyright.PENANAbf0HMdMJBy
match before he got fed up with the act and started to fume. “Why are you guys251Please respect copyright.PENANAdpGQO1EnkN
doing this? Is this some sort of ‘right of passage’ like in college where you must251Please respect copyright.PENANAC2Nv7ctSLi
get picked on before you’re accepted into the house or whatever?”
“Then why are you two trying to convince me that you’re some251Please respect copyright.PENANAya8zkvlAsL
kind of ghost?”
Caleb’s face immediately went blank, but then slowly seemed251Please respect copyright.PENANAkQunwHYO8S
to shift to realization and h glanced back at Aaron, wide-eyed. Then, a loud251Please respect copyright.PENANAcEWqjXQMcF
banging noise from downstairs echoed throughout the house, startling them both.
Caleb glanced towards the bedroom door, terrified.
“Who the hell is knocking at this hour?” Aaron asked251Please respect copyright.PENANAoWN07ytjIT
nervously. They weren’t in the safest neighborhood, and he knew better than to answer251Please respect copyright.PENANAq1kdvk5QCw
the door in the middle of the night.
Caleb shivered, “What else did they say?”
“What else did they say about me?”
Aaron frowned. “Cut it out already!” He stormed up to the251Please respect copyright.PENANAApyZumsoz9
man, now scared by the knocking downstairs and sick of this ruse. “I know you’re251Please respect copyright.PENANArWMxnvGMqM
not a ghost. If you were, I wouldn’t be able to do this!” He then went to grab251Please respect copyright.PENANAny8k07GKQW
the guy by the shoulder but was completely caught off guard when his hand went251Please respect copyright.PENANAgJjhmHTzy7
straight through.
Stunned, Aaron stared at Caleb, then at his hand, then back251Please respect copyright.PENANAZjGSlZff9b
at the guy he’d been crushing on. Then, right before his eyes, Caleb began to251Please respect copyright.PENANAHdNmtZ668C
fade with a look of sheer horror as the banging noise stopped.
Every hair on Aaron’s body stood on end and he backed up until251Please respect copyright.PENANAHmb1bFz9P2
he tripped over the edge of his bed, flopping onto the covers.
He heard his housemates emerge from their rooms, murmuring251Please respect copyright.PENANATZU9U7yFhZ
among themselves. Immediately, he bolted towards the door and flung it open to251Please respect copyright.PENANAkuVuMYuV1D
a startled Elijah.
“Did you hear that?” Elijah asked. “It sounded like someone251Please respect copyright.PENANApQ5b0wfB2D
was trying to break in!”
“Should we call the police?” Todd asked, standing in nothing251Please respect copyright.PENANAw2gwk11ZFd
but his boxers and a pair of blue bunny slippers.
Aaron shook his head. “You mean you all heard that too? It251Please respect copyright.PENANApF2qT8k0tu
wasn’t just me?” For some reason, his mind had immediately reasoned if his251Please respect copyright.PENANAKkCWshUxxE
roommate was a ghost, then everything else happening was probably all in his251Please respect copyright.PENANAKUAhn4ykjq
head too. Yet here the others were, just as scared as he was, though not for251Please respect copyright.PENANAgqWBcjosNH
the same reasons.
The others shook their heads. A few of them were missing251Please respect copyright.PENANAEtX7ZGX0o3
from the hall, either ignoring the noise or somehow sleeping through it. Either251Please respect copyright.PENANAZzZbIA1O0A
way, they all stood and listened to see if whoever it was would knock again.251Please respect copyright.PENANAcxPZDeD8s2
When they didn’t hear anything, they played a few rounds of rock, paper and scissors251Please respect copyright.PENANA3ww2sx8Er0
to decide who was going downstairs to make sure none if the windows are open.
Doug, a hairy, barrel-chested housemate, was the unfortunate251Please respect copyright.PENANAwFbl9ayR1g
loser and shuffled his way downstairs in his oversized plaid pajamas. They251Please respect copyright.PENANAMLLLFyZJxS
waited with bated breath as they heard the man move about, checking all the way251Please respect copyright.PENANAn4R9spHfNB
that someone could sneak in. Trevor would have been the perfect pick since the251Please respect copyright.PENANAGhKDW70jbc
guy looked like he could lift a car, but the problem with him was that despite251Please respect copyright.PENANArh35Jhrntg
his muscular figure, he was also a big baby and currently too scared to move251Please respect copyright.PENANAkBTE4pR2WM
further than his bedroom door.
Eventually, Doug returned with a thumbs up, indicating that nothing251Please respect copyright.PENANAU83wzO92rj
was open or broken, and the group let out a collective sigh.
“It was probably some drunk that got the wrong address,”251Please respect copyright.PENANAH9wL8riGIw
Todd concluded before rubbing his eyes and turning back to his room.
“Wait!” Aaron stopped the group from dispersing. “Guys, Caleb251Please respect copyright.PENANAiQ14vX65jS
is gone!”
Elijah tilted his head, interested. “Is this the same Caleb you251Please respect copyright.PENANAI9DjhUV8ZK
were talking about earlier?”
“Yeah! I- he-just- I…” Aaron fumbled, knowing his answer251Please respect copyright.PENANAdBnmnJBu1U
would make him look like some kind of lunatic.
“He—he vanished!”
The others glanced at each other. Trevor sneakily slid back251Please respect copyright.PENANAR7I6SUvDw9
into his room, deciding not to have anything to do with this conversation, and251Please respect copyright.PENANAp9NY95Y901
Doug backed down the hall in reverse, refusing to investigate any weirder shit251Please respect copyright.PENANAX0pe8Q8vga
for the night.
Elijah and Todd were left alone with Aaron. “Yeah that’s what251Please respect copyright.PENANATl7OfYZ2i4
I said.” Elijah shrugged. “The guy vanished three years ago.”
“But he was here!” Aaron argued, to which Todd rolled his251Please respect copyright.PENANAa3l1r3A6UT
“Alright, that’s enough.” He scratched his head. “Whatever251Please respect copyright.PENANAn7KCIclFsZ
this is, it can wait till morning coz it’s way too late to be pranking each251Please respect copyright.PENANA6UYz1L0hco
“But I’m not!” He retorted, but the others were already251Please respect copyright.PENANAIbwJu3wgOG
flipping him off as they returned to bed.
Glancing back at his room, he gulped nervously and considered251Please respect copyright.PENANAwsLHc5eXPz
sleeping on the couch, but he’d have to get his laptop first, so he flipped on251Please respect copyright.PENANAKEnWL5dAcT
his lights to make the room as bright as possible so he could retrieve it.
Unfortunately, there were no free outlets by the couch, thus251Please respect copyright.PENANArtRxhtfG9a
limiting him to a few hours on the internet.
Deciding to look something up before moving downstairs, he251Please respect copyright.PENANA6NvMLCY6Fy
sunk into his bed and pulled out the computer. After a quick google search, he251Please respect copyright.PENANAomfD57WW0t
found what he was looking for.
It was an inactive Facebook page.
A lump started forming in his throat as he went through the251Please respect copyright.PENANAOjPeDrhEat
pictures and sure enough, it was him. It was Caleb. And the page had been251Please respect copyright.PENANAMamkjFtxqc
abandoned for over three years.
With a terrified gulp, he closed his laptop and decided now251Please respect copyright.PENANAWHZI2WHd7q
would be a good time to move to the couch. Yet, he noticed one more251Please respect copyright.PENANAi9zA8GLRC4
particularly terrifying thing about the room.
The spare bed was now gone.
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End of Chapter 2