“Why are you sleeping here?” Asked Terrence, a slightly222Please respect copyright.PENANAtiS7xU82Yl
larger-sized man with white hair and an uneven beard. His tiny eyes stared down222Please respect copyright.PENANAG8tHHCuU1A
at Aaron speculatively.
Aaron yawned, unwrapped his tiny blanket, and stretched. “My222Please respect copyright.PENANAr6MUFBY48M
bed didn’t feel comfortable.”
“You crazy bastard.” The man snorted, then plopped down by222Please respect copyright.PENANAwlUW8BXgVG
Aaron’s feet, nearly crushing them. “I heard some cray person tried to break in222Please respect copyright.PENANAhoH1bDyyDs
last night and here you are sleeping by the front door.”
Aaron didn’t think it’d be wise to bring up the fact that he222Please respect copyright.PENANAYtZhmfjcqC
wasn’t as scared of the knocking as he was of the ghost haunting his room. One thing222Please respect copyright.PENANAfkn9VsZYvK
he did know was that he’d never sleep comfortably again. “I don’t suppose you’d222Please respect copyright.PENANARl6GAb5O0o
like to trade rooms, would you?”
“Hell no. Todd and I already have our room set the way we222Please respect copyright.PENANA1GAInvR4wc
like it. Plus, I doubt he’d appreciate everything getting moved around.”
Aaron sighed. His own bedroom faced their neighbor’s house,222Please respect copyright.PENANAIyxrpJd3Sc
giving him a clear view of their bathroom, thus he usually had his curtains222Please respect copyright.PENANAD3PUFYhhQN
closed in case anyone accused him of spying.
“Huh?” Aaron didn’t have time to escape before Terrence222Please respect copyright.PENANAOGbmf3kU75
leaned over and ripped a whole basket of rotten eggs on him. “UGH! Gross!” He frantically222Please respect copyright.PENANAb0RIyfAIm8
waved at the air, sputtering and scrambling away from the nauseating gas cloud.
“I warned ya,” Terrence smirked, snatching up the remote and222Please respect copyright.PENANApDmlM6oe9Q
turning on the television.
Eyes watering, Aaron wheezed. “No you did not!” Before222Please respect copyright.PENANALdvjA41LLP
heading back upstairs to take a shower.
His room didn’t seem quite as scary now since Caleb only222Please respect copyright.PENANAWP99u22Dkp
showed up around midnight. In hindsight, that should probably have been a sign222Please respect copyright.PENANAh5ZYkpvauC
that something odd was going on. At least now he understood how the guy never222Please respect copyright.PENANAeoWQKvwmJA
made the door creak.
Aaron tried to do a little more research on Caleb but was222Please respect copyright.PENANAbKFBFNhnd0
only able to pull up a bunch of missing person reports. The only thing that the222Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZvIz94x5Z
articles mentioned was that he had disappeared one night after work. Since then,222Please respect copyright.PENANAWlnLbxbEr9
there were no leads as to where he went or what happened.
The case was still open and one of the theories was that he222Please respect copyright.PENANA2PCs76dZxh
had run low on money and skipped town, which would have been a nice sentiment222Please respect copyright.PENANAxZvc2WBFLk
if his ghost wasn’t haunting Aaron’s bedroom.
In other words, Caleb was dead, and no one knew it.
Remembering all the horror films he had ever watched, Aaron222Please respect copyright.PENANA6GEJeSL3KI
went through a plethora of theories on what may have happened and where he was222Please respect copyright.PENANAdYu7YPlMlC
Were his remains buried somewhere nearby? Like under the222Please respect copyright.PENANASIsPdlOpIB
house or in the yard? Or worse, was his body sealed away behind the walls? If222Please respect copyright.PENANAzqUDZy3n76
he was in the walls, then he’d most likely be in the walls of his bedroom…
Aaron shivered.
When he moved in with a group of virtual strangers, he understood222Please respect copyright.PENANASsw9aWd2tX
there was a high likelihood that some of them would be oddballs, but he222Please respect copyright.PENANAvxCqKfzefr
certainly did not expect one of them to be dead!
He considered going to the police about this but was struck222Please respect copyright.PENANAWfnupZcSda
by the gravity of the situation. It wasn’t like he could just waltz up and tell222Please respect copyright.PENANAYv5yXSrWZo
them that he knew one of their missing persons was in fact, dead. He’d get into222Please respect copyright.PENANAgTbTiRGCvK
trouble and will get questioned on how he knew that.
Yeah. No. He preferred his freedom to getting locked up,222Please respect copyright.PENANA0jOOCqGxte
thank you.
That didn’t satisfy his curiosity though. He wanted to know222Please respect copyright.PENANAXMmZssyN2K
what happened to Caleb. Even if he was a ghost, he seemed like a nice guy. At222Please respect copyright.PENANAi0gxvRzBfd
the very least, his family should know what happened to him.
Aaron decided he would try something tonight. Caleb was222Please respect copyright.PENANAtAtpXKE8gx
easygoing, so if he showed up again, maybe he could ask the ghost himself?
He tried asking his roommates first, but none of them had222Please respect copyright.PENANAd4hYPbe0nO
any additional information. He felt like something was about Caleb’s case because222Please respect copyright.PENANASWaJVQM9rf
there was very little information posted online. It was like the news outlets hadn’t222Please respect copyright.PENANA9CsrLiEuAa
found his story interesting enough to report anything consistent. Then again,222Please respect copyright.PENANAI9LhSmSxhM
people went missing everyday and the guy lived alone, so maybe his family hadn’t222Please respect copyright.PENANA93mfFtjPXW
raised enough fuss for the media to consider the story interesting?
That night, he sat hugging his body pillow, waiting for the222Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0HVpIHqh9
apparition to appear. It was still unsettling to see that the corner of the222Please respect copyright.PENANAUU6HFgYhks
room was empty now. He half-expected the bed to appear out of nowhere or222Please respect copyright.PENANAofzS735LOE
something whenever he blinked. Soon, he grew sleepy, and his eyes began to222Please respect copyright.PENANA7LYAZBxJeS
close. A few times he’d jerk back awake as he struggled to stay conscious, but222Please respect copyright.PENANAJfZO9wxsak
eventually, he lost his battle and slumped sideways.
He hadn’t noticed the figure staring at him at the corner of222Please respect copyright.PENANA38zmC0wSo9
his room.
When he woke back up, it was light out.
Realizing his plan had failed, he got dressed. Ruffling his hair,222Please respect copyright.PENANANrWc8MtXtR
Aaron stumbled out of the room, then paused when the door opened silently.
He stared at the hinge, swinging the door to and fro, trying222Please respect copyright.PENANAd2sWV9xb63
to replicate the shrill squeal it usually emitted.
Did someone finally lubricate the darn thing while he was222Please respect copyright.PENANAs9Y4LW81h0
Confused but grateful, he made a note to ask the others if222Please respect copyright.PENANAedmVYDqX4x
they did something. He wouldn’t be surprised since the noise he had made the222Please respect copyright.PENANATOMArz7ZY7
other night had gotten on most of their nerves.
Downstairs he started digging through the cabinets, looking222Please respect copyright.PENANAAnGWFyvZBO
for a quick meal before brainstorming his next compilation video. Maybe he’d222Please respect copyright.PENANAErPcMkE245
put on some special effects makeup and shop around dressed like a zombie? He222Please respect copyright.PENANAocMT4yAzAe
could do something cool, like that zipper-face makeup that was popular a while222Please respect copyright.PENANAbUtcNvU7eK
When he realized his box of frosted flakes was gone, he222Please respect copyright.PENANAMGNwxNIjVd
grunted, assuming one of the other guys had decided to help themselves to it222Please respect copyright.PENANA3y0o5K3FyI
and grabbed a Pop-tart instead. Then he turned to find the toaster which was…. Missing?
No wait, it’s over by the fridge now. Who the heck moved222Please respect copyright.PENANAb57yqconJe
Aaron walked over and noticed that not only was it moved,222Please respect copyright.PENANA1Q1r0LQr6B
but it was also brand new with four slots instead of two. Maybe one of the222Please respect copyright.PENANAjB0kWdEnFA
others traded it up? Not like he was one to complain. A toaster was a toaster222Please respect copyright.PENANAh1Opv058jv
after all.
Popping down the lever, he waited for the tarts to heat up222Please respect copyright.PENANArb7dxDv8W3
as he noticed a few other odd things. The biggest one being the living room.
The kitchen and living room were adjoined downstairs, with222Please respect copyright.PENANAXKiiGqzYs6
nothing but a bar counter separating them so you could look over and watch TV222Please respect copyright.PENANAfKsKdNbwWb
while you cooked. However, the TV was situated on the wall to the right, and222Please respect copyright.PENANAACclLYtou1
the couch was made of sleek black leather instead of the ragged brown one that222Please respect copyright.PENANA4kHF4UEunU
usually sat slumped in the middle of the room.
He also noticed that someone had put magnets all over the222Please respect copyright.PENANAzimMQZnLqH
fridge. All of them were little squares with motivational quotes and pictures222Please respect copyright.PENANA3h1supkVcJ
of puppies.
On the wall beside the fridge were an outdated calendar and222Please respect copyright.PENANAjvUH7vozFv
a blender that he’d never noticed. What’s more, the whole place was way cleaner222Please respect copyright.PENANA5GVYm7l8Lx
than it had ever been.
Who the heck redecorated the entire house last night? And222Please respect copyright.PENANAE4ibt4gW5O
how did they do it so fast? That TV was bigger than the old one and would have222Please respect copyright.PENANAhPRRsGTOhQ
taken quite a bit of effort to get through the front door.
He started wandering around, noticing even more odd things222Please respect copyright.PENANA1Zx3wxIitY
that were clearly out of place. Like the carpet being different, and the walls222Please respect copyright.PENANAdMAySntIom
being white instead of beige. Then there was the fact that no one else seemed222Please respect copyright.PENANAIvU0Q2EVUl
to be home.
This was a house with 8 men living in it. There was always222Please respect copyright.PENANAjxwCXzrVRG
at least another person here aside from Aaron. So where are they?
As he wandered, listening closely to see if he could hear222Please respect copyright.PENANA7kB6k2cW8s
any of the guys hiding somewhere, he came to realize he couldn’t hear anything222Please respect copyright.PENANAEjBDyFUGnO
at all. What’s more, it was cold, like, really cold throughout the house.222Please respect copyright.PENANAOKYptgZu4G
Someone might have turned the AC too low.
Rubbing his arms, Aaron decided to wander back to his room222Please respect copyright.PENANAvGGXawGmAE
where he once again noticed things were out of place. Namely the fact that his222Please respect copyright.PENANAp9VfO8jQMJ
bed was now gone and instead, he found the missing spare bed in the corner that222Please respect copyright.PENANAIkGs5bWmBz
it had always been in.
Aaron’s pulse begam to race and he backed up until he tripped222Please respect copyright.PENANAOpfwO4WnC6
over the door frame. This had him knocking into a standing floor lamp that wasn’t222Please respect copyright.PENANA9t4TfreqSd
supposed to be there, and the thing fell over, punching a hole in the drywall222Please respect copyright.PENANAchze0XsJW7
just beside his bedroom door. Then it crashed to the ground, shattering the bulb222Please respect copyright.PENANATBYQBQtJwG
into a million pieces.
This isn’t right. None of this is right!
Utterly weirded out, he ran back downstairs and made his way222Please respect copyright.PENANAoyuhHCe9nP
towards the front door but was stopped abruptly by someone banging on it from222Please respect copyright.PENANAES27RItZEN
the other side. It wasn’t a knocking sound. It was loud, hard and deliberate222Please respect copyright.PENANAtu4s7ZKB2Z
like someone was angry.
Unlike before, this banging did not let up and it continued222Please respect copyright.PENANABmaxUX119t
to bang harder and harder, practically shaking the whole door off its hinges.
“Who’s there?” Aaron called.
No response.
“I’m calling the cops!” He shouted, his voice trembling and222Please respect copyright.PENANAY2vGXbWhkv
his body too terrified to move. “I mean it!”
“Who is it?” Someone asked, causing Aaron to spin around and222Please respect copyright.PENANA4GOEHVGh0c
find Trevor, eyes wide with fright and glued to the front door.
Suddenly the house went dark and the noise stopped. The old222Please respect copyright.PENANAURuuw71Vuz
ragged couch and small flat screen were back to where they belonged in the222Please respect copyright.PENANA84nGVBsy77
living room, and wrappers were laying on the counter with shoes tossed aside222Please respect copyright.PENANAm1yYH7zYZc
near the main entry.
Doug rounded the corner, looking just as scared. “Dude, was222Please respect copyright.PENANAArxsLcUHXP
that you banging the door just now?”
“What ?” Aaron asked, confused.
A few of the others started calling from upstairs. “What’s222Please respect copyright.PENANANCiKOa5sgk
going on?” He recognized that as Todd’s voice.
“Aaron’s banging on the front door!” Doug replied.
“No I wasn’t!” Aaron defended himself. “Someone else was!”
“It’s true.” Trevor agreed. “I was standing behind him while222Please respect copyright.PENANAY6kfalW6VG
it was happening. It wasn’t Aaron.”
“Are you saying it’s the same crazy bastard from before?”
“What the fuck? Why are they knocking on our door?”
Aaron started to check all the windows, wondering where the222Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ9y2PcgxK
sun had gone. “Hey guys what time is it?”
“1:00 AM” Doug answered.
“That cant be. It was light out a second ago.” Aaron mumbled,222Please respect copyright.PENANAkd8Hgvp1x9
then pulled out his phone and sure enough, it was 1:02 AM. “What the hell’s222Please respect copyright.PENANAZgdv7klhqC
going on?”
“I’m getting a security camera, that’s what’s going on.” He222Please respect copyright.PENANA4wgPNyRp2h
heard Todd coming down the stairs, determined. “If whoever is banging at our222Please respect copyright.PENANAz8zXKEQINL
door doesn’t cut it out, I’m getting his ass on video and call the cops on him.”
The rest of the guys agreed and started to disperse. Aaron continued222Please respect copyright.PENANAF2wpsGxQVP
to stare at the door in disbelief, then rubbed his eyes.
Had he been sleepwalking?
Returning to his room, he shut the door eyeing the corner222Please respect copyright.PENANAqSVfs3wBQo
where the spare bed used to be and somewhat relieved to find it was still gone.222Please respect copyright.PENANA7TdROJcctG
Too scared to find sleep immediately, he flipped on the222Please respect copyright.PENANAr1Pme9Y666
light switch and that was when he saw it.
On the wall right next to the door was what looked like a222Please respect copyright.PENANAej7ZYgA6Yu
patched hole in the wall, right where he had knocked over the lamp.
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