The sun was shining through the window as I woke up. The morning breeze gently caressed my cheeks, and birds sang along with the sounds from outside. The servants were busy preparing everything since early morning, and I noticed the red dress prepared on the wooden table.
I got dressed and braided my hair into a complicated bun. I applied soft red eyeshadow to my eyes and accentuated them with black eyeliner. Finally, I adorned my hair with a red ornament, and I was ready.
Leaving my room, I found the Stone Hallways bustling with people. It wasn't just the servants, but also the nobility. I recognized powerful families from both the desert cities of Ianta and the rulers from Qerty. The perpetually competing families stood side by side today to celebrate my brother Iver's 21st birthday and coronation.
As I walked past the monarchs and through the stone corridors, I approached the main hall. I entered through the grand gate, and before me spread a vast room. In the center was a dance floor, with tables full of food and wine lining the edges. But the most striking were the four thrones. The largest two were in the middle, belonging to the Queen and the King, both made of black wood. On the sides were the thrones for me and my brother, also made of black wood. Although smaller in size, they were adorned with more decorations.
I noticed that my older brother was already seated beside the King's throne. As always, he had his hair in a bun, but this time he wore ceremonial attire instead of hunting trousers and a black-red shirt. He had a cloak in the family's black-red colors, a white embellished shirt, and black trousers.
My brother is also my best friend. We were inseparable as children. We played together and sneakily stole sweets from the kitchen. Although we can't spend as much time together now, we still sit and talk every night before sleeping. We are as similar as two peas in a pod—black hair, blue eyes, but unlike me, he has a talent for fencing. Everyone in the kingdom knows his sword, Visenii. It's a beautiful slender blade made of the strongest steel, with a hilt made of deer antlers. The sword has been passed down in our family for generations, and each owner chooses their own runic name inscription. Thanks to this, it can be recognized as being hundreds of years old.
"Don't tell me you took a bath." Iver tilted his head and his silver crown adorned with rubies shifted. "Good morning to you too. Where's your crown?" I touched my head and realized I didn't have it. Panic started to set in. Iver started laughing and played with my crown. "Give it back, you idiot." I tried to snatch it from his hand, or at least I attempted to. Unfortunately, my brother is much quicker, and he evaded me. He stood up and raised his hand. "Hey, give it back!" I jumped for it, but in vain. I only managed to lightly touch the metal. "Iver... Give it back to your sister. You're an adult now, so act accordingly," a rough voice echoed through the hall.
A man with gray, groomed hair walked out from the gate. His face was perfectly smooth, except for a large scar stretching from his forehead across his eye and mouth. He wore a massive silver crown adorned with rubies and ruthenium (a precious metal of grayish-white color). He had the same shirt as my brother, but his cloak was much more ornate. Walking beside him was a very elegant woman. Her long black hair flowed freely, and her dress in shades of port wine stopped just below her knees. She wore a crown similar to the royal one, but much more elegantly crafted.
"He's only two years younger!" protested Iver, but he still returned it to me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and together we went to greet our parents. "Mother, Father. Good morning," I said. "Oh, enough with the formality, Elisent. It suits you very well. And you, Iver. I'm glad you finally look like a prince and heir, not like a bandit," father chuckled. I blushed, and Iver rolled his eyes. "Mom, you look stunning." "Thank you, Iver," mother curtsied lightly and smiled. "I almost forgot something," father announced as he sat on the throne. "Today, you will find your partners." "What?!" we both exclaimed simultaneously. Fortunately for father, the celebration began, and a servant started announcing the guests.
Many famous names have come and gone here, but only one caught my attention so much. The servant announced the Waert family. The king Zertax and his two children, Cealist and Zhenn, emerged from the door. Cealist was a blonde with full lips and brown eyes with a hint of red. The purple corset dress accentuated her ample bosom. Iver was close to drooling. However, it was Zhenn who caught my eye. His black hair had a touch of purple in the sunlight, eyes like his sister's, and his body resembled a painting. But the most attractive feature was his scar on the neck.
They approached us and bowed. In their bow, they looked at each other and smiled. The servant announced more and more names, but my eyes were glued to the son of the Waert family. The way he moved resembled a feline predator. Zhenn must have felt my gaze on him and looked in my direction. I quickly averted my gaze, but I still noticed a slight smile on his lips. Thanks to that, he revealed his unnaturally white teeth. His canine was slightly chipped, adding even more to the attractiveness of this young man. I shook my head and looked at my brother. Judging by his excited gaze fixed on Zhenn's sister, I knew he had the same opinion of her as I had of her brother. Finally, after another long minutes, they released us, and we were able to mingle with the guests. Iver and I headed towards the table where wine was being served, and we both grabbed a glass. "So, still drooling over Zhenn?" I almost spit out all the wine. "I'm not drooling over anyone! It's more like you!" I defended myself while laughing. "Yeah, sis... But at least I'm not ashamed of it." He stuck out his tongue and took a sip.
My brother and I talked about many things, and I realized that he wasn't prepared for ruling. "You'll manage, don't be afraid. You'll be a great king." My brother didn't reply. He just smiled and ruffled my hair. I felt someone's gaze on me, so I turned around. At the end of the room, Zhenn was leaning against the wall, looking at me. He raised the corner of his mouth and slowly headed in my direction. My brother smiled at me and whispered in my ear, "Don't end up in the closet with him like with Tobias." "Hahaha, very funny." I wanted to hit him, but he backed off. During our little altercation, Zhenn had already reached us.
"I'll leave you alone," Iver said and left. "May I have this dance?" he asked in a deep, hoarse voice. I swallowed and nodded. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor, where he placed his hand on my waist, and we started moving. "So, Your Highness, have you chosen your suitor yet?" he said, and I heard a flirtatious undertone in his voice, or maybe I just imagined it. I coughed to regain my focus and replied, "No, Prince, I haven't decided yet." "What a shame, but at least my sister has been successful." I looked in the direction he was looking and saw my brother passionately kissing Cealist. "Yes, it seems my brother has already made his choice." "Well, I'd say you have too." He smiled and leaned towards me, our lips almost touching. "Too bad it's the end for you." I didn't understand. Zhenn backed away and whistled.
Soldiers in armor burst through the doors and surrounded us, executing our knights without mercy. Behind them, a red-haired woman entered the hall. Her eyes were the color of blood, filled with hatred. She looked at our father. That day, I saw fear in his eyes for the first time. "Greetings, brother," she smiled.
Suddenly, it was as if a tornado had stirred. Stone doors closed. The mysterious woman approached the throne. I stood there, frozen, and fear grew inside me. "Llien, what are you doing here?" "I have returned for my throne." Father remained silent, but my hot-blooded brother moved away from Cealist and rushed towards Llien with Visenia in hand. Fortunately, I managed to stop him. Unfortunately, his personal guard had the same temperament and attacked her. Despite being the second-best swordsman after my brother, she was stronger. With a single sweep from under her purple cloak, she drew a dagger and slit the throat of my brother's defender. Drops of blood splattered on me. I started screaming. Father went to confront Llien and reason with her. Unfortunately, it was futile. Llien started fighting him. No one dared to intervene, and they dueled, and just when it seemed like he was winning, she struck him in the back. Zhenn, who had stood next to me just a moment ago, stabbed him and slashed his sword along his spine. Blood gushed from Father's back, and it seemed like I could even see his organs. I felt nauseous.
Chaos reigned in the room. "Escape," my mother whispered in my ear and handed me Visenia. "Run with your brother as long as you can. Find refuge in the forests of Deorda." "What? I don't understand!" "Run!" she shouted at me, and this time, I obeyed. In an unguarded moment, I managed to slip out of the hall. There was blood and bodies in the corridors. I tried not to notice the smell of death in the air and ran, searching for my brother who had disappeared during the chaos. Cealist had vanished as well, and I knew she had a hand in this conspiracy, just like her brother.
I hope you enjoy the book (attempt at a book). New chapters are already in the works, and the next part could be released during the weekend. :D I welcome any feedback <3
Yours, Shina