What would you do if I told you there was a notebook that can answer ANY question. All you have to do is write it down, and the pages will reveal the truth. No one knows where it came from. Just that it appears to the owner when they need it most. Previous owners have asked for some of the following:
Does my crush have any feelings for me?
Are aliens real and where do I find them?
What conspiracy theories are true?
When will I die?
What are the winning lottery numbers?
You'll have access to all the knowledge in the universe. From past, present and future timelines. The catch is: One, you can never share the truth with anyone. The notebook will erase your memory of itself as well as any truth it shared with you and move on to the next owner. Two, you can ask as many questions as you would like, until you run out of pages. So choose wisely.
What would you ask the notebook?