Todd kept his promise and ordered a new security camera the200Please respect copyright.PENANAjaJyka8f4H
next day via store pickup. He said it was faster than home delivery and200Please respect copyright.PENANAuGdTpa8W0q
admitted that he was worried that whoever was messing with them would stop200Please respect copyright.PENANAz5ZwS0QGgR
before he got any evidence to report them with.
Aaron thought they could forget the whole matter if their200Please respect copyright.PENANAUGh63pXizt
mysterious ding-dong-ditcher left them alone, but Todd was proving to be200Please respect copyright.PENANA2QexXzjnY4
vengeful since his sleep had been interrupted. Aaron made a mental note to200Please respect copyright.PENANA6YfsOTBOgD
never wake the guy up in the middle of the night, lest he wanted to be on the200Please respect copyright.PENANAgruDtPrNGF
receiving end of that wrath.
The others all had their theories about what was going on.200Please respect copyright.PENANAlIIGHa3whS
Elijah was dead set on it being one of their neighbors getting drunk and going200Please respect copyright.PENANAPpTP9jf0bC
to the wrong house. Todd argued that it was probably some local kids trying to200Please respect copyright.PENANAN92mfFSdku
pull a prank for clout on the internet. Trevor didn’t put much thought into it200Please respect copyright.PENANAVRbAHV1FWU
and just wanted it to be over with. Out of everyone though, he seemed to be the200Please respect copyright.PENANAGc5NQx0ZtI
most terrified.
“I have no idea what you guys are freaking out about.” Cliff200Please respect copyright.PENANAC3EIk6FXmG
lounged on the couch, wearing a black and white striped scarf and tight black200Please respect copyright.PENANALcrE48V4k7
pants. “I never heard anything.”
“How could you not hear it?” Elijah gasped. “They200Please respect copyright.PENANAOMskkFlbqN
practically shook the entire house!”
Cliff just shrugged.
Todd tossed a newspaper onto the hipster’s head. “That’s200Please respect copyright.PENANAOpukv8pqUf
because this guy sleeps like the dead. You should have seen it when Justin200Please respect copyright.PENANAURJgyadKCb
broke up with his girlfriend. They had a screaming match right in the kitchen200Please respect copyright.PENANApws6sLLqTu
and this dork slept through the whole thing right here on the couch.”
“It’s not my fault I’m a heavy sleeper!” Cliff retorted,200Please respect copyright.PENANA2PtFwUhTUY
picking up the paper and setting it down on the arm of the chair. “At least I’m200Please respect copyright.PENANAZ93oAW9oqU
not scared of someone knocking on the door.”
“You weren’t there,” Trevor chirped. “They weren’t knocking.200Please respect copyright.PENANALVO3CXpjgc
It was like they were trying to break the door down!”
Aaron stood back, listening to their theories and wondered200Please respect copyright.PENANAxGb20qWAIO
if he should tell them about what he had experienced. It only took a moment of200Please respect copyright.PENANA7SEeIGvRRL
consideration before deciding against it. This whole thing was pretty weird as200Please respect copyright.PENANAGwa8OTa2vr
it was and he didn’t want to be labeled as crazy by the other guys.
He’d rather not live in a haunted house, but at the same200Please respect copyright.PENANAx0gpojT0It
time, he already made a deposit and signed a six-month contract. He wouldn’t be200Please respect copyright.PENANAlfuJdXbse5
able to move out without being charged a ton of money. Not to mention pissing200Please respect copyright.PENANAoQPTl1Jma8
off all his housemates whose rent would go back up with one less person to200Please respect copyright.PENANAhnVYY2oLWP
split it with.
Since there wasn’t much he could do about the situation, he200Please respect copyright.PENANA9BZ8WWH2ZC
decided to focus on hi work for the day and pulled out some of his closet200Please respect copyright.PENANAHnW61tnYbz
props. He liked the zombie idea he had earlier but the problem was that this200Please respect copyright.PENANANbdAXbx5VW
time he’d need a cameraman. He wasn’t close enough to his housemates to have200Please respect copyright.PENANA0yfXMqWW37
them help film yet, so he called up an old friend.
By noon, they both met at the local shopping mall with Aaron200Please respect copyright.PENANAzSCyh292O2
in full zombie gear.
“Nice!” Eric, his friend, appraised the makeup job. The man200Please respect copyright.PENANAbkbQ5N2SkF
had a thing for jean jackets and styled his hair in a side comb. He stank of200Please respect copyright.PENANAifxQjE2xR6
hair spray, and Aaron was pretty sure he could chip a piece of his hair off if200Please respect copyright.PENANAxhfGEMI8A7
he just flicked it with a finger. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you just got200Please respect copyright.PENANAPzYoJghIUE
out of a massive car wreck.”
“Thankth.” Aaron lisped through his makeup. He used fake200Please respect copyright.PENANAeeuyFDEpsT
fingernails to imitate teeth poking out throught the latex with some stitches200Please respect copyright.PENANAkhn8hCxVqi
holding his fake lips together. He also had on some pale contacts so his eyes200Please respect copyright.PENANAFIsVuLd6gT
looked milky white. Aaron’s clothes on the other hand looked perfectly normal.
“You ready?”
Eric grabbed the camera and stood on the opposite side of200Please respect copyright.PENANAbZK4meLCpv
the walkway as Aaron proceeded with his prank.
The first rule of scaring people, pick your targets carefully.200Please respect copyright.PENANAG6wy6yiWhF
No kids or elderly, and definitely not anyone who looked like they’d sock him200Please respect copyright.PENANAp8AwEMMMVM
in the face.
The prank was simple. He’d walk with his head down so that200Please respect copyright.PENANAsWA11CfEob
his face would be somewhat hidden, and then bump gently into a random person.200Please respect copyright.PENANAfhlZxbJTLg
As soon as they turned towards him, he’d fling his head back and reveal the200Please respect copyright.PENANAGPKyB9Mdw6
makeup job. If the target didn’t dart away immediately, he’d pitch some fake200Please respect copyright.PENANAE34h5ZEXia
life insurance policy to them as an ironic joke. Quite a few people ran away200Please respect copyright.PENANApAlHj5tI8R
instinctively, but some caught on to the joke as soon as he started talking in200Please respect copyright.PENANAwQSuUk6lvk
his spokesperson’s voice. Though one man with a strong grip insisted on200Please respect copyright.PENANAjdIXHR7eOy
escorting him personally to the hospital and Eric had to intervene to explain200Please respect copyright.PENANAx6cdrTsgMy
the prank.
Once they got enough footage, they grabbed some fast food200Please respect copyright.PENANAHYpdoeyGrU
and reviewed the best clips before leaving. Unfortunately, a portion of it was200Please respect copyright.PENANAFwrfDMWuU6
unusable because Aaron had failed to notice how loudly a gaggle of girls had200Please respect copyright.PENANAhpE5p9UK1U
been talking behind him, so the insurance pitch was drowned out.
“You gonna edit this tonight?” Eric asked as he drove Aaron200Please respect copyright.PENANA81Q0I5WTS6
Aaron could have walked back if he wanted to, but preferred200Please respect copyright.PENANApaPQ7mHPsu
letting others chauffeur him around. “Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see.”
“Let me know when you do! That guy with the boots looked so200Please respect copyright.PENANAA5QUNzAqvM
confused. His face was priceless!”
Aaron grinned, knowing that the more ridiculous the200Please respect copyright.PENANAXgWNpAVDvB
reaction, the better the video will be, and he was sure he’d get a good200Please respect copyright.PENANAP2JHBAP65V
viewership with the footage they got today.
Once he wa dropped off, he immediately went to his room and200Please respect copyright.PENANA4K9xDmJM90
started editing on his laptop. Clipping out the boring parts, fixing the audio,200Please respect copyright.PENANALozQBQXZ0y
zooming in on the funnier reactions, and combining it took quite a bit of time.200Please respect copyright.PENANASwBEOLZepJ
His computer hummed loudly as it processed the video, and Aaron took this200Please respect copyright.PENANAz05b0SBG0N
opportunity to take a proper shower before laying on his bed to wait for it to200Please respect copyright.PENANAd00pkJaQQ1
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew it200Please respect copyright.PENANAEgUQAGIzHA
was morning. Though this time he made sure to check. Looking at his watch, it200Please respect copyright.PENANAKILEd2IDW8
was 8:42 AM the next day. Quickly, he scurried around the house, verifying that200Please respect copyright.PENANAsU4VGkm9Tt
everything was in its place, right down to spotting a wild Todd scrounging200Please respect copyright.PENANAVmMkZScvfk
about in the kitchen.
“Hey!” Todd called once he noticed Aaron snooping about. “You200Please respect copyright.PENANAzMYJAbs8Lb
wanna help me install that camera? None of the other guys are willing to help200Please respect copyright.PENANAywSjhvaTOA
for shit.”
Not having anything better to do, he agreed, but not before200Please respect copyright.PENANAelRzURYhHN
getting some breakfast and checking on his video. Todd still had to pick the200Please respect copyright.PENANA54mxwrnzMm
thing up from the store, so they couldn’t install till he returned. Then they grabbed200Please respect copyright.PENANAymJ5jLEuOG
a ladder from the garage and got to work.
“You know how to hook this stuff up?” Aaron asked after Todd200Please respect copyright.PENANAi8zcyGgS9M
fiddled with the wires for a bit.
“Not really, but the instructions are easy to follow. Why?200Please respect copyright.PENANAZDHkeuvvcx
You wanna install it for me?”
“But aren’t you tech-smart or something?”
“Video editing is not tech support buddy.”
“Worth a shot.” Todd returned to the camera as he placed it200Please respect copyright.PENANAjDZbvn25qG
in the upper left corner of the door, where they’d get a clear view of anyone200Please respect copyright.PENANA8iZb1uWlv0
in the yard and the street.
Then they went back inside to test the camera. It took a few200Please respect copyright.PENANA4Lmm1D7nIt
tries to get the signal to work, but when it did, it looked pretty good.
“Alrighty, now whenever someone bangs on the door, we can200Please respect copyright.PENANAWbhagzV52P
just snap this on and see who it is!” Todd declared triumphantly.
“Why don’t we just get a peephole installed or something?”200Please respect copyright.PENANAb0fsaN03n3
Aaron wondered, to which Todd rolled his eyes.
“Because our dear old landlord doesn’t like tenants making200Please respect copyright.PENANAT2x5WIyFx2
modifications without his consent. And he’s out of town right now, so this is200Please respect copyright.PENANASt78w3r3CN
the next best thing.”
“I guess.” Aaron sighed. His lease agreement expressly said200Please respect copyright.PENANAgYbdIP6zTV
that none of them were allowed to modify any part of the house without200Please respect copyright.PENANAohKnsLaPF8
permission from the landlord, which include windows, doors, ceiling fans, etc.200Please respect copyright.PENANAXBiSU7W8yE
The security camera was removable, so that wouldn’t be a problem at least.
Speaking of his landlord, perhaps he should bring up the200Please respect copyright.PENANAYHwHW75M7I
rent situation now? Wait there was no point anymore, was there? It wasn’t like200Please respect copyright.PENANArZTaoyYZEz
he had been sharing his room…
Reminding himself of the ghost situation, Aaron decided to200Please respect copyright.PENANAgVgws8CM74
sleep on the couch again that night.
Caleb had stopped showing up, but that didn’t change the200Please respect copyright.PENANADBV4s1fuT1
fact that the room made him feel uncomfortable now. He felt like the stress of200Please respect copyright.PENANAG6MDQ42iZO
the situation may even be to blame for that weird sleepwalking episode where he200Please respect copyright.PENANArd0Lrh14wz
found himself downstairs at 1AM.
He felt more comfortable about the random drunk knocking on200Please respect copyright.PENANA8qsBwUXZ0n
their door, especially now that the had a security camera to catch them, unlike200Please respect copyright.PENANA3UxZrkx7a5
in his room where he had no proof to show anyone that his roommate had ever200Please respect copyright.PENANAbVt1sw2aXX
been there.
Turning on a documentary, he fell asleep to the sound of a200Please respect copyright.PENANAMk2CKgRRbE
British man describing the life cycle of anglerfish before jolting awake the200Please respect copyright.PENANAUL93btHH1y
next morning, feeling like something was off.
Aaron sat up, his exposed arm sticking to the leather couch,200Please respect copyright.PENANA96vtWFUeAG
and that was when he realized what it was.
The house was rearranged again.
Aaron became immediately fearful as he stood and started200Please respect copyright.PENANAPIelvPS8zF
eyeing everything. Nothing was where it should be. The whole house looked200Please respect copyright.PENANAwBuJxaG9Mu
completely different, and he didn’t know how to handle that.
“Who the hell are you?!”
To Aaron’s surprise, when he turned towards the voice he found200Please respect copyright.PENANA1tCbGo7FX3
that he was face to face with a very angry-looking Caleb.
The man looked poised, ready to strike if Aaron made one200Please respect copyright.PENANAxeyDEsPacT
wrong move. Wondering if this was a dream and why the ghost looked hostile, he200Please respect copyright.PENANAK0xwjgHLSh
stuttered. “C-Caleb?”
The man tilted his head. “How did you know my name?”
Aaron frowned. “You… Don’t remember me?”
“Why would I?”
“We sort of shared a room. Upstairs?” He pointed upwards,200Please respect copyright.PENANA02ISole8iB
and Caleb glanced in that direction before returning his suspicious eyes to the200Please respect copyright.PENANAW7wXc05341
“I don’t share a room with anyone. And how did you get in200Please respect copyright.PENANAZLPi3Km1Zj
Aaron finally took notice of the fact that it as light out,200Please respect copyright.PENANAE9WGEQZC12
and he reached for his phone. According to the time, it was past midnight, but200Please respect copyright.PENANA6AiyotBBFJ
the sun was out. “What the hell is going on?”
“That’s what I’d like to know!”
“Wait wait!” Aaron finally held a hand up. “My name is Aaron.200Please respect copyright.PENANAvGOiW9tbMC
Aaron Smith. Don’t you remember me at all?”
Caleb squinted at him, unconvinced, then the gears in his200Please respect copyright.PENANAH2gGKBu9ot
head started to turn and his skeptical look turned into familiarity. “Wait, are200Please respect copyright.PENANAXvrKzj6a3b
you the house sitter?”
“…the what?”200Please respect copyright.PENANAfR8uyhrDvE
200Please respect copyright.PENANAGmYDSJOtmZ
“The guy that’s supposed to be staying here for the month.” Caleb explained. “To200Please respect copyright.PENANAnXSp8px43O
house sit.”
Well, that was confusing. Why would he need a house sitter? Didn’t200Please respect copyright.PENANAt3SuCENrHf
Caleb live, or preferably, haunt here?
“Sure…” He answered cautiously, not wanting to rile the man200Please respect copyright.PENANA9LmHRIMpzx
up anymore.
With that answer, Caleb immediately relaxed. “Man, I was200Please respect copyright.PENANA2hT4G6vqf9
starting to think we wouldn’t find anyone for the job.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” Aaron feigned interest, tilting his head200Please respect copyright.PENANACmCBeihvdE
and standing more confidently, pretending he was supposed to be there.
“Because the last guy started telling stupid stories about200Please respect copyright.PENANARV5zoRAWPT
this place. He scared everyone else away.”
“What stories?”
Caleb paused. “Never mind. You don’t need to know.”
That was an immediate shutdown of the conversation and he turned200Please respect copyright.PENANAuSAG6n0G3U
towards the kitchen. “I’m just a little confused though. I thought I was the200Please respect copyright.PENANAJFF302Ljp2
only one with a key?”
“Oh, yeah uh, nah. I’m just here for a quick walkthrough200Please respect copyright.PENANAN7ljQZTxP4
today.” Aaron decided to play along.
“Was that you the other day?”
“Upstairs.” Caleb asked as he grabbed a jug of tea from the200Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2Cs85nFRp
fridge. “Someone knocked over my lamp.”
Aaron froze.
Did that really happen?
Before he could ask, he heard a sudden pounding at the front200Please respect copyright.PENANAcLA0mVH2Al
door. Aaron was startled by the sound and gasped. “What the hell?”
“What’s up?” Caleb poured himself a cup of tea.
The banging continued and Aaron backed away from it. “Who’s200Please respect copyright.PENANAMSBYw690Qr
doing that?”
“Doing what?”
He looked back at Caleb who seemed completely at ease.200Please respect copyright.PENANAQNDyFzXqkX
Tilting his head, Aaron pointed towards the door. “Don’t you hear that banging200Please respect copyright.PENANAxkmwsRwYuz
Suddenly there was one more loud bang, and the door looked200Please respect copyright.PENANAPq2gmkJk1C
like it splintered. Caleb continued to stare at Aaron, unfazed as though nothing200Please respect copyright.PENANAI3EH2okEkf
was happening. “Dude, are you okay?”
Aaron pointed even harder. “Someone’s breaking down the200Please respect copyright.PENANA3dSgZItU0n
door! Look!” He worked up the courage to get closer to the door so he could200Please respect copyright.PENANAPzHzmHVQ8p
show Caleb the damage, but as he passed the kitchen, the entire room went dark.
Glancing outside the nearest window, he noticed it was night200Please respect copyright.PENANAyz5b4g3qal
again, and Caleb was gone.
“I heard it that time!” The sound of people moving about200Please respect copyright.PENANAW1KKAEPsBp
upstairs caught his ear as his housemates emerged from their rooms, flying down200Please respect copyright.PENANA6V2l5EiRTi
the steps to see what was going on.
Todd practically skipped into the room. “I’ve got these200Please respect copyright.PENANA6MbAqaGAdh
fuckers now!” He said as the banging continued.
Aaron was standing right where he had been the whole time200Please respect copyright.PENANA3We5XQLSsO
and watched as Todd turned on the flat screen to check the cameras.
Trevor, Elijah Justin, and Aaron gathered around the couch200Please respect copyright.PENANAnrtWN20UnB
as he flicked through the settings, then finally found the camera feed.
They all stared, dumbfounded, as the banging continued200Please respect copyright.PENANApXnac0PVww
despite no one being at the door.
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