At the age of seventeen, Bella Lunette Filstine was totally love stuck to someone for almost three years and of course, nobody knows, but if anyone would know about it, it would be a total disaster.
Anyway, how did it happen?
Three years ago, after class while roaming around the golf field of the school she’s currently attending, she found a guy standing—tall, fair-complexed handsome guy playing a violin under a tree then she finds herself getting attracted to the violin piece and to the man himself. As the cool and gentle wind breeze blows and the astonishing colors of sunset, she finds the man more handsome and then it made it clear for her- she’s in love at first sight with that man.
And so it goes that after that day, she began to come to the golf field every afternoon to watch him silently. One afternoon, when the man eventually went away, she spotted a violin piece lying on the grass beneath the tree. Well she did go near it then picked it up and opened the music sheet. It’s a self created violin piece she thought. She searched for the name and it was Logan Jake Walter. She thought to give it back to him the next day but he never returned to the golf field even in the next few days.
Four days after giving up the hunt for him, she found out that he’s already a famous student at school. There are even speculations that he’s offered to be the model of the school for advertisements. She asked a classmate about when did Logan became famous and her classmate said that he became famous just four days ago when a student found him playing violin at the golf field around lunch time. That particular student took a video of him and posted it on White Cross Gossips Website (WCG Website). It ended that the video had so many viewers that he became famous in an instant. Bella wasn’t so pleased, with Logan being so famous she knew it wouldn’t be easy to go near him.
And so after that, until now she still has that shabby music sheet and she still can’t seize the chance on how to return it to him. Logan Jake Walter is now a famous violinist and the Academy promotion model where his face’s could be seen everywhere. He was so famous that the slightest move he make could create social media trends nationwide. He’s like a celebrity See? That’s why it will be a total disaster if they found out she likes him because he is famous.
By now, Bella has a boyfriend. Every morning, they’re going together to school. Well, no one in their school knows they’re in the same relationship except her best friend, Mary Bridgette Collins. Because if any of their classmates or schoolmates would’ve found out, Bella would be bullied for the remainder of her school years because she had a boyfriend younger than her. They think it’s already pedophile but for the couple, it isn’t.
One morning of course Bella have to go to school, she heard something and slowly opened her half-moon shaped eyes and smiled. She already knew that Luke was already outside their house and was the one who flung a crumpled paper at her window forceful enough to make a noise. He even he repeats it five times simply to make sure that Bella’s awake. Yes, her boyfriend’s name is Luke Andrews Raven, a fifteen year-old young man who has a faint resemblance to Logan. Bella fall in love with Luke just because of that. She knows that it’s a bad thing to do and a bad reason to have but she really couldn’t think of any other reason to fall in love with him other than that. She wants to learn how to love him, and is still on the process.
Bella got up and walked out of her bed towards her window, peered out and smiled at Luke. She then turned, grabbed her towel and bathed. After that, she dressed and took her stuff and locked her room. She ate breakfast and bid goodbye to her mother.
At the porch, she saw Luke leaning on the left side of his car.
“Bell, c’mon we’re gonna be late for school”. Luke told her as she approach the car. He gestured his hand for Bella to go immediately inside the car. He stepped inside also, started the engine and drove away. Luke started a conversation while their driving.
“We have to act like childhood friends again in school right?”
“Yes to prevent useless gossips” Bella answered.
The two have to act like childhood friends at school with Bella being the older one and Luke being the younger one, like brothers and sisters treatment. At first when they came to school together (not to mention inside Luke’s car) they have no choice but to tell every being in their hell hole school that they’re childhood friends and treats each other like brothers and sisters.
“Why is it always like this? What’s wrong with having a younger or older partner in a romantic relationship? What’s wrong with the world?” Luke’s frowning again as he let a big sigh while turning the maneuver right.
Despite his exclaim Bella remained silent. She’s not in the mood of answering that inquiry or perhaps, she doesn’t know what to tell him.
After 10-short minutes, they arrived at school. Many would no longer mind anymore anyway since they already know the “truth” about them.
“I’m going to my room now” Luke said when they got out of the car.
“Alright, go on ahead. I’ll just go to my locker” Bella replied. Then they went their separate ways.
First bell rang and it’s already first subject. Second bell rang and it’s second subject. Then third bell rang, finally after the never ending babbling of their Music teacher, they get to have their ears rest from the first period’s ‘mass’. While Bella walks through the hallway where students are chattering, the sunlight touches her skin. Bella still hasn’t got the idea why her skin feels like burning under it. She also feels weak whenever she sees a cross or a holy water, even the statues of saints and churches makes her feel weak. And that is the reason why she wears her big jacket, her long stockings and avoids looking at any holy relic all the time. She thinks even absurdly that perhaps, she’s a spawn of the devil.
It crossed Bella’s mind that she needs to get her books from her locker for the second period. While walking, she met her best friend Mary who just came all the way from school canteen munching her cheese flavored French fries and carries half the size of the height of papers her assistant carries.
“Bella! All of the Drama Club Members are searching for you! Where have you been? You got to hurry, we have a meeting” Mary told Bella. Mary looks like a squirrel eating in front of her with her cheek round as basketball stuffed with food.
“What! Meeting early in the morning? And why all of the Drama Club members are searching for me?” Bella asked.
“Remember the novel you’ve written? The one entitled ‘The Story of Us’? President Jeremy read it and had an idea of using Logan Jake Walter as the male protagonist so our budget from the White Cross Student Council Organization would get higher than the usual budget they’ve been giving us” Mary replied.
“What! President Jeremy read it? without my permission? And deciding that Logan Jake Walter is going to be the male protagonist?” Bella asked with her voice slowly getting higher in pitch.
“Uh, so does the Drama Club President ‘needs permission’ to one of his club members to read their self-created book?” Mary asked sarcastically.
“Well it’s my book not his! Naturally he has to ask permission from me whether I let him read my or book or not!” Bella replied and she seems really pissed off.
“Well you got a point in that one but does the Drama Club President ‘needs permission’ to one of his club members about whose he gonna pick as the male protagonist in the story?” Mary asked sarcastically again.
“Ugh! It’s not like that! Okay! Alright! He doesn’t need permission from me because I’m not the Drama Club’s Theatre Director…. I’m just their club member who happens to write a story…” Bella replied sarcastically to Mary.
“Okay I got what you wanna say but we really need to get going. Go get the things you needed for the next period. We might not have a time to get that later when the bell rings.” Mary instructed her like a mother instructing her child. She already turned and was planning to walk away quickly when she remembered something.
“Oh! Bella! I almost forgot to tell you this and this will really agitate you” Mary said.
“What? What is it?” Bella asked suspiciously.
“Since you’re the author, you know the female protagonist’s feelings and knows how to deliver her lines, President Jeremy decided that you’ll be the female protagonist. Your partner for the play is Logan” Mary said.
Somehow I really regret telling her that…. She thought to herself.
Before Bella could shout oh so loud, Mary covered her mouth with her right hand just in time and said
“Calm down...”
Bella’s still frowning but managed to calm herself a bit and said “The fudge...”
“Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale” Mary said while she put her hand on Bella’s shoulder and still trying to calm her down.
Bella felt like crying. She doesn’t want to remember the feeling that you can’t even talk or approach your crush. Sometimes it makes her act childish due to these feelings.
“Can you beg President Jeremy to replace someone whose gonna act as the female protagonist in my story? You yourself know the reason… I can’t act with Logan” Bella pleaded.
“I’m so sorry Bella, I really am but I can’t. His position is higher than me. I can’t control the club even though I’m the Vice President. I can’t help you on that Bella… I’m so sorry…” Mary explained.
And then there’s a moment of silence between the two of them. Mary’s assistant reminded them that their getting late for the meeting. Suddenly Bella finally said something:
“I’ll just… get myself ready for the play…”
Mary just nodded and pat Bella’s head then signed that they have to go on first to the Drama Club Room for the immediate meeting. Bella smiled weakly and went to what she was gonna do. When she reached her locker, she grabbed her books and notebooks and locked it. Just as when she turned around, she bumped into Logan who’s also going to get his things from his locker. They both fell on the floor which is painful enough for Bella to curse destiny and the gravity of the earth. What a ‘nice’ day she really has.
After feeling the pain, they both looked up and had an eye contact. Then Bella just realized that they’re both on the floor with her books and notebooks all around the two of them. Many noticed of what had just happened, a commoner girl bumping into the academy’s lover boy. Bella felt an adrenaline rush. She needs to get out of Logan’s and everyone’s sight. So, she grabbed all her things but she didn’t notice that the violin piece that belongs to Logan was lying on the floor behind him. She ran as fast as she could away from the scene, with Logan’s gaze still upon her running figure.
Bella made it to the club room after bumping into Logan; everyone seems to be busy preparing for the roleplay project presentation when she entered the room, meaning: she’s not late.
Bella let out a sigh of relief as she sat at her place because she know she gonna get another reprimand from the club president when she were to be always late at meetings. She wandered her eyes and noticed that Logan isn’t there yet and she becomes anxious unconsciously upon thinking how to converse with him if ever they speak with other unavoidably and inevitably.
Finally after 10 minutes, a Drama Club member opened the door and there was Logan. Bella observed his eyes scan all of the people inside that room, well everyone was already there except for him who almost late to the meeting; the Drama Club members, officers, and the actors for the upcoming play and the Club President and Vice President. Everyone’s eyes are on him, but he just shrugs it off. Some do not mind at all, some of his friends are there and gave him a wave and smile, some girls are flustered to see him there and finally his eyes stopped for a moment on Bella who is now looking down hiding behind that pile of papers in front of the Vice President. He knew it was Bella and Bella knew he was looking at her. After that, he glanced at Vice President Mary and President Jeremy. He just stared at them for painstakingly one minute of silence and awkwardness.
Everyone noticed that strangeness and dark aura emitting from Logan, even strange when Mary and Jeremy both looked down immediately. He looks like he’s up to something but then the Drama Club secretary suggested:
“Um… are we getting started? Time is running…” The tension in the whole room faded, then Logan remained silent and went to his designated seat.
When everyone finally settled comfortably, they turned their gaze to President Jeremy who just managed to calm down in a few seconds. He finally opened up the main topic and the objective of the meeting. Bella, the author of the book and also the lead actress was beside her best friend, Mary. She’s hiding her face behind the pile of papers in front of Mary to avoid Logan’s gaze.
After the endless explanation, President Jeremy finally called Bella since she’s the author of the book. Bella stiffened and becomes anxious on her seat. Her face turned pale then it turned to sour. She’s nervous because Logan would see her again at the meeting. She returned into reality when President Jeremy called her name again. She yawned, pretended to be awakened from a deep sleep that it made all of the people in the meeting laugh. She got up from her seat and took the microphone from President Jeremy. She could see from her peripheral vision that Logan’s surprised to see her or maybe that’s what she thinks. It’s more like Logan’s frowning softly and getting emotional to see her. She just shrugged it and smiled awkwardly to everyone, she still nervous that she asked herself this:
Why would Logan look at me like that?
“Uh… Good morning everyone! I’m Bella Filstine from Class A of 4th year level and a member of White Cross Drama Club and also the author of the book entitled ‘The Story of Us’…. Nice meeting you all!” she said with a fake smile plastered in her face. Oh!!! I’m gonna be so dead! I blurted out my full identity! She said to herself.
“So as the author of the book, I have been assigned by President Jeremy to choose the actors and actresses that will look good for the play. I’ll be calling your names and your character in the story. Well, some of the characters like the male and female protagonist were chosen by President Jeremy himself. For example, Mr. Walter is the male lead actor and” Bella paused awkwardly, swallowed her saliva, blinked many times and smiled. She didn’t attempt to announce the leading actress’ name. She let a small sigh to calm herself down.
“So again, I’ll be calling your names and your character for the play. Louissa Kazelrine as Marianna Beatrix Clivton, Lawrence Huntley as” and so the name goes on and on. She didn’t really bother to announce the female lead protagonist, thinking it’s okay not to let them know about it. But if someone asks, it will be like jumping off a cliff.
After so many details about the play, the meeting ended and everyone else went outside. Vice President Mary, President Jeremy, Bella, Logan and the rest of the Theatre officers in Drama Club was left inside the Club room. Bella was so relieved that no one asked about it, but suddenly:
“Who’s the female lead protagonist? The one I’m acting with?” Logan asked.
Oh there’s that shit comes! Hella son of a gun why did he ask for it? Ugh! The meeting was finally done and yet he managed to say it in front of the Officers! Bella said cursing Logan in her mind
Out of the sudden the President coughed like he choked on something. Mary just glanced at Bella.
“Oh Bella! How come you didn’t announce it yourself early in the meeting that you’re the female protagonist? You have so much time to tell it earlier while everyone was here?” President Jeremy asked.
Bella bowed her head down and sighed, with a slight frown plastered in her forehead.“I know it myself. I didn’t need to be reminded, and Logan stand out so much that I forgot to announce it.” She reasoned out. What a dumb reason I came up to! She thought.
Logan stared at her and smiled a little then looked down on his lap.
While inside Bella’s head is all:
Let me go home and get out of here! Why did he smile? Am I that obvious? Holy crap…
“Okay. It already happened anyway, so let’s go home!” President Jeremy said cheerfully. Everyone left the club room whilst in the hallway, Logan called her.
“What is it?” Bella turned to him and said, almost whispering. She’s still not meeting his gaze.
“Logan Jake Horváth Walter. Nice to meet you, I hope we’ll do our best for the play.” Logan said with a monotonous voice and flat face. Bella noticed that Logan told him his full name, even his middle name. So she decided to give hers too.
“I’m Bella Lunette Asztalos Filstine” Bella awkwardly said, still looking down the floor.
“See you soon.” Logan smiled at little at Bella.
“Yeah, uhm bye.” Bella said then immediately turned around and walked away without giving a chance for Logan to bid goodbye to her.
Logan stood still, gaze on Bella as she ran away from him.
After reaching the parking lot, Bella thought to herself,
Come to think of it, both our middle names are pretty weird…
Bella shrugged it and decided that the next day, Bella is determined to act cold to him. The practice for the play is after class, and they’ll meet again soon.