Deep in the dungeon untouched by light, damp and uninviting the stench of metal fills the humid air. Broken swords and broken bodies litter the stone floor blood pooling in its crevices . Quiet shufling and whispered gasps echo throughout the halls.
Down the rickety stares against many solders fight a lowly knight along side his prince .Both young yet very skilled tearing through the masses with violent ease. With no hope of backup the price searches for s hidden door , a secret passage anything to get out of there . Waddling though the crowd his foot reaches a lose stone . it sinks . A deafening rumble fills the tightly packed hall . The knight's eyes meet his own. The prince's hand reaches down his boot producing a slender dagger no longer than ones palm and sends it flying into a narrow slit in the floor below temporarily stopping it from closing .
The knight ducks as a sword breezes past his head . burying his sword into the solder he slides into the cavity after the prince as the dagger brakes . The stone door closes engulfing them in darkness , their disappearance gone unnoticed by the solders above.
They quickly make their way down the narrow corridors till the knight reaches a tiny hole in the wall barely big enough for one person . discarding their armor they slip through emerging in a stone paved garden relatively untouched by the chaos . The wounded men stagger into the dense labyrinth of a garden hoping to lose the enemy troops.
Carefully masking their footprints, in no time they reached the centre . There lay a huge fountain behind which was an inconspicuous little gate with a secret passage leading outside the kingdom hidden by nothing but a few rose bushes . As they came closer to the gate , the knight stops head held low he speaks “We must part ways now my prince “ the prince wouldn’t listen.
” I do not wish to have this conversation again. I do not care of the consequences. I am not leaving you here to die “.
the knight’s gaze softened , he spoke carefully “ there is no time -“
”YES there is no time . More the reason for you to come with me “.
They hear the enemy troops closing in as the knight forcefully pushes the prince into the passage locking the gate from outside hidden by the overgrowth the prince grips the knight’s hand tighter .
” why … why must you stay?” The prince whispered the tears in his eyes threatening to spill.
” I’ll distract the guards while you slip away “
” I need you to come with me “
” you’re being selfish prince I cannot come with you the prophecy-“
“ TO HELL WITH THE PROPHECY…I have lost so much . I don’t think I can survive losing you too Aster “
the knight gently cups the prince’s hands planting a kiss in his palms . The pain in their eyes no longer hidden.
“ you won’t have to . I promise . Don’t fret my love ; “ he smiles softly brushing the prince’s hair out of his face “I was born to live this day not a single soul will know how you got away”.
A single tear left his eye as he stared in disbelief. The stage was set. this was it , he had to decide, but his decision was already made by someone else.
“ I will come back for you”
” I know”
“Don’t die “
”I won’t “
with one last kiss goodbye the prince ran through the corridors. He would be back , he would take his kingdom back . The prophecy be damned he will not simply watch his loved ones die once more.