A hand plucks a choice mushroom from its roots; squatting legs straighten up; eyes glimpse the large abode in the distance.109Please respect copyright.PENANA4NmcB427OD
Chizue stares momentarily then returns to what she was doing.109Please respect copyright.PENANAbAsK4cruvg
Doors slam open; a little man walks proudly past his stationed samurai guards. Arrogantly, he strides to the center of a spacious courtyard. An out of breath man comes running then stops off to the right just shy of the small man.109Please respect copyright.PENANAaa47CW8bvk
Eyes look up in disgust; an outstretched right arm with a pointing index finger evenly moves from the left to right of the courtyard.109Please respect copyright.PENANAt3DJP8cWtY
The little well fed man complains, "Where are my night guards?!"109Please respect copyright.PENANAtW4wEXK2UN
Looking condescendingly at the middle-aged man catching his breath, "Can you tell me, advisor Shin?"109Please respect copyright.PENANA7A9iVSw8TU
Half stuttering and catching his breath advisor Shin responds, "Lord Yamada, this morning... they -"109Please respect copyright.PENANACKaySbEjQU
Suddenly, interrupting with a violent motion Lord Yamada raises his extended right arm with open hand stopping just before Advisor Shin's trembling face. Simply, he already knew what Advisor Shin was going to say, since he had heard it many times before.109Please respect copyright.PENANAGu3fJTb2fu
Advisor Shin continues, "Well..."109Please respect copyright.PENANAGcjFOgm9ph
Lord Yamada twists his head towards the right and slightly downwards then glares at Advisor Shin, "Don't just waste my time, find replacements now!"109Please respect copyright.PENANA3uyGbct9kA
Advisor Shin instinctively, "Yes, right away, my Lord...".109Please respect copyright.PENANAArF3DhXp87
Like a rodent fleeing for its life, Advisor Shin scurries off.109Please respect copyright.PENANAbuhGR6ihWD
Releasing a stern sigh, Lord Yamada sits down at his audience chamber.109Please respect copyright.PENANA2OgXd8g8ga
Conceitedly, Lord Yamada raises his head and scans the chamber. Advisors and guards line up before him.109Please respect copyright.PENANAKiU5WTaf0i
A couple of the men in the audience chamber ever so slightly lower their heads and duck their eyes.109Please respect copyright.PENANA4fGNdruYnY
Breaking the silence, Lord Yamada echoes, "Anyone have anything of worth to report!"109Please respect copyright.PENANAiXEQKlvb7S
Briefly, the chamber stays silent, then a shady man calls out, "My lord, you may want to consider cutting back on our 'procuring expenses' "109Please respect copyright.PENANA38boNPHf6G
Lord Yamada beams his eyes at the shady man- then retorts, "What drivel do you speak!" "Get the tax collectors to work harder!"109Please respect copyright.PENANAQzwSmq1dXH
The man just nods. As he quickly disappears from the chamber, another man walks up to where Lord Yamada commands. He whispers something into his ear.109Please respect copyright.PENANAW9xPhUqzLC
Lord Yamada looks up with a devilish grin responding likewise to the advisor, "Have them brought to my bed chambers." then under his breath, "Can't have enough peaches."109Please respect copyright.PENANAuM3SsoifJD
With a wooden creak, the heavy doors to the audience chamber open. Proudly, a single guard drags a half-beat up old man before Lord Yamada.109Please respect copyright.PENANA78SkjNYjJL
Abruptly, the guard releases the old man in front of Lord Yamada. Baffled, the old man seems disoriented. Coldly, the guard informs Lord Yamada, "We caught him loitering out front."109Please respect copyright.PENANAkqrro8xUbo
Raising eyebrows, Lord Yamada looks squarely at the old man, "So, Junichi why is your tattered mess before me?"109Please respect copyright.PENANAkHoqakYGso
"Well- umm..." Junichi responds.109Please respect copyright.PENANAuuQok9hxha
Impatience transforms Lord Yamada's expression, "Spit it out!"109Please respect copyright.PENANA9vJiEELkPG
Trembling, Junichi suddenly responds, "I can get you- the golden and red haired girls."109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3bwsEZtDN
Lord Yamada rubs hands briskly in anticipation then demands, "Bring them to 'me' at once"109Please respect copyright.PENANAuyPQ084GZh
Junichi lowers his head and says, "You see..."109Please respect copyright.PENANAKp4Ht7Lc6M
Lord Yamada's clenches his fist, "Guards! Remove this dreg from my presence and give him his just 'reward' ".109Please respect copyright.PENANAQknuvVZleI
At once, the guard advances towards him. Upon realizing his predicament, Junichi pleads "Wait...wait-".109Please respect copyright.PENANAGM2WCHh6Ea
As the guard proceeds to haul him out from the chamber, Junichi swiftly maneuver's his head and appeals, "My lord, I proof! Just let me show you!"109Please respect copyright.PENANAfWWvWuEosx
Reluctantly, Lord Yamada motions to the guard to drag Yunichi back. Once released, meekly, Yunichi drops something in to the guard's right hand.109Please respect copyright.PENANABkGggk0hVj
Robotically, the guard approaches Lord Yamada, then sets the item on Lord Yamada's right hand and speaks, "Here my lord."109Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZAMGowiUx
A small hand holds it up; eyes proceed to examine it; it glistens in the sunlight.109Please respect copyright.PENANAzvA2wCLLLH
Gradually, a joyfully malevolent smile possesses Lord Yamada as he has never seen the rumored golden-haired girl. As silence pervades the hall, Lord Yamada continues to admire it for yet another minute.
An advisor attempts to abort a sneeze, but fails.109Please respect copyright.PENANAWVG3sEaDaq
Hiding his desire, Lord Yamada reverts to his usual expression then glances at Junichi; he pauses, then asks, "So, what's your plan?"109Please respect copyright.PENANA9ZjsZbKEyC
Junichi fills with courage answering, "There is this girl called Chizue..."109Please respect copyright.PENANA75o4ngJmpb
In the distance, Kirara happily climbs up a twisted tree. Closer by, Akiko sits and plays with some perfectly shaped rocks as some are cubes while others are spheres.109Please respect copyright.PENANAGJjsv8BSJG
With hands cupped over her mouth, Chizue calls out to the girls, "Want to go to town?"109Please respect copyright.PENANAzQTs05tJS0
Suddenly, Kirara flips off a tree and lands like a cat. Slowly, Akiko stands up and briefly dusts herself off. Shortly, both girls appear before Chizue with sparkling eyes.109Please respect copyright.PENANAWGNHZao40c
"I'm ready!" announces Kirara.109Please respect copyright.PENANAu6hB86Rgs3
"Me too..." replies Akiko.109Please respect copyright.PENANAhhO6uGVmgV
Chizue commands, "Let's go then."109Please respect copyright.PENANAWJ1u3inNVf
Happily, the three girls walk out to the edge of the clearing. They follow a lightly travelled path which slopes down weaving through a heavily wooded forest. Chizue leads the way. Obediently, Akiko walks behind Chizue carefully watching her step. Periodically, Kirara wanders off forcing Chizue to call out to her.109Please respect copyright.PENANAdOQEYUDizB
Chizue rolls her eyes, "Kirara what are you doing?" as Kirara hangs on a branch as it suddenly snaps and she falls flat on the ground.109Please respect copyright.PENANABnKd6TmfqN
Chizue suddenly shouts out, "Don't eat that!" as Kirara holds an odd looking berry in her hand then inconspicuously lets it fall.109Please respect copyright.PENANAbfYEZmxjIP
Chizue lets out a heavy sigh, "Are you trying to get lost?" as Kirara attempts to crawl into some bushes, but Chizue pulls her out by the neck of her clothes.109Please respect copyright.PENANA8sY56VyIs4
Finally, they reach the town of Yamada. Smiles overtook both girls' faces. Unlike its days of prosperity, the town now looks desolate with some dilapidated and abandoned homes.109Please respect copyright.PENANAaHZ3ZK074s
Chizue trades some foraged goods for treats. She gives each girl a couple of them. Unsurprisingly, Kirara finishes hers in a couple bites while Akiko savors hers.109Please respect copyright.PENANAjYVx1v1UmZ
From a distance, old man, Junichi fiddles with some coins. Unexpectedly, he turns his head spotting the golden-white and red haired girls who tower over the black-haired girl. Instinctively, Junichi begins to rub his hands together as he continues to creepily stare at the girls. Accidentally, Chizue's eyes meet with Junichi's then abruptly avert from his lecherous gaze.109Please respect copyright.PENANA1Di3BSyuLx
Creepily, Junichi creeps closer; eyes ogle; old eager hands reach out.109Please respect copyright.PENANAqYSPSCYJOu
Disturbing voice muffled by lips smacking, "Who might these cuties be?"109Please respect copyright.PENANAp241o2Rb5T
Swiftly, Chizue snatches each girls' wrist then immediately, commands, "Time to go!"109Please respect copyright.PENANAR2ddwNRLTb
Kirara balks, "That's all?"
Akiko confused, "Huh.."109Please respect copyright.PENANACWFyUZ9hx0
Akiko willfully follows.109Please respect copyright.PENANADuyAm7ymfT
Chizue pulls Kirara's arm to get her moving, but her feet take only a couple of steps then halts. With a desperate, angry power, Chizue yanks getting her finally to follow.109Please respect copyright.PENANA9wvzpkmynj
Kirara responds "Argh..."109Please respect copyright.PENANApYNeLvA4Zc
Ecstatic Junichi leaves Lord Yamada's abode fondling a small pouch of jingling coins.109Please respect copyright.PENANA836XViz5Ha
Chizue finishes sorting her bag of goods then casually announces to the girls, 'I'll be back soon."109Please respect copyright.PENANAcqifhsIuiJ
With their previous experience, Akiko seems disinterested while Kirara seems oblivious focused on what she is doing. With a small branch, Akiko starts drawing on the dirt floor before her some figures as she has already drawn some clouds and a detailed house. Meters away, Kirara lays flat on her back looking up and pointing at the sky.109Please respect copyright.PENANA7EAXuOX4nL
As she enters the town, Chizue stops briefly at the gate; her hair begins to stand on end. However, everything looks as usual, so Chizue sells some foraged goods to one townsperson followed by another. Momentarily, eyes appear between the gaps of the buildings then disappear. Chizue glances, but nothing seems amiss.109Please respect copyright.PENANABTBQGC3IOs
As Chizue walks by a pleasant voice greets her from behind, "Hello, Chizue-chan, it's good to see you".109Please respect copyright.PENANAAdLgKe3GG5
Chizue stops then turns, "Good to see you too, Keiko-san."109Please respect copyright.PENANArrwzvwhpGo
With a sudden motion, Keiko removes a sheet to uncover some simple accessories, "I've got some new items. Might any of these interest you?"109Please respect copyright.PENANAqvCYIlNlNr
Hesitantly, Chizue looks at her coin purse then back at Keiko, "Umm..."109Please respect copyright.PENANAHBb0tnDONQ
Keiko interrupts slyly, "Or perhaps they'd be perfect gifts for the girls you were with the other day?"109Please respect copyright.PENANA33pNxgPMMP
Haltingly, Chizue steps forward. Keiko places a hand on the middle of her back and coaxes her closer while pointing with her other hand, "I think these would be great for the girls."109Please respect copyright.PENANAt1GKphhLmg
A small young hand releases some coins; an older hand receives them; another small hand acquires some hair pins; the young hands place the hair pins within a worn bag; hands wave goodbye; youthful legs begin to walk.109Please respect copyright.PENANAP1tahbA0sp
From the corner of her eye, Chizue notices the sun sinking toward the horizon. Naturally, she lengthens her stride.109Please respect copyright.PENANAhH5chdzX7J
Hands shoot from the shadows; narrowly, the figure avoids; hands dart towards again; swiftly, the figure twists and feet spring off a discarded box; a man trips over a box.109Please respect copyright.PENANA30hFWbphQZ
Frantically, Chizue weaves through the town. Her lungs heave and another pursuer materializes from the shadows.109Please respect copyright.PENANAlUZv62NMBk
Legs dart through the stalls, a youthful hand waves; wind blows some dust up into the air; dust assaults eyes; a man crashes into a fruit stall; another man halts, furiously rubs his eyes; escaping, legs bound into an alley.109Please respect copyright.PENANASmWKm6E5iR
As the sky prepares to darken, the wind begins to cool, and the girls instinctively huddle together under a tree.109Please respect copyright.PENANAEJwzB2AcJx
Kirara's stomach grumbles, but she frowns and strokes her long hair. Eventually, she lets out a sigh, "Where's Chizue-sama?"109Please respect copyright.PENANAGE2wCepFTt
A hand opens with some berries; another hand instantly grabs them; a mouth quickly gobbles up the berries; asking for more food, a hand quickly opens and closes in rapid succession.109Please respect copyright.PENANATQmKXuvmLa
Realizing she has no more food in her possession, Akiko casually stands, turns, walks a little, then digs through their food stash.
Calmly, Akiko rotates back, "I've got some more-", but notices Kirara is gone.109Please respect copyright.PENANAi0trRG0ZyK
Eagerly, Kirara jogs through the woods,109Please respect copyright.PENANAjXs2Reo4Oy
"I am going to surprise her. She'll be so happy to see me. "109Please respect copyright.PENANABYYvEwsLdO
Far off, Akiko begins to cry and calls out, "Kirara!," but Kirara as if deaf continues down the twisting path.109Please respect copyright.PENANAcSKuWFoVWu
Darkness descends on the forest. Abruptly, Kirara stops, examines her surroundings, and finally notices she is lost. Restlessly, she wanders the unfamiliar surroundings longing for familiar faces. Denizens of the night break the calm. Slithering in from the edges of darkness, a mist emerges followed by the wind evolving into a howl. Spontaneously, a hand grabs her wrist forcing, Kirara to spring back.109Please respect copyright.PENANAhfB2eXzX47
Methodically, Chizue reaches the edge of town. Oddly, the guards stationed there have are nowhere to be found.109Please respect copyright.PENANAcFLz4YYWT8
Legs dash through the gate, briefly stumble on a rock; taking a wide stance, legs stabilize halting briefly; eyes spot the tree line; legs begin anew; despite feeling like lead, legs stubbornly refuse to quit.109Please respect copyright.PENANAB2xFSOhOz2
As soon as Chizue reaches the fifth tree in, she falls down out of sight behind it. Over the course of a couple minutes, her breathing calms. Sweat drenches her from head to toe.109Please respect copyright.PENANAHl4tG9l3bc
Under her breath, "I've got to hurry, the girls must be hungry.
109Please respect copyright.PENANAoWZnzhuVxH