Third person's Pov.
The rain is pouring very hard and at the same time, the atmosphere around the marquess's mansion is becoming chaotic. This day is the day of the Marchioness's funeral and also the day where the Marquess introduced his other daughter. It was a controversy among the nobility but even so, the Marquess is determined to make his bastard daughter to be also one of his official daughter. Several servants are looking at the supposedly only heiress of their lord's title; Hyacinthia Yuraine Verelle is the only daughter of Marchioness Cynthia Sierre Verelle and Marquess Luis Von Verelle. An energetic young lady and yet she is experiencing misfortunes in her life. All of the servants were looking at her with pity as she just experienced the death of her love one and now she needs to endure to live together with her father's product of infidelity. Hyacinthia looks more than the Marchioness rather than the Marquis and so all the servants in the mansion loves her like how they loved the marchioness. A maid named Theresse walks up to the young girl with an opened umbrella in her left hand shielding the girl from being exposed to the rain and pat the girl's shoulder. "my lady... Let's go inside the mansion. The Marquess is..." Theresse is hesitating to continue her sentence to Hyacinthia. She is afraid to hurt the young lady's heart. What the Marquess is doing right now to the young lady; Hyacinthia is not acceptable especially at the Marchioness's funeral. No matter how quiet the young lady is, Theresse knows that Hyacinthia is still suffering. Her attention snapped back to Hyacinthia when the young lady squeezed her hand. Theresse looks at her hand and to her young lady that is now looking back at her. The young lady inherited both the Marchioness's violet eyes, wavy onyx hair, and an ethereal beauty like no other beautiful beauties can match. These traits completely made her a prey to the nobles who wanted to take advantage of her. The young lady still looks the same and yet Theresse can't help but feel that somehow... The young lady in front of her is different. Right now, she felt that she is looking right back at her late master; the strong yet independent marchioness of Verelle.
"Theresse... I want to talk to my father. My sister is coming today isn't it? As her older sister, I need to be ready and welcome her in the mansion with open arms." her young lady said without any emotion and is caressing the golden locket around her neck. Huh? That is strange... She doesn't remember the lady wearing it a minute ago. Maybe the young lady stashed it in her pocket and decided to wear it? Anyways, Theresse is suspicious about the sudden change in her young lady's action but this change is a good sign and a blessing indicating that the young lady is getting stronger like what the late marchioness needs. So she nod and gently guides the young lady back inside the mansion where the chaos is intense. She has been the young lady's maid since the young lady was a kid. If the young lady chooses to face these difficulties head on, then who is she for not to be brave? She promises the marchioness to protect the young lady after all and so she will.
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Ersha's Pov.
I opened my eyes when I hear a noise like someone is crying. Who is the one crying like they are dying right now? Shouldn't it be me because I am literally dying. I can't even breathe right or so I thought but my body looks fine and very much alive. Wounds and heavy injuries I received from the car crash vanished like it didn't even happened. I looked around and noticed the ground and the atmosphere's burning sensation. Scorching hot blue flames surrounded my vision but I even so, it didn't hinders me to noticed a woman who has wavy onyx hair standing quietly not far from my position. She wears a dirty white nightgown that is in the length of her knees while her bruised feet is completely barefoot. Seriously, where the heck am I? I roam my eyes around us but all I can see is the blue flames completely surrounding us. Am I still in the car crash? Did an explosion somehow happens? But how come the explosion produces blue flames? "who are you?" I asked. My voice is hoarse and weak but it's enough to get her attention. She slowly looked at me and there I noticed her bright violet eyes and her solemn sobbing face. Huh? Her eyes are very rare... I mean I didn't know anyone who could have the same violet eyes like her. She looks shocked to see me but she immediately recovers from her shock and ran towards me. She wipes her gushing tears using the sleeves of her dress and holds my hand with utmost care looking at me with her violet eyes.
"You.. Are you the one sent by the goddess of Eltear to help me?" she asked with hope blooming in her eyes. Goddess? Both of my brow frowns at what she said and slowly removes her hands away from me which makes her hopeful smile fades. "oh I'm sorry for being touchy. I'm just happy that finally someone can help me. You asked my name right? My name is Hyacinthia Yuraine Verelle. The oldest daughter of Marquess Luis and Marchioness Cynthia."
"Help you? Wait... Did you just said that you are Hyacinthia Verelle? Are you sure?" she nod her head hesitantly at my question. Isn't that the name of the character in Paths of Thorns? Doesn't she exists only in the webtoon but how come I am here? "then tell me... Where exactly are we? My last memory is my accident. I don't know if I died especially now that I am here." I gulped and my thoughts immediately flood back to my siblings especially the twins. If I am dead, then what would happen to them? Would Dad torment them instead?
"I'm sorry to break this to you but if you are here, then that would mean you died as well. We are inside the territory of the Goddess of Eltear. Those blue flames are the last memory of my death made no other than my treasured sister." a bitter smile trace across her face when she mentioned her sister. If her last name is Verelle then isn't she the one who got married to the villain? Then the sister who killed her is the heroine itself? That innocent and naive heroine; Lillianne? Confusion must have shown on my face as her bitter smile vanished from her lips. "I did my best to support my sister as the crown princess but I guess it is not enough for her. She wished for my death, ruin and suffering. She didn't believed me when I told her some of the royal councilors raped me. Instead, she begged me not to say anything to anyone and forgive them. I did but rumors about me having an audacious affair spread across the nobility instead. My husband tried to believed me but I choose my sister instead of him. Because of that, my relationship with my husband is strained and ruined. I endured it. I thought that, enduring it is needed for my sister's happiness but the moment I saw the assassin's emblem one night, I knew it... She ordered them to kill me." tears once again stream from her eyes and this time, her dirty white nightgown shown crimson red stains located on her abdomen. Initiating that someone stabbed her right there. What? Did I heard her right? Lilianne became a crown princess? The trusty and good councilors raped her and the naive and innocent Lilianne ordered someone to kill her? I thought the webtoon is only on the part where Lilianne met William. That's the free version but the paid version is on the part where Hyacinthia's marriage to Arister is only going to happen and Lilianne is appealing to the royal councillors. That is what I know. Nothing sort of this twisted version happened or at least will happen according to the direction of the webtoon. I mean, the fans would plummet the webtoon to the ground if that ever happened. I don't want to believed her but I can't just dismiss her feelings either especially when the evidence is right in front of me.
"if what you are saying is the truth, then what help are you referring to?" she sighs and clutched her golden locket around her neck. The golden locket with rose engravings.
"The goddess of Eltear talked to me before my death. She told me she will rewind the time for me to change my destiny and get my revenge but I can't. I can't go back and face the one who I know will be my ruin someday. That's why the Goddess of Eltear told me she will seek someone who will understand me and exact revenge as me. Seeing you here means that what the goddess have said is the truth." her eyes is burning with pain and passion as her tears continue to flow down. Seek someone? The goddess of Eltear? Who is that? That concept is not mentioned in the webtoon.
"you want me to live as you and exact your revenge? How? I mean, you and me are a different person. I'm sure someone would know that I'm an imposter right away because of my actions." at that, she giggled a little and outstretched her arms in front of me. Suddenly, a warm white light emerges from her palm. The light only vanished when she closed her palms.
"if you live as me... You can get my body, my memories, my possession, and my hidden power; The miracle of Eltear. This power can heal the heavy wounds, fade any bruises, or even bring back the dead of any living things. I have a hunch that my sister wanted to kill me because of this power. I don't know how she knew I have the miracle of Eltear as only me, my dead mother, my friend Jennett and Theresse knew this secret. But as long as you have this and my golden locket that can suppress my own powers, no one would suspect your identity." at this notion, she removed the golden locket from her neck and put it on me. Her trembling hands encases mine and looked at me with pleading eyes. "please I am begging you. Help me! You are the only chance I have in achieving my revenge." that's cheating. Her trusted sister betrayed her, her reputation is ruined, the emperor's councilors raped her, and her relationship with her husband is broken. How could I even say no to that? She is the most tragic woman I ever met. At least I fight back when I get the feeling that someone is abusing me. With resignation, I nod which delighted her and immediately threw her arms around me. Crushing me with her hug. Even though she is delighted, I can still feel her pain and weakness in that hug. Is this because we are both dead?
"alright alright. I'll say yes but I need to ask you one important question before I go." she nod but she still won't let me go with her hug. So I let her. She needed this warmth and comfort more than anyone else. Especially with what happened to her. "what will happen to you after I accepted to help you? I mean if I were to be in your body, where will your soul go?" it takes a minute before she decided to answer me but even so, I can sense her gulped noise at my question.
"rewinding time is complicated for our situation. The goddess of Eltear told me that if she rewinds the time of someone possessing my body instead of me, then that someone who possesses me would entirely became me. In short, my memories would be with you but I will not exist with you. As there can't be two same person in one timeline. My soul will be with the goddess and yours will be in my body. I thought so long and hard about it. So what if I can't live again? I already died a painful death. Living again and experiencing it again is too much for me. All of this is worth it as long as they got their deserved punishment." I can feel her tears resurfacing again and so I held her tight in my arms and pat her back. Yes... I have already died once so what's there to be afraid of? Compared to her, at least no one caused my death but my reckless driving. I might not know how to comfort someone like her but all I could do is to promise her one thing. I released her from my hug and wiped her tears with my right hand instead while my left hand holds her right hand. Sometimes kindness is all a person's need to be happy.
"I'll help you. I'll make them experience a hell they can never escape to. They can beg, cry, and curse me all they want but that won't change the hell they would experience in my hands. So don't cry. Don't show them you are broken by their torture. Stand strong for the last time and smile because from now on, they won't hurt you anymore." from now on, you are finally free. With this words, her tears finally stopped and her face which was filled with worry vanished. She is now smiling happily.
"Thank you... I will by the way, We need to hold hands and be in sync for you to go in my body but before that, can I know your name please?" ah right I never got to say my name. I gave her a small smile and grip her hand lightly.
"Ersha... Just call me Ersha." her smile slowly fades and concentrated. It looks like she is ready. She closed her eyes and breathe. With nothing to do, I copied her and calmly breathe. Calming myself and my mind. In an instant, the burning sensation fades and coldness ensue. This time instead of silence, I heard varied cries all around me along with the pitter-patter of the rain. My mind was filled with sorrow and different kinds of memories surges through my brain. Hyacinthia's memories of growing up until to the last bit of being betrayed and killed. I opened my eyes and take note of the surroundings. In front of me is a grave with the name Cynthia Sierre Verelle and the date of her birth and death. Several bouquet of white flowers surround the grave along with servants and maids that is mourning right behind me. I took a glance to my wavy onyx colored hair that is wet from the rain and my right hand grasp the golden locket on my neck. The switch and rewind was a success. It looks like I really became Hyacinthia and right now, we are at the funeral of her mother. The exact date where the heroine will also came in the mansion. I was in my deep thought when suddenly the rain stopped and a warm hand pat my shoulder. My eyes looked up and there I saw a woman not older than 30's looking at the grave with a solemn look in her round light brown eyes while holding an umbrella to shield me from the rain. This woman based on my currently owned memories, is Theresse. The maid who took great care of Hyacinthia and the same one who dies because of Lilianne's schemes to ruin Hyacinthia's life. She knew something is wrong with Lilianne and she told Hyacinthia her suspicion but Hyacinthia's faith on her sister is stronger so she dismissed it which leads to Theresse's death. She is trustworthy and if I want to succeed in my revenge, I need people like her on my side. I reached for her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. Her attention snapped back to me and I looked at her with determination in my eyes. I won't let anyone destroy Hyacinthia's life again. As her, I will break them piece by piece and burn them in hell. I am Ersha Joyce Trinidad— no that's not right... Hyacinthia is me and I am her. From now on, I am Hyacinthia Yuraine Verelle and my name will take all of them to hell.
"Theresse... I want to talk to my father. My sister is coming today isn't it? As her older sister, I need to be ready and welcome her in the mansion with open arms." Now is the time to meet that fake heroine and bestow judgement that's rightfully hers. I grasp the golden locket on my neck. In my memories, this locket is given by Hyacinthia's birth mother; Cynthia. She told Hyacinthia to never remove this necklace to hide her powers and protect her but I think, this causes more harm than protection. Theresse nods and gently guides me away from the grave. As she do that, some servants tidied up while others simply followed me and Theresse. 15 servants. I looked at them one by one and memorized their faces. I need them... These people are a loyal retainers of the late marchioness and that would mean that they are my allies. When Hyacinthia got married, they choose to follow her and protect her throwing their lives in death's door but now that I'm here... I won't let that tragedy happen again. As we're walking through the hallway to get inside the mansion, that's when I get to see Celine. A woman who has silky orange hair and shiny emerald green eyes. Her face is decorated with freckles and her posture is elegant. That's because she is the headmistress of the mansion and the real mother of Lilianne. That means my father has been having an affair when mom is still alive and that makes me want to kill them both. Celine is not that old. She looks like in her 30's with a voluptuous body. Hell! That fucker of a father chose her instead of being loyal to my mother? Cynthia is way more beautiful than Celine who looks simple. My mother, doesn't deserve to be a trophy wife. Celine saw us walking and she gave me a weak and a sympathetic smile. She might have been the mistress of my pathetic father, but Celine is way better at treating Hyacinthia rather than her real daughter. That's maybe the reason why Lilianne killed her later on. Lilianne really is evil. How can she even killed her own mother? According to the memories, Celine dies of guillotine because she is accused of poisoning Lilianne with belladonna. That is weird because that poison can be brought only in the Royal palace. Celine doesn't even gone out in the mansion except Lilianne. Lilianne always go to the Royal Palace to visit the Crown Prince and drink tea in the garden. So if she could kill me by instructing some assasins, that would only mean that she could also frame her own mother to be killed. Heh! So petty. She killed her mother for what? Because her mother is treating me nicer? Tsk! But even if Celine is treating me the best, that doesn't change the fact that she's my father's mistress and that she needs to get punished for that. I looked at Celine and smiles. No... I can still use her instead of punishing her.
"my lady, please you have to be strong. I'm sure that the late marchioness would want you to smile and become happy." she furrows her eyebrows and looked at me with her sad emerald eyes. That's... 'Smile and be happy'. In my added memories, mother would always want me to smile. She told me it's because my smile is so beautiful, it makes her happy but I think mother wants me to do two things that she can't in her whole life. Tears immediately falls down on my face unconsciously remembering the face of the marchioness, this body's mother. Her warmth and love for her daughter is very touching. I wished my own mom is stronger to fight for us siblings. Maybe it could change our life for the better. "My lady... I want to say that... I'm—" Celine walks up to me and tried to soothe me but I raised my hand to stop her. I won't need to be soothe when it's obviously for the weak. What I need is to be stronger so that I won't be trampled anymore.
"Celine... Thank you. I'll take it to heart. Let's go, Theresse." as I said this, Theresse pats my shoulder gently and ushers me to the direction where my bedroom is. It took 30 minutes before I reached my bedroom. I sighs as I saw the state of my room. All the things inside here are pink themed and several cute stuff toys are lined up neatly on the bed. Its such a tragic scene for these cute and childish themed bedroom to have turned into a gloomy matured room at Hyacinthia's time before I possessed her body. It just means that Lilianne's presense and annoying schemes changed her completely. This time though, I'll be her worse nightmare. I was snapped on my own thoughts when Theresse gently placed her hand on my shoulders.
"My lady, are you alright? Would you like to stay here instead and play with me?" she asked while smiling hoping for me to say yes. I knew she only wanted to distract me so I wouldn't be hurt emotionally or even physically by seeing my own father entertain another child happily aside from me. The real Hyacinthia might be but Ersha isnt. I'm different than her.
"It would be discourteous of me to stay here and not greet my sister, Theresse." I smirked slightly as I imagine every plan my brain could muster to make my PRECIOUS sister suffer... I walked up to the wardrobe and picked a simple but elegant red dress to wear. Theresse seems shocked and gently walked towards me while holding a hairbrush.
"my lady, I thought you hated that dress? You just said awhile ago that you will not wear it again because it brings back the Marchioness's memory and it pains you so much." she gently asked afraid that I'll be hurt by her words. I smiled and looked through the mirror while holding the dress... Is this what mother's taste is? This dress compliments my features very well. It's a dress that made me look like bold and courageous. Very different from Hyacinthia's usual light and dull colored preferences.
"I changed my mind about this dress, Theresse. It did remind me about mother but I shouldn't hated it just because of that reason. In fact, I should treasure it and wear it often to honor her memory." besides, color Red symbolizes the intense emotions of vengeance and the life force or energy associated with rebirth. It's a perfect color for my situation right now... Theresse smiles and wipes her tears cascading from her eyes. She seems relieved and sad at the same time. She gently grabbed the dress and clasp my hands gently.
"I promised the marchioness that I will protect you, my lady. So, I Theresse will follow you wherever you go and shower you with love the same as the marchioness would do if she is still here." she placed a gentle kiss on both of my hands and smiled... Theresse is the only one who really treasures Hyacinthia. She treasures me so much she died because of it. The memory of her death leaves a deep pit in my stomach. I won't let her die. I'll prevent it at all costs. "Now let's dress you up, my lady." I nod at her and we both proceed to go in the bathroom for a change. Be ready for me, Lilianne. I will make your life a living hell you would wished Satan will drag you to hell itself.