Someone's Pov.
Today is Saturday but even so, the cafe is still bustling with people as usual. The popularity of this cafe is continuing to rise even if some influencers are bashing it. Maybe because of this cafe's menu and services? I mean all of the desserts, coffee, and appetisers are top notch in terms of taste and affordability. I sighed and looked at my phone to look at the time. What take them so long to show up? This cafe is literally near their house. Danica, me, and Mike decided to meet here to talk about how to work together in our group project. I was about to walked away when the door of the cafe opened and Danica comes in along with other familiar customers. Damn! Why are they here? Danica walked in my direction and sat beside me. "Ersha! I'm sorry! Mom told me to stay at home for a minute because of Giselle. You knew why I can't tell them no right?" I nod not literally want to answer her because my focus is on our right side table where a familiar customers are sitting right now. Danica might have noticed why I'm spacing out as I heard her loudly gasps. "ah... The snake and its minions are here." Adelia, Ellie, Thalia, and Jennete. All four of them are smiling while talking just enough for me to hear them. Looks like they didn't noticed me or Danica looking at them. "let's just wait for Mike.. And besides I just want to tell you the updates about my new story!" I just hums to humor her not really insistent on listening to her but instead on Adelia's group.
"Did you see the new chapter release of the webtoon 'Paths Of Thorns'? Lilianne finally met William; the male lead under the lake of moonlight! Isn't that romantic?" Adelia exclaimed while looking at her phone and chatting with her friends. Friends... Why am I still bitter with that word? And that webtoon again? This is literally the seventh time I heard it being mention today.
"Yup! Especially when William told Lilianne he will love her until their deaths. Its so romantic!" utters Ellie; one of Adelia's friends. I don't get it. How can they like the male lead for the heroine? William's attitude is so trash I'm glad at least it didn't affect the ratings of the story. He didn't even consider the opinions of Lily whenever she suggests it. The only one who care and considers it is Arister. The Villain of the story and the one who should be the husband of the heroine. Too bad the heroine annuls their engagement just because of the rumors about him so her half sister became the villain's husband instead. Tsk! How idiotic. My thoughts got interrupted when someone gently shook my arms.
"Earth to Ersha! Why are you spacing out again? Did you know I look like an idiot talking to you when you are not even listening to me?" I closed my eyes and looked at Danica who is now pouting and looking at me with fury. I sighed and crossed my arms indicating my boredom. Hmm... My guess in what she was talking about would be the notes I saw in her paper the time we did the sleepover. Her heroine and male lead meeting on Lake sorrows or something. I don't really get it but it's similar to the webtoon Adelia's group are talking about.
"It is not my fault that your stories are boring. Besides you don't even have any originality. That scenario your talking about comes from 'Paths Of Thorns' right? You just changed the name of the place." at my retort, Danica giggles and smugly looks at me. I'm not surprised at her reactions. She is just used to me being frank and honest.
"I thought you hated that webtoon? How come you knew the exact scenarios?" I hissed at her and ignore her ramblings while once again looking at Adelia and her friends. I was once her entourage and now look at me. Just because I don't want to spend my money on them doesn't mean I don't treat them as my friends. Money is hard to obtain and besides it is not in my place to spend it however they want to especially when it's my family's money to begin with. "You still want to be friends with them?" at that question, my attention snapped at Danica who looks at me with pity and understanding.
"That's before I realize their intentions of being friends with me. Now... I'm just pitying my old self for not realising it sooner." I smiled bitterly and looked at my phone when it suddenly rings. It's Dad. Why is he calling me so suddenly? He will only call me when he has something for me to do or it's super urgent and needs my attention. "Danica, I need to leave. Dad is calling me seems like an emergency is happening at our house. Tell Mike I'm sorry alright?" I bit my bottom lips and looked at Danica with an apology which in turn she just dismissed with a smile.
"Don't worry Ersha. I'll tell Mike everything. I'm sure he will understand you. Besides, your father rarely calls you. Perhaps it really is an emergency!" I once again mutters an apology before I immediately exits the cafe. After that, I looked once again in my phone and then clicked the green button of the call. Dad's voice rings out and every word he is telling me is full of haste and excitement. Hmm? Why does he sound excited? I have a bad feeling about this...
" Esha, sweetie. Can you come home right now? Someone wants to meet you today and it's urgent. We will be waiting for you at the living room. Bye... love you. " before I could utter a word, Dad turns off the call. Great! Now I feel like I don't want to go home. This someone smells fishy to me and I feel like Dad is tricking me today. But even so I feel like this, I can't disobey him. So with every last bits of my energy, I dialed our family's driver and told him to pick me up from the cafe. I need to wait over a minute or so for the black SUV to arrive. I opened the door and sit at the passenger's seat. I feel eyes watching me and so I looked at the rear view mirror. Through there, I saw Troy's eyes watching me with a questioning glance. He might be wondering why I called him again to pick me up.
"Troy, do you know about the visitor in the house? Dad just called me and he told me it's urgent to come home." Troy is our family's driver for 3 years. He is 40 years old and we treat him like a part of our family. We'll that is what I, Mom, and the twins are doing. We treat our maids, butlers, and drivers as equals and a part of our family. But Dad and Haines disapprove of it. For them, servants are just SERVANTS. Good thing I inherit my mother's kindness. Troy smiled at me and laugh at my question. Huh? Something really is fishy.
"Ma'am Ersha, I am sorry but I don't want to be fired today. Your father clearly told us to be quite about what is happening inside the mansion. If he knew that I told you something even a clue, I would be fired immediately." Tsk! Yeah what would I expect about Dad. I nod in understanding and quietly watched from the window of the SUV. I can't do anything about it if Dad told him not to talk. Because in our house, Dad's orders are absolute. Maybe I just need to wait for him to tell me and meet this someone immediately. It takes 3 minutes for us to arrive at the mansion and so I opened the door after the engine of the car stopped. I get off the car and in turn, several servants bow and greets me with a smile.
"Welcome home lady Ersha!" I nod at them and walked inside the mansion with haste. Living room right? I remember that Dad told me they will wait at that room. While walking, I can't help but notice the silence of the house. Where are the twins? Shouldn't they run around the mansion right now? The twins; Erzikiel and Erziel are the youngest in the family. Erzikiel is a boy who loves nothing but pranks and mischiefs while Erziel as a girl is a fighter and an optimistic kid. The twins are both lively and those troublemakers are the party poppers of this mansion every Saturday and Sunday. With a sigh, I opened the door through the living room and that's when I saw Dad, Mom, the twins, Haines, and 3 other people inside the room. The twins are cuddling with Mom and is sniffing. Wait... Are they crying?! What is happening?
"Ersha! My lovely daughter!" Dad's dark demeanor brightens and ushers me to come inside. Is he scolding the twins? But what's with the other visitors? Everyone on the room noticed me but before I could go near them, the twins immediately runs to me and hugged me with force.
"Ersha! Don't marry that creep!" - Erzikiel
"yeah! Sis Ersha! That creep is ugly!" - Erziel
Marry...? With that I looked at Dad's direction with coldness. Seriously? This is the urgent matter he need to talked to me about? "Dad. What is the meaning of this? Who are they and what is the twins talking about?" Dad smiled at me and clears his throat.
"Ersha, this is Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales. They are my business partners and they want you to meet their only son. Francis Gonzales." Mr and Mrs Gonzales stood up along with their son and walked up to me with a pleased smile on their face.
"You look beautiful indeed. This is our son, Francis! Doesn't the two of you matched perfectly?" ah... It looks like I know where is this going. I looked at Francis shoes up to his face and snort. His shoes and clothes are okay. Except his face that is unaligned and full of warts and pimples. When he noticed me looking at him, he smiled smugly and winked at me. Dad's taste are really exotic.
"What do you think about being engage with each other?" Mrs Gonzales asked me with a hope and confidence gleaming in her eyes. Are they seriously asking me for my opinion? Then don't blame me for being honest.
"No... I don't like it. I'm sure if you were in my position, you would also decide not to Mrs. Gonzales." every word is laced with coldness and vehemence that makes Dad's expression grimanced greatly. The twins who are still hugging me rejoiced and laughed together not minding Haines angry eyes on them.
"Ersha! Why are you acting rude? They are Dad's visitors at least show some respect!" Haines exclaimed and looked at me with anger. Haines is my and twin's older brother. Unlike us, he strive to be like Dad no matter what.
"exactly... They are Dad's visitor not mine. I have been patient with all of your wants and likes but Dad crossed the line this time." they can't just tell me to marry whoever they want to. That guy does not even passed to my taste and even if he did, I would still object it. When it comes to My MARRIAGE, my opinions matter.
"H-how dare you!" Mr. Gonzales looks offended at what I have told to him and his wife while Mrs. Gonzales's face is serious. Is she thinking what I am thinking? "darling! She insulted our son! Why are you not riled up?" at what Mr. Gonzales have said, she furrows her brow and looked at Dad's direction. "Mr. Trinidad... Your daughter has been nothing but rude to us! I think this deal is over. Don't expect us to invest in your business ever again! Let's go..."
"Wait... Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales. I think you are misunderstanding something. My daughter did not mean what she have said." Mrs. Gonzales, dismissed Dad by immediately taking her son's arms and leave our house along with Mr. Gonzales. At that, the mansion goes silent except the twins. Who are continuing to praise me and cheer at me. These troublemakers doesn't even care about Dad's and Haine's expressions right now.
"Good job, sis Ersha! You showed them what's their place!"-Erziel
"Ersha! You are really my favorite warrior!" - Erzikiel.
I both pat the twins head and tried to talked to Dad but before I could say anything, Dad's palm hit my face. Did he slapped me? This action made Mom gasp and runs to me to protect me from Dad. "LIONEL! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER!"
"AN IDIOT LIKE HER IS NOT MY DAUGHTER!" Dad shouted back at Mom while furiously looking at me. Tsk! Now that's what I call his true form. Atleast I'm right that he is fishy today. Dad is not affectionate with me, with us. So I was really shocked when he called me and told me the words 'I love you' and 'sweetie'. He truly is rotten to the core.
"That's why you are Fishy today huh! I thought you changed or someone kidnaps you for a chan-" before I can finished my sentence, someone grabs my hair so hard I thought my hair will come off. The twins tried to kick the legs of someone who is clutching my hair but they are still small to do some damage. I looked at who did it and furrows my eye brows at Haines. I changed my mind. BOTH of them are rotten to the core.
"Ersha! Respect Dad! He is still our Dad! Is this how you talked to your elders!" and is this how you treat people? Is what I would like to exclaim if my head is not hurting right now. Shit! He is seriously getting on my nerves with what he's doing on my hair.
"let sis/Ersha Go!" the twins both exclaimed while stomping Haines feet and kicking his legs. He only stopped grabbing my hair when Erzikiel chomp on his left thigh and looked at him with anger and disgust. As he released me, I take that chance to organized myself just enough for me to see that he is ready to hit one of them. So before any harm can happen, I catched his arms and hold it in a crushing hold. He immediately grimaced and tried to pry my fingers away but I didn't let him.
"DON'T. YOU. DARE. HURT. THEM" I coldly warn before he could do anything to the twins. "Can you stop being a dick, Haines and just be true to yourself today? Do you really think Dad needs any respect? He doesn't care and treat us as tool EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. So stop your hypocrisy with me. You might need to be his heir but I DON'T. Remember that..." after I make sure he realized my warnings and take it to his heart, I released his hands and I hold the twins in both of their arms determined to leave the suffocating living room. I know the twins are crying but I didn't stop until were on the second floor and out of earshot of Dad, Mom, and Haines. I sighed and kneeled so that I can level to both of their heights. I wiped their tears with my palms and hugged them both to comfort them. They were taken aback but they decided to hugged me back too just with a little bit of force. "Erzikiel, Erziel... Thank you for protecting me from Haines but what you two did to him is not right. Because at the end of the day, he is still our brother." and we can't escape from him, from them until we're adults. But even if I can't escape, I will make it a priority to make sure the twins are alright.
"Ersha sis, I will fight for you no matter what!" - Erziel
"hmm! Ersha comes first than Haines!" - Erzikiel
"Haines is trash! HE IS TRASH!" I stiffled my laugh at what they both exclaimed while pouting and stomping their feet. Well looks like Haines earned that title for today from the twins.
"alright, why don't we all sleep together? You know like what we did always before?" I asked them while thinking about the good old days of this family. Before everything comes down and became this CHAOTIC.
"You mean... When Haines is not a trashbag yet?" Erzikiel asked and I chuckle. Yeah! I remember that day clear as the water. When me, Haines, Erzikiel, and Erziel took it as a habit to sleep together in one room and share bed time stories with each other. Erzikiel and Erziel as both only little kids before so they has no choice but to laugh and listen while me and Haines did the story telling. My specialty was adventure and romance while Haines would be comedy and fantasy. We both make stories that will make the day interesting and adventurous just so that we can escape the reality of our family falling apart. I can still remember Mom and Dad's face while arguing before everytime we enter the room. At least it was worth while until Haines perhaps realized that all we do is running away and so he stopped coming with us. And in the end; me, Erziel, and Erzikiel are the only ones doing it. It was just the three of us left alone.
"yeah... That's right." I smiled bitterly but I pushed it all down and opened the twins' bedroom door. "so... What kind of stories do you want me to tell today?" they both grinned at me and excitedly hop unto their beds while I closed the door and rush to their side.
"Ersha, I want a story about a princess falling in love with a Prince!" Erziel squeals while imagining her picked story while Erzikiel make a disgusted look.
"meh! Princes are old news! How about she fell in love with something? Like.... A monster!" at that suggestion, now it was Erziel's turn to be disgusted. Well... At least that was new. Rather than the prince one. Before they can fight however, I mediated from their center and brought a book with me. The book is old and wrinkly but it is not broken to the point of buying a new one. Hmmm... Love story it is. Its just a prop. Nothing else...
"Alright settle down... Before I told you the story, promise me that both of you will close your eyes and behave okay?" I looked at them both with a furrowed brow and they just answered me with their thumbs up in the air. They are already laying down on their beds with their eyes closed clearly intending me to start my narrative. Well, aren't they eager? I clears my throatto normalise my tone before deciding to start my story telling. "once upon a time, in a land so far away. There lived a princess who is famous for her beauty and compassion. Her name is—"
"Ersha! Her name should be Ersha!" Erziel exclaimed while still closing her eyes. Well both of their eyes are still closed. I subtly looked at Erzikiel's bed but it seems like he has no interjections. They both want my name as the princess... Fine...
"Her name is princess Ersha. As a princess, Ersha have all possessed anything what normal people wanted and desired. She have money, a castle, a title of a princess, jewelries, dresses, several servants, and a bunch of suitors. But even if she has all what everyone have desired, Ersha is still not happy about her life. For her, she wants someone who can see her for what she is. Not because of her beauty, title, and money. She wanted someone to say they love her as Ersha and Ersha only. Of course every princess has a father; a king. And as a father, they only want nothing but to build what is good for their child. Ersha's father is... " I stopped mid-sentence to collect myself before continuing my sentence with disbelief? Or envy? I don't even want to know. "Kind... He is... Lovable not just to Ersha but also to their people. But even if he is a kind father to Ersha, he is still a king no matter what. And Kings prioritise their people's need than themselves or love one's. But a princess no matter what can't inherit the throne and that's why fearing for the worst that could happened to him and for his kingdom, the king decided to find Ersha a fiance to take care of his daughter and to take his throne. And so he searched far and wide for someone who could perfectly fit for his daughter. He did find someone. And this someone is a prince... But this prince is unruly, rude and over confident. Yes he is handsome but however, he could not be princess Ersha's type. As the prince only see Ersha as a tool for him to obtain the kingdom's throne. T—"
"Make his name as Francis! You know that creepy guy that father wanted you to marry?" Erzikiel interjects while still has his eyes closed eventhough his mischievous grin is obvious. I can feel Erziel's disgust as she make a disgruntled noise about the suggestion.
"What?! That creepy guy is not even handsome! That's clearly blasphemy against the story." seriously? This 6 year old kids... How can it be considered a blasphemy?
"But the monster is one of the main protagonists. Besides that prince is the antagonist! And creepy guy deserves to be the antagonist." Erzikiel's proving his point irritates Erziel but doesn't warrant another interjection. The cue for me to continue my story.
"alright where were we..? Ah!... The prince name is none other than Francis. Francis tried his everything to gain Ersha's approval. He gave her a bunch of jewelries and accessories, a dresses that is soft and very valuable, and a bunch of flowers that is made of gold. These gifts however only make him dislikable and unworthy in the princess eyes. One day while princess Ersha is walking on the gardens she loved, she heard the voice of her father and the prince talking about something inportant. As it pricks her interest, she tried to listen to their topic and her smiling face contorted to horror when she found out what they are talking about."
"I know! They are talking about how to make the princess fall in love with him!" Erziel interjects while Erzikiel hush her to be quiet. I smiled and continue the story not minding their hushed whispers.
"Partly yes and no... The princess did hear prince Francis asking an advice on how to make the princess fall in love with him but that question is not what made her uncomfortable. Her father's answer is what shocked her to the core. The king wants prince Francis to marry princess Ersha as he concluded that this was the only solution for Ersha to loved him without any question. The prince liked the idea. As this made his plan to be easier than he expected. The princess, hearing what the two man discussed hurts her. Her father doesn't even want to consult her opinion about the marriage and an unknown man wants to be her husband without giving any efforts to be loved. Princess Ersha got confused about her situation. She know her father is determined to get her to settle down with Francis. And so the princess decided that she has no choice but to run away. To run away far from the Prince. To run away far from her father. To ran away far from her home. But the kingdom is tightly secured with trained guards not just at night but also at day time. If the princess, wants to escape the castle; she will need a plan that can make her leave unnoticed by the guards."
"I know! Make her meet a kind goblin who helps her!" - Erzikiel
"Why a goblin?! They are filthy! Why not a fairy?" - Erziel
"Fairies are old! We are making a new story remember?!" - Erzikiel
Not wanting for them to fight seriously over something trivial, I clears my throat and hushed them which made them go quiet at once. They have a saying that if you can't choose which one, why not pick both? "Upon thinking about an escape plan, the princess accidentally met a kind fairy GOBLIN who is also wandering around the garden. The princess greeted the fairy goblin with kindness and treat them as equals. This moved the fairy goblin and upon noticing the Princess's paleness, the fairy goblin asked what is making her so plae like a ghost. Princess Ersha then explained her situation to the fairy goblin. After explaining, the kind fairy goblin decided to help Ersha by making her look like a peasant. Her beautiful pink laced dress turns into plain brown dress. Jewelries decorating her neck, arms, fingers and ears disappears like they are not there since the beginning. Her beautiful luscious and healthy brown hair became brittle and greasy. And her smooth and beautiful skin got calloused and rough. Ersha changes from a beautiful princess to a sickly peasant in an instant. Now that she looks nothing like a princess, Ersha can now leave the castle without anyone's attention. Ersha gave thanks to the fairy goblin and the fairy goblin warned her that her transformation can only last after midnight. That means that she needs to leave before midnight! And so without hesitation, the princess starts to walked out of the castle. Everyone in the castle didn't even talked to her and the guards guarding the castle didn't even gave her a second glance. Ersha rejoiced because at last, she is far away from the constrictions of marriage to the prince. But where can she go from now on? She walked further while thinking about her plans to survive not knowing that she is now going deeper and deeper into the woods. Where her kingdom is so afraid of."
"Finally! She will meet the monster!" Erzikiel and Erziel both interjects while trying to stop their yawning. Well looks like the twins are already feeling drowsy and the story are already right on the half. Alright Ersha, One more push through the end.
"Uhmm... Ersha stills continue to walked further only stopping when she heard an unnerving sound of a wolf's howl. The Princess looked around and noticed how dark her surrounding is. Is it already night time? She thought but her looks are still of a peasant. How come it is night time already? In panic, princess Ersha tried to run but accidently tripped on the bulging rock without her notice. She slumped to the ground and her eyes got blurry. If she passed out now, there is a chance she will not survive. So she tried to stand up and walked but exhaustion and hunger made it impossible for her body to move. A tear escaped her eyes realizing that she is truly done for and so she lost consciousness not knowing someone is watching her intently on the bushes."
A/n: I will cut the story in this part. My head hurts so bad thinking about how to write in English. Please correct my grammars or spellings if you find some it is really not my main language so that's why I am struggling. Anyways happy reading!