Regina sat at the furthest stool from the door and asked for cider while trying to remain awake; it had been a really long day and a part of her wished that she still retained her magic to make the headache she had been feeling since midday disappear with a spell. Unluckily for her that wasn’t the case and so she rubbed her eyelids with a hand while trying to think about everything she still needed to do the following day before returning to Storybrooke.
It was one of the downsides of the curse, even if the city was somehow hidden to the rest of the world she still needed to take into account a few law firms and different properties that the curse had given her when they had first traveled to that realm. Contrary to their old customs she couldn’t have just a whole new set of patrimony without informing the law and so, as the years passed by and the money in those founds and lands grew steadily she had found herself forced to travel from time to time to Boston to keep everything official. The law firm that worked with her never questioned her apparently youth albeit she was used to change lawyer every few years just to be on the safe side.
Of course once Henry had arrived to her life she had found unable to travel that much and for the first few years she had needed to do less travels and more telephone calls and even if that years had been stressful she had finally set every second and fourth weekend of the month the time where all the reunions and problems were addressed and taken care off. She hated to leave Henry’s side especially now that the boy was in a difficult stage but the law firm needed her assistance and she couldn’t postpone it longer. So there she was, relying on Kathryin while drinking cider that wasn’t nearly as good as hers and trying to fight a monumental headache.
“Rough day?” A feminine voice asked at her side and for a second Regina wanted to groan both inwardly and outwardly. She wasn’t in the mood for strangers but when she took a look at the smiling blonde woman she couldn’t anything but blink, slightly taken away from the radiant beauty the woman displayed.
She would have been a princess in the Enchanted Forest Regina found herself thinking, something that left her dizzy for a second; she hadn’t thought about that place in years, and even if the blonde, pale skinned woman was truly a sight the idea of just considering her a princess because of that was completely appalling.
“And you are?” She found herself saying, a little taken back because of the blonde’s forwardness. She didn’t look like a robber but she had read enough about identity thefts to feel a little bit wary about the blonde. Not that the blonde could use hers much.
“Sorry” The green-eyed woman said with something that looked almost like a blush covering her cheeks “I didn’t want to bother you, I’m Emma, Emma Swan”
Regina nodded once before offering her hand.
“Regina Mills, yet I don’t think we have met before” She smartly added, carefully crossing her legs while taking another sip of her drink. Everything was about confidence and whatever Emma wanted from her she wasn’t going to give it without a fight. Emma was easy on the eye, that was something that she was willing to admit, so even if she still felt a little dubious about the blonde she was ready to toy a little with her. She had been the Queen, a blonde peasant was something easy if she compared to every realm she had conquered in the blink of an eye.
“I’m sure we haven’t” Emma replied while looking at her body for a second too long before returning her emerald eyes to Regina’s brown ones. “I was waiting for someone but I guess I’ve been dumped”
“And you thought that the business woman trying to kill herself with alcohol was the next best option?” Regina replied with an amused eye roll, Emma was much more easy to play with that she have expected, at this rate she was going to be bored too soon…
“Hardly” Emma replied with an amused glint on her eyes as she bended a little her body towards Regina stool. “But you looked interesting enough and ready enough to kill someone so I just thought that I could simply plan some murder with you and ask for tips”
Regina smiled at that, the corner of her lips curling as the thousands of deaths she had orchestrated flashed behind her eyelids. “If only she knew…”
“I’m sure I could give you some advice, my first would be to let them know they are going to die and then do it as painful as possible”
The blonde looked at her in what appeared to shock and Regina narrowed her eyes, silently chastising herself, too much too soon. Her fear, however, was quickly dismissed since Emma snickered a little while drinking something that appeared to be vodka.
“Damn, is this how you treat them in court? You look like one of those cold-hearted lawyers that only appear to be real in the movies”
Regina tilted her head but remained silent, carefully drinking from her now half-emptu glass of cider as the blonde looked at her expectantly.
“No? Dammit” Emma said before snapping her fingers “I would have sworn that you were one”
“And what about you Miss Swan?” Regina redirected the question while rising her glass in a mock salute “Is that you the cold hearted lawyer in the middle of the court killing their witnesses as slowly as possible with complicated questions and hidden traps?”
Emma laughed again and shook her head before answering. “Have you seen myself? Nah, I look more like the guard that hears everything while the broken marriage tried to takes everything from the other”
Regina appreciated the sight the blonde offered before returning to look at the verdant eyes. It was true that Regina was dressed less causally than Emma, her two piece suit and suitcase clashing slightly with te fitting jeans, tight blouse and leather jacket that the other woman was wearing but somehow Emma managed to dress all of that with a grace that Regina knew she wouldn’t be able to show on that clothes.
“And so” Emma quietly asked with an amused smile when she caught Regina staring at her “You didn’t answer my question”
“Neither have you” Regina replied with a wink as she finished the cider, her headache was slightly better now after the playful banter and the alcohol but she still felt a little too tired and she needed to be up first thing in the morning. “And I’m afraid I won’t told you that information so easily”
“Then I guess I could try to guess” Emma replied with a wink herself, her pink lips, much less fuller than Regina’s but incredibly enticing as she moistened them with the tip of her tongue, glistened a little under the golden glow of the bar lights and the brunette found herself shaking her head while trying to remain her usual coolness.
“A visit to Graham is in order” She thought while focusing again on Emma’s voice. The blonde, who seemed to hasn’t notice the few seconds she had been away, was now trying to say every job that she could think off in order to discover Regina’s.
“I know, what about a spy, like Mata Hari, in that suitcase of yours there is the blueprints from the ultimate doom ray…” Emma finally said eliciting a laugh from the brunette.
“You seem a little too focused on murder dear, I’m starting to fear for my life…”
“Believe me, you don’t need to worry, at my side a lamb is fierce”
Regina didn’t believe the woman but something about her made her feel relaxed and, at the same time, alive. Putting one arm over the wooden counter and bending a little towards the blonde’s face she dropped her voice an octave and purred as seductively as she could while focusing on the blown up pupils and slight change on Emma’s perspiration considering those signs a victory point.
“My my, what a waste… I was starting to like the idea of you being the hero of the day”
At Emma’s breathless snicker Regina retreated and smirked, noticing how Emma licked her lips as quickly as she could while focusing solely on her now empty drink.
“Tell you what” Emma finally said after a few more seconds of silence. “I will try to discover what you are in our next meeting”
Regina looked at the woman disbelievingly. She was past the idea that Emma was merely after her purse or her identity but the blonde surely had a nerve asking her in a date like that. Something of her thoughts must have appeared on her face because Emma sighed and bit her lower lip.
“If that’s what you want, of course”
Regina turned her head and looked through the window that connected the bar with the now considerably darker streets of Boston, her hotel was just in front of her and for a second she had the impulse to ask the blonde to go with her and just finish with what she had started. Another part, the one that wasn’t connected to her libido restrained her.
“It’s a shame that I’m not from here I’m afraid” She finally said while grabbing her suitcase that had been in the counter next to her the whole conversation and called the waiter; a young scrawny boy who took her money without being able to detangle his eyes from her chest.
Once she turned Emma offered her hand and once she took it out of COSTUMBRE the blonde slipped what appeared to be a piece of paper between her fingers.
“Then if you ever come back I would be happy to meet you and told you exactly what you are, Mrs. Mills”
“Miss” Regina replied while pocketing the paper as haughtily as she could.
Emma grinned and repeated the epithet while nodding.
“Miss Mills then, I hope to see you soon”
“We will see about that dear”
She was gone in seconds with a slightly mischievous smile still present when she crossed the road and entered in the hotel, a warm bed and a quick call to Kathryin the only things she expected.
Emma Swan had been interesting to talk to, that was what she thought when, later in night, she found herself getting drowsy. The woman wasn’t terrified of her, neither appeared to underestimate her and even if she didn’t seem particularly especial she has a flame inside that made the most irrational parts of Regina want to see the woman naked.
“It’s useless” She finally muttered as the sleep winning her over “If anything I will not see her until I come back”
Meanwhile, at the other side of town, that particular blonde was looking at the picture she had taken of Regina before she had approached her.
In the photo Regina didn’t look as witty as Emma knew she was an, smiling a little, she thought about the way the woman’s red lips had opened for a second in surprise before closing in a silent promise of a threat if. Regina was someone to be feared of, someone that, even in the surface, had something both alluring and dangerous that, like a second skin, covered her, clung to her like a perfume. It wasn’t something that normal people could understand, just feel the uneasiness of a woman made of power as the brunette approached or talked to them. But Emma… well she hadn’t even born in that realm.
She sent the photo with a short sentence attached to it “I’ve found her”.