The first rays of the morning sun seeped through the half closed blinds as the alarm clock got off. Regina opened her eyes and yawned, feeling her muscles burning and protesting to be up so early in the morning. The past weeks had been a completely nightmare not because the ever-sleepy city of Storybrooke but because of Henry. The boy was acting even more reserved than usual and was barely sleeping or eating properly anymore. The feeling that she wasn’t good enough from him was starting to settle inside her chest and that had occasioned that her own sleeping patterns had been completely destroyed; her ears and body perpetually ready if the boy needed her in the middle of the night.
She knew that Henry was starting to get lonely since he was the only one actually growing up in a city in which everyone else was frozen in time. That was something she could not only see but understand, but the way the boy was behaving was something that she didn’t know how to fix or make it better. Maybe she would need to talk with the bug and see if she could send Henry to him a couple of days a week. She really didn’t want to do something like that but she was starting to get worried about Henry’s health.
Biting her lip as she felt a wave of self-deprecation filling her body she sighed, knowing that she really needed to talk with her son as soon as she was able to. Blinking and removing the last bits of sleep from her eyes she turned and felt the softness of the sheets sliding off her body. At least she had slept surprisingly well that past night.
Stretching her body as much as she could her eyes finally focused on the embroidery that her sheets had, suddenly remembering that she was, in fact, in Boston once again. The brunette frowned when she felt how her mind drifted away from her son to Emma Swan. The blonde had been a constant on her thoughts lately and she felt slightly uneasy of how much time she could actually spend thinking about her, the green eyes and cocky demeanor that the woman possessed always present on her mind. Licking her lips and checking the hour on the alarm clock she decided that it was too early to call Henry and see how he was and also too early to see if she had any new calls from Emma.
Mentally arranging her day she promised herself to call Henry in a few hours and check how he was. With that out of the way she finally got up from the hotel bed and tried not to think on the promise she had make the other woman make two weeks ago; Would she call? Or would she already be with another person? Regina wasn’t exactly naïve, she knew that even if she could be (and was) one of the best women the blonde could ever try to flirt with she was unavailable most of her time and it was a possibility that Emma had decided that two weeks of wait weren’t worth it.
That thought was one that suddenly made her uneasy; she had played with many people in her years as Evil Queen, she had make entire kingdoms fall with only a smile and a few sentences, the promise of something was one of the best things a Queen could use.
However, the idea of being her the played, of being her the one forgotten was something that not only made her slightly angry but also sad and, realizing suddenly that she had, in fact, missed the light banter with the blonde she swallowed and went to the bathroom the hotel provided. She felt slightly shaken up, her doubts, her feelings, were starting to make her feel unfrozen again, the ice around her melting slowly but undoubtedly. She really needed to be with Graham again. Or just call Emma and finish with what she had left unfinished two weeks ago.
As Regina entered in the shower of the hotel, still trying to discern what was the best option for her regarding Emma Swan the blonde herself was starting to open her eyes. Her mouth was filled with the aftertaste of something that wasn’t her usual drink and stretching lazily she tried to remember what had happened the night before.
Frowning and burying herself under her blankets and pillows she remembered the man she had needed to get handcuffed in a street light somewhere near two o’clock in the morning. The man hadn’t been on her best form and he had barely tried to run when she had called for his bullshit but the hours waiting with him before being able to put him under custody had been a pure nightmare once again. The aftertaste on her tongue was probably the three coffees she had drink in the precinct, trying to keep herself awake. She really hated those waits, they made her remember things that she really hated to think about.
After a few more minutes in which she started to ponder if she should go back to sleep or just start the day the alarm of her clock beeped; the screen flashing with a pre-recorded reminder she had prepared a few weeks ago. Her barely open eyes focused on the blurry lines of the message, finally reading a name that had been bouncing back and forth on her mind since the last time the woman had been in town: Regina.
The woman had been on her mind since she had declined to go with her to the hotel, her deep brown eyes calling her in her sleep every time she tried to rest. She was a little concerned since she didn’t exactly know how much her obsession with her was because of her work, the feelings she was starting to have for her aside from the obvious lust they both felt or the that prophecy that that man had told Lily about the need to be the one who needed to break the Evil Queen’s curse.
Getting up and looking ahead of her while trying to straighten the t-shirt and white briefs she was wearing she shook her head and licked her dried lips, the tang on her mouth making her wince a little.
She was helping Lily to be reunited with her mother, nothing more, nothing else. Probably the job was one of the strangest ones she had ever needed to do but her infatuation with Regina was something completely separated with both Lily and what the man had told her friend years ago. It had been years since she and Lily had had a talk about all the things the man had explained her but she could remember “fate” being mentioned quite a few times. Well, as much as magic was apparently a thing and Regina was not only the Evil Queen but the one who needed to die under her hands…. She wasn’t the savior. She was Emma Swan, an orphan, it didn’t matter how much anyone wanted to put her in another place. She had had a very difficult time back when she had been young; she had needed to do some things that she wasn’t exactly happy or proud of. But it had been her life, still was.
Regina was, first of all, an incredible woman that she wanted to know more about, and, secondly, she was Lily’s only way to find her mother. Fate wasn’t going to be one of the things she really needed or wanted to think about.
Nodding firmly to herself she walked to her living room and looked at the city under her, clutching her phone once again she she dialed the number she already knew by heart, her thumb stilling for a second before she pressed the little green button.
The cellphone rang quite a few times at the other side and as Emma was starting to think that she was going to need to call again a sultry deep voice picked up the phone.
“Yes?” Regina’s voice asked, not sure who was at the other side of the phone.
She had just finished her shower and as wrapped in a towel as she was she had been unable to actually see who was calling her. Grapping the white and gold towel more tightly around her body she turned back to the bathroom as she talked again through her phone’s speaker, concerned that something could have happened to Henry.
“Who am I speaking with?” She asked, using her best commanding voice. That was something that made whoever was at the other side of the line make a gasp before finally revealing themselves.
“Emma, Swan, Remember me?” The blonde’s voice sounded as cocky as ever but it had a strange breathless tone that made Regina raise her brow, amused. Smirking slightly the brunette nodded to the mirror once before replying with her best voice, modulating the vowels to a deep purr just for effect.
“Emma… The name rings a bell”
At the other side of the line Emma smiled for a second.
“I was thinking that since your idea of dates conversations are by far different than mine maybe we could do something a little more boring”
“Such as?” Regina replied while applying lotion on her legs, her lips still curled in a smirk.
“What would you think of a dinner with me?” The blonde woman replied and Regina could hear the smile lacing her words even if she couldn’t actually see her.
“I think that it can be arranged”
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Both women ended the call with identical smiles, their minds already imagining what they were going to say or do to win the next round on their never ending banter and, in Regina’s case, on how she could make the other woman interested enough to make her go with her to her suit. She wanted the woman but she still didn’t know why she had decided to wait two more weeks when she could have had her the first time she had decided to try if Emma was interested enough on her. That night she was going to have as much as she wanted from the blonde and the strange pull for her would disappear.
She had been feeling completely empty for so long that the mere idea of feeling anything else apart from her love of Henry was scaring her. The numbness was the price she had needed to pay for the curse; her feelings towards the blonde didn’t have any sense.
Looking at the mirror and applying the last touch of makeup she mentally decided to cut short the last reunion of the day to be able to get ready for the blonde before their date. “Fourth date” Her mind provided and Regina’s eyes narrowed, bothered by how her body seemed to react to the idea.
Yes, she needed to get Emma Swan off of her system. As interesting the blonde was Regina didn’t exactly want to have someone who could do such things to her so easily.
Unknown to her Emma was calling for the third time to Lily, knowing full well that her friend was going to be pissed off once she was awake since she worked mostly night-shifts. Licking her lips nervously and deciding that she needed to eat something before deciding what kind of strategy she was going to follow with Regina Mills and the details she needed to learn from her she absentmindedly called Lily again, her free hand trying to detangle the mess her hair was.
She was nervous, she realized after the fifth try, not only nervous because she was one step closer to have the information she needed but also because Regina’s words from two weeks ago were probably going to became true and, as she left the phone aside and decided that she could call Lily after her breakfast, she realized that she was especially looking forward to the dinner and what could possibly happen after that.
“You look like a teenager” She whispered under her breath as she grabbed one of the cups from the sink. “And you aren’t that anymore”
Regina seemed to be able to make her think like the girl she had once been, completely enamored by Neal. Grumbling, she sighed and started to make coffee, trying not to think neither on Neal or about what had happened after him. She was going to on a date with Regina and it was because of her job. If she enjoyed it that part of her job the least she could do was to use it and have a good time instead of dwelling in something that it didn’t matter anymore.
“That’s better” She said to herself, the coffee machine already filling her cup with a delicious black coffee.