Denia and Isabella had been best friends since birth. Born and raised in the same neighborhood,the two had been inseparable all their lives. They even attended the same school before they decided to venture into modelling.
They had the kind of beauty one could not miss but it had been a great struggle to get a breakthrough in the industry. Other than the love they shared for each they also shared one other thing in common,they were viciously ambitious.
They had both decided long ago that they'd do anything to climb the social ladder. Things were flowing as usual until one day they bumped into the billionaire Diego Silverado at a fashion event. The man took an immediate liking to Isabella much to the dismay of her best friend Denia who also had her eyes on the man.
They both desired to wealthy and they knew Diego was a direct ticket into the life of luxury they craved. For months Denia didn't show her envy openly to her best friend but in the dark she plotted how she would snatch away her joy.
On the other hand Isabella was in cloud nine, Diego wasn't just rich but also very handsome and this was obviously a rare combination and Isabella knew it. For months the courtship advanced and in her heart she believed Denia was happy for her since she shared everything she got from Diego with her.
Denia soon put her plan in motion, without even Isabella noticing,she began her seduction and as sure as day she managed to slither her way into the billionaire's bed. On one hand Isabella was busy planning her wedding to Diego while on the other hand her best friend warmed his bed.
But Denia had underestimated who she was up against somehow because Isabella was actually aware of everything that happened behind her back. Isabella was angered by the betrayal bit she she didn't dare show her anger. She wasn't in love with Diego but she expected better from her best friend.
Isabella planned her wedding to perfection and the day came and went. Now the wife of one of the most powerful men in the country,she had achieved her ultimate desire but one thing was still missing, absolute control.
Isabella continued to keep a close eye on Diego and Denia's affair waiting for the right moment for her to strike. Denia was nolonger a friend but an enemy and Isabella would make her pay for her betrayal.
Diego continued enjoying the luxury of having a wife and mistress, when Isabella got pregnant he secretly named the unborn child his next of kin but he was unaware of the fact that nothing was a secret when it came to his wife.
Wheb Isabella found out Diego and Denia were going on a secret trip, she set her plan to motion, through bribery and seduction she managed to have someone tamper with the private jet the two would be traveling in. The day came and Isabella sat at home waiting for she knew before the day ended the news would have made headlines.
And so it happened like she had planned and that day she became a widow, Denia and Diego died in the plane crush and burned beyond recognition.
Isabella had no regrets for she believed they deserved death for what they had done to her. She now had freedom and most importantly money and power. She was the most powerful widow in the land.
She hoped Denia was having a nice time in hell