To my trusty journal,
My trauma therapist said that writing all of my thoughts and worries down would be a good way to cope with my trauma, what a load of bologna. I don't have any thoughts I want to right down and I don't really have any worries. Sure, my parents are getting a divorce, but it isn't affecting me as much as my therapist thinks it should. So, in case you were wondering, journal, I'm writing this because my therapist will be checking my entries as "growth development", whatever the heck that means. No matter what it means, I have to write my life down.
It seems quite silly to me; writing things down I mean. I don't see any point to reminiscing on your thoughts from 2, 4, even 10 years ago. They have no value at that point (no offense Janet). But, Janet, my therapist, says that this can be a coping mechanism for me and that I will recover from this "traumatic experience".
Journal, you may be wondering why I am hating on the fact that my therapy seems pointless. Well, that's because it is. My mom called Janet and told her how I had been closed off from the rest of the world and how I wouldn't talk to her anymore. Then, I eavesdropped the entire time, Janet asked if she knew of any particular reason why it could be happening. Then, my mom explained that she and Dad had been fighting a lot and that they were going to get a divorce. This was enough for me to become a regular patient with Janet, though I still don't see the purpose.
My mom tells me that I seem to be improving, though I don't see how. I haven't changed at all, and I would know, wouldn't I? I never thought of my parents divorce as anything serious or depressing. I just thought of it as something normal that happens in life. There are plenty of kids in my class that have divorced parents, so I don't see what the big deal is.
I guess I'm supposed to feel something.
-End of Entry-