The scene begins with Godfather, Executive, Pirate, and Werewolf, continuing from the last episode's scene..403Please respect copyright.PENANADYdzwCI7bz
403Please respect copyright.PENANABaCfSnuLUH
Pirate: So let me get this straight: you two are DATING?
Godfather: ...Maybe.
Werewolf: Oi vey...
Executive: Can you blame us? Godfather's just so beautiful.
Godfather: Alright, fine.
Werewolf: Just how long has this been going on for?
Executive: Er…
Godfather: Four months… more or less...
Werewolf: WHAT!?
Pirate: This is ridiculous. What if you two got found out?
Executive: That’s off-topic. But how’s it fair that you and Werewolf can just say you’re a couple and everyone’s fine with it?
Werewolf: Because they know exactly what’s gonna happen if they complain. Plus, we’re in the same alignment, Neutral. You two are Town and Mafia. It doesn’t match.
Godfather: Well yeah, but-
Executive: Ugh, forget this. These two don’t know how REAL love works.403Please respect copyright.PENANAlDEJ1HGFCP
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Werewolf’s head twitched slightly as his eyes turned orange.
Werewolf: ...Pirate, please check on Tanith and Tarkus for a minute. I need a word with these two.
Pirate: Why?403Please respect copyright.PENANAmh7Cvu3J0J
403Please respect copyright.PENANApPee06HWjv
Werewolf grabbed Pirate, turned around with him, and showed him his orange eyes. They began whispering.
Pirate: Ah... do you think you can hold him back?
Werewolf: I’ll try, but just in case I fail, do you mind leaving?
Pirate: Alright, hun. Good luck.
Pirate left, and Werewolf turned around to face them with the expression of an angry parent.
Werewolf: “I don’t know true love”, you say?
Godfather: Duh. What else would be saying?
Executive: It doesn’t matter you and Pirate are in the same faction. Me and Godfather have something special with each other, and you can’t stop us.
Werewolf: I DO know what I’m talking about. Me and Pirate have been friends for many years, so this is natural. But YOU two just had this sudden relationship!?
Godfather: We may be enemies, but now we’re lovers. And if you have a problem with it, take it up with god.
Werewolf’s eye turned red. He was on his last strike. If his other eye turned red… bad things would happen.
Werewolf: You disgust me…
Executive: That’s why Werewolf Junior was up for elimination last round. We should’ve voted for her.
Werewolf’s other eye then began glitching from red to orange repeatedly.
Werewolf: PIRATE!!!!!!
A couple of seconds later, Pirate appeared. When Pirate came, Werewolf showed him his glitching eye and his red eye.
Pirate: Oh god… Werewolf, look at me. Breathe. You’re alright, everything’s fine. Just calm down and take a deep breath.
Werewolf began taking deep breaths, in, and out. Eventually, the glitching eye returned to its natural yellow color, but the other remained red.
Pirate: I love you, and nothing’s ever gonna change that.
Pirate kissed Werewolf on the cheek, and his eye returned to its normal color.
Werewolf: Whew… thank you, Pirate.
Pirate: No problem. Now come on, I think they’re waking up.
Werewolf: Just give me one second, I want to finish this.
Pirate: Alright.
Pirate left calmly. As soon as Pirate wasn’t able to be seen from any of the three’s views, Werewolf swiftly appeared behind Executive and Godfather, then grabbed the two and began choking them.
Godfather: AGH-
Werewolf: It’d be a REAL shame if anybody found out about this, wouldn’t it?
Executive: gack L-Let us g-go-
Werewolf: I’m not finished. You almost made me release my inner werewolf, and I have to applaud you for that. The maximum that someone got was two orange eyes, but that was it. You two however are such an interesting case.
Godfather: W-where are y-you going w-with t-this-?
Werewolf: I’m glad you asked. I’ve been thinking about a little idea I’ve had in my mind, and it’s perfect.
Suddenly, both of Werewolf’s eyes turned black.
Werewolf: You’re gonna compete for me, Pirate, Tanith, and Tarkus. And if you don’t…
Werewolf opened his mouth.
Werewolf: I can always just eat you up or tell everyone about your secret.
Werewolf brought them closer to his mouth.
Godfather: AH?!
Werewolf’s eyes returned to normal and he dropped them.
Werewolf: Good! Well, see you at the elimination!
Werewolf had a creepy grin on his face and left. After he did, Executive and Godfather looked at each other.
Executive: We’re screwed…
M.A.E Theme.
Marshall: Oh my god, there's 23, who'll be ejected? Well, come find out.. on Marshall's Amazing Eliminationnnnnn!!!!
End of theme.
Marshall: Welcome to M.A.E, cast! This round will be different. You all have already cast your votes, and now I will reveal who is eliminated by showing the votes, one by one. But first, the immunity vote! Tonight’s immunity vote goes to:403Please respect copyright.PENANA13l9VO5Fg9
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[Amnesiac: 2]403Please respect copyright.PENANAqF7nrvRLiR
[Arsonist: 2]403Please respect copyright.PENANAK48CezQ6WS
[Blackmailer: 1]403Please respect copyright.PENANAWxIcuhtnS0
[Doctor: 0]403Please respect copyright.PENANAWp5jhlJBtu
[Magician: 3]403Please respect copyright.PENANAETkXEvQTtR
[Serial Killer: 5]403Please respect copyright.PENANAmcucpMjEmR
403Please respect copyright.PENANARnrqx7FrgW
Marshall: Serial Killer!
Serial Killer: Yes!
Arsonist: Nice.
Marshall: I will now reveal the votes. First vote… Magician. Magician. Doctor. Blackmailer. That’s two votes Magician, one vote Doctor, one vote Blackmailer.
Magician looked concerned, Doctor was still sad, and Blackmailer was just confused.
Marshall: Doctor. Doctor. Amnesiac. Magician. That’s three votes Doctor, three votes Magician, one vote Amnesiac, and one vote Blackmailer.
Magician looked concerned now, Doctor was still sad, and Amnesiac wasn’t paying attention until he heard his name.
Marshall: Serial Killer, does not count. Amnesiac. Serial Killer, does not count. Serial Killer, also does not count. That’s two votes, Amnesiac.
Serial Killer looked shocked, and Amnesiac was concerned.
Marshall: Serial Killer, does not count. Blackmailer. Arsonist. Blackmailer. That’s three votes Doctor, three votes Magician, two votes Amnesiac, one vote Arsonist, and three votes Blackmailer. One vote left.
Doctor was still depressed, Magician looked determined, Blackmailer looked angry, Amnesiac was side-eyeing someone, Arsonist was smirking, and Serial Killer was in fear.
Marshall: The second contestant voted out…
Blackmailer: …You’re kidding. HOW!?
Werewolf: A little something called voting power.
Tarkus: Sorry, Mr. Blackmailer. You seem like a nice guy, but from what my dads told me, you’re scary…
Tanith: Please don’t be mad.
Blackmailer: …sigh I can’t even be mad with two children voting for me, can I?
Godfather: Blackmailer, wait. I’m... sorry. I didn’t-
Blackmailer: You didn’t know, I get it. You were right. With you around, I’ve been so clingy I never got to experience the TRUE me. The only best I discovered was in Hex Master’s Horseplay, but even then, I couldn’t truly discover myself.
Extortionist: …
Blackmailer: And you, Exto. I only have one thing to say…
Extortionist: …
Blackmailer: smirks Win this for me.
Blackmailer was then ejected from the ship.
Marshall: For this next challenge, we’re gonna play a game called “Headhunting”! Here’s how it works. You will all be given a gun and a target to hunt down. Your goal is to shoot your target whilst avoiding your hunter; The person with YOU as a target. You are allowed to shoot people other than your target, but it will not count, and simply send them back to the spawn. The ship is your arena, use it wisely. The first six people to get hunted will be up for elimination! Serial Killer.
Serial Killer: Hm?
Marshall: Since you were almost eliminated last time, and only saved by the immunity vote, you’ll receive immunity for this round.
Serial Killer: Sweet! I think I’ll be NEEDING it…
Marshall: Doctor and Magician will receive a half immunity for being in the bottom two.
Potion Master: What in the hex code is that supposed to mean?
Marshall: It means they can still be up for elimination, but their votes will be cut in half.
Magician: I’ll take it. Better than nothing!
Marshall: Here’s a tablet. It’ll display who your target is. Just a reminder: When your target gets eliminated, you will be assigned their target. Now, three, two, one, GO!
Everyone split up. With the agents…
Bodyguard: Alright, what’s the plan here?
Executive: I’m not sure… who’s your target?
Bodyguard: Potion Master. Yours?
Executive: Godfather…
Bodyguard: Sweet, you got the big chief! I honestly prefer Godfather to Potion Master. So, I have a little plan to get him shot.
Executive: Can’t we do Potion Master? I mean, to be fair, Mag and PM are the only two Coven members, so taking them both down would be a breeze, right? Besides, Godfather’s probably going to get protection. Either way, Marshall said whoever got shot would be up for elimination, not if you didn’t get your target eliminated.
Bodyguard: I’m confused about this sudden change of mood, but I see your point.
Cobbler appeared and spooked the duo.
Bodyguard and Executive: AH!
Amnesiac: Chill, I’m not here for you. I want to work with you guys.
Bodyguard: And why would that be?
Amnesiac: My target is Werewolf, but knowing him, shooting him would get me killed. I need some help. Plus, the big guy already has three confirmed allies. Tanith, Tarkus, and Pirate. We need him out immediately, therefore I’m willing to make a little pact until Werewolf is eliminated. Deal?
Executive: You’ve got my vote.
Bodyguard: I suppose joining forces to eliminate the biggest threat wouldn’t be SO bad.
Amnesiac: Alright. I think I know where’s he hiding. Follow me.
Meanwhile, with the family…
Werewolf: I have a feeling my hunter won’t be coming for me.
Pirate: You sure about that chief? Just because you’re big, bulky, and scary, doesn’t mean they won’t TRY. Plus, you can’t eliminate your hunter, only the target.
Tarkus: walks up to Pirate and taps his shoulder Dad?
Pirate: Yeah, kiddo?
Tarkus showed Pirate his tablet. Werewolf looked at it too. It said Tarkus’ target was… Pirate.
Pirate: ...
Werewolf: …
Tarkus: Do… Do I need to shoot you?
Werewolf: No, that’s not necessary. Remember what Marshall said, he said the first six people shot would be up for elimination. Not the last six to fulfill their goal.
Tarkus: Okay…
Tanith: My target is this guy called “Doctor”.
Pirate: That’s almost too easy. Werewolf?
Werewolf: I have Serial Killer. That might be a little problem.
Pirate: Hey, I got Arsonist. Let’s tag team ‘em.
Werewolf nuzzled Pirate on the nose.
Pirate: A-ah, Werewolf, not in front of them!
Tanith and Tarkus: Ooooh!!
Werewolf: Alright, wolves! Roll out!
They left. With the depressed duo…
Doctor: …
Jester: …
They both sat in silence as they moped over the loss of their friends. Suddenly, Pestilence appeared in front of Jester.
Pestilence: Jester.
Jester: P-Pest! Y-You’re ali-
Pestilence: What are you doing?
Jester: I-
Pestilence: I didn’t fight Hex Master for nothing. She genuinely just wanted to protect you guys.
Jester: …You’re not Pestilence, are you?
Pestilence: No, I’m not. You’re hallucinating. But either way, you shouldn’t be moping over the fact that I’m gone. It doesn’t mean you should throw your life away over a measly death.
Jester: But you’re dead! I can’t get over it! Just like how HM-
Pestilence: Hex Master didn’t kill ANYONE. Sure, she made some people disappear and all that, but she did it to protect you. She was aware she was being spied on by that superior Coven member, so she made sure to hide them all where they couldn’t find them.
Jester: …
Pestilence: I get it. It sucks that I can’t be here with you today, but I didn’t die for you to be so incompetent like Doctor. Doctor’s completely lost, but you aren’t. You have a chance, Jester. Win this for the real Pestilence. He died to protect you. Now you’re the one to give him another shot.
Jester: I..
Pestilence: stands up I hope I smacked some sense into you. Because you’re hallucinating me and it’s a little ridiculous, don’t you agree?
Jester: I guess.
Pestilence: Good luck, Jester. You have the strength to continue on. Now do what’s right.
The hallucination of Pestilence disappeared.
Jester: …He’s right. I can’t just keep moping like this forever. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my friend, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to give up!
Jester looked at Doctor, and grabbed him.
Jester: Even if you have half-immunity, it won’t save you from being eliminated. You’re coming with me, whether you like it or not.
Jester ran away with Doctor in his grasp. With the Coven…
Magician: Are you sure about this?
Potion Master: I’m sure.
Magician: Okay…
Magician grabbed one of the chicken’s feathers.
Magician (Chicken): BAWK!!!!
Magician: Sorry, sorry!
Magician put the feather into PM’s pot.
Potion Master: Good.
Potion Master grabbed a pot and began stirring it with a spoon.
Magician: What now?
Potion Master: Almost done… and… boom!
Potion Master grabbed a little jar and scooped up some of the mixture.
Potion Master: Drink up!
Magician: Er, okay.
Magician chugged down the potion with no hesitation.
Magician: So, what’s this gonna d-
Suddenly, Magician shrunk to a very smaller size. Once the shrinking finished, he looked upset and had a high pitched voice.
Magician (Tiny): Hey! What gives!?
Potion Master: You can’t be shot if they can’t see you!
Magician (Tiny): Well, yeah, but this ridiculous!
Potion Master: Now trust me on this, okay?
Magician (Tiny): WHAT DO YOU M-
SQUASH! Potion Master stepped on Magician, which ended up killing him.
Potion Master: Sorry pal, but it was for the greater good.
Then, Bodyguard appeared.
Bodyguard: Hello, comrade.
Potion Master: AH CRA-
Marshall: And Potion Master is one of the six up for elimination!
Bodyguard looked at his tablet, which indicated his new target, Tarkus.
Bodyguard: Really? A child?
Marshall: You can’t beat quality.
Bodyguard: sighs, reloads gun Let’s just get this over with.
Meanwhile, with the maniac siblings..
Arsonist: I don’t think we can hide here for much longer without being detected. Who’s your targ-
Serial Killer looked like he was in fear, as he was shaking.
Arsonist: Um, SK?
Serial Killer: Dude. How can you be so calm about this!? I almost got eliminated! What if Blackmailer won immunity there?!
Arsonist: You’re fine now, aren’t you? Anyway, my target is Extortionist, so if we cooperate together-
Pirate: Or if us four get you!
Serial Killer: AGH!
BANG! Serial Killer panicked and shot Tarkus.
Pirate: …
Werewolf: …
Serial Killer: ..Oh, wait, Tarkus was my target.
Marshall: Indeed he was. Which means Tarkus is now up for elimination! And you get his target, his father!
Arsonist: This is gonna be fun.
One chaotic elimination later…
Marshall: And there goes Pirate and Werewolf! But Arsonist shot Werewolf, and Werewolf wasn’t Arsonist’s target, so Werewolf’s still in! But I can’t say the same for Pirate.
Tanith: D-DADS!? TARKUS?!
Arsonist: Now for the girl.
Serial Killer: Dude, this is too much. You’re my target now. If you hurt her, you get put up for elimination.
Arsonist: Fine. Run along, little werewolf. You wouldn’t want to get hurt, would you~?
Tanith: A-AAHHH!!!
Tanith ran for her life, when she stopped, she ran to the corner and sat down.
Tanith: ...They’re all gone.. I failed my family…
Tanith began sobbing, when Werewolf came up to her.
Tanith: D-Dad!? You’re alive! I-I thought you died...
Werewolf sighed and bent down to get to her level.
Later, with the Mafia…
Ambusher: Okay… the coast’s clear. I’m surprised none of us have been shot yet.
Consigliere: Speak for yourself. I almost got eliminated last time! I gotta take this competition more seriously.
Cobbler: Hey, uh… Ambusher?
Ambusher: What.
Cobbler: Sorry about this.
Marshall: And Ambusher loses!
Cobbler: Sorry! I just-
Extortionist: Jesus christ, Cobbler. You’re supposed to be like the Town Traitor version of Jailor, and there you go executing Ambusher. And FYI, she’s gonna kill you when she gets back.
Cobbler: I’m aware, thanks.
Godfather: sighs While we’re here, I have to confess something to you guys. Don’t be upset when I say it, it’s just... I’ve been hiding it for a while.
Consigliere: What is it, Godfather?
Godfather: I... erm..
Extortionist: Say it already!
SLASH! Cobbler got split in two.
Extortionist: What the meat sack?!
Jester: Gottem!
Everyone reappeared at the main arena.
Marshall: Here are the kills respectively. PM was shattered by BG, Tarkus was shot by SK, Pirate was stabbed by SK, Magician was squashed by PM, Amb was executed by Cobbler, and Cobbler was sliced by Jester. You six are up for elimination!
Ambusher: WHAT!? COBBLER!
Cobbler: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!
Ambusher: You’ll pay for this.
Pirate: Something wrong, son?
Tarkus: We’re doomed… aren’t we?
Pirate: No, son. We’re gonna be safe. Your sister and other father can vote, so we can live. I trust them all.
Tarkus: …If you say so..
Marshall: Readers, vote for either Ambusher, Cobbler, Magician, Pirate, Potion Master, or Tarkus to receive immunity! The one with the most votes will remain in the game and get immunity next round! Sorry about the big delay for this episode, but we’ll see you in BC:IT 4! Goodbye!
Vote: respect copyright.PENANAjeRsO33kOq
Credits403Please respect copyright.PENANA9R1tBySMHE
Literally everything - KyriosFL / JackalJumper
Up for elimination403Please respect copyright.PENANA3hF0JQSK2Y
Potion Master: Shattered by Bodyguard403Please respect copyright.PENANAr9vFeLCYyQ
Tarkus: Shot by Serial Killer403Please respect copyright.PENANACqWintbqFJ
Pirate: Stabbed by Serial Killer403Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZuwSzFV5M
Magician: Squashed by Potion Master403Please respect copyright.PENANAScae3FFU7Q
Ambusher: Executed by Cobbler403Please respect copyright.PENANAQUye8rU9Lu
Cobbler: Sliced in half by Jester
Town: Doctor, Executive, Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Psychic, Lookout
Mafia: Ambusher, Blackmailer, Cobbler, Consigliere, Extortionist, Godfather
Coven: Magician, Potion Master
Neutral:Amnesiac, Arsonist, Crusader, Jester, Outlaw, Pirate, Serial Killer, Tanith, Tarkus, Werewolf
Pirate and Werewolf - Dating403Please respect copyright.PENANAq3AVuAPeyS
Executive and Godfather - Dating403Please respect copyright.PENANA5CsdSMfaGW
Arsonist and Serial Killer - Siblings403Please respect copyright.PENANAJb447CDFla
Bodyguard and Executive - Agents403Please respect copyright.PENANAjWQpXOkBxG
Tanith and Tarkus - Siblings403Please respect copyright.PENANAXiyuxwttDu
Blackmailer and Extortionist - Siblings403Please respect copyright.PENANAdcZdnbAgPX
Pirate, Tanith, Tarkus, and Werewolf - Family403Please respect copyright.PENANAVxC2YnhA86
Godfather and Outlaw - Rivals