The episode begins with Tanith in a dream. The camera zoomed into her head, and revealed her in a dark void.
Tanith: Whuh… Where am I?
A mysterious silhouette appeared.
Silhouette: Hello, Tanith.
Tanith: W-Who are you?! And h-how do you know m-my name!?
Silhouette: Oh, I assume Pirate and Werewolf haven’t told you about me, then.
The silhouette reveals himself as Framer. Only more sane.
Framer: Hi, Tanith!
Tanith: What do you want from me?
Framer: Well, I just made a new spirit.
Framer snaps his fingers (technically toes, since he’s armless), and a spirit that looked like an angry eye appeared.
Framer: My friend here needs a body to use, and we’ve decided on you to be our ventriloquist dummy.
Tanith: Wait, WHAT? No! I’m not gonna agree to this!
Framer: We never said you had to.
The spirit then entered Tanith’s mouth, and she swallowed it.
Framer: My friend here will take possession of your body on Day 10. Beware. Hehe.
Tanith: This has to be a joke… one sick cosmic joke. This is a dream! I’ll just pinch myself!
Framer: I don’t recommend you do that. Because I’ll give you some information to stop the possession. So unless you want to wake up with no solution to the cure, be my guest and wake up.
Tanith stayed silent.
Framer: Each day, I’ll give you a clue on which planets to go to. Each of those planets contain one of the three triangular prisms of protection. If you get all three, get Potion Master to use their power and form it into a potion. Upon drinking it, the spirit will not possess your body. Got it?
Tanith: …Okay.
Framer: Good luck. Oh, and I recommend NOT telling anyone about this. Bye now…
Tanith: W-Wait! You can’t go! Come back, Mr. Framer! Nooo!
Tanith then woke up in a cold sweat. She looked at the clock. 3:08 AM. She was sleeping with Werewolf, Tarkus, and the other neutrals, with her being at the edge of the bed.
Tanith: …It was just a dream.. Right?
Tanith began rubbing her hands over her stomach.
Tanith: I’m okay... Phew..
Tarkus gently woke up.
Tarkus: Mmph… Tanith..? Why are you up?
Tanith: ...Don’t worry about it.
Tanith hopped out of bed and yawned.
Tanith: I’m just going to get a midnight snack.
Tarkus: Well, be quick with it... yawn Marshall wants us to be up and early in the morning.
Tanith: giggles I will, bro. Night.
Tarkus smiled and went back to sleep. Tanith went into the spaceship’s kitchen and grabbed herself an apple. As she opened her mouth about to bite it, her head glitched for a slight moment. She groaned and dropped the apple onto the floor.
Tanith: Ow… ugh, what was that?
She picked up the apple again and the same thing happened.
Tanith: Is… is this real? Is that stupid spirit actually inside of my body?
CUE INTRO! (Play while singing it)
24 contestants.
1 winner.
This is…
Ambusher, Amnesiac, Arsonist, Blackmailer, Bodyguard, Bounty Hunter, Cobbler, Consigliere, Crusader, Doctor, Executive, Extortionist, Godfather, Jester, Lookout, Magician, Outlaw, Pirate, Potion Master, Psychic, Serial Killer, Tanith, Tarkus, and Werewolf.
Don’t forget our pal and host, Marshall!
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The next morning…
[10:35 AM]
Everyone seemed to be sleeping peacefully with each other, when suddenly, an air horn went off, scaring everyone out of their beds.
Marshall: Rise and shine, contestants!
Werewolf: Ugh…
Arsonist: Here we go again...
Jester: One more day until Saturday, at least. No challenge then, right?
Amnesiac: I think so.
They all came from their dorms.
Marshall: Today is the last day until the one-day break! Also, the last day of contestant voting!
Cobbler: Wait, what?
Marshall: Yup! Every week, after Saturday, there will be a new change to the game! From now on, after today, the viewers will gain their voting power back!
Everyone gasped.
Godfather: Oh dear.
Marshall: So, if you have any plans for revenge, today’s the last day to do so!
Some of the contestants looked at each other with a grin.
Marshall: Onto the challenge! But before we do, the readers have decided on who got immunity, and they have chosen to give it to the Coven! So, Magician and Potion Master, you won’t compete this challenge and get to spend the day at the resort!
Potion Master: Yes!
Magician: Sweet.
Marshall: Off you go!
Marshall snapped his fingers, and the magic duo disappeared.
Marshall: Now, for today’s challenge, it’s a scavenger hunt! I have hidden a few treasure chests around the ship. Your goal is to find those chests with the clue I give you. Each clue contains a hint to where the chest could be. There are a total of six chests. The first three people to find the sixth treasure chest and bring back whatever is inside will each get a different power. First place will pick three of you to be up for elimination, second place picks two, and third picks one. Now, go! Here are your clues.
Marshall handed the clues to everyone individually, and disappeared.
Ambusher: Aaaand he’s gone. Welp, might as well get started.
Marshall: on the loudspeakers Oh, and one more thing! You’re allowed to partner up with a max of 2 people, forming a group of 3! Alright, good luck!
Werewolf: Well this is an obvious team.
Tanith: Dad, can I talk to you..?
Werewolf: Sure, honey. Come on Tarkus, let’s go.
Tarkus: Yay!
The three went off.
Arsonist: Hm…
Serial Killer: What’re you planning now?
Arsonist: Maybe we should follow them.
Serial Killer: I’m not sure if that’s the smartest idea, shouldn’t we like, do the challenge?
Arsonist: Pish posh! Who cares about the challenge? We’ll do it later, promise!
Serial Killer: You follow them. I’m gonna get myself some immunity. Cheers.
Arsonist: Lame.
With the final 3 pact…
Lookout: So what’s our game strat?
Outlaw: Well, I was thinking we could try mowing down our competition!
Consigliere: That’s not going to help us at all. Something smarter would be we could try to put our clues together so we all find the chests, and not need to split up.
Outlaw: Not cool, but I’ll go with it.
Lookout: I guess it’s settled then, right?
Consigliere and Outlaw nod in approval.
Lookout: Then let’s get going!
The pact compares their clues, which were all the same.
Consigliere: Did he really give everyone the same clue?
A lightbulb suddenly appeared above Outlaw’s head.
Outlaw: Be right back!
Consigliere: Wait, Outlaw, where are you going- ugh.
Amnesiac: Alright, now to r-
Outlaw grabbed Amnesiac’s clue and ripped it to shreds.
Outlaw: What’re you gonna do about it?
Amnesiac: This!
Amnesiac uses his prosthetic limbs and punches Outlaw hard.
Outlaw: Ow! That does it!
Outlaw pulls out his infamous tommy gun.
Amnesiac: Woah woah, chill! I’ll just head off.
Extortionist: What are you two yapping about?
Outlaw: We’re just goofing around! Right Amnesiac?
Outlaw looks at Amnesiac with gritting teeth and an intimidating look.
Amnesiac: Uh, yes! Just having some fun!
Extortionist: Well stop goofing around and do the darn challenge!
Outlaw: You bet!
Outlaw skids away back to the Final 3 Pact.
Consigliere: What in the shattered magnifying glass was that about?
Outlaw: I’m just doing some devious activities, I’ll spare you the details.
Lookout: I.. uh, won’t ask.
Outlaw: You better not! Now let's get to the challenge.
Lookout: Anyways, since Marshall is a lazy turd, we all got the same clues and it should be easy to do the challenge.
Consigliere: Let’s not ruin this advantage and go!
Lookout: I must ask Outlaw, what was all that about?
Outlaw: Don’t ask.
With Godfather and Executive…
Godfather: I don’t think I’ve ever felt so disappointed seeing Bodyguard go.
Executive: Well I certainly am! The pact is completely torn apart now! Bounty Hunter and Bodyguard are eliminated, Jester and Amnesiac are doing who knows what, and Doctor doesn’t even wanna compete!
Godfather: I see what you mean, but we gotta calm down. Being in a frenzy doesn’t help our situation.
Executive: Also! Did you hear what Werewolf said? A specific two of the pact are going to be left, who do you think that’s gonna be?
Godfather: Okay fine, it looks very bad for us but we need to stay strong! Two members out means nothing, we gotta keep the Pact together! Now how about we do the challenge? It looks like everyone else is distracted anyways.
Executive: Fine.
While the two bicker about their situation, Arsonist clashes right into them.
Godfather: Ow! What’s your deal Arsonist?
Arsonist: Sorry not sorry! I’m going to spy on Werewolf, it looks like him and the kids are talking about something.
Executive: Oh really? Count me in then.
Godfather: Are you serious? I just said that we need to stay together and keep the pact strong.
Executive: Well, in order to “keep the pact strong” we can gain some intel on Werewolf to possibly get him out and avenge Bodyguard and Bounty Hunter!
Arsonist: If you guys keep arguing I’m just gonna leave.
Executive: Are you with us?
Godfather: Fine, I’m with you.
The 3 run off.
Executive: Hey Arsonist, would you consider joining our pact?
Arsonist: Nah. I’d rather avoid conflict.
They eventually arrive.
Werewolf: So, what is it, Tanith?
Tanith: Well, I…
Tanith suddenly dropped the glass of water she was holding in her hand and it broke.
Tarkus: Um…
Tanith: Agh…
Werewolf: Tanith, are you okay? Do you need some rest?
Tanith: …I had a nightmare. This guy named [REDACTED] showed up to my dream…
Tarkus: Redacted?
Tanith: Nono, [REDACTED].
Werewolf: Erm… Are you alright Tanith?
Tanith: NO! This [REDACTED] tried to get a weird eye to possess me!
Werewolf: I’m sure it was just a bad dream Tanith, it might be the stress because of.. Pirate.
Tanith: No! I kept on glitching out, my head hurts badly, I can’t even say his name! It gives me clues on how I can get it out of my body but I don’t know how and where to do this and-
Tanith starts uncontrollably crying.
Werewolf: Woah woah, calm down. Whatever this is, we’ll help you get through it, okay?
Tanith: sobbing You don’t understand!
Tanith sprints off into her bed.
Tarkus: Um, dad? What just happened.
Werewolf: I’m not sure, but it seems very serious. We should go talk to her about this.
Arsonist: That was… weird.
Executive: Agreed. What is she on about? And who is redacted?
Godfather: …She couldn’t possibly be talking about him, could she?
Executive: Huh?
Arsonist lights up with a devilish smile.
Executive: That’s not good..
Godfather: Arsonist, what’re you planning?
Arsonist: This could be a perfect time to manipulate Tanith into our favor!
Executive: Man she’s a kid, what’s wrong with you?
Arsonist: Tarkus KILLED me in episode 3.
Godfather: Didn’t Tarkus kill Serial Killer and not you?
Arsonist: Besides the point. I’m thinking we manipulate her, make her do our bidding! And even sabotage Werewolf. After all, isn’t that your guy’s goal?
Executive and Godfather look at each other.
Executive: He isn’t wrong..
Godfather: Fine, what’s your stupid plan?
Arsonist: Hehe, I knew you’d guys listen. Anywho, manipulating children is not hard!
Godfather: That sounds so weird out of context..
Arsonist: Shut up! Anyways, we can claim that we’ll help her, and get all the info we need that she had from that dream. Once we understand the situation, we’ll strike when she’s weakest!
Executive: What do you mean by strike?
Arsonist: It depends on what she tells us, we don’t know everything yet. For now, you two gain intel from Tanith while I distract Werewolf and Tarkus.
Executive & Godfather: Got it.
They all split up. With Arsonist..
Arsonist: What is up my fellow Werewolves?
Werewolf: What do you want Arsonist? We’re busy with stuff.
Arsonist: I wanted to give you a little circus show! I heard that Pact trying to get you eliminated is all stressful and stuff, so I wanted to entertain you!
Werewolf: We don’t want your help. I already have Pirate’s luck.
Arsonist: Sorry, what.
Tarkus: Didn’t dad tell you? Before the other dad left, he blessed dad with some sort of luck thing that makes him one of the luckiest beings in the universe! How else do you think Mr. Bodyguard and Mr. Bounty Hunter got eliminated?
Arsonist: You’re kidding.
Werewolf: Nope. So, if you want to join your pact, feel free! Amnesiac’s next, anyway, if it all goes according to plan.
Arsonist: Wow.. this is just, incredible. Well, since you rude wolves don’t want my entertainment. I shall go now. And by the way, you should check on Tanith.
Werewolf: What!?
Arsonist runs away before Werewolf realizes the situation. With Executive, Tanith, and Godfather..
Tanith: And that’s all that happened in my dream.
Godfather: Interesting. Executive, thoughts?
Executive: I’m speechless. I just hope that this season doesn’t become a ruckus like the others.
Arsonist sprints into the room.
Arsonist: Guys, Werewolf is coming!
Executive: Oh crap, let’s go!
Godfather: Arsonist, you coming?
Arsonist: You guys go! I need to tell this child something..
Godfather and Executive run away while Arsonist stays.
Arsonist: Listen, Tanith. Werewolf and Tarkus are arriving. I’ll ruin your life, set you ablaze, BURN you if you tell them anything that those two just said to you. Do you understand?
Tanith: shaking Y-yes Mr. Arsonist!
Arsonist: Good.
Arsonist flees the scene, and Werewolf and Tarkus enter.
Werewolf: Tanith! Are you okay!?
Tanith: Yes.. I-I’m fine.
Tarkus: Did anyone say something to you at all?
Tanith: Well.. remembers Arsonist’s threat No! Not at all.
Werewolf: Don’t lie to me, Tanith.
Tanith: I swear!
Werewolf: Alright then. Now, if you need to talk to us we’re here. Now let’s do that challenge.
With Cobbler…
Cobbler: Ugh, this sucks!
Extortionist: What’s wrong, Cobbler?
Cobbler: The mafia is totally split right now! Blackmailer’s eliminated, Godfather and Consigliere are in some other pact, Ambusher is still mad at me, and does anyone even remember you?
Extortionist: Ow, that hurts.
Cobbler: Sorry, I’m just so... upset with everything.
Extortionist: Wait… this clue… “Your first clue is dark, but not scary. Cleaning utensils provided.”
Cobbler: That’s the ship’s hallway closet!
Extortionist: Alright, let’s go there then!
Cobbler: I’ll also mention, thanks for helping me.
Extortionist: From one fellow mafia to another, no problem.
The two arrive at the closet.
Cobbler: Now what’s inside this closet.
They open the door and find a treasure chest. They both take a clue.
Extortionist: Onwards and treasure chest-wards!
With Psychic…
Psychic: Let’s see… who should I target. Doctor’s useless, Executive’s our leader, Lookout’s not really likable, Ambusher’s stubborn, Cobbler’s cool, Consigliere’s unpredictable, Extortionist is floating, Godfather’s their leader, Magician and PM are immune, Amnesiac’s intimidating, Arsonist is threatening, Jester’s a fool, Outlaw’s crazy, Serial Killer’s cautious, Tanith and Tarkus are kids, and Werewolf is the hulk but more furry-ish…
Jester: That’s a bit rude.
Psychic: Where have you come from?
Jester: Your so-called “fool” was searching for chests. Though, you seem to be kind of smart, looking for a target. Perhaps we can make a little team for this challenge?
Psychic: Pass. I’m going solo this season. Teaming will just make me targetted.
Jester: Fair, but just know you might need someone to watch your back. One time, you’ll see.
Jester flees.
Psychic: Foolish, I wasn’t wrong after all. The only targets I have that aren’t difficult are Tanith and Tarkus. Maybe I’ll consider targeting them, though I must watch out for that Werewolf.
30 minutes later…
Marshall: Time is of the essence!
Ambusher: Over there!
Executive: Come on!
Tarkus: Dad, I found it!
Arsonist: Right here.
Lookout: Guys, hurry up!
Extortionist: Gotcha.
One intense scene later.
Marshall: And everyone has found the last clue! I will reveal the results soon. In the meanwhile, get comfortable.
Everyone began discussing with each other random things. 5 minutes later, Marshall came back.
Marshall: Alright, here are the results! In third place, we have Tanith!
Werewolf: Yes!
Tanith: Hooray…
Tanith fell on the floor, and seemed to black out.
Tarkus: Tanith!
Marshall: In second place, Cobbler!
Cobbler: This is truly a certified moment.
Marshall: And in first place… the one and only Tarkus!
Arsonist: Drats! That child is definitely putting me up for elimination.
Extortionist: You did great Cobbler!
Cobbler: Thanks!
Outlaw: Not one, but both of the brats won!?
Marshall snapped his fingers, and the Coven came back.
Potion Master: What happened?
Werewolf: They happened, that’s what.
Werewolf patted his children on the head. Tarkus smiled, and Tanith (who was now conscious again and standing up) giggled a bit.
Magician: Nice job. Oh, and we got this little souvenir from the resort!
Magician pulled out a green glowing triangular prism, and Tanith immediately grabbed it before dashing off.
Magician: What the- hey!
Marshall: Weird. Anyway, let’s start! Tarkus, for getting first, pick three people to be up for elimination!
Tarkus: Oh, um… dad?
Werewolf: Your choice, kiddo.
Tarkus: Oh, alright! Well, I guess I’ll go with... Mr. Doctor, Mr. Jester, and Mr. Godfather.
Doctor: …
Jester: Curses! I didn’t even do anything!
Godfather: sigh I could see it coming.
Marshall: Alrighty! Next, Cobbler.
Cobbler: Easy pick. Psychic and Amnesiac.
Psychic: Hmph. I guess you’ll be a target whether in a team or not.
Amnesiac: Noo! I just got these neato prosthetic limbs too!
Tanith then came back.
Marshall: Perfect timing, Tanith! Your turn to choose who is up for elimination!
Tanith: U-um…
Tanith felt a lot of pressure as Arsonist, Godfather, Executive, Serial Killer, Tarkus, and Werewolf stared at her.
Tanith: I guess I-I’ll go with… Tarkus?
Everyone gasped.
Tarkus: Tanith, what the heck!?
Marshall: Yeah, no. You can’t pick someone who got a higher placement.
Tanith: T-Then Ambusher.
Ambusher: Are you serious? Is this really my.. Uses fingers fourth time in a row being up for elimination?!
Serial Killer: MASSIVE skill issue.
Ambusher: Shut it you! Pulls out a machete.
Serial Killer: Right back at you! Pulls out a dagger.
Arsonist: Serial Killer chill!
Marshall: I’ll give you all an hour before the elimination. Until then, discuss who’s going home. Because today’s the last day of you guys determining who goes home.
Everyone split up.
Jester: We all need to work together here. Even though Werewolf isn’t up for elimination, we can risk booting off Psychic.
Godfather: Why Psychic?
Jester: Well, out of everyone there, she’s the one who needs out the most.
Amnesiac is screaming in the corner of the room.
Executive: What in the world is wrong with you?
Amnesiac: I JUST got these limbs so I can actually compete, and now I’m up for elimination!
Executive: Stop crying. What about Ambusher? She’s… actually, nevermind. Her rivalry with Cobbler may be useful. But it’s a coincidence that four of our members are up for elimination, no?
Godfather: Well, you’re the only one with power here.
With the werewolves…
Werewolf: Tanith, why’d you try to put Tarkus up for elimination?
Tanith: I…
Tarkus: Yeah, that was really uncalled for. Why’d you do it?
Tanith: …Promise not to tell anyone…
Tarkus hugged Tanith, and Werewolf put his paw on her shoulder.
Werewolf: We promise. Don’t we, Tarkus?
Tarkus: Yeah!
Tanith: …Okay, so…
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Marshall: Ah, the last day of contestant voting! Then you all get a break tomorrow!
Tanith: Oh.. look at that! I guess we need to vote now, right guys?
Marshall: You already did. Now, thirteen votes are at stake. I’ll read them. First vote… Jester. Amnesiac. That’s one vote Jester, one vote Amnesiac.
Amnesiac and Jester looked confused.
Marshall: Doctor. Psychic. Doctor. Two votes Doc, one vote Jest, one vote Amne, one vote Psy.
Psychic crossed her arms, and Doctor still looked depressed.
Marshall: Godfather. Amnesiac. Two votes Doc, two votes Amne, one vote others except Ambusher.
Now the pressure was really on.
Marshall: Psychic. Godfather. Godfather. Three votes GF, two votes Psy, two votes Doc, two votes Amne, one vote Jest.
Godfather and Executive looked scared, and Psychic huffed.
Marshall: Doctor. Ambusher. That’s three votes for Godfather, three votes for Doctor, two votes for Amnesiac and Psychic, and one vote for Jester and Ambusher. One vote left.
The tension was at its max. Everyone looked dramatic, excluding Magician and Potion Master, who were both sipping the lemonade they got from their time at the resort.
Marshall: Sixth and final contestant voted out by a contestant vote…
Everyone was shocked. The pact members were in disbelief, Ambusher and Psychic looked confused, the werewolves were smiling (except Tanith), the Coven fistbumped, Cobbler looked relieved, Consigliere and Extortionist were whispering, Lookout sighed, the other NKs seemed to be rolling with it, and Doctor for the first time… smiled.
Doctor: Finally... I’m free.
Outlaw: mocking “Finally, I’m free” What a loser!
Doctor: Heh… heh..
Doctor laughed and went into the ejection chute.
Doctor: Eject me already!
Marshall: Your call!
Doctor was ejected.
Tarkus: Mr. Marshall, I have a question.
Marshall: Shoot.
Tarkus: Where do all of the eliminated people go?
Marshall: Glad you asked.
Marshall clapped his hands, and a TV came down. It showed Crusader and Blackmailer with a checkmark on them while the rest of them had x’s on them.
Amnesiac: What’s that supposed to mean?
Marshall: It signals who is staying on the eliminated planet or not. If you stay, you have a shot at rejoining the game! If you don’t wanna stay, you can take the space pod back to Earth.
Werewolf: …So Crusader and Blackmailer are the only ones staying on that planet?
Marshall: Correct! The rest of them forfeited their shot at rejoining.
Werewolf looked sad, but then perked up.
Werewolf: No, no need to be sad. I’ll win this for you hun, wherever you are. I promise.
Marshall: And that’s the game! With six contestants officially eliminated due to their fellow contestants hating each other, the power is back in your hands, readers! You too, will gain your ability to vote for a few people to be eliminated before we swap. See you soon on Day 8, because Day 7 is their relaxation day with no cameras.
Marshall inched closer to the camera and whispered.
Marshall: Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see what they do, I just won’t tell them. Now, I’ll see you all soon! This has been Bloxston Competition: Intergalactic Travel!
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Bloxston Competition: Intergalactic Travel486Please respect copyright.PENANAzWJSG5cYN1
Season 3A - COMPLETE
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Town: Doctor, Executive, Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Psychic, Lookout
Mafia: Ambusher, Blackmailer, Cobbler, Consigliere, Extortionist, Godfather
Coven: Magician, Potion Master
Neutral:Amnesiac, Arsonist, Crusader, Jester, Outlaw, Pirate, Serial Killer, Tanith, Tarkus, Werewolf
Pirate and Werewolf - Dating486Please respect copyright.PENANA75OYWM0P0i
Executive and Godfather - Dating Currently being manipulated by Werewolf486Please respect copyright.PENANApuP6dzNYh3
Arsonist and Serial Killer - Siblings486Please respect copyright.PENANANrQNEN5CNvBodyguard and Executive - Agents486Please respect copyright.PENANAMl9mOVxnRt
Tanith and Tarkus - Siblings486Please respect copyright.PENANAkQehSmRbhcBlackmailer and Extortionist - Siblings486Please respect copyright.PENANAETsY8oJ8AAPirate, Tanith, Tarkus, and Werewolf - Family486Please respect copyright.PENANAPTtyP3m6Wg
Godfather and Outlaw - Rivals486Please respect copyright.PENANAcxeMoAWwDc
Godfather, Amnesiac, Bodyguard, Executive, Bounty Hunter, Doctor(?), and Jester - GWE Pact (Get Werewolf Eliminated)486Please respect copyright.PENANAxwiyKm9y8K
Outlaw, Lookout, and Consigliere - Final 3 Pact