No Plagiarism!0rGaGZ8GFLQIiy2VNviIposted on PENANA Long ago, two groups ruled over Earth: Hosts and Enemies. One day, war broke out between the two groups. After a long battle, the Hosts were victorious. They sealed the Enemies underground with a magic spell.8964 copyright protection528PENANA3Y9yLXajEe 維尼
[Many years later...]8964 copyright protection528PENANABFU4kjpwuA 維尼
[MT. Resident.]8964 copyright protection528PENANAs9sdFx3F1a 維尼
*Invader and Vestige are climbing the mountain, when…*8964 copyright protection528PENANATMvf5cxqMR 維尼
Invader: AHHHH! 8964 copyright protection528PENANAJkJGlZ6rJ9 維尼
Vestige: Invader! No! 8964 copyright protection528PENANA87bOyn1IWa 維尼
*Invader falls deep into the mountain*8964 copyright protection528PENANAmjEV3UddSe 維尼
[Minutes Later…]8964 copyright protection528PENANA34tG3O41xc 維尼
Invader: Ughhugh…8964 copyright protection528PENANAPg7x3bkpc5 維尼
???: A Host? No way. More SOULS for me!?8964 copyright protection528PENANAo8pTBJ2BSM 維尼
Invader: Who was that?8964 copyright protection528PENANApmLCvzU07g 維尼
Vestige: Invader? Where are you?8964 copyright protection528PENANAfED2BklZSz 維尼
Invader: Vestige? I’m here!8964 copyright protection528PENANA8J1pDgBCvy 維尼
???: There’s more?8964 copyright protection528PENANAuaz7WAxxfc 維尼
*Vestige finds Invader, standing up with blood pouring down his face and legs.*8964 copyright protection528PENANAzJrwrvwgSM 維尼
Vestige: Found ya! What the hell is this place?8964 copyright protection528PENANASChHC05oaH 維尼
???: The Underground.8964 copyright protection528PENANA6HbcNhR2KY 維尼
Invader: Ok, that’s it. Show yourself, now! 8964 copyright protection528PENANAX40np0DE8u 維尼
Resident Mind: I am RESIDENT MIND. All the worlds prayers.8964 copyright protection528PENANAoDBP1Wde5l 維尼
Vestige: All the worlds prayers? Really? Your acting like you’re some kind of deity.8964 copyright protection528PENANAHlLhbvSK4k 維尼
*Resident Mind ignores them, continues to talk*8964 copyright protection528PENANAHJbG6LuRnP 維尼
Resident Mind: ok… Let me teach you a few things we do around here. 8964 copyright protection528PENANAKNRofnh3pF 維尼
Enter Battle8964 copyright protection528PENANAA0QIrfTpU1 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection528PENANAGvQj2ceBx3 維尼
~FIGHT8964 copyright protection528PENANA0piC43c2jE 維尼
~ACT8964 copyright protection528PENANAtMUT4KB6FZ 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection528PENANAUWaLIZIYuP 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection528PENANAnm6TVKiVun 維尼
Wait, what? 8964 copyright protection528PENANAzAhvJqoD3t 維尼
Resident Mind: See those hearts? Those are souls. They are the very culmination of your being! 8964 copyright protection528PENANAO3s4AOASZV 維尼
Invader’s heart was green with a grey shell, and Vestige was purple with a black shell.8964 copyright protection528PENANAIMkn0u4NC8 維尼
Resident Mind: To power up, you have to gain some LV!8964 copyright protection528PENANAfKRdh0BZpE 維尼
Vestige: What’s “LV”?8964 copyright protection528PENANArU6s9de8Wa 維尼
Resident Mind: LV stands for love! I’ll show you some! Winks. Down here, love is shared through… white bullets... Come on, see if you can get any!8964 copyright protection528PENANA0Cyd0WP8Zv 維尼
Vestige: Allrigh-8964 copyright protection528PENANAm8qA63bfwx 維尼
Invader: Wait.8964 copyright protection528PENANAoV2Xz4yrbR 維尼
Vestige: What?8964 copyright protection528PENANAhBS5YKftws 維尼
Invader: It could be a trap. I mean, come on. We have banished them for thousands of years. They HATE Hosts. They also sound a bit suspicious to me.8964 copyright protection528PENANA5j6woe5yNU 維尼
Vestige: Exactly. Thousands of years. They probably forgot about us.8964 copyright protection528PENANAL7KXZEyhiO 維尼
Invader: Don’t blame me when you die, then.8964 copyright protection528PENANAJHyXatLYpH 維尼
*Vestige runs to the white bullets and gets badly hurt.*8964 copyright protection528PENANA5RQHykzu5K 維尼
Vestige: Ow! Why’d you do that for?8964 copyright protection528PENANAdv7gnmz0Ki 維尼
Resident Mind: heheh…. You IDIOT. Here in the underground, it’s KILL or be KILLED. You got that?8964 copyright protection528PENANAN6FVzI7vxX 維尼
Vestige: I-I- i think so-8964 copyright protection528PENANAEkmte7yGUz 維尼
Resident Mind: Shut Up and Die!8964 copyright protection528PENANASQU0YnuEYv 維尼
*white bullets surround invader and vestige, as they slowly hover towards them. Resident Mind has a huge grin on his face and laughs manically. A sword is swung, and..*8964 copyright protection528PENANARUiroqpXsh 維尼
Resident Mind: Agh! Wh-8964 copyright protection528PENANACwaBZjaIvN 維尼
???: Go away.8964 copyright protection528PENANAAIMWYflxqw 維尼
Resident Mind: Who-8964 copyright protection528PENANAfw6RjOH9YK 維尼
???: Now.8964 copyright protection528PENANAEhtG2d3xP0 維尼
Invader: What the hell?8964 copyright protection528PENANAtLF9R74sv2 維尼
*The unknown person slashes Resident Mind using a pink sword, and Resident Mind runs away.*8964 copyright protection528PENANAK0ZARhayRY 維尼
Invader: Woah! 8964 copyright protection528PENANApxmYdu08QQ 維尼
???: Allow me to introduce myself. I am EQUINOX.8964 copyright protection528PENANA7CcEH9QOoI 維尼
Vestige: Who?8964 copyright protection528PENANADmfleSA1md 維尼
Equinox: Equinox.8964 copyright protection528PENANAKNEfwkO7ab 維尼
Vestige: Well, look, “Equinox”, move out the way, because we need to go home. Now.8964 copyright protection528PENANA3fI4iirSa1 維尼
Equinox: I’m afraid it is not that easy. You see, the Enemies that live here, they will try to murder you. I am an enemy myself, but, i have no grudges against you hosts. Come on, let me take you in..8964 copyright protection528PENANAeM5SYREsvk 維尼
Vestige: No.8964 copyright protection528PENANAQIDzgM6z5c 維尼
Equinox: Do as i say, if you want to survive, you better follow me.8964 copyright protection528PENANAYVAZtfJDcd 維尼
Invader: C’mon, let’s go Vestige.8964 copyright protection528PENANAWoqy7miZMv 維尼
*as they walk through Peacock Peaks, Equinox starts to talk.*8964 copyright protection528PENANAALi7pu4YDc 維尼
Equinox: So, what’re you guys doing down here? 8964 copyright protection528PENANACGSymFZtLp 維尼
Vestige: It’s complicated.8964 copyright protection528PENANAIOYwFsWoWn 維尼
Equinox: Tell me.8964 copyright protection528PENANAx859yICDZv 維尼
Invader: Well, considering you want to kno-8964 copyright protection528PENANAgkgWQlpVh0 維尼
Vestige: Long story short, we was climbing a mountain for fun, and we fell, and ended up here.8964 copyright protection528PENANAAZXwYNVdYK 維尼
Invader: I want to go home.8964 copyright protection528PENANA2BmkJQgrXq 維尼
Equinox: Well, you cant exactly go back up there, can you? You would need to break the barrier first.8964 copyright protection528PENANA8xL6FDSLny 維尼
Invader: The Barrier?8964 copyright protection528PENANAbnv6nRBpXK 維尼
*An enemy approaches!*8964 copyright protection528PENANA6f8n0YH0vH 維尼
Enter Battle8964 copyright protection528PENANAOqzKXa1Dyh 維尼
Equinox: Look, Its an enemy! Ok, lets teach you the basics. FIGHTing allows you to cast your weapon, and attack. ACTing allows you to try and talk your way out of it, or you can treat the enemy.. its your choice, as long as they actually like it. Using an ITEM allows you to heal, you can find them in shops. Lastly, showing MERCY will allow you to spare the enemy which will let you get rid of the enemy without harming them.8964 copyright protection528PENANA2lKXb0qB8Z 維尼
Vestige: Huh! And why would we spar-8964 copyright protection528PENANAM6Mk3pgIg5 維尼
“Huh? Dunno how on earth i got a gun, but like, cool, i guess.”8964 copyright protection528PENANAC2a1dmoEe9 維尼
Vestige Turn:8964 copyright protection528PENANAExPfW7tuxG 維尼
~FIGHT (Arson Agni) (Snipe, Slam, Blast)8964 copyright protection528PENANA1UbJFwVFwN 維尼
~ACT8964 copyright protection528PENANAycBuDtUtAR 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection528PENANApEZ3HgPsFI 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection528PENANANM3hCz9gaL 維尼
*Vestige blasted Arson Agni, dealing 8 damage*8964 copyright protection528PENANAjAmBXos5DC 維尼
Invader: Why did you do that? 8964 copyright protection528PENANA8zlvPqgcsw 維尼
Vestige: Do what?8964 copyright protection528PENANAV3hBBslrxR 維尼
Invader: Attack them?8964 copyright protection528PENANAnjS6sDD8V4 維尼
Vestige: What do you suggest we should do?8964 copyright protection528PENANAizHggu782W 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection528PENANA3NN7YCovyG 維尼
~FIGHT8964 copyright protection528PENANAXxxSF1Z5fG 維尼
~ACT (Arson Agni) (Check, TalkAboutFire)8964 copyright protection528PENANAsH3JyAEILC 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection528PENANAfhELhtUwQ0 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection528PENANA1LeipzIZf9 維尼
Invader: So, you like fire, eh? Why? Tell me, please. Im intrigued to know.8964 copyright protection528PENANAwK7RDM1nIG 維尼
*Agni nods and puts his weapon away*8964 copyright protection528PENANAtlIuqJNyfP 維尼
Vestige: Huh?8964 copyright protection528PENANAcdG3uqswxT 維尼
*Agni does not attack*8964 copyright protection528PENANAumK8sPosMF 維尼
Equinox: Now trying Sparing it!8964 copyright protection528PENANAUnkNfaI0vv 維尼
Invader: *spares*8964 copyright protection528PENANAX1oXKHykEW 維尼
[You Won! You gained 20G and 0 EXP]8964 copyright protection528PENANAYII4SrWdpY 維尼
Equinox: Well done, Invader. Vestige, try not to attack so much.8964 copyright protection528PENANA7qzwtJf45h 維尼
Vestige: Wh- How??? That was an enemy? Why didn’t it try to attack us??8964 copyright protection528PENANAOxeHeMkBwS 維尼
Invader: Maybe you should try ACTing like I did.8964 copyright protection528PENANAlsxRGBJB3T 維尼
Vestige: No. They should die. 8964 copyright protection528PENANAyFKUfjBxiN 維尼
Invader: You’re approaching them the wrong way. Stop it.8964 copyright protection528PENANA7X66welgnW 維尼
End Battle8964 copyright protection528PENANAQBACkV1edf 維尼
Vestige: No. I don't care what you say. Those things are evil, one of them tried to kill me and you just stood there?8964 copyright protection528PENANAfBG2sq05CT 維尼
Invader: But i told you it was a trap!8964 copyright protection528PENANA1lvJnG2b7h 維尼
Vestige: No. Thats an excuse, isnt it? You dont care if I die or not? Do you?8964 copyright protection528PENANAchq9d7syGK 維尼
Invader: I didn-8964 copyright protection528PENANAtmvHkv8M5L 維尼
Vestige: SHUT UP!8964 copyright protection528PENANAR8Ix42KvxQ 維尼
Enter Battle8964 copyright protection528PENANA1cJPgGs9y5 維尼
Invader Turn:
~FIGHT8964 copyright protection528PENANAfbBw0b5W0K 維尼
~ACT (Vestige) (Check, Talk, Argue)8964 copyright protection528PENANAEiKe6yIH0G 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection528PENANAKYCzPXY9md 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection528PENANAKMZzUkjgll 維尼
*Equinox backs away.*8964 copyright protection528PENANAugPB0P0sSw 維尼
Invader: Vestige, just stop, your overre-8964 copyright protection528PENANA2nCwYQ6uuS 維尼
Vestige: shut up.8964 copyright protection528PENANAUnSdNP0zoB 維尼
*Invader moves his soul to dodge the bullets, until Vestige snipes his SOUL, hurting Invader dramatically.*8964 copyright protection528PENANAerTJGNk0Vi 維尼
*Invader starts to bleed.*8964 copyright protection528PENANA1LFhznP65w 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection528PENANAmzeGEic7hH 維尼
~FIGHT (Vestige) (Empower, Slash, Spin Slash, Dash)8964 copyright protection528PENANA2faugVLcIE 維尼
~ACT8964 copyright protection528PENANA1gHqrSgUTj 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection528PENANAH3YSzSd29s 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection528PENANAE8auDrjxMA 維尼
Invader: You asked for this.8964 copyright protection528PENANAZ8VgjBg9tT 維尼
*Invader’s Blades were greatly powered up, ready to attack.*8964 copyright protection528PENANApE0PKFbwHJ 維尼
*Vestige slams Invader, but misses.*8964 copyright protection528PENANA0SnVkB7LdL 維尼
Invader: You missed.8964 copyright protection528PENANApgUaEio9B6 維尼
Vestige: Nah. Your not worth killing. There isn't any point. Which is why…8964 copyright protection528PENANAwAcCB7X3Ki 維尼
End Battle8964 copyright protection528PENANApXAPdWXaNk 維尼
Vestige: Im gonna get out of here myself.8964 copyright protection528PENANADYFCoLyr46 維尼
Invader: How?8964 copyright protection528PENANA9JQVsIWARb 維尼
Vestige: Im gonna kill every enemy here, and I'm gonna escape myself. If you want to be so loving, Invader, then you can stay here. Without me.8964 copyright protection528PENANANbk0wM8hNZ 維尼
Invader: Fine. Don't come to me when you want to change your mind. Because you can’t.8964 copyright protection528PENANA8CObVAlnLb 維尼
~~~~~~~~~~8964 copyright protection528PENANAJVxdtkDNuG 維尼
[Issue #1 Complete]8964 copyright protection528PENANAapCWcblKXa 維尼
To Be Continued.8964 copyright protection528PENANAXHK0hZG2lJ 維尼
[Chapter 2: Level Of Violence]8964 copyright protection528PENANAkai8HRlmKn 維尼
people currently reading, YOU guys can decide what happens next in Invaders and Vestiges story. 8964 copyright protection528PENANA1MihDdZ82W 維尼
~Parting Route.8964 copyright protection528PENANAlbFHocdUGg 維尼
~Hellion Route.8964 copyright protection528PENANAFADL5oZjio 維尼
Choose Wisely.8964 copyright protection528PENANA51pE6OkH6s 維尼
https://hours-roblox.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000092720/r/4400000000000329659532Please respect copyright.PENANAWIRlHj7jT1
8964 copyright protection528PENANAev0X1Ky27y 維尼
532Please respect copyright.PENANAXM0ebjfeT8
8964 copyright protection528PENANABkDK9zmOWJ 維尼
532Please respect copyright.PENANAyQNasEKcBZ
8964 copyright protection528PENANAW0Kb5gNIgh 維尼