No Plagiarism!FFbZJsqoVSSokPDrGmEMposted on PENANA Invader: So, What now?8964 copyright protection353PENANAXSH8LeiQJ0 維尼
Equinox: I don't know, but it ain't my fault you guys had a disagreement.8964 copyright protection353PENANAf0AB0kwR7Y 維尼
Invader: I know. Vestige always acts like this. He never tries to KILL me though.8964 copyright protection353PENANA0BhfPmouDq 維尼
*An Enemy Approaches!*8964 copyright protection353PENANAsGSj4GCBB3 維尼
Enter Battle8964 copyright protection353PENANAezwXiQMRKv 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection353PENANAQnkayxZ1rf 維尼
~FIGHT8964 copyright protection353PENANAVEd1VdsBTt 維尼
~ACT (Check, Race)8964 copyright protection353PENANAa9FwqYfLR7 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection353PENANA4dptsiiNnf 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection353PENANAEAqllindWG 維尼
Seventh Blossom: Race? Sure, why not!8964 copyright protection353PENANAP4fUULRMmG 維尼
*Invader and Seventh Blossom race each other across Peacock Peaks, while Seventh tries to dropkick him. Then, Seventh Blossom, punches Invader, dealing 1 damage.*8964 copyright protection353PENANA1WbbWBdV6a 維尼
Invader: Ow!8964 copyright protection353PENANAD925tJVrhP 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection353PENANACpFSM7mOXu 維尼
~FIGHT8964 copyright protection353PENANAWuKDEC93l9 維尼
~ACT8964 copyright protection353PENANADnI1uinyoA 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection353PENANA3EbmieNnBA 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection353PENANA1N4JcpZ19D 維尼
*Seventh Blossom was spared, and they ran away.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAFsUA1pskVC 維尼
[You Won! You gained 35G and 0 EXP]8964 copyright protection353PENANAm9f6WzYqjQ 維尼
End Battle8964 copyright protection353PENANAfzNhAWPUVi 維尼
Equinox: Nice Job.8964 copyright protection353PENANAoC3jQe3MKx 維尼
*bzzt… bzzt…*8964 copyright protection353PENANAdCVBtSzS1X 維尼
Equinox: That must be Bloxxerman. 8964 copyright protection353PENANAm5aSjb9G3B 維尼
Hello?8964 copyright protection353PENANAA7g6pM04RY 維尼
Equinox! A Host have arrived! I saw them exit Peacock Peaks! 8964 copyright protection353PENANARnxjQt2pS1 維尼
Oh… crap…8964 copyright protection353PENANAdX7Pfv7a6R 維尼
Oh boy… Can’t wait to meet them! 8964 copyright protection353PENANANX9yZTIymR 維尼
I don't think you wanna. This.. host.. He’s killing every enemy in The underground! 8964 copyright protection353PENANARqpfWafOqv 維尼
What’s their name? Their details? Their Weapon? Oh! Can they build? Oh boy, maybe they can work for-8964 copyright protection353PENANAL1e30q63qY 維尼
Invader: His name is Vestige.8964 copyright protection353PENANAyaHinj2e4y 維尼
Is that.. another host?8964 copyright protection353PENANAuvq0Ua8zKd 維尼
Yeah, don’t worry though, they wont hurt us.8964 copyright protection353PENANAllHD4WcCu1 維尼
Whatever, catch ya later, Quin!8964 copyright protection353PENANAyXFz0uNFLu 維尼
Invader: Who was that?8964 copyright protection353PENANAMfIXkLMFlM 維尼
Equinox: That was Bloxxerman, he built this place. He gave us all homes. 8964 copyright protection353PENANA1xPBxCKzlR 維尼
Invader: He sounds like a nice person.8964 copyright protection353PENANAF3ZqlYYufl 維尼
Equinox: Yeah, we need to go to them and make sure Vestige doesn’t get to them!8964 copyright protection353PENANAwUztPQZpRw 維尼
An item!8964 copyright protection353PENANAll6PZsetiW 維尼
[You found a cookie!]8964 copyright protection353PENANARLVa1PU4nk 維尼
Now… where were we…8964 copyright protection353PENANAoBfwSLKb4c 維尼
But nobody came.8964 copyright protection353PENANAfFHGNXNAeZ 維尼
What???8964 copyright protection353PENANAALuAfGW6g2 維尼
Equinox: He actually did it.. He killed everything..8964 copyright protection353PENANAAWJCOM0ATs 維尼
Invader: We need to stop him!8964 copyright protection353PENANAOJXlXmkfCe 維尼
Equinox: And it’s your fault.8964 copyright protection353PENANAIhqn8WSbBB 維尼
Invader: Huh?8964 copyright protection353PENANAznWvPLDPkv 維尼
Enter Battle8964 copyright protection353PENANARXVpIfsxDl 維尼
Equinox: Your friend murdered my friends. So i wonder how he would feel if i murdered his!8964 copyright protection353PENANAsPevtxNuGy 維尼
*Equinox dashes towards his SOUL, and slashes it, brutally hurting Invader. Invader dodges the next attack, and Equinox slashes it again. Invader struggles to get up.*8964 copyright protection353PENANASU5kxGPW2W 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection353PENANA4RJTJVDLVp 維尼
~FIGHT (Equinox) (Empower, Dash, Spin Slash, Slash)8964 copyright protection353PENANAjdjo0wzl9K 維尼
~ACT8964 copyright protection353PENANAe7C9tG3XlD 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection353PENANAGFeF3kblhy 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection353PENANAKzCKSKAmiy 維尼
*Invader empowers his attacks and dashes, dealing over 60 damage!*8964 copyright protection353PENANAc3BLeVilAg 維尼
Equinox: Oh… So thats how we’re gonna play, huh?8964 copyright protection353PENANARV42VzNZNK 維尼
*Equinox jumps high into the sky, and back down, making huge beams to weaken Invader! Equinox slashes twice and misses, steps back and slashes once more, this time, heading straight to the middle of the SOUL.*8964 copyright protection353PENANALqmnDf9yqQ 維尼
Invader: O-Ow… it-it appears Vestige was right… You are evil…8964 copyright protection353PENANAoO2R3rXTWP 維尼
Equinox: Evil? No… It’s you that’s the evil one! Murdering my friends..!8964 copyright protection353PENANArFGmchAnts 維尼
Invader: Yeah, but it wasn't me! Its not my fault he is like this! 8964 copyright protection353PENANAKLJOJ0Q9Ar 維尼
Equinox: …8964 copyright protection353PENANABGrbynvjYy 維尼
*Equinox starts to shake, dropping his pink sword while still steadily holding his black one. Suddenly..*8964 copyright protection353PENANADm7DMlgsnd 維尼
*DARK FILLS THE ROOM. The huge, black tornado starts to suck Invader, Equinox starts to get stronger every time Invader gets hurt by his tornado.*8964 copyright protection353PENANA9NtZPPjls4 維尼
Invader Turn:8964 copyright protection353PENANA9MIEntb2i6 維尼
~FIGHT (Empower, Dash, Spin Slash, Slash, Execute?)8964 copyright protection353PENANAlA6YTty3Lo 維尼
~ACT8964 copyright protection353PENANAXodtoiEJaB 維尼
~ITEM8964 copyright protection353PENANAieuI36dTfv 維尼
~MERCY8964 copyright protection353PENANANx0YHqvTMM 維尼
Invader: Execute? That’s new…8964 copyright protection353PENANAsyvx1FxqKH 維尼
*Equinox picks up his sword and tries to slash Invader, but before he slashes him, Invader uses Execute, dealing 25% of the missing health Equinox has left.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAROIp2ohJ5Y 維尼
Equinox: …8964 copyright protection353PENANA0sdVRjTfA5 維尼
*Equinox slowly starts to fade.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAqbSmqdMqc4 維尼
Invader: Wait! No!8964 copyright protection353PENANAlay9IsiAs5 維尼
I must’ve fought to hard.8964 copyright protection353PENANAbhgZgH87tO 維尼
Invader: H-here! Have the cookie..! 8964 copyright protection353PENANAVJhEmzBZjK 維尼
Equinox: *coughs blood.* H-huh..?8964 copyright protection353PENANAp5zFek1B4s 維尼
*Equinox takes the cookie and bites into it. Somehow, he feels better, and he stops fading.*8964 copyright protection353PENANATE9ySPveVF 維尼
Invader: How do you feel?8964 copyright protection353PENANALAcladjtvg 維尼
Equinox: Th-thank you.. I-I'm sorry. I feel quite better..8964 copyright protection353PENANAossi1wt5Vs 維尼
Invader: We all make mistakes. Sorry, Equinox, but i must go and stop Vestige now. You should stay here and get better.8964 copyright protection353PENANAiPEtGYW4WN 維尼
Equinox: W-Wait! I~8964 copyright protection353PENANAZ2BvzEkrmd 維尼
Invader: What is it?8964 copyright protection353PENANA5CZZuffpg3 維尼
Equinox: Let me join you! I want to FIGHT with you!8964 copyright protection353PENANAmxDIUbT1p9 維尼
Invader: Well, i don't really fight, i ACT. But, if you really want to, i guess you can..8964 copyright protection353PENANAtvuOxl3YDR 維尼
Equinox: Then it’s decided.8964 copyright protection353PENANALNPH2hYvCn 維尼
[You Won! You gained 165G and 0 EXP!]8964 copyright protection353PENANAcISePmnHdD 維尼
End Battle8964 copyright protection353PENANApzEO6a655h 維尼
Invader: That’s 165+55… uh..8964 copyright protection353PENANAVT2zl79Ugd 維尼
Equinox: 220G.8964 copyright protection353PENANA2rkW8u4hbB 維尼
Invader: Ok.. Wait. What is G for anyway?8964 copyright protection353PENANAgyOlpEbXbz 維尼
Equinox: G is the currency we use. There is a shop in Downcast Days, and we use G to buy things from there.8964 copyright protection353PENANASFKIrFl5FA 維尼
Invader: Makes sense. What can you buy?8964 copyright protection353PENANAijF7wznGqW 維尼
Equinox: ITEMs, WEAPONs, ARMORs-8964 copyright protection353PENANAHxPpYC0k34 維尼
Invader: Armor? You never told me about that.8964 copyright protection353PENANAEgzMfuvTRt 維尼
Equinox: All it does is negate some damage. Its really expensive though.8964 copyright protection353PENANAkDtxeuzqE6 維尼
Invader: So.. This, Downcast Days place, where is it?8964 copyright protection353PENANA720mpfd1hc 維尼
Equinox: Just East from here. Follow me.8964 copyright protection353PENANAoPhJakpnNu 維尼
*Equinox speeds off, accidentally leaving Invader because of how fast he was going.*8964 copyright protection353PENANATpGayhGonY 維尼
How does he go that fast after he was so brutally injured?8964 copyright protection353PENANAV6RI4MIbAq 維尼
*Invader goes East, and sees this dark room ahead. A sign above it says “Downcast Days Super Market, over here!”*8964 copyright protection353PENANA6DRisusxDh 維尼
???: Take one more step and i will murder you.8964 copyright protection353PENANAJRspBvuMDf 維尼
Invader: What? Resident Mind?8964 copyright protection353PENANAqsTcFpAMMX 維尼
Resident Mind: Yep. Im still here! Turns out, your friend wasn’t cut out to kill me. Don’t worry though, he isn't dead, i just captured him.8964 copyright protection353PENANAGADps33zX7 維尼
???: If it isn’t Mr. Mind himself! Why, hello!8964 copyright protection353PENANAwY4pQWV4tz 維尼
Invader: Sounds like that Bloxxerman guy Equinox was talking to.8964 copyright protection353PENANAH4nO7Pe8OZ 維尼
Bloxxerman: Think fast, chucklenuts!8964 copyright protection353PENANA7UR8mzWOx6 維尼
*orange nails start to attack Resident Mind as he slowly walks to impale him.*8964 copyright protection353PENANA2Dll6RjHBx 維尼
Resident Mind: Slow ass.8964 copyright protection353PENANAGWnQabqvCw 維尼
Invader: Hey, like, hurry up.8964 copyright protection353PENANA6AmQn19RO2 維尼
Bloxxerman: I’m going as fast as I can! 8964 copyright protection353PENANAepbzVM7b4H 維尼
Resident Mind: *face palm.* This is annoying.8964 copyright protection353PENANAxpXk99eyqN 維尼
*Resident Mind blasts Bloxxerman out the way using a white beam.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAN9SuwzKA3c 維尼
Bloxxerman: *tcch.* Tis’ but a scratch!8964 copyright protection353PENANAycpNf4J6o4 維尼
How did he not get hurt from that?8964 copyright protection353PENANAtusqaxSlgU 維尼
Bloxxerman: Take this!8964 copyright protection353PENANAc6OidSOBq8 維尼
*Orange Nails start to rain from the sky, weakening Resident Mind.*8964 copyright protection353PENANA0lmoJsML8W 維尼
Resident Mind: OW! Well, y-you haven’t seen the last of me, Bloxxerman! 8964 copyright protection353PENANAG2qkd8HoKP 維尼
*Resident Mind runs away, leaving a tiny patch of glowing, white blood on the ground.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAa7q0o1zVqy 維尼
Invader: Why is it white?8964 copyright protection353PENANAEDDSMuhxSJ 維尼
Bloxxerman: Dont ask m-8964 copyright protection353PENANAq1qc5FDDas 維尼
Bloxxerman: OH SHIT ITS YOU8964 copyright protection353PENANAZbHI1yrJat 維尼
YOU’RE THE “PEACEFUL” HOST?8964 copyright protection353PENANAd2yOdPvHu0 維尼
WH-8964 copyright protection353PENANA9x69LY6VeS 維尼
WH-8964 copyright protection353PENANAczjwaMzodP 維尼
HA!8964 copyright protection353PENANANxUV3CoIPR 維尼
YOU CANT BE JOKING.8964 copyright protection353PENANAeqpJI8WutC 維尼
YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING ALIEN!8964 copyright protection353PENANA7PkDGasdep 維尼
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!8964 copyright protection353PENANApm7cFMEdh8 維尼
*Invader rolls his eyes.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAw9DIfHSr8O 維尼
HAHAHA8964 copyright protection353PENANA4EVSauTEVw 維尼
GREEN ASS ALIEN!8964 copyright protection353PENANAGZJ1xrN6mI 維尼
HAHAHAHA.8964 copyright protection353PENANAarQQngCwsP 維尼
Hahaha..8964 copyright protection353PENANAmtXOUb1fTf 維尼
haha..8964 copyright protection353PENANAGB9xnL2LJM 維尼
Anyways, welcome to the underground! Hey, wanna work for me?8964 copyright protection353PENANAqsUcTuqCCS 維尼
Invader: Work? What do you mean?8964 copyright protection353PENANAgYUhPtrovo 維尼
Bloxxerman: Build some shit with me!8964 copyright protection353PENANANCdd2yzIGp 維尼
Invader: Language. Anyway, build what?8964 copyright protection353PENANAmLwA98PAfK 維尼
Bloxxerman: I dunno like houses and stuff.8964 copyright protection353PENANAogy8uIMdi0 維尼
Invader: No.8964 copyright protection353PENANAe401HumHld 維尼
Bloxxerman: D’oh.. Well, guess i’ll kill you.8964 copyright protection353PENANAFJQHksKHv0 維尼
Invader: Wait, why?8964 copyright protection353PENANAakdeyjDdSk 維尼
Bloxxerman: You are useless.8964 copyright protection353PENANAP0W91qRpMe 維尼
Invader: But wait, where’s Equinox?8964 copyright protection353PENANAfM9Xoaui0L 維尼
Bloxxerman: Oh crap, i forgot you’re Equinox’s friend. 8964 copyright protection353PENANAcxjokb4l1o 維尼
Eh.8964 copyright protection353PENANASu5NBTXNti 維尼
Whatever.8964 copyright protection353PENANADjI6xblVGQ 維尼
QUIN!!!!8964 copyright protection353PENANAik5x5roPSJ 維尼
GET OVER HERE!!!!8964 copyright protection353PENANAO8Cy7tlA9Q 維尼
Equinox: Alright!8964 copyright protection353PENANADWrSUYPvwt 維尼
*Equinox speeds over to the dark room, seeing Bloxxerman with his hammer and nail, and Invader, sweating his ass off.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAQ8wGQ0pLyu 維尼
Invader: The whole gangs here!8964 copyright protection353PENANAUVJcdb17Ft 維尼
Equinox: What do you mean “gang”?8964 copyright protection353PENANAx7iMxwVEvr 維尼
Invader: Since we are a team now, we should think of a team name!8964 copyright protection353PENANAXBV2ezWhhb 維尼
Equinox: Team.. name?8964 copyright protection353PENANAVPgHFPW5CK 維尼
Bloxxerman: Wait, who said i was part of this?8964 copyright protection353PENANAbJ12xD6mpy 維尼
Invader: I did.8964 copyright protection353PENANA7OCOZqAZ6o 維尼
Bloxxerman: Wh-8964 copyright protection353PENANAH9vHq6tp7i 維尼
Invader: Hey, Bloxxerman-8964 copyright protection353PENANAAig9f0zANM 維尼
Bloxxer: Just call me Bloxxer, please.8964 copyright protection353PENANApZsVP1hJmc 維尼
Invader: Ok… Bloxxer. Wanna join us on stopping Vestige?8964 copyright protection353PENANAidNdLjTGTp 維尼
Bloxxer: Vestige? Who’s that? 8964 copyright protection353PENANAgYBYIKxAbC 維尼
*Invader tells Bloxxer(man) about Vestige, and how aggressive and violent he can be.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAi0nnXreBbD 維尼
???: Well, well, well. Now you got a team to try and stop me. Ooooh.. so scary!!!!8964 copyright protection353PENANAkLKcqm4MR9 維尼
Im shivering!!!!!!8964 copyright protection353PENANAYEzmhERwjG 維尼
Timber my shivers!!!!!8964 copyright protection353PENANAOyrkR1JhXS 維尼
Invader: Vestige, what now? Wasn’t you captured?8964 copyright protection353PENANA1OvSFinZkl 維尼
Equinox: Its him. You… YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS!8964 copyright protection353PENANAav4b99KYKE 維尼
*Equinox equips his weapons.*8964 copyright protection353PENANAZyrSajZsob 維尼
Vestige: Hmph.8964 copyright protection353PENANAva4FYX3eYG 維尼
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8964 copyright protection353PENANAGkoFgY7Zej 維尼
[Issue #2 Complete]8964 copyright protection353PENANANgBEgBkr0d 維尼
[Chapter 3: Downcast Days.]8964 copyright protection353PENANATvhAT4M0y0 維尼
What happens next? Will Vestige succeed? Or will Equinox stop him in his tracks?8964 copyright protection353PENANAQi6Rmq1meA 維尼
That is up for you to decide.8964 copyright protection353PENANAQ7XITKrHmJ 維尼
Choose Wisely.8964 copyright protection353PENANAVaV6SJk9So 維尼
~Vestige wins the fight.8964 copyright protection353PENANAAXBlgfmHcT 維尼
~Equinox wins the fight.8964 copyright protection353PENANAAjKKD4adGu 維尼
357Please respect copyright.PENANASUkSw5aMAK
8964 copyright protection353PENANAxRlMjQdn0m 維尼
357Please respect copyright.PENANAcmHKHNZdZT
8964 copyright protection353PENANAShAo9qwRUj 維尼