Disclaimer (Continuity): This chapter heavily references event(s)/character(s) in the collaborative work, All in or Die (AIOD) by u/kraha37. Though both our works can be read independently from each other, the continuity still stands and will be utilized. This disclaimer's purpose is to warn and to clear any confusion of readers that may arise from the referenced event(s)/character(s).
241Please respect copyright.PENANAERgFVJEne6
241Please respect copyright.PENANAFiLbqtyfBe
241Please respect copyright.PENANALZZZvE6uAS
241Please respect copyright.PENANAvQbZFkutgZ
“Hey, how’s the trip going? You do anything crazy yet?”
241Please respect copyright.PENANA8sw4XU72x1
Rose jolts awake.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAj5D5MwjYvf
Oh, I guess it's morning already. I'm doing fine so far. I'm about to head to the capital of Raske to talk to Lord Therius.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA0LrmYDPg4M
"Really?! So what exactly are you doing? Did Hiro's notes say something about this, or was it Lord Tyrol's plan?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANA3OalIQNI43
It was more so Mr. Hiro's plan. This is basically what happened…
241Please respect copyright.PENANAreJsJqsMwI
Rose fills Vuella in on Hiro's plan and what all happened in Kennis as she packs up a few of her things and gets ready to leave.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAYKLX2jWeTk
"So how're you getting there? A horse and a cart like last time, or does Lord Tyrol have some kind of magic item or spell to get you to Raske?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANACfAswjU39c
Funnily enough, neither. This time, I'm walking.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAyXf16SdBo4
241Please respect copyright.PENANAX6wGXMskVt
Yes, walking, and will you stop thinking at me so loud?!
241Please respect copyright.PENANAsa7sM2DLrZ
"My bad, I didn't think I was shouting."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAOKmaXnOz5j
Well, you were, and now I have a headache.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAlAI3uycdYt
"You're welcome! But seriously, why walk? Wouldn't it be quicker to ride something?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAOfxnMbYBUY
Lord Tyrol says it'll help with training. Using ether is the quickest way to get stronger, so repeatedly draining myself should help. He also said that with Hyperspeed, I move faster than a horse drawn cart, so it should also be faster this way as long as I don't take too many breaks.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA4GeBu4UMgS
"That makes sense. Sort of… Seems like a bit much, but if you’re fine with it, go ahead.”
241Please respect copyright.PENANAANc7ecq6vy
“Rose? Have you finished packing yet?" Faust calls out to her.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAkg2yvMKxvg
"Almost! I'll be out in a minute!" She calls back to him through a crack in her door.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA9VoiU0VzgJ
Gotta go! I’ll speak with you again when I make it to Raske.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAJZiZO9hDW8
She carries a small suitcase and a satchel packed with a few changes of clothes and survival and navigation items.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAyvN5Oi3ZNs
After speaking with Faust briefly, she leaves the palace. On her way out, she admired the palace's technological advancements that Kennis. Automatic doors, 'digital' clocks, horseless carriages, and more, all powered by magic. Magic circles of varying sizes were required to put a magic system into place and have it become automated. This was most prominent in the capital, but even in smaller towns and settlements, magic was still a prevalent energy source.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAFwTZMU7Fe6
241Please respect copyright.PENANAnViejwNmF5
Okay. Lord Tyrol said it should only take me three days to get there. Time to take off.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAAYj6LLgrFW
On her first day of travel, she sprinted for six hours straight before stopping to rest. Of the few things to take note of, she realized that during hyperspeed, her need for food and sleep is reduced. She had never noticed because she normally used it in short bursts rather than an extended period of time. She was physically fine, but ether reserves had gotten to 20% or so and she wanted to save it for a potential emergency.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAfUTSxyHsMQ
After resting and regaining most of her ether back, she continues her journey. While significantly ahead of schedule, she encounters the massive mountain range on the easternmost border of Raske dubbed the Heights. There were only two passageways through it and climbing them was out of the question.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA6nayc9eJNR
On to the mountain pathway I go.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAUCIpXJoOgf
She walks through the pathway, surprised to see it completely vacant. No evidence of any kind of settlement. Patches of grass dot the otherwise bare passage. She keeps pushing towards Raske’s Capital.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAvBotdLtbQ4
After another hour of Hyperspeed travel, Rose approaches her destination. Raske’s Capital. Massive stone walls surround the city, with only one opening, with several guards armed with swords and spears. They wore similar armor to Therius, but their's shone silver rather than Therius’s gold. Once she gets within eyesight of them, they turn and look at her.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAq6pmEquvva
“State your name and business here!” One man shouts.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA2rEcBfPotq
“My name is Rose Azor, a member of the Royal Family in Rahu. I’ve come to have an audience with his Majesty Lord Alexander Therius.” She says while holding out a letter written by Hiro that was signed, dated, and stamped with the seal of Rahu.
241Please respect copyright.PENANApalDDtIu1g
“I humbly apologize for the rudeness, Madam. We will alert Lord Therius at once. Men, One of you escort Lady Azor to the palace in the meantime.” The man teleports away.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAMpr7wEG2Km
Score! No um’s, uh’s, or stuttering! I did great!
241Please respect copyright.PENANAyS0Aol2JuH
Two of the guards escort her to the Royal Palace. As they walk through the city, Rose notices that the citizens were a lot less lively than Rahuans. They seemed less expressive. Despite the Even the storefronts were plain looking and lacked vibrance. No one was sad per se, but they could have been happier.
241Please respect copyright.PENANACLO29m1SjO
"We meet again. Lord Therius has agreed to meet with you. He awaits you in the throne room ahead."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAiDzKoU01Mg
"Thank you."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAqoq3Z5d2Sp
She walks through the Throne Room doors to see Therius, sitting on his throne. The seat itself was significantly larger than Rahu's throne, presumably custom made to fit a man of his size. The rest of the room was painted in a dull gray with red and gold accents. Those accents were few and far between, as the room still felt dry and dreary.
241Please respect copyright.PENANABwHIuHOpfb
As much as I dislike him, I really need his help.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA89wIAis5Kp
"Good evening Lord Therius." Rose says while giving a slight bow.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAShsQSYW5Lt
"Another runt needs my assistance. What exactly do you want?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANA41UItkXd86
"I humbly ask that you help the nation of Rahu fight against Madu's impending attack"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAnzE9abEXiC
"What would my kingdom or myself gain from this?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANArdj11nZfDv
"We would be eternally grateful to you for coming to our aid in a time of need, and we would not hesitate to fight for you in the future."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAhrbefnUfID
"What good would it do to have aid from a country as weak as Rahu?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANA9OK0aOMCxH
"We could help by… I beg your pardon?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAlAIc2ANtUa
"You heard me. Raske is the world's leader in military might, with no shortage in any resource. What could you possibly offer that could be of any benefit?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAtTC50j7xqY
"W-well um… That's a question more suited to Lord Azor himself."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAXInjRFpCt1
"You, just like your king, are incompetent."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAUFet3BAA3v
"Lord Therius, with all due respect, please do not insult Lord Azor. He is-"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAZgrM8frXZD
"What he is, is some runt who thought he could walk in Vanessa’s shoes. He couldn't even protect himself, let alone his kingdom! He's a mockery of his title and his name."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAGVbWM5ygho
"Don't you dare say that about him! He's been through so much since ascending the throne, and through all of it, he stayed strong."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAnNlbCgXxYe
"And that was his downfall. He tried in vain to perform his duties as Vanessa once did, but forgot to account for his own shortcomings. He is not her, and never will be."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAYi4uApR8bv
"But he is strong! Just give him the chance! If you help us, we can restore him and you'll see how strong he really is."
241Please respect copyright.PENANA5FYEQTyviM
"How about this instead? Since you're Rahu's representative, you can fight me in his stead. If you do well enough, I'll consider your plight."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAkpnTICt2L3
"I'd be glad to take you up on the offer." The idea of knocking some sense into Therius was quickly followed by her memory reminding her that he was said to be the strongest of the kings. Self proclaimed strongest, sure, but seeing as no other king denied it, there had to be some truth to the statement.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAlz0Nu92RYN
"Kevv!" Therius shouts.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAfK87oY1TsF
The same guard from earlier teleports into the room in front of Therius, kneeling.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAMoCtBCYIbB
"You called, my Lord?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAYWO2MTEmD2
"Yes. Take us to the training grounds."
241Please respect copyright.PENANASJhbA01pbO
"Yes, My Lord." Kevv gestures for Rose to walk over to them. He grabs both of their hands and teleports them to an empty grassfield.
241Please respect copyright.PENANApaFP1e3CX5
"Is there anything else I can do for you, my Lord?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAe8VBPy6HO9
"No, this will be all. You are dismissed."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAE9bEse1Tm1
"I wish you the best of luck, Lady Azor. I bid you both farewell." Kevv bows to both combatants before teleporting away.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAuzWh0E8IbF
"We can start when you're ready."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAvaySvgyOlt
Rose enters hyperspeed at its maximum and dashes forward. She throws a few punches, to which Therius responds by blocking with his shield. With every hit, Therius’s shield bellowed, but stood firm. She even tried mixing up her approaches by teleporting above, behind, and any other angle she could think of. After a few more attempts, he charges forward pushing her backwards with his shield.
241Please respect copyright.PENANArc9SFTxJGL
"This is why you runts pale in comparison to your predecessors. You're too predictable!" He says to her in response to her several failed attempts.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAd3BpBCmyGa
Hmm… Physical attacks aren't working. I'm pretty sure I'm faster than him, but he is consistently able to block all of my attacks. This might be harder than I thought. Let me think… If this beast of a man had an opening, where would it be? Logically, a place that his shield can't guard… Maybe this could work…
241Please respect copyright.PENANA4iMc20XheJ
She dashes at him feigning a punch, allowing her to grab a hold of the shield. He tries to shake her off, but once he moves his arm, she flips to the inside of his shield and delivers a hard right hand to Therius’s liver. He reaches for his sword, unfazed from Rose's attack, and she instinctively teleports away.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAeCqXFBplyP
Therius takes a slightly altered stance, hunching down behind his shield, poking his sword out over the top of it.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAKnVbYFmpxL
What is he planning… Something about that sword feels weird. It's blatantly too small for a man of his size, and more importantly, it's mounted on top of his shield.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAN03Lmnomy5
A wince of pain. A cut appears on her arm. And another cut. Yet another cut appears on her body. Something was happening, but her eyes couldn't quite keep up with it.
241Please respect copyright.PENANALqkgAPAce0
She focuses her attention on the sword and sees a faint blue light extending from it.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAXnvPWDB7wF
It's definitely ether. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like he's using light to attack me. I don't know how fast light is, but I'm pretty sure it's faster than me.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA41PWHiLjAc
She preemptively steps away, but still gets nicked by it. After the first few, a flurry of them come her way, none of them being lethal, but all of them drawing blood. A brief pause in the assault is followed by Therius’s shield ramming her entire body.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAU2HsxyKNKK
Damn… must've lost.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAbyMoP1rHnd
Rose awakes, face up on the floor, staring at the throne room ceiling.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAl4DeYX3q8l
"I see you're awake. In case your memory's hazy, you lost."
241Please respect copyright.PENANA3jYQVp4TkZ
"I was just thinking the same thing. So? What now?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANApSf8IPgP4s
"Now, you leave. Do what you want, but don't expect any assistance from me or my kingdom."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAvjb9as5VTJ
"I see you didn't patch me up. Can I at least have a room for the night?
241Please respect copyright.PENANANWlmHHToOP
"You're lucky I even let you live after you decided to mouth off to me earlier. Don't push your luck. Leave."
241Please respect copyright.PENANA6OlqevgOUz
I didn't have enough ether to teleport back to Kennis, so this is as good as I'm going to get. At least it's warm here.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAzj2GzdZ0cC
She thinks to herself as she lays in a small cave entrance in the mountain passage in the Heights.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAOkRetil6hm
I don't really know what I expected, but I didn't think I was going to fight him. He did say that he was the strongest of the kings during the meeting. After today, I can see why he would say that.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAsOQVFPigKp
Hey Vuella? You there?
241Please respect copyright.PENANA6WSQr055hN
"Hmm… Oh. Yeah I'm here. What's up?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAAKXA4qSNnC
I feel really good right now and I don't know why
241Please respect copyright.PENANAhfNF3uZzDt
"Good? Did you fall in love or something?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANADSbXvrwcD8
Of course not!
241Please respect copyright.PENANAymxtuLRLw1
"Then what happened?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAWHRGzcpS7k
I failed to get Lord Therius’s approval. We fought a bit b-
241Please respect copyright.PENANAUTnDrSNXxb
241Please respect copyright.PENANAEf4EBhikTN
“Yes, but can you think quieter please! We fought and I lost, so he declined our request.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAlN0iDFh6xU
"Oh. Isn't that bad? Why aren't you more… you know, upset?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAxdywsrTqGy
That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'll sleep on it and think more in the morning. Good night.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAQdFniaFils
"'Kay, night."
241Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZEqUGLqyt
She lays down on a bed of patchy grass, still covered in cuts. Therius hadn't even bothered to cover her wounds. They were mostly closed, but they still made it hard for her to get any kind of rest. The cold ground didn't make it any better, but after a few hours she had managed to fall asleep.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAGn69xA1unx
Her slumber was shallow. Sounds of the night crept into her mind as her thoughts faded aw-
241Please respect copyright.PENANA13FpqkiEK4
What's that feeling? It feels like… me.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA025mTAQXym
Through her closed eyes she could feel bits and pieces of herself scattered around her.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA492lKNdcWY
Wake up, wake up, wake up! Something's wrong here!
241Please respect copyright.PENANAUKQzAZ9Cj1
She breaks out of her sleep, frantically swinging in front of her, hitting nothing, but feeling something.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAnoI09WYxuW
There was a faint green light in front of her, about the size of a coin. She could reach out and feel its softness, warmth, and familiarity. This was ether, but it was her ether.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAuvUTGovivC
Where did it come from? I've replenished some of my ether from resting, but I don't feel like I've lost any. So… how is this here?
241Please respect copyright.PENANAed1lg3ODTA
She steps out of the cave to a magnificent sight. Countless lights dot the mountain passage. Some glow faintly, others brighter, some rising, some falling. As breathtaking as it might’ve been, she couldn't help being put off by the sensation of feeling of herself floating around her.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAloSV8L0bro
Looking around more, she notices that there's more foliage around than the last time she was here. The patchy grass had been replaced with vibrant green grass and large flowers of varying colors.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAMnjN3Tylj6
241Please respect copyright.PENANAKd7Vb9v83N
"Who's there?" She whips around and enters hyperspeed.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA11HaxDsMkf
"Where, or rather when am I?" Says as a deer stares her down.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAksleEMrS1d
A deer? And it's talking? What did he mean by when? This whole situation is weird…
241Please respect copyright.PENANAuaLMwn7NTR
"An answer would be appreciated."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAH2ICujViQq
"Oh, um… we're on the outskirts of Raske at the moment. It's November 16th."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAva7jS7hoEw
Rose feels something rough wrap around her right leg. It yanks her up into the air.
241Please respect copyright.PENANArO9wdeaiDa
"You are awfully on guard for someone who was just supposed to answer a few questions. Is it because you know who I am?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANARPX8RK6UlZ
"I'm on guard?! I just want to know why I'm being attacked by a talking deer with nature powers!" She says while trying to break away from the tree roots that sprouted around her ankle.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAG3npcEt2Ku
"No matter. I'll subdue you first and then we'll talk."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAqcAEFppvHP
I don't know what I did to set him off but I guess we're fighting now. The first thing that I need to do is deal with these plants.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA147Qv0YDW7
She starts by using a flash of light magic to blind the deer and teleport behind him in the same moment to mount him.
241Please respect copyright.PENANA2oYepI1Gn0
241Please respect copyright.PENANAyiibyZf6vo
The deer leans forward on his front legs and kicks her with his hind legs.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAp3Qh9dIspU
That hurt! Let's see if I can end this soon. I'm still not at 100% yet from fighting Lord Therius. More importantly, how did he know I moved? Can he feel me through the plants? If so, I might have an idea.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAKQtuemSeyc
241Please respect copyright.PENANArJS3uAgUkV
She tucks and rolls, swiftly recovering from his kick, but is just as swiftly entangled in tree roots. This time, they wrapped around her arms and legs, jutting out of the mountain sides.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAQWdkbeXpEb
"I suggest you surrender and tell me what I need to know before you get hurt any further." The deer says while walking towards her.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAHgTv16knS7
As he approaches, the roots continue to grow and constrict themselves around her limbs. It was time.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAMWRu7swT6B
She gathers light mana in her right hand. The deer closes his eyes instinctively.
"A one trick pony I see. Too bad it won't get you anywhere."
241Please respect copyright.PENANArMh7i2YDUm
That's step one.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAMIyNKtyILp
In her other hand, she manipulates dark mana, cloaking the area in a thick, opaque darkness.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAPoj9UjsKbc
Step two, done.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAzmwsYZRtLZ
Now, she teleports out of her bonds, as she did before. The deer responds with the same kick previously.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAdaKW5bFNjy
"As I said, the same trick won't get-"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAF7eGoO1MIV
He says before kicking the air. She didn't teleport behind him this time. If not behind him, then where?
241Please respect copyright.PENANAUzZgOhwu4X
And this is step three, also known as checkmate!
241Please respect copyright.PENANAFuuYE7VsJH
She casts the Weapon of Darkness spell, feeding it an excessive amount of mana. The spell creates a dull, pitch black ax, with an elongated handle, reaching towards her opponent. She swings, hitting the deer in his head and sending him flying into the cliff side.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAWek1haVeY9
She teleports on top of him and puts a knife to his throat, dispelling the darkness in the process.
241Please respect copyright.PENANARJsxtAVukf
"Can we call it here? I think I got this one."
241Please respect copyright.PENANA8uGqJwLRBp
"I admit defeat. Tell me child, just what did you do?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAe5o4zRkQA1
She removes the knife from his neck.
241Please respect copyright.PENANArUDgTYMJdq
"I teleported a few inches in front of the roots that were holding me. I just needed you to think I wasn't there. I knew you would close your eyes when you saw the light, so from there I used dark magic to hide myself and my attack."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAZSgmQXhoo6
"Creative tactics, created in the heat of battle. What is your name child? I will remember it well."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAhFArMErFCn
"I'm Rose, good to officially meet you."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAV2JdFDMXyo
"Rose? Hmmm… What year is it, Rose?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAMGcGtTIB8o
"Oh it's 1222."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAkPZg8huQGA
"Are you Rose, as in Rose Azor? The same one who created the Blade of Azor?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAPuw8byWXET
"Yeah, I'm Rose Azor, but I don't know anything about creating a blade."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAcfBfNcUJ9W
The deer bows his head to her.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAOvvSUmq7GG
"I, Oliver, the Divine Moose and King of Deers, thank you on behalf of my late comrade and friend, In Ritsu. You created a weapon powerful enough to aid in permanently ending the ploy of Tonen, or as you might know him, Ellul."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAx2OlVxgNgz
"You know Ellul? Who's In Ritsu? Divine Moose? Aren't you a deer? Does that make you some kind of god? What abo-"
241Please respect copyright.PENANA9mJUaKsZxp
"One question at a time. Starting with myself, yes I am deity. I have multiple forms that I can assume that align with my title."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAe9QL8nRAsV
Oliver's antlers begin to elongate and flatten out as he grows taller and a bit wider, before becoming a moose entirely. Then, he stands on his hind legs and starts to grow smaller and his fur retracts itself into his skin transforming him into a human man. He waves at her before changing back into his deer form.
241Please respect copyright.PENANARkbVq4AwUc
"Interesting. I didn't know there were gods in our world. So what about this Ritsu guy? And Ellul?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANA9jSu89BQGG
"There are a few, but there will be more later. As for those two, they were powerful ether users, who fought over how ether should be used. Ether in the modern Era is scarce to say the least. The vast majority of people don't know that it even exists, let alone what it can do. Ellul wanted to put us ether users at the forefront of society, while Ritsu wanted things to stay the way they were. At the very least, he didn't want Ellul to be the one to show the masses. They fought many times, but in this most recent one, Ritsu used the Time Sword to end it once, and for all."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAfxAKS8q0Tr
"This is… something. I don't know what I expected to hear, but it was not this." Rose says while scratching her head.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAExAowxoYMR
"I'm following for the most part. So if this is who Ellul really was, why did he come after me?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAXZj9ujb0sk
"He wasn't after you specifically. He was after anything with time ether that he could use to fight against Ritsu and the Time Sword and you just so happened to be there."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAL7YaiJS7pQ
"OK. Gotcha. Sooooo… should this be important to me right now?"
241Please respect copyright.PENANAs6uHlLFzah
"These events, not so much. The important part of this, and my reason for coming, are to tell you about the time sword. According to the modern Era's history, the blade was not called the Time Sword until you were in possession of it. I also have no record of where it was prior to it's creation. For all we know, it might not even be a sword right now."
241Please respect copyright.PENANALW1rdKtXqg
"So I just have to keep an eye out for it. Makes… sense…" She says through a yawn. With the adrenaline starting to wear off, it was only a matter of time before her tired body started to give in.
241Please respect copyright.PENANADBFeYHafEF
"It is fine. You will be safe in my care until you wake."
241Please respect copyright.PENANAIAK8REv8Yd
"Sorry… about this… Mr. Oliver." She mumbles while descending in her slumber. She falls over, but Oliver changes into his human form and reaches for her, catching her in his lap.
241Please respect copyright.PENANAQaPm8QYAhd
"She is quite the child. A skilled fighter who's crafty and adaptable in battle, yet still has a heart for her enemies. Even against me, who attacked her first, she didn't hesitate to spare my life. And now look at her. She's sleeping in the lap of her aggressor. As far as I can see, she lives up to every tale I've heard of her. Despite neither of us being at our full powers, it was a pleasure to battle against a legend in the flesh."