Chapter 011
Dongfang Jenqyih
Dongfang Jenqyih didn't encounter any significant difficulties when he located the canteen in the building across the street. The canteen was quite spacious. There were maybe a hundred tables there. He smiled broadly when he saw Jongli Jyhren, the friend he was going to meet, already sitting in one corner of the cafeteria. With firm steps, right away, he approached the table where his friend was.
"Sorry I'm a little late." Jenqyih smiled and immediately sat in front of Jongli.
"It's fine. I haven't been here long either." Jongli returned Jenqyih's smile. "How is Mr. Beeihae?"
"The doctor said he was poisoned by Korabizu."
"Korabizu? Those thugs gave him Korabizu? That's really expensive!"
Turns out there are also things he doesn't know yet!
"Shinnshiow said he had never eaten Korabizu. Not where he was held captive, nor anywhere. So he doesn't know how the poison got into his body."
"Then how is he now? Is he able to speak fluently? People who are poisoned by Korabizu usually don't have the energy at all, not even to speak. They can't move their muscles. It will last for several days."
Eh? Wait a minute! Does he really not know yet? This is a little fishy. It's possible he's just pretending not to know. It could be that he wants to make me feel a little happy because it turns out there are things he doesn't know about!
"He's not like that. He still looks limp. But he can move his body parts freely."
"How strange. It's not like Korabizu poisoning."
"I thought so too. But the doctor said they found the poison in Shinnshiow's body."
"Maybe the level of the poison in his body is so low that the effect is a bit different."
"It could be so. We didn't ask any further questions from the team of doctors there."
"Are there other strange things about Mr. Beeihae?"
"You mean?"
"Is he showing any symptoms that he doesn't usually show?"
"He suddenly became very emotional after hearing some news. He is a quiet person. Usually, he didn't even talk too much. Especially when he got angry. That's definitely not Shinnshiow's behavior."
"Oh! In that case, I think it does make sense." Jongli uttered the sentence with a steady voice.
"You mean?" Jenqyih frowned. There was no Korabizu in Yeuandong, so naturally, he and his friends didn't know much about it.
"I know of several cases of Korabizu poisoning where the poisoned individuals displayed aggressive behavior upon some provocations. Even the slightest provocation can send them into a rage."
"How can they go berserk if they have no strength and can't move the muscles in their bodies?"
"I mean, it's after they've recovered. It's usually after a week or two, that kind of behavior starts."
"Oh! The doctor didn't say anything about it."
"Because symptoms like that usually appear later. I think the doctors will say it later. Right now, they must be focusing first on Mr. Beeihae's physical recovery."
"So something like this will go on for a few weeks?"
"I don't know how long this aggressive behavior will affect the person poisoned by Korabizu. I am curious. What kind of news made Mr. Beeihae go berserk like that?"
"Two police officers came into the room to say that they had found Dahge. Shinnshiow got emotional when he heard how they were found. Have you heard about that too?"
"I already know." Jongli Jyhren nodded. "Before coming here, I've heard the news. Now he's also in the hospital opposite this place, right?"
"That's right. Before this, I also spoke to him first."
"He's awake? Can he speak fluently?"
Jenqyih nodded. "So fluently."
"So he's all right? The news I've heard is that they found him unconscious."
"That's right. But now he's fine. I think he just needs to rest for a few days."
"That's good news."
"Do you know which room Dahge was in?"
"Didn't you say you talked to him just now?" Jongli raised his eyebrows.
"I spoke to him in Shinnshiow's room."
Jongli shook his head several times. Laughing a bit. He reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper. "Very well. Here I give you the information I know." Jongli gave the paper to Jenqyih.
Jenqyih immediately reads all the information written there. It clearly stated the room where Shannchyuan was treated. Even complete with the name of the doctor who treated him.
Good grief! Even these facts they already know!
"How did you guys get this information so fast? You even know the doctor's name!"
"That's only temporary information. It may still change."
"What about Miss Liuchiou?"
"Her relatives just took her away. So we don't know yet."
"How did her relatives know that Miss Liuchiou was being treated at the hospital across the street?"
"I don't know. Maybe she contacted her relatives herself."
"I don't think so. From the time the officers took her to the hospital to the arrival of her relatives, she hasn't called anyone at all."
"Are you sure?"
"I can't be one hundred percent sure. But I think so."
"Regarding that, I can't explain further." Jongli shrugged. "Her family is not just anyone. They must have trusted people who work in the police. Maybe they monitor all the news that comes from the police."
Jenqyih nodded. Jongli's words make sense.
"Are there any more?"
"What do you mean?"
"Your facial expression is like that. There must be something else blocking your mind!"
Jenqyih nodded. "Do you know why Dahge was in that place?"
"What place?"
"The house in which there was sulfur gas and ammonia gas."
"That house near here, you mean? I have absolutely no information as to why there could be such gases there. Also, I have absolutely no idea when Mr. Duanmuh was brought into the house. I'll try to find out later. But this is really weird. It's as if someone deliberately wanted to tell people about where the police could find Mr. Duanmuh and Miss Liuchiou."
"Do you think the police would be that stupid?"
"The police aren't stupid. But they are also realistic. If they think that's what happened, then they probably won't really investigate it. There are lots of other cases that should be prioritized."
"So what do you think is behind the case?"
"He is a Duanmuh. Even though he was brought up unlike the Duanmuh in and around Tianjing, he is still a Duanmuh. They are deceitful and very unpredictable. You really have to be careful."
"He's not like that."
"I believe he is a righteous person. Perhaps the Duanmuh in Yeuandong and the areas far away from here are kind and innocent people. But once they get close to here, to this gigantic city, or even to Tianjing and the surroundings, then they will be contaminated by other dangerous Duanmuh. Befriending them is tantamount to befriending a tiger. You must always be vigilant."
"Thank you for your concern. I will seriously consider it." Jenqyih looked around at him. "It's half-past two in the afternoon. Why is this place still quiet?"
"The food is expensive, and the taste is not good. So, not many people come here." Jongli laughed. "That's why I asked you to meet here."
So it turns out that the reality is opposite to the name of this place which is "Generous and Delicious Canteen."
"Oh! I thought I could have something to eat. All right, let's talk."
"You can order food if you want. Although it's not delicious, but I don't think it's too much of a problem for you. Wouldn't a Shannchyuan follower always cherish all food?"
Jenqyih burst out laughing. "You're right! But this time I'll just order a drink! Let me get lunch with my friends at the hospital."
"But what if you find out that your friends are having lunch there right now?"
Jenqyih laughed again. "No problem. One of them definitely won't refuse if I ask him to eat one more time."
Jongli laughed and nodded.
They called the waiter to order drinks. Unlike the last time they met, this time Jongli looked so relaxed.
"What's wrong? Is there something strange about me?"
"No. You seem relaxed today. Any good news?"
"The police have managed to find where the two bags that you gave to the kidnappers are."
"Really? Mister Chioulin didn't say anything earlier!"
"Of course he didn't. When he came to your house, he didn't know about this either."
"Isn't he the one in charge of this?"
"He is the coordinator who handled Mr. Beeihae's kidnapping case. He is in charge of many people. Sometimes reports take time to reach the coordinator. Usually distance and communication constraints are the key factors. Although it is not uncommon for it to be intentional."
"So, where did the police find those two bags?"
"The report I received isn't that detailed either. So maybe after this you should ask Mr. Chioulin in person. All I can say is that earlier, around ten o'clock, the signal attached to the two bags was suddenly detected by the police."
"As far as I know, the signal can only be detected, maximum at a certain distance. So the police plan is actually to follow silently, from afar, the signal attached to the two bags. But that is very risky because if the distance between them is too far, then they'll lose track."
"So, the police didn't give up. When they lost the two bags, they immediately dispatched thousands of police to comb the area within a five-kilometer radius from the point where the ransom items were handed over. Their efforts turned out to be fruitful. At ten past five, they found a signal from one of the bags. And fifteen minutes later, they picked up a signal from another bag."
"Your spy in the police must be of quite a high rank. Finding out in real time like this is definitely not easy."
Jongli laughed again. "I can't answer that. One thing is clear, they've managed to get the bag."
"What about the contents of the bag?"
"Capturing the signal emitted is not the same as finding the objects physically. It wasn't until about an hour and a half later that the police actually found the bag. Regarding its contents, of course it wasn't there. Both bags were empty."
"So, there is no more hope for us?"
"Who said? You just wait. There should be good news soon."
This person turned out to be much more mysterious than I remembered. I don't know if I remember wrong or indeed he has packed himself with a unique aura than before.
The waitress came back with their order. After the maid moved away, Jenqyih opened his mouth again. "Then how about it?"
"Do you mean about Yeuduo Jendaw? The situation has changed a bit. Duanmuh Shannchyuan has been found. Do you feel that what Mr. Yeuduo knows we should know as soon as possible?"
Eh? There are still many things we don't know. Of course, we really need information from senior journalists. Why did he ask like that? Is he testing me?
"What do you think?"
"I think it's necessary. But only if we find a clue that leads to it. Since Mr. Duanmuh has been found, then our focus right now is to find Gongyang Songfei. If we find the link between Mr. Gongyang and Mr. Yeuduo, then we will meet Mr. Yeuduo. "Besides, shouldn't you first ask Mr. Duanmuh about the extent of his involvement in the case happened to Mr. Yeuduo? From there, we can only draw conclusions."
"Okay, I'll ask later. Then what about this Songfei case? Are you guys going to take over this case from the police?"
"The police are not officially handling this case. So there is no taking over the case from them."
"So it's true that they didn't investigate the Songfei case?"
"They're investigating the case. Only, not officially."
"Why not officially? Do they really think that Songfei is just a paranoid hiding without good reason?"
"That's not it. But because there is another agency that is officially investigating Mr. Gongyang. So that other agency asked the police not to interfere for the time being."
"Do you mean the Public Security Bureau?"
"That's right! They didn't actually specifically investigate Mr. Gongyang. But Mr. Gongyang's name came up when they were investigating a big case. So they then immediately put Mr. Gongyang on the list of people they were investigating."
"So, is he a person of interest?"
Jongli shook his head. "It's not like that. I think they think Mr. Gongyang is a witness. Not the criminal."
"Did their investigation pay off?"
"You know that their organization is far more mysterious than that of the police. I don't have eyes and ears there."
"Is it true that the Public Security Intelligence Agency doesn't have spies there?" Jenqyih felt it was impossible.
"Of course there is. But a lowly agent like me doesn't have the power to access the information we get from there."
"So, what's our next move?"
"I think the police will soon close this kidnapping case."
"Do they have a suspect yet?"
"As usual, they'll hold some of the people they catch responsible. Then the case is over. That's actually good, because we can conduct an investigation without worrying about interference."
"There won't be police interference. But what about the Public Security Bureau?"
"My superiors are trying to convince their superiors to contact the Public Security Bureau so that we can actively investigate Mr. Gongyang. At least from another perspective. They do investigate Mr. Gongyang. But since the focus is not on Mr. Gongyang, there are many things they don't do. "
"Essentially, you're saying that Songfei isn't important enough. Then how can your superiors convince the Public Security Bureau people to let you guys participate in the investigation of someone who isn't important enough?"
"Because we are able to enter through other cases. Recently we received a tip that apart from being involved in the case the Public Security Bureau is currently handling, Mr. Gongyang is also involved in another case."
"Another case?"
Jongli nodded. "But I can't talk to you much about that."
Jenqyih nodded. "He does look like a bloodhound. Loves to sniff. Unfortunately, he sniffs something he shouldn't."
"In the next few hours, we will have confirmation."
"All this time, how have you investigated the Songfei case?"
"It's the same as the police. But because it's not official, the results are also not optimal."
"Then I will wait for good news from you."
"Tell you what. If you have time, you can stop by the pizzeria near Jongharng station. I'll be there after midnight."
"What should I say there if I want to see you?"
Jongli took out a piece of paper. He gave it to Jenqyih. Jenqyih looked at the contents of the paper.
"This is a list of food menu." Jenqyih leafed through the paper.
"You order the food and the waiter will give you something that will lead you to where I am."
"What kind of something? You'd better speak a little more clearly. So I won't be confused when faced with the actual situation."
"Just do as I say. You won't be confused. You've had training in that matter before."
"That's been a long time. After all, the training I've received is just the basics."
"Trust me. You'll find out later. Right now, that's all I can say."
"How mysterious!" Jenqyih laughed. "All right! I'll be there tonight."
Jongli looked at his watch. "Don't you need to rush back to the hospital?"
"There were other friends there. My presence is not that important."
"But you're already hungry."
Ah! He still has other urgent business.
"Okay! I'm back now. See you tonight!"
"See you!"
After paying for the drinks, right away, Jenqyih left the place and returned to the hospital, which was across the street. He didn't walk too fast. The meeting with Jongli was much shorter than he had imagined. So, there was still plenty of time.
Entering the hospital lobby, Jenqyih looked right and left. For a moment, he hesitated about what he should do next. But it wasn’t for long. In an instant, he had made up his mind.
Jenqyih did not immediately go up to the floor where Shinnshiow was being treated. He chose to sit casually in the lobby to digest the things he had just discussed with Jongli. The news about the two bags that had been found made Jenqyih feel a little relieved. But at the same time, pessimistic because he doubted that everything would go smoothly. Such a situation would make it very difficult for the police to trace any further.
After about twenty minutes of sitting there, he got up and headed to the floor where Shinnshiow's room was. Arriving at his destination corridor, from a distance, Jenqyih saw his friends standing outside Shinnshiow's room.
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