Chapter 005
Dongfang Jenqyih
Less than three seconds later, through the window whose glass was so clear, Dongfang Jenqyih could see the three police officers already on the front porch of the house. One of the three people came forward to knock on the door.
Knock knock
He looked around him. Everyone looked at each other with faces full of astonishment.
What other surprises do we have to face?
"Open the door." Yihshyong rubbed his chin. It was obvious he was trying to appear calm.
Jenqyih, who was closest to the door, immediately opened it. As soon as the door opened, he was confronted by a policeman standing right in front of the door. It was that person who had just knocked on the door.
"Good morning, Sir!" The police saluted Jenqyih.
"Good morning, Mister Chioulin." Yihshyong, who came closer, greeted the policeman straightway. "Please come in, Sir!"
The three policemen entered their living room. Actually, their living room was enough to accommodate everyone in it. However, since doing so would overcrowd the couch in the room, so, except for Yihshyong and Jenqyih, everyone else instantly withdrew to the family room, which was located between the living room and the dining room.
That didn't matter because there was no partition between the living room and family room, so they could all clearly see and hear what the police were going to say. When Jenqyih was about to follow their friends, with a hand gesture as a signal, Yihshyong asked Jenqyih to stay in the living room.
Jenqyih nodded. He glanced at the police. "Please sit down, Sir." He asked their guests to sit on the sofa.
"Apparently, you recognized me right away." The policeman named Chioulin smiled as he looked at Yihshyong. "I feel very honored." His smile looked so polite. The man was about thirty-five or thirty-six years old. He was about 185 centimeters tall. His nose was sharp and his eyebrows were very thick.
"Even though we have never met in person, your voice is very familiar. So I can't be wrong." Yihshyong replied straightforwardly.
Not only Yihshyong, Jenqyih had never met this person named Chioulin either. When Jenqyih and other friends gave statements at the house behind their house, Chioulin was not there, or at least didn't appear in front of them.
"Thank you Sir. These are Yanguu Herngshyong and Chuanduan Shiangren." Chioulin Shinnjaang introduced the two people who had come with him.
The two people who had come with Chioulin bowed their bodies.
"We are very happy that the police finally want to visit here." Yihshyong smiled broadly. "Is Mr. Beeihae awake?"
"Sorry, Sir. We haven't got any updates on that matter. We're here on other matters."
"Is it related to the troops outside?" Yihshyong asked.
"No, Sir." Chioulin Shinnjaang shook his head politely. He turned to one of his co-workers. "Where's the stuff?"
Yanguu Herngshyong opened the folder he was carrying. He took out a sheet of paper and handed it to Chioulin, who examined it right away.
"This paper is a copy of a piece of paper that we found in Mr. Beeihae's pocket." Chioulin handed the paper to Yihshyong.
"What is this, Sir?" Yihshyong frowned as he read the writings on the paper.
"Is that Mr. Beeihae's handwriting?"
"I don't think so. His writing isn't as neat as this. The shapes of some letters aren't the same either. Jenqyih, what do you think?" Yihshyong handed the paper to Jenqyih.
This is definitely not Shinnshiow's writing. But why did Shyongge seem to hesitate? Why didn't he just say that this wasn't Shinnshiow's handwriting?
"I don't think so, Sir. Shinnshiow usually writes letters wider than this. Besides, the angles he makes tend to be broken. They don't curve as smoothly as this writing," said Jenqyih.
"What's the matter, Sir?" Yihshyong looked so curious.
"Nothing. We just have to check if this is Mr. Beeihae's writing."
It's impossible for them to come all the way here just to make sure whether the scribbles on this paper are Shinnshiow's writings or not. After all, what if this was Shinnshiow's writing? Just like before, they were reluctant to come clean. Even to this moment, they still act like that, even though Shinnshiow has been found.
"Are the clothes that Mr. Beeihae was wearing the same clothes when he was kidnapped? Yihshyong's tone was very serious.
"The clothes Mr. Beeihae was wearing were different from the clothes gentlemen here described previously. So the kidnappers had given him new clothes. That's why we asked about the paper we found in the pocket of the clothes."
Jenqyih nodded at Chioulin Shinnjaang's words.
"May I have the paper back, please?"
"Please, Sir." Jenqyih had no other choice but to give the paper back to Chioulin.
"Excuse me, Sir! Did gentlemen come here just to ask this?" Yihshyong asked.
"Of course not, Sir! There is something else." Chioulin Shinnjaang turned to his other co-worker.
The police officer named Chuanduan Shiangren opened the bag he was carrying. He took out a transparent plastic bag. Inside the plastic bag was a cloth that looked crumpled.
"What cloth is that, Sir?" Yihshyong asked.
"This is a handkerchief," Chuanduan replied.
Yihshyong's brow furrowed. "What? A handkerchief?"
Jenqyih was also no less surprised. The handkerchief, which was quite unique, was light blue. Apart from being much larger than a normal handkerchief, the shape was also odd, namely a rhombus instead of a square.
"Is this handkerchief belonging to Mr. Beeihae?" Chioulin Shinnjaang took the plastic bag from his coworker's hand. He then gave it to Yihshyong.
"I don't think this handkerchief belongs to Mr. Beeihae." Yihshyong answered firmly.
It was beyond Jenqyih's prediction. He had thought that, just like before, Yihshyong would think for a bit before answering Chioulin's question.
It's uncertain that the handkerchief didn't belong to Shinnshiow either. Does Shyongge know all the items that Shinnshiow has? And why did Shyongge decide to reply so quickly?
"Thank you, Sir!" Chioulin said. "We found this handkerchief lying at a point in the hospital parking lot. The car that brought Mr. Beeihae was previously parked there."
"That means this handkerchief belongs to the person who brought Mr. Beeihae there." Jenqyih tried to draw conclusions.
"Everything is still a possibility, Sir. We also must not be rash in drawing conclusions," said Chioulin.
"Other than this, was there anything else that led you here?" Yihshyong seemed to realize that the scribbled papers and the handkerchief were not the only reason the police were present at their home.
"That's right, Sir! Besides the things we have mentioned, we still have another goal. And that is precisely the most important thing."
"Are you here also to ask for further information from us about last night's events?" Jenqyih guessed with a smile.
"That's not it either, Sir! Later this afternoon, another officer will come here to ask about that matter, from you gentlemen."
"Is this related to our friend, Duanmuh Shannchyuan's whereabouts?" Yihshyong said that with narrowed eyes.
Chioulin shook his head again. "Regarding that, we're sorry that we haven't received any new leads."
He paused. Maybe set the order of the words he would throw. Everyone was waiting patiently.
"Look, Sir! We have interviewed the eyewitnesses who were present in the emergency room when Mr. Beeihae was brought in there."
"So the police have sketched the face of the guy who dropped off Shinnshiow? Can we see the sketch, Sir?" Yihshyong's voice sounded very excited.
Chioulin Shinnjaang turned again to his colleague named Chuanduan Shiangren. The police immediately opened the bag and took out a piece of paper.
Since their initial arrival, only this Chioulin had spoken to us. The two friends just kept silent. Isn't this tantamount to waste? It would be better for Chioulin to come here alone.
"Please, Sir, look at the sketch of this face." Chioulin Shinnjaang handed the paper to Yihshyong.
"Oh! This is.... " Yihshyong's expression changed drastically. "Jenqyih, look at this!" He gave the paper to Yihshyong.
This is Mr. Horngshi's face!
Iren, Tsaehorng, Jinqkang, Chioujen, and Tsaehorng's driver also came over. Iren stared at the sketch of the face.
"What do you think?" Yihshyong asked his friends.
Jenqyih and Iren simultaneously shouted, "This is Mr. Horngshi indeed!"
"I've never seen him, our new neighbor. So I can't really say much." Chioujen stared at the sketch without blinking.
Tsaehorng frowned. "I did see him before. That was when I first came here. But even that was only a glimpse of him. So I'm not sure."
"How about you?" Jenqyih asked Jinqkang.
Jinqkang shook his head. "Same as Mr. Jongharng. I've never seen Mr. Horngshi either."
"Look at it one more time," Tsaehorng said.
Jinqkang narrowed his eyes. He looked at the face in the sketch with great caution. After observing for about thirty seconds, he finally opened his mouth. "This face is indeed similar to the face of the person driving the car that was hit by a motorist in front of the grocery store there."
Tsaehorng's driver said nothing. Jenqyih could understand it. That person knew absolutely nothing about Horngshi Gauchyh.
"So it's true that the person who sent Shinnshiow to the hospital was Mr. Horngshi." Iren nodded.
Yihshyong looked straight at Chioulin. He cupped his hands together and touched the outsides of his forefingers to his chin and lower lip.
"So the troops outside are going to rush into the house next door?"
"That's right, Sir!" Chioulin looked at his watch. "In about thirty seconds, the police will storm into the house."
"But it looks like the house is empty," Chioujen said. "Since coming back here, I have never seen anyone come out of that house."
"When did you last see Mr. Horngshi?" Chioulin looked one by one at everyone currently crammed into the living room.
"I can't remember the last time I saw him." Yihshyong bit his lower lip. "Iren, how about you?"
"The last time I saw him was the day of Shinnshiow's kidnapping. I saw him pass in front of the house after Jenqyih and Shinnshiow had walked away."
"That's right! I remember," Jenqyih said. "At that time, Mr. Horngshi greeted us. After that, we were involved in a conversation. It wasn't just the two of us. There was a small child who approached us. The kid, I believe he is the child of one of our neighbors, even asked Mr. Horngshi for candy."
"Then what happened after that?" Yihshyong asked.
"Nothing happened. Mr. Horngshi wanted to take a tour of the housing complex while we walked out of the complex. I parted ways with Shinnshiow at the bus stop."
"Did he ask all sorts of questions, then?" asked Iren.
"Not as I recall. He was just as casual as any other day."
There was a noise. Everyone suddenly fell silent.
Chioulin Shinnjaang looked at his partner. Yanguu Herngshyong nodded. It seemed the Special Weapons and Tactics Squad had stormed into Horngshi's house. But Chioulin Shinnjaang and his two colleagues waited quietly in the living room of their house.
"One moment, Sir! I have something to do. Please excuse me a moment." Yihshyong suddenly got up from the couch.
Eh? What does he mean? What seems so urgent?
"Please, Sir! We will wait here," Chioulin said.
"Chioujen and Iren. You are sitting here accompanying these policemen." Yihshyong turned his head towards the family room. Before leaving the living room, with the fingers of his left hand, he signaled Jenqyih to follow him.
Right away, Iren and Chioujen sat on the couch, replacing Yihshyong and Jenqyih. Jenqyih walked after Yihshyong, who turned out to be going to the kitchen. Tsaehorng and the driver were sitting in the dining area.
"Shyongge, what's wrong?" Jenqyih asked after the two of them stood in the kitchen.
"We'll talk outside." Yihshyong pointed towards the backyard terrace.
After sitting down on the chair on the backyard terrace, Yihshyong took a deep breath before starting to speak.
"You must be wondering why I thought for a moment before answering that the writing on the paper was not Shinnshiow's."
Jenqyih nodded.
"Of course, at one glance, I could tell it was definitely not Shinnshiow's writing. I was just hesitating whether or not I should say something."
"What kind of something? Shyongge, Did you suspect that there was something odd about the writing? Was it about what was written on the paper?"
Yihshyong nodded quickly. "Yes! But it's not about what's written on the paper. As the policeman asked, it's about the shape of the handwriting."
"What did Shyongge think when you saw the writing on the paper?"
"You still don't get it, do you?"
Ah! Times like this. I hope Shyongge won't play a guessing game with me.
Jenqyih shook his head again. "The series of events that happened to us these past few days really made my brain dull."
"I'm sorry. It's not your fault. Maybe I got too excited."
"It's okay. I'm a little slow indeed. Now tell me."
"It looked exactly like Miss Liuchiou's handwriting."
"Hah?" Jenqyih was completely taken aback. It was completely beyond his expectations.
How could Shyongge think that I know about that?
"I have absolutely no idea how Miss Liuchiou's handwriting is." Jenqyih shook his head vigorously. "When did Shyongge notice what Miss Liuchiou's handwriting looked like?"
"I saw her handwriting when she wrote down the address of his relatives in Yuehming. It was exactly the same shape as the handwriting Mr. Chioulin showed us earlier."
"Why was Miss Liuchiou's handwriting in Shinnshiow's pocket?"
"That's a mystery to us. Do you think I was wrong if I didn't tell the police about this?"
"I don't know if it's wrong or right. But since Shyongge already didn't say it, so after this, we don't need to say it. And for the time being, we better not say this to the others first."
"I hope our actions won't put Dahge and Miss Liuchiou in any danger."
"I don't know why, but there's something in me that says they're fine now," Jenqyih said.
"Why do you think so?" Yihshyong looked at Jenqyih with a surprised look.
"I can't explain it. Maybe it's just my intuition. That intuition might be right, but it might also be wrong."
"We shouldn't be here too long. People will think we're hiding something."
"But we do have hiding something." Jenqyih chuckled.
They both then went back into the house. Jenqyih and Yihshyong did not return to the living room immediately. They chose to sit in the dining room with Tsaehorng and the driver. From there, they could still hear the conversations between the police and Chioujen and Iren.
About ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Right away, Jenqyih went to the living room to open the door. But Iren had preceded him. Two policemen in uniform entered right after Iren opened the door. Chioulin and his two co-workers stood up after the two uniformed policemen entered. After paying respects to Chioulin, one of the two reported their findings at Horngshi Gauchyh's house.
"So you guys only found some suspicious documents? And Mr. Horngshi isn't there at all?" Chioulin didn't seem surprised after receiving the report.
"That's right, Sir! From the situation inside the house, it looks like it's been empty for several days."
"What kind of circumstances do you mean?"
"The floor of the house was dirty and some dirty plates and glasses piled up in the kitchen,"
"Yes, that's possible because Mr. Horngshi isn't one of those people who clean very often."
"There are other things too, Sir," said one of the uniformed policemen.
"If I may ask, what kind of documents did the police find?" Chioujen interrupted the conversation. He got up from the couch and walked over to the two policemen.
One of the uniformed policemen looked at Chioulin. Chioulin nodded.
The uniformed policeman then looked at Chioujen. "In a room, we found a lot of documents. We haven't checked the documents one by one. But we can clearly see several documents lying on the table. Among them are plans of the houses on this street. We know those are the floor plans of the houses here because each paper has the addresses of the houses in question written on it. In addition, the walls of the rooms are full of data on the people here."
"What kind of data?" Yihshyong, who had returned to the living room, immediately joined in on the conversation.
"Information about the gentlemen who live in this house. For example, your names, background, and daily habits."
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