Chapter 015
Jongharng Chioujen
Along the way, the three of them didn't talk much. Not that there wasn't any conversation. It's just that their conversation was so minimal. Chioujen asked simple questions about Linqhwu Ueideng's activities and work. He also told about his work in another city. But that's all. They didn't talk about anything else.
Chioujen had thought that because Songfei told Linqhwu that he was one of the people he trusted, Linqhwu would open up to him a little. However, this was not the case. Linqhwu Ueideng didn't seem like the kind of person who easily gets along with other people.
After arriving at the hospital, Chioujen and Linqhwu went straight to the room where Shannchyuan was being treated. It turned out that there was absolutely no one standing guard in front of Shannchyuan's room. Once at the door, Chioujen immediately knocked on the door several times. After that, he opened the door and entered the room.
Shannchyuan was sitting on his bed. He smiled broadly when he saw Chioujen. His smile widened when he saw that there was Linqhwu walking behind Chioujen.
"Please come in! Nice to see you."
After closing the door, Chioujen walked over to Shannchyuan's bed straightway. Linqhwu who was behind him, clung tightly.
"Mr. Linqhwu, please sit down." Shannchyuan got up from his bed.
"Beaushu, just lie down. Don't push yourself too hard."
"I'm fine. Just a little limp."
Chioujen and Linqhwu sat on the couch, which was about two meters from the bed. It occurred to Chioujen that if he spoke softly, then Shannchyuan would not be able to hear him. But if he said it loud enough, it didn't feel right in a hospital room.
Shannchyuan got down from his bed. He walked over to the couch and sat down on it.
"I was just about to call Chioujen to contact you. It turns out that it was you who even bothered to come here." Shannchyuan's voice did not sound like it used to. But he seems to be quite healthy.
"It's okay, Sir. I should have seen you at the hospital," said Linqhwu.
"How are you?" Shannchyuan asked.
"As you can see, I am fine," Linqhwu replied.
"What do you want to drink?" Shannchyuan took Chioujen's arm. "There are soft drinks in the refrigerator. There is also hot water in the electric kettle. Could you please make a drink for Mr. Linqhwu?"
"Don't bother, Sir."Linqhwu looked reluctant.
"That's okay. You're my guest."
"What do you want to drink? Hot or cold?" Chioujen repeated Shannchyuan's question.
"It's up to you. I'll drink whatever you give me, Sir."
"How about some tea?" Shannchyuan said in a cheerful tone. "Looks like there's tea from a fairly well-known brand over there." Shannchyuan pointed at the small pantry in the luxury unit he occupied.
Instantly, Chioujen went to the place Shannchyuan pointed out. He immediately found the tea that Shannchyuan meant. Chioujen whistled in admiration. The tea was very expensive tea. At once, he made three cups of tea.
From where he was, he could hear the conversation between Shannchyuan and Linqhwu. Shannchyuan asked Linqhwu to repeat the things he had told him when they met a few days ago. Shannchyuan said he wanted to make sure his memory of the incident was intact. Linqhwu then recounted the things he had previously explained. Chioujen felt that there was a possibility that on that occasion, Linqhwu would go into much greater detail because they had more time.
Chioujen served the tea on the small table in front of the couch. Shannchyuan asked Linqhwu to drink the tea that smelled so good. After that, for about five minutes, they enjoyed the warm drink.
"Then what recent development would you like to tell me?" Shannchyuan continued the conversation that had been interrupted by the tea ceremony just now.
"Last night, someone contacted me, Sir! He said he was one of Mr. Gongyang's friends."
"Songfei's friend? What's his name? Has he been to Songfei's game events, too?" Shannchyuan looked very interested to hear that.
"His name is Jyniann Yihchern. He had never participated in such games. But he is a friend of Mr. Gongyang. He once introduced this person to me."
"Does he have any information regarding Mister Gongyang?" Shannchyuan asked.
"He said that Mr. Gongyang entrusted something to him."
"Meaning, just like us!" Shannchyuan nodded rapidly.
"He said that he felt that someone was following him. So he was scared. He asked me to come over to his place. He wanted to hand over the object that Mr. Gongyang had entrusted to him."
"And you then went to see him?"
"I think he was in a very paranoid state. He asked me to meet him in a secret place which turned out to be the house of his relative. He didn't immediately say where I was going, so I had to go to several places and change modes of transportation before he finally told me where can we could meet."
"How complicated! Was he really that kind of person before?"
"I don't know exactly, but I don't think so. Something must have happened to him over the past few days."
"What did he tell you?"
"Except saying that there weare people following him, he didn't say anything else."
"Then what was the object that Songfei entrusted to him?"
"Mr. Gongyang left a key."
"What key?"
Linqhwu Ueideng reached into his pocket. He took out a single key. A key, which is even without a keychain.
"Chioujen, what do you think this key is?"
Linqhwu gave the key to Chioujen. After examining it for a few moments, Chioujen placed the key on the table. Chioujen didn't know what the key was, either. The shape of the key was a bit unusual. The size was slightly larger than the usual house key.
"I don't know what this is. But if I may guess, it looks like a locker key."
"Lockers at stations rarely use locks like this. Maybe only a few stations still use locks like this," said Shannchyuan.
"It could also be private lockers in other places," said Linqhwu.
"For example, lockers at schools or at companies," said Chioujen.
"That friend Songfei said anything else about this key?" Shannchyuan asked.
"Nothing. He said that Mr. Gongyang didn't explain anything. In his opinion, Mr. Gongyang might think that it was better if his friend didn't know too much."
"Then how can we investigate this matter?"
"I think we should ask the other side for help," said Shannchyuan.
"But can we blindly trust those who offer us help?" Chioujen sighed.
"This is indeed a dilemma. But we have to determine which side we should trust. I think Jenqyih's friend might be able to help us."
"Isn't Beaushu distrusting him?"
"Personally, I don't trust him. But he has resources we can rely on. The network in his organization can help us. It's an official government organization. So there's very little chance they'll commit a crime. Most likely they will decide to withdraw and not want to interfere further if they encounter things that they are aware of will harm their organization."
"What about the secret network of the Beaushu family? Aren't they pretty solid, too?"
"I'm afraid they don't care about things like this. If there's no gain for them, then they most likely don't intend to interfere."
"Beaushu can get this room facility thanks to that network, right?"
"You're right. But this is an emergency. Even though I've never been close to them, I'm part of them after all. So they're willing to help me if it concerns my safety. But they'd be reluctant to interfere when it comes to the safety of my friends who obviously have nothing to do with them."
Silent state. Linqhwu Ueideng also looked lethargic. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Shannchyuan quickly grabbed the key that was on the table and put it in his trouser pocket.
Three seconds later, the door opened. Someone appeared from behind the door. He bowed, paid his respects to Shannchyuan, Chioujen, and Linqhwu. After that, with light steps he approached them.
"Good evening, Mr. Jongli!" Shannchyuan greeted the newly arrived guest.
<<Hah! How could he suddenly appear here? Right after we talked about him!>>
"Good evening, Mr. Duanmuh. I see that your condition is much better than the reports that have reached me."
Shannchyuan laughed. "Reports like that are sometimes overly dramatized. Please sit down, Sir!"
<<Did Dahge actually know that Mr. Jongli would visit him now?>>
Chioujen rose from the couch. He invited Jongli Jyhren to sit where he previously occupied.
"Thank you very much for taking the time to see me in person. But I suspect that this is not just a friendly visit." Shannchyuan said that still with a smile on his face.
"That's right, Sir! I have something important to say to gentlemen here."
"Before that, let me introduce first," said Shannchyuan. "This is Mr. Linqhwu Ueideng, one of Mr. Gongyang's friends."
Linqhwu Ueideng nodded. "Nice to meet you, Sir!"
"And this is Mr. Jongli Jyhren, an expert from an agency responsible for our security."
Jongli Jyhren also smiled. "I'm also pleased to meet you, Sir!"
"Now you can say the things you want to say. You can say that Mr. Linqhwu is also part of us."
"It's a coincidence that Mr. Linqhwu is here. So, as I said before, I will do my best to trace Mr. Gongyang's whereabouts. We have received the green light from the police regarding the operation they will carry out in a few moments."
"What do you mean by that?" Chioujen frowned.
<<Does tonight's operation have anything to do with what he said?>>
"Based on the information they obtained from the results of interrogation of the suspects they arrested this afternoon, the police have received clues about other locations that may be other victims' hostage locations. The police invited us to witness the raid."
"So you're going to take part in the raid?" Shannchyuan raised his eyes.
"No, Sir. The police only invited us as observer."
"This is tremendous progress. Who do you think the hostages are at that location?"
"We don't know yet, Sir. The information I got is not that detailed."
"Anyway, thank you, Sir, for the notification," said Shannchyuan.
<<Did Dahge already know that Mr. Jongli had invited Yihge to oversee the operation? Yihge did not say whether the other friends knew about this.>>
"I would like to invite one of you to participate in witnessing the raid."
Chioujen and Shannchyuan looked at each other.
<<Really? This is so weird! Didn't Yihge clearly say earlier that this person was asking him out tonight? Are there other activities besides the arrest operations that to be carried out by the police?>>
"Why don't you just bring Mr. Dongfang along? Don't you guys know each other well already? So wouldn't communication be easier?"
"At first I also thought so, Sir. But earlier I was nearby when I received the order to take part in witnessing the raid operation. Isn't Mr. Dongfang at home right now? Meanwhile, the raid site is not too far from here. At first, I just wanted to tell Mr. Duanmuh. But after seeing that Mr. Jongharng was here, I thought, wouldn't it be better if I just invited Mr. Jongharng? Picking up Mister Dongfang would waste too much time."
"Chioujen, what do you think? Are you willing to go with Mr. Jongli?"
<<So there are indeed two separate activities. This is so exciting!>>
Chioujen nodded. "All right, Mr. Jongli. When do we leave?"
"I think twenty minutes from now, Sir." Jongli looked at the watch he wore on his right wrist. "Now I have other things to do in this hospital!" He said in a loud and firm voice.
Chioujen glanced at Shannchyuan, and then at Linqhwu. He was a little worried about the safety of the two people. If Jyniann Yihchern turned out to be not a paranoid, then there was a possibility that after the key changed hands, Shannchyuan and Linqhwu would be the new targets.
"Shouldn't we ask the police to station their officers at the front of this room?" Chioujen said.
Shannchyuan laughed. "You don't have to worry. We'll be fine."
"But then ...."
"What Mr. Duanmuh said is true. Mr. Jongharng, you don't need to worry. It's true that in front of this room, there isn't a single officer on guard. However, in this hospital, as well as in front and behind the hospital building, there are troops ready to risk their lives to protect Mister Duanmuh." Jongli Jyhren said earnestly.
"Is it that true?" Chioujen took a deep look at Shannchyuan.
"I don't know," Shannchyuan said. "But if Mr. Jongli, who is very experienced, says that, then most likely it is like that."
Chioujen breathed a sigh of relief. If he had known that from the start, then he wouldn't need to panic so much.
"So, in twenty minutes we meet in the lobby on the ground floor, Sir!" Chioujen said.
"Not in the lobby, Sir, there are too many people. We'll just meet near the canteen. We'll leave through the side door later!" After saying that, Jongli Jyhren then left the room. His steps were fast and very steady.
"Beaushu, what are you going to say?" Chioujen realized that earlier Shannchyuan had given him a secret hint that he wanted to tell him something.
"Earlier, I said that Jongli Jyhren is the party we can ask for help in uncovering the secret of this key. But it turns out there is a fresh development like this. So for the time being, don't say anything about this key we got. Let Mr. Jongli focus first on the information he will get after tonight's raid."
Chioujen nodded. "Then, what about Mr. Linqhwu?"
"Mr. Linqhwu, if what Jyniann Yihchern said turns out to be true, then there is a possibility that someone is currently following you. So, are you going to hide in my room for a while, or choose to stay at my house?"
"I don't want to bother you, the gentlemen, here."
"Don't say that, Sir. It's like we're on the same boat now. So we have to fight together so this boat won't sink."
"I have some relatives who live in this town. Among them, there is one who I'm sure would be willing to take me in for a while. His house is some distance from here, but the place is a bit hidden."
"Are you sure your relative wouldn't be surprised if you suddenly appeared at his house asking for help?" Shannchyuan asked.
"I'm sure he will welcome me with open arms," said Linqhwu.
"Very well then. But you still have to change your appearance first. This is just a precaution. There are some clothes in the wardrobe. I haven't seen what they looked like myself, but I was told earlier that there were clothes in there. You choose one and later get out of here wearing that shirt."
<<Is it really necessary? Is Dahge not exaggerating?>>
"Alright, Sir!" Linqhwu's face became very tense.
"After you have finished changing clothes, I still have a few words to say," said Shannchyuan.
Linqhwu Ueideng nodded. He said nothing.
Shannchyuan turned to Chioujen. "Did you guys get off at the front door of the building, or did you walk from the parking lot to the back door of the building?"
"Earlier, we joined the driver to park the vehicle. So we didn't bother looking for where the car was parked when we were about to go home."
"Right now, you go downstairs and go to the parking lot to meet the driver. Tell him he has to drive Mr. Linqhwu back to his relative's house. He has to leave exactly thirty-five minutes from now. Also, don't forget to telling him to go around for a bit when they reach a few places. This is to make sure no cars follow them. After arriving at Mr. Linqhwu's relative's house, he should immediately return the car to Tsaehorng's house or to the painting exhibition hall. No need to go back to our house because it must be too late. Other matters, related to the vehicle issue, I think Tsaehorng will decide tomorrow."
Chioujen nodded. He glanced at the clock hanging nearby. "So basically, Tsaehorng's car has to start moving after Mr. Jongli and I leave this hospital?"
Shannchyuan nodded. He then turned to Linqhwu. "Later, you'd better come out the side door as well."
Linqhwu looked confused. "Side door, Sir? Er, where is it?"
"The side door is close to the canteen. So the canteen at this hospital is located on the basement floor. The entrance to the canteen is near the side door. So, later you will look for the entrance to the canteen first. Exiting the side door, you should immediately walk to where the car is parked. Do you still remember where the driver park the car?"
Linqhwu nodded. His nod looked less convincing. Chioujen hoped that person really still remembered.
Shannchyuan turned back to Chioujen. "After talking to the Tsaehorng driver, you should immediately run to the place where you promised to meet Mr. Jongli. Open your eyes and ears wide."
"I'll try to keep a good eye on everything that happens there. Then what about after the raid?"
"I don't know. Most likely, Mr. Jongli will take you home. Later, after midnight, Jenqyih has plans to meet him near the station. So he will definitely head to a place close to our house."
<<Eh? So Dahge already knew about it? When did Yihge tell him?>>
"If Yihge is going to meet him later? Then why can't Yihge just go with him now?"
"You heard Mr. Jongli's words yourself. He received this order suddenly. Most likely through the radio communication in his car. Our house is too far from here. If we have to wait for Jenqyih to come here, maybe the raid will have ended."
"Okay Beaushu. I'm coming down now."
"Careful on the road."
With quick steps, Chioujen walked out of the room. He felt his heart pounding really hard.
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