I have never loved anyone in my whole 17 year old life, I did had about 15 17 crushes in this time period but love this is a very complicated thing, I know exactly what an heart break feels like, relations and emotions I don't have control over had given me a lot of heart breaks. Not everyone around you know how to value your emotions, tbh it can be anyone whether your parents, siblings, your best friend or any relation other than that you value by heart. The fact that these kind of heart breaks are so under rated. Does they even count as heart breaks (nO) they are not, and that's so weird!!
All the emotions you feel in present change in future they hyper up, they calm down, they change up all as time passes , you say it's going to stay like this but it's just your present emotions taking over you and stopping you to think wisely at that time. I been through this a lot it's my weakness that my present emotions take over my brain complete stop any wise thoughts.
But it's not in our control..........