The scene begins with Ambusher, with Cobbler coming up to her.
Cobbler: Hey, Ambusher… I just want to apologize for executing you yesterday. I was just... scared.
Ambusher: Apologies not accepted. You got me up for elimination! I got eliminated last time, so you better pray I don’t get eliminated, or I’ll wreak havoc on you like never before.
Cobbler: It’s just a game! Can’t we be buddies?
Ambusher: Definitely not right now. And believe me, you’ll pay for this.
Ambusher stormed off, and Cobbler looked a little guilty. Meanwhile, with the family, Tanith and Tarkus seemed to be plotting something as Pirate and Werewolf fell asleep.
Tarkus: Is everything in place?
Tanith: Hehe, yup.
Tarkus: Alright. 3, 2, 1,...
Werewolf seemed to be awake at that moment.
Werewolf: growl Hmph... Tanith…? Tarkus..?
Tarkus: NOW, TANITH!
Tanith pressed a button, and feathers, slime, dirt, and a tiny bit of blood came out from the roof and splattered on Werewolf and Pirate. This seemed to wake Pirate up.
Pirate: AURGH!?
Werewolf: AGH! WHAT THE-
Tanith and Tarkus: Ahahahaha!!!
Tanith: You two got pranked!
Tarkus: You should’ve seen your faces! Heh!
Werewolf looked mad and came up to the two, who clung to each other.
Tarkus: U-um.. dad..
Tanith: I-It was j-just a-a joke. C'mon.
But Werewolf was furious. He raised his hand and sharpened his claws, which made Tanith and Tarkus terrified. Pirate stood in front of the two.
Pirate: Werewolf, no. All they did was play a little prank. It’s not that serious.
Werewolf: Move out of my way, Pirate. These two need to be disciplined.
Pirate: If you’re going to hurt them, you’ll have to hurt me.
Werewolf: Have it your way.
Werewolf darted his hand towards Pirate. Pirate braced for impact, and suddenly, Werewolf’s claw stopped in front of his face.
Werewolf: Whuh, why can’t I kill you?!
Tarkus: Oh yeah! I read about this in a book. When werewolves find their soulmate, they’re bound to them forever, and their nature is changed so that no matter what, they cannot harm their lover. So I think since dad’s your soulmate, you can’t hurt him.
Pirate: Ha. Well, I guess that confirms our love.
Pirate kissed Werewolf on the cheek, and Werewolf began blushing and put his hand down.
Werewolf: G-Grr..
Pirate: Hehe. I’m too irresistible for you, aren’t I?
Amnesiac: Yeah! In a bad way!
Amnesiac got pulled down by Bodyguard.
Bodyguard: Shush. We get it; you hate their flirting.
Amnesiac: It’s just ridiculous. How could they even announce that? For all we know, they’re married!
Executive: You make a fair point, but we have to be patient. Pirate and Tarkus are up for elimination, so if we can get everyone to vote for them, Werewolf will go berserk and become depressed like Doctor!
Amnesiac: I’m not sure about that. Last time Pirate got out, Werewolf was... upset, to say the least. Our best bet is eliminating Tarkus, or Potion Master. Ambusher threatened everyone into voting for Cobbler, but Cobbler kind of killed Ambusher, which was hilarious. Magician has half immunity, so voting for him would be useless, and Pirate is too liked. Our best bet is to vote Tarkus out.
Bodyguard: It makes sense, I suppose.
Marshall: fades in Now we’ll see who's out!
Bodyguard: When did you come here?
M.A.E Theme.
Marshall: Oh my god, there's 22. Who'll be ejected? Well, come find out... On Marshall's Amazing Elimination!
End of theme.
Marshall: Welcome to M.A.E., guys! The votes are in, but we’ve got to announce who's safe and who’s not. Tonight’s immunity goes to... COBBLER!
Cobbler: Woohoo!
Ambusher looked more annoyed.
Marshall: Any votes for Cobbler won’t count, and half of the votes for Magician will not count either. I’ll read the votes.
Cobbler looked relaxed, Magician looked determined, Pirate looked serious as Tarkus clung onto him with a look of fear on his face, Ambusher looked irritated, and Potion Master looked curious.
Marshall: First vote... Cobbler, does not count. Tarkus. Cobbler, does not count. Magician, does not count. Tarkus. That’s two votes for Tarkus.
Tarkus looked horrified.
Marshall: Pirate. Pirate. Pirate. Potion Master. Magician, does not count. That’s three votes Pirate, two votes Tarkus, one vote Potion Master.
Magician raised an eyebrow; Pirate looked determined, with Werewolf clinging to him; Cobbler looked relieved; Ambusher looked irritated; and Tarkus was also clinging to Pirate. As for PM, he didn’t care.
Marshall: Potion Master. Ambusher. Magician. Magician. Ambusher. That’s three votes Pirate, two votes Magician, two votes Ambusher, two votes Potion Master, and two votes Tarkus. One vote left.
Pirate looked down, Werewolf looked scared, Tarkus looked slightly confused, Ambusher looked mad, Cobbler looked relieved, Magician still had an eyebrow raised, and Potion Master shrugged.
Marshall: Third contestant voted out...
The entire werewolf family looked shocked. Amnesiac and Bodyguard fists bumped. There was mass confusion around the ship. Godfather and Executive both looked slightly relieved.
Pirate: Well, I guess that’s that. Fun playing! I guess. Um, Werewolf? Tanith? Tarkus? What’s with those expressions?
Tanith: …
Tarkus: …
Werewolf: ...No.. that’s...
Tanith: Dad! No!
Tarkus: Sobbing and crying
Pirate: Listen, guys. I know that our time together was unfortunately cut so short, but we have to stay strong.
Pirate walked up to Werewolf.
Pirate: Especially you, please, win this for me, alright?
Pirate hugged Werewolf, and Werewolf hugged tighter, almost choking him.
Pirate: gack That’s tight!
Werewolf: I’m sorry; it’s just that I’ll miss seeing you, but I promise I’ll stay strong.
Pirate: Good.
Bodyguard: Yeah, yeah, no one cares! Get on with it.
Pirate walked up to Bodyguard and slapped him hard. Everyone oohed, and Executive was holding back some laughter.
Pirate: You may have won the battle, but trust me when I say you’ve lost the war.
Bodyguard: Grk! You-
Pirate: Good luck, guys. And Tanith, Tarkus? Stay determined.
Pirate was then ejected.
Marshall: And there goes the head honcho! Oh well!
[Ambusher: 2]363Please respect copyright.PENANAc05dJxTXsh
[Cobbler: 2 (Immune)]363Please respect copyright.PENANAuRATVC1chZ
[Magician: 4 → 2 (Half-Immune)]363Please respect copyright.PENANAahACt4ihyz
[Pirate: 4]363Please respect copyright.PENANAKZDIIhxxil
[Potion Master: 2]363Please respect copyright.PENANASVH1EAPFnB
[Tarkus: 2]
With Godfather and Executive…
Godfather: Man, aren’t you relieved that Pirate’s out?
Executive: Well, sort of. But this just means that Werewolf will be as aggressive as ever.
Godfather: Don’t worry, we just have to keep going until Werewolf’s eliminated, alright?
Executive: Alright. Also, I should tell you something.
Godfather: Hm?
Executive: I made a pact with Amnesiac and Bodyguard to get Werewolf eliminated. I just wanted to know if you wanted in, since our last interaction with Werewolf wasn’t the greatest, to say the least.
Godfather: Are you hearing yourself? Bodyguard is in that pact! No way will he want me in!
Executive: Well, he did it with Amnesiac, so it couldn’t hurt to try, could it?
Godfather: I guess it wouldn’t. I’ll consider joining it.
Executive: Alright then, that confirms it!
Godfather: I said consider, not instant.
Executive: Same difference.
Godfather: You really want me in, don’t you?
Executive: Of course, this might be the only chance we get to have Werewolf out! If we don’t do this now, we might all get eliminated before Werewolf is even close to elimination!
Godfather: Fine, fine! I’ll join your little pact; let’s get on with it.
Godfather and Executive walk around the ship and find Amnesiac and Bodyguard mumbling to one another.
Bodyguard: So right, uh- Oh! Hey Executive! And.. GODFATHER!?
Bodyguard tackled Godfather right to the floor and started to wrestle him.
Executive: Wait, wait! Stop it! He’s here to make a deal!
Bodyguard throws Godfather off the floor and listens to Executive.
Executive: He’s just here to join our pact to get Werewolf eliminated.
Bodyguard: How could we, especially you, trust him? For all we know, they might be working together!
Amnesiac: Bodyguard, chill. We might be able to get him eliminated easily if we have more people on our pact.
Bodyguard: Say what you want; I still won’t trust him as a friend, but we can be an alliance for now.
Amnesiac: Good, now shake hands.
Bodyguard and Godfather: WHAT!? NEVER!
Amnesiac: Shake your goddamn hands right now!
Spooked, Bodyguard and Godfather reluctantly shake hands.
Amnesiac: Good, now, Executive, got any plans?
Executive: Well, depending on the next challenge, we’ll have to see what to do from there.
Bounty Hunter: appears Did you just swear, Amnesiac?
Amnesiac: What the-!? Where did you come from? What did you hear?
Bounty Hunter: About as much as your average cephalopod.
The Pact turns around and starts to whisper to each other.
Bodyguard: whispering Do we let him in?
Amnesiac: Well, it depends. Do you think he would betray us?
Executive: Well, you know, BH is always doing something for money. Perhaps if we gave him a cash prize, he’d probably keep his lips shut.
Godfather: To be fair, he technically won Season 1 since Framer just disappeared with no trace.
Bodyguard: I hate to say it, but you aren’t wrong. Say “I” if we should let him in.
Godfather, Amnesiac, and Executive: I.
Bodyguard: That confirms it!
They all looked at where BH was, and he was listening to everything.
Amnesiac: AHH!
Bounty Hunter: You guys talk way too loud, but anyway, I think I’m willing to join to take Werewolf down. It’d be nice to see him fall.
Executive: Phew, two new members simultaneously? It must be our lucky day!
Jester: Make it four. Me and the doctor are joining too.
Doctor: I never agreed to this.
Amnesiac: HOLY SH-
BH looked at Amnesiac with a deathly stare.
Amnesiac: Holy crud! I mean.
Bounty Hunter: Good. Anyway, this means we’re probably one of the most powerful Pacts on the show!
Godfather: We’re the only pact on the show.
Bounty Hunter: You don’t know that!
Bodyguard: He isn’t wrong; for all we know, everyone else on the show has a Pact too! So for now, we must lay low; otherwise, possible issues might arise.
Amnesiac: Now, what’re we waiting for? Let’s get that stupid gray furry outta here!
They all walked off except Doctor, who sat behind them.
Jester: C’mon, Doc, we don’t have time to mope for our loved ones. I’ve-
Doctor: Why do you even want him out? Forger was a werewolf just like him. I refuse to eliminate him. Werewolf and Tanith are the only resemblances of Forger remaining…
Jester: Tarkus?
Doctor: Tarkus has Pirate’s appearance; the only difference is with a tail...
Jester: Why do you have to be so difficult? We’re focusing on the game and the present, not our past. Forger would want you to move on, wouldn’t he? Just let him rest in peace and stop clinging on to his memory. We can’t do anything to get him back. Even if you mope and cry a billion times, nothing will happen. Please, Doctor, just work with us here.
Doctor: I’d rather die.
Jester: Jesus Christ, you’re being so stubborn.
Doctor: Stubborn, huh? Is grieving over my dead friend "stubborn"? We had great memories; I was there for him, and he was there for me! Now that he’s gone, you just want me to simply get over that, and when I have difficulties trying to do that, I’m just painted as STUBBORN! The only partial memories I have left of him are Werewolf and Tanith’s appearances. And if I lose that too, I’ll lose everything. In fact, I think I should tell them your plans!
Jester: You wouldn’t if you didn’t want to be eliminated.
Doctor: You think I care about that? I don’t even know why I’m in this stupid competition anyway! Your threats don’t work on me, I’m telling Werewolf!
Doctor dashes away with Jester on his tail.
Jester: Get back here right now, you stupid medkit!
Werewolf was at the end of the hallway, and Doctor was speeding towards him until…
Doctor: Ow.. that… hurt…
Doctor faints.
Jester: Wait, what?
Bodyguard: Hey, I heard what was going on, so I rushed in to help.
Jester: Oh, thank you.
Bodyguard: Yeah, no problem.
Amnesiac: Hey uh, buckaroos, you still know that DOCTOR CAN TELL WW WHEN HE WAKES UP!?
Jester: Right, what should we do about that?
Godfather: I have a plan.
Amnesiac: Wha-why do you all keep popping up from NOWHERE?
Godfather: Shush. Anyway, I can get Extortionist to keep him silent so no word gets out.
Amnesiac: Hm, smart idea.
Godfather: They don’t call me the smart, incredible, intelligent rose for nothing.
Amnesiac: No one calls you that! Now do it.
Later, when Doctor woke up, he got assaulted and landed on the floor.
Doctor: O-ow!
Assistant: Listen here, as I’m only going to say this once. For the rest of this game, you will compete against Werewolf and his family. You will not talk to them, interact with them, or even get close to them. Do what I say, and your life will be spared. Otherwise, we can make sure you’re dead permanently. Understand?
Doctor: I'm not afraid of you! Besides, F-Forger’s dead forever too! S-So I c-ca-
Assistant: Forger’s in heaven. But you could go to hell. Make the wise choice, Doctor. And don’t even say that you’re being extorted. Bye now…
The assistant left, and Doctor seemed scared. Meanwhile, Lookout was walking around the ship with nothing to do when Outlaw suddenly bumped into him.
Lookout: Ow. Hey, what the...
Outlaw gave his hand to Lookout.
Outlaw: Need some help?
Lookout seemed hesitant but took Outlaw’s hand. Lookout eventually got up.
Lookout: Thanks, I guess?
Outlaw: No problem. But just know you owe me one.
Lookout: Right. Anyhow, could I ask you something?
Outlaw: And that is?
Lookout: Considering how much we both might lose for being floaters, and not having much lines…
Lookout stares directly at the camera as he says this.
Lookout: I want to make a little pact with you until the end.
Outlaw: Weird asking me, but sure.
Consigliere: I’m joining too!
Lookout: Right…
Consigliere: So, what do we do? The challenge is coming up pretty soon, and I won’t dare be eliminated.
Outlaw: Sure, you won’t. Like the last challenge, try to hang low. And I’ve heard about a pact to get Werewolf eliminated, so let’s try to get him up for elimination.
Lookout: Bet.
Later, everyone was near Marshall, waiting in anticipation.
Marshall: Alright guys, it’s time for tonight’s challenge!
Potion Master: Get on with it.
Marshall: I’ll make it short, then. Your challenge is going to be a RPS tournament! Every round, you will duel someone, and depending on what you throw, you’ll advance to the next round! This continues until we have a winner. The winner will then choose six people to be up for elimination! Also, just know that these are completely random.
Jester: Sure, they are.
Marshall: Match-up time! Oh, and Magician, since you were only saved by your half-immunity last time, I’m giving you immunity for this round.
Magician: Yes!
A screen appeared, showing all of the brackets.363Please respect copyright.PENANAZ32kP1cBHh
Psychic vs Ambusher363Please respect copyright.PENANAfFIGYpiNRT
Bodyguard vs Bounty Hunter363Please respect copyright.PENANAmxp3m0w56C
Executive vs Arsonist363Please respect copyright.PENANAdt5crHIkEM
Serial Killer vs Potion Master363Please respect copyright.PENANAzljJ66qAT3
Amnesiac vs Extortionist363Please respect copyright.PENANAQmmpn5QbvG
Consigliere vs Jester363Please respect copyright.PENANAP3I5GxRW4q
Godfather vs Outlaw363Please respect copyright.PENANAjUd5Go3q6i
Werewolf vs Lookout363Please respect copyright.PENANABQ0otOlB0E
Doctor vs Cobbler363Please respect copyright.PENANA7XfFzPOlXl
Tanith vs Tarkus
Godfather and Outlaw stared at each other as they both noticed their match-up.
Marshall: Round 1! Psychic versus Ambusher! GO!
Psychic threw Paper, and Ambusher threw Scissors.
Marshall: Ambusher wins! Round 2, BG vs BH! GO!
Bodyguard threw Paper, and Bounty Hunter threw Paper.
Marshall: TIE!
Bodyguard: What happens now? Do we just go again?
Marshall: Nah. You’re BOTH eliminated!
Bounty Hunter: Bias.
Bodyguard: WHA- HUH!?
Marshall: Round 3, Executive versus Arsonist! GO!
Both of them threw Scissors.
Marshall: Ya both lose! Round 4, Serial Killer vs Potion Master! GO!
Serial Killer threw Scissors, and PM threw Rock.
Marshall: Potion Master wins! Round 5, Amnesiac vs Extortionist! GO!
Amnesiac: Buddy, I don’t have limbs. This isn’t fair.
Marshall: Just use these then. Grabs spare arms
Amnesiac: Where in the- y’know what, I do NOT want to know.
Amnesiac put them on. They both threw Rock.
Marshall: TIE! Round 6, Consigliere vs Jester! GO!
They both threw Scissors.
Marshall: TIE! Round 7, Godfather vs Outlaw! GO!
Outlaw: Well well well, if it isn’t the scumbag.
Godfather: Be quiet, Outlaw.
Outlaw: This little game is boring… so I propose a new move!
Outlaw pulled out a tommy gun.
Outlaw: Gun.
Outlaw shot Godfather, killing him. Everyone looked mortified, except for Tanith and Tarkus, who were hiding behind Werewolf after Outlaw simply pulled out the gun.
Marshall: Um.. Outlaw wins? I guess? Round 8, Werewolf vs Lookout! Go!
Werewolf: You’re going down.
Lookout: Nah, I don’t wanna.
They both threw Scissors.
Werewolf: Wha-
Marshall: TIE! Y’know, I’m starting to see a pattern here. Round 9, Doctor vs Cobbler! GO!
They both threw Scissors, Doctor more doing it on purpose.
Marshall: OUT! Last round, Tanith vs Tarkus! GO!
Tanith threw Rock, Tarkus threw Paper.
Marshall: Tarkus wins! So, the full matchup was:
Psychic vs Ambusher363Please respect copyright.PENANAamFgTFGBs8
Bodyguard vs Bounty Hunter363Please respect copyright.PENANAgxFKZDqBCv
Executive vs Arsonist363Please respect copyright.PENANALOQjkDYWxE
Serial Killer vs Potion Master363Please respect copyright.PENANAUGyktdOTzs
Amnesiac vs Extortionist363Please respect copyright.PENANADQqaS6kiZ0
Consigliere vs Jester363Please respect copyright.PENANAWnD5UbSzYr
Godfather vs Outlaw363Please respect copyright.PENANAk8i0t4cPBL
Werewolf vs Lookout363Please respect copyright.PENANAGJx3I5djT5
Doctor vs Cobbler363Please respect copyright.PENANAw2tvtu6KZn
Tanith vs Tarkus
Marshall: So, Ambusher, Potion Master, Outlaw, and Tarkus move on to the semifinals!
Ambusher: Sweet.
Potion Master: Nice!
Outlaw: Hmph.
Tarkus: Yippee!
Marshall: Now, let it continue! Semifinals round 1, Ambusher vs Potion Master! Go!
Ambusher threw Scissors, Potion Master threw Paper.
Marshall: Ambusher wins!
Potion Master: WHA- WHAT!?
Ambusher: I do some RPS in the meantime. Everyone has a pattern. It’s so predictable. You throw Rock, Paper, and Scissors in that desired pattern. Outlaw… is debatable, and Tarkus just likes throwing Paper, but will almost NEVER throw rock.
Marshall: Round 2, Outlaw vs Tarkus! GO!
Outlaw threw Scissors, Tarkus threw Rock.
Ambusher: I stand corrected.
Marshall: Tarkus wins!
Outlaw: …You’re joking. HOW DID A 9 YEAR OLD BEAT ME?!
Tarkus: It wasn’t on purpose!
Outlaw pulled out his gun and pointed it at Tarkus, who was scared.
Bodyguard: HEY!
Bodyguard bashed Outlaw with his shield.
Outlaw: LET ME GO!
Bodyguard: He’s just a kid! What’s wrong with you!?
Potion Master: I got this.
PM grabbed a potion from behind his back (presumably his pocket) and chugged it into Outlaw’s mouth. Outlaw then fell asleep.
Potion Master: Potion of sleeping! Usually works.
Tarkus sighed.
Tarkus: Thank you, Mr. Potion Master.
Potion Master: No problem, kiddo.
Marshall: Now for the final round! Ambusher vs Tarkus! GOOOOOOO!
Ambusher threw Scissors, and Tarkus threw... ROCK.
Marshall: In a long turn of events, TARKUS WINS THE CHALLENGE!
Everyone began cheering, ESPECIALLY Tanith and Werewolf.
Tarkus: YAY!
Ambusher: Hmph.
Marshall: Now, Tarkus, for winning, you get to choose 5 people to be up for elimination. Ambusher, since you got second place, you can choose 1 person, excluding Tarkus.
Ambusher: Easy. Werewolf.
Werewolf: WHAT?!
Ambusher: Dude, you’re like the strongest person here. As much as I’d like to put up Cobbler, you’re more of a threat than he is. Crusader is an exception.
Werewolf: I-
Ambusher: Sorry man, I don’t make the rules.
Marshall: Very well! Tarkus, you’re up.
Tarkus: Oh, okay… I guess I’ll pick… Ms. Consigliere, Ms. Ambusher, Mr. Bodyguard, Mr. Arsonist, and... Mr. Lookout.
Consigliere and Lookout: Are you kidding me.
Arsonist: Well that’s just great.
Bodyguard: Lovely…
Ambusher: Tch.
Marshall: Well, you heard it readers! Vote for either Ambusher, Arsonist, Bodyguard, Consigliere, Lookout, or Werewolf to receive immunity! The one with the most votes will become immune! Your vote can save a person and affect the whole arc of the story! See you next time!
363Please respect copyright.PENANAgz6m8RcoRP
363Please respect copyright.PENANAj1vgxJqBpO
363Please respect copyright.PENANA8bONCwk6wy
363Please respect copyright.PENANAssDMGxbbwf
363Please respect copyright.PENANAIe0adBZENe
In a broken laboratory, there was a single person lying there, who seemed to be glitched. They were mapping out their plans, for… SOMETHING.
₣Ɽ₳₥ɆⱤ: They’ve deleted me… forgotten about me… well, they’ll pay for that..
₣Ɽ₳₥ɆⱤ continued drawing.
₣Ɽ₳₥ɆⱤ: They’ve double-crossed me for the last time… and this time… I will have no mercy.
363Please respect copyright.PENANAOQDIRxA4mD
Town: Doctor, Executive, Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Psychic, Lookout
Mafia: Ambusher, Blackmailer, Cobbler, Consigliere, Extortionist, Godfather
Coven: Magician, Potion Master
Neutral:Amnesiac, Arsonist, Crusader, Jester, Outlaw, Pirate, Serial Killer, Tanith, Tarkus, Werewolf
Pirate and Werewolf - Dating363Please respect copyright.PENANAGrQSVjQewG
Executive and Godfather - Dating363Please respect copyright.PENANA7diHoVy2gy
Arsonist and Serial Killer - Siblings363Please respect copyright.PENANAb8hFDYwJ4t
Bodyguard and Executive - Agents363Please respect copyright.PENANApTerlv1MNb
Tanith and Tarkus - Siblings363Please respect copyright.PENANAf8flLiEnpM
Blackmailer and Extortionist - Siblings363Please respect copyright.PENANAQLCfr0U4IT
Pirate, Tanith, Tarkus, and Werewolf - Family363Please respect copyright.PENANAQMzD5VYArc
Godfather and Outlaw - Rivals363Please respect copyright.PENANAuvI7vO5yep
Godfather, Amnesiac, Bodyguard, Executive, Bounty Hunter, Doctor(?), and Jester - GWE Pact (Get Werewolf Eliminated)363Please respect copyright.PENANAxfqVeM07zA
Outlaw, Lookout, and Consigliere - Final 3 Pact
363Please respect copyright.PENANAEW6f34TY0p