When I got into the hallway, a terrible scent filled my nose and off to the side I saw a pile of vomit spilling down the wall. A disgusting mix of our soup and purple gunk and I knew what she had done. “Don’t think throwing up will spare you from my poison!” I shouted my voice echoing on the walls. I sped down the hallway, my boats providing the only noise, I summoned one of my sickles just in case. I kicked open a nearby door and frantically pressed my hand to the wall to check for a light. I found the switch and the room quickly illuminated with a bright yellow light. I was in the large band room that I had stepped into before. An impressive arrangement of instruments lay inside, a piano almost begging to be played, a few horns, a good looking drum kit, a side stand with five guitars both acoustic and electric. As well as a weak looking Ori who was trying to pull open one of the two windows in the room.
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I threw my sickle towards her watching my weapon spin in a small circle barely missing her hand by an inch. Ori jumped and spun around the remains of her vomit sticking to her face. She was sweating like crazy which was quite odd, Ori held her hand out and summoned one of her swords to her hands. “Leave me alone!” She cried out as she went to stab the window with whatever strength she had left.
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“Oh no you don’t!” I cried out, summoning my second sickle to my hand and managed to hook its curved blade around her sword, turning the attack to hit the wall instead leaving a large gash in it. I held my other hand out, summoning my other sickle back to it like I had the force. I trapped her sword in between my two blades and swung her up and over my head. I spun around right as she lost her balance and fell onto her backside. “Ori just let the poison sink in and we will get this over with.”
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“Stop it already!” She shouted in japanese. “Didn’t you hear what I said, what is gonna happen!” Ori flipped up to her feet but stumbled once more, nearly falling to the ground.
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“I heard you perfectly and I don’t care. It has nothing to do with me, I already told you that.” I ran forward with both my blades held out to the side. I spun around looking to slam them into her stomach but she managed to lift her blade up to block my attack. The force was still enough to send her sliding across the floor of a small cabinet that was holding music sheets. She landed hard on her side and didn’t move for a moment. “We didn’t need to fight and you can’t beat me now. That poison is in your veins and no matter how much you throw up or sweat it isn’t gonna be leaving just yet.”
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“I know,” Ori pulled herself out of the pile of sheet music that had covered her. “Question, is this the antidote you told me you keep on you?” Ori asked and my eyes went wide in shock. She was holding up a bright blue file that almost looked like clear water. “O-Or do I maybe need to try the other pocket?”
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I desperately patted my pockets and sure enough the one file I kept for emergency was gone. “You bitch!” I could only watch as she downed the entire vile and I could already see the effects were starting to work its magic. Strong poison needed and even strong antidote. “That is still gonna be in your veins for a bit and that is all the time I need!”
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Ori summoned her second blade and settled into a stance, holding her swords across her chest in the form of an X. “Will you listen to me already?” She begged. “I need your help and I know.”
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“What part of I am not gonna help you do you not understand!” I shouted rushing towards her I began to slice and slash at her. She was still pretty good at dodging attacks but she was not as quick as before. As she dodged to the left I caught her on back of the head knocking her to knees and one more kick amplicafied with my jepei sent her flying forward and slamming into the metal door post. She twisted to left and fell out of the room. I winced as once more pain run up my side probably from Aiko’s battle. I rested my hand on my netrix gemstone and whispered. “Aiko how are things going?”
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“Better than last time,” her voice came very strained. “She can’t get me off her back, but I don’t know how much longer I can do this. My poison isn't working on her, I don't know why.” She sounded scared.
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“On my signal come back to me, I have an idea that might work.” I ended our call before sprinting out of the doorway and now I had new trail to follow. A small trail of blood leading down the hallway. I turned on a nearby light and followed this trail into another doorway. This one was an empty room with no windows, I found Ori tearing a piece of shirt using it to cover her forehead that was now leaking with blood. I kicked the door shut behind me with a large smirk forming over my face. “No where to run, Ori-Chan.”
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“Why won’t you just listen to me!” Ori suddenly snapped stomping her foot on the ground like a small child. “She works for the dark order, they are gonna do really bad things, don’t you care about anyone else other than yourself? If she wins than your family, my family everyone is gonna get hurt that isn’t with them.”
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“What part of I could care less do you not understand?” I questioned positioning myself in front of the only doorway leading out. “Even if your story is true than it means nothing, my family has survived much worse. They survived when your father tried to erase the oren from earth.”
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“What are you talking about?!” Ori said looking at me in confusion.
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“Your father tried to wipe the oren off the face of the earth.” I took a deep breath before repeating the words of my mother. “The Unfair God of Israel that tried to wipe our name from the earth over a mistake his people caused. The Unfair King of the Earth that refused to save one of us in need. Hate him, do not fear him, he has done nothing for us and never will.``
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Ori looked at me for a moment. “Abba is a just God, he gives and takes away, your people whatever happened, had to have done something to provoke him to anger.”
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“That means nothing!” I shouted at her. “Your perfect father in heaven tried to annihilate my family, all because he made a mistake. That king, I think his name was Danny or David or something. He betrayed us, he tried to slay our first queen and when he couldn’t get the job done, he tricked your Abba and nearly killed us. He has always hated the Oren cause our bloodline slithers on the earth like the snakes he cursed from the start!”
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“You don’t believe that.” Ori said with wides eyes. “You are just sprouting hatred from your mouth, hatred that was taught to you. You told me yourself you don’t believe in him anyway, so how can you have this much hatred for something you don’t believe in!?”
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“Because if the story is true, than I have a good reason to do so. The Oren come first before anything else, my family's great name is the one we will spread across the world.”
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Ori looked at me for a moment her eyes shining brightly with tears. “What lies has caused your family to fall so far from his love?” She questioned bringing her hand up to wipe at her eyes.
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It was at that moment I heard what sounded like doors being bursted into and an echo of words came down the hallway. “NWPD come out with your hands up!”
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“Oh come on!” I whispered to myself before grabbing my netrix crystal. “Aiko return to me now! We need to leave!” I turned back to Ori. “You have gotten very very lucky.”
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I turned to leave when she called out to me. “I turned off the cameras before you came.” I spun around and found Ori had dropped to one knee. Her weapons shattered into silver jepei that fell like snow around her. “I will tell them someone broke in, I won’t tell them it was you.”
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“Why?” I asked in disbelief
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“Because he didn’t want me to.” That was all Ori said before she collapsed onto her backside. “You might wanna leave now.” Before I could ask what she meant she suddenly began to scream. “Help me! Help me! I’m down here!” Her voice so high that stung my ears.
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At that moment Aiko’s energy snapped into my gemstone and I raced out of the room. I pulled my mask down over my face as I went to the kitchen to use the window there to escape. It wasn’t her screams that echoed through my ears as I made my escape. “What lies has caused your family to fall from the fathers love.” The entire street was now flashing with red and blue lights, I rushed over to my bike that was parked at the end of the street and hopped on. The silent hum filled the air as I sped away. With far more questions than answers.
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“Does her story match up with anything you have heard of Mr. Benny?” I asked as I plopped down onto my bed, my hair still damp from my hour long shower, my pale skin slightly pink from where the water had touched.
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I had Mr. Benny look into this claim for me but all he did was shake his head. “If her story is true then there is nothing that is confirming it. The only items I have found are the idea that it is located near japan as well as maybe near the coast of northern africa. Nothing seems to agree with her claims that the city was actually two separate cities at one point, nothing about this Oikawa clan or anything like it.”
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“So she was lying to me?” I said feeling a brief suge of anger run through my veins.
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“Not necessarily,” Mr. Benny snapped his laptop closed as well as muted the evening news report he had been watching. “For all we know she could be right, there is a lot we don’t know about this world. Hell the regular populous of the planet would think that certain creatures are just mythical but to us they are mystical. If there is a chance that her story is true and the regular mass couldn’t find out, then it does line up.”
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Before I could answer, the new report suddenly switched and I recognized the front of the church. After demanding that he unmutted the television I listened and with a nervous stomach. If there was even a small idea that I was responsible for tonight's events and my momma found out. I would be banished for failure. “Yes, I am standing outside Trinity Church, first responders have come to the reports of some kind of robbery inside. There was one eyewitness who was taken to a local hospital to receive medical attention as what she claims as three young men came and attempted to rob the church. She was attacked leaving her with bruises and a large cut on her forehead from being slammed through a table. According to the police, the cameras were oddly turned off leaving them to think that maybe someone came in earlier or a member of the church staff had the camera cut to keep information being leaked.”
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I let out the breath that I had been holding in as I leaned back against my pillow. “You got lucky, little girl, if your mother.”
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I quickly interrupted Mr. Benny. “I would have been banished and she probably would have done a lot more than use that demonic hairbrush of her’s on me.”
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“Though that is weird, she had the perfect chance to lay a trap for you. However, she didn't, instead she fed you and told you everything you could have asked for. It seems she truly wants your help in this. The question is why?” Mr. Benny stated as he turned the channel from the news to some basketball game.
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“I don’t get it either, it doesn’t make sense but at least I have a time frame now. She is not leaving until that staff is brought in. However, she also can bring in her older sister for help if she needs it and that worries me.” I reached over and lifted my very tired serpent onto my lap. “You did amazing today Aiko, please get some rest.” I soothed rubbing my hand over her scaly back. Her wounds had healed once I poured my jepei energy into her but she was still exhausted from that fight.
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“My poison didn’t work on her.” Aiko said with a sad yawn. “I don’t get it, no one can resist poison, especially not mine.”
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“Remember little serpent,” Gamba spoke up from his position in front of the tv. “You are dealing with a mystical creature, dragons are a lot stronger than other animal spirits. Especially one that can maybe control the waters as we think it does.” The large lion turned towards us and his golden voids for eyes seemed to flash brighter. “I would love to see and fight this dragon.”
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“Have you faced off against a dragon spirit before?” I asked, dragon animal spirits were weird. In the hierarchy of animal spirits it always was the trinity, followed by a few powerful beasts known as the uncrowned kings and queens, the dragons belonged to an entire other subgroup with their own hierarchy.
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“Me and Gamba have not but your father has faced one before, so perhaps he will have better advice.” Mr. Benny said.
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I couldn’t bring myself to call my daddy, Poppy had told me stories of times she had called out daddy during one of her missions and he was not happy about it. He said that as Oren we had to figure things out ourselves through every loss we could take, through every broken nail or splash of blood. Not wanting to earn that talking too, I decided to call someone else that might have answers. My phone rang twice before my sister’s Wisteria face came onto my screen, I had to squint for a moment as this was not her room, no this seemed to me a hotel room of some kind. Beside her was a good looking dude who’s chest was lightly rising and falling and he had a very content smile on his face. “Am I interrupting something?”
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“If I am answering my phone it means you're not.” Wisteria said pulling up her covers a bit more covering her lacy purple bra. She reached over onto the counter and pulled out a familiar looking file with a purple liquid. She dropped a single drop into his open mouth before saying. “Don’t worry, you are not witnessing a murder, I just need to put him to sleep for this conversation. Now what can I help you with, little sister?”
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“What are you doing with that guy?” I found myself foolishly asking.
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“I doubt you are calling to find out what I do in my free time. So ask what is on your mind before I hang up and block your number for the next three weeks.” She said sternly though there was a slight playful glimmer in her eyes.
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“Have you ever faced someone with the spirit of the dragon?” I asked, feeling a slight blush spread across my cheeks it was becoming clearer what she had been doing.
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Wisteria raised an eyebrow at that. “I have, they are very rare and tend to stay to themselves for some reason. Why are you asking me this?”
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I informed her of some of the details of my mission so far, not mentioning how she nearly killed me in our first battle. How I thought her animal was the so-called god of the dragons for Japanese culture. How Aiko told me her poison wasn’t working and she didn’t know why. Once I finished explaining, Wisteria spoke. “I see, dragons are odd creatures and it takes a lot to bring them down. Including poison. The one I faced was an ancient dragon that belonged to a European boy in scotland. That dragon wasn’t affected by poison, I would suggest telling Aiko to focus her attacks on the underbelly and neck next time. How is your first mission going and how is New York? I checked the weather report, and it is snowing”
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“New York is okay, has an odd smell and the snow is beautiful, thank you for asking.” I said, giving her a small smile. “My mission is going well so far. Just hunting her down and keeping her down is hard sometimes. How are things at home?”
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“I haven’t been home much since I came back. I have been preoccupied with a few personal matters.” She brought one of her long nails to tap against the boy's chest. “I will go home tomorrow to probably see if I have any work requests. I have given my last three requests to our aunt's children. I want them to see the world like we are allowed to.”
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“That is very kind of you.”
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“It is not kindness, just being fair.” Wisteria stated before adding. “Now is there anything else you need to know before I get some more rest.” She asked through, judging from the look in her eyes, she meant a different kind of rest. Before I could speak she suddenly added. “One more thing you should watch for. Dragons are extremely loyal to their masters, more loyal than those in the dog family. So be on your guard even if it seems you have won.”
“I will remember that,” I said, placing my free hand against my side. “Wisteria, what do you know about Atlantis?”
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“The city that Plato wrote about in one of his stories?” I slowly nodded my head. “I don’t know that much about the city, what brings this up?”
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“Nothing really, it just came up from a conversation I had with someone. It might lead me to finding out what my target is truly doing so I can hunt her down better.” I lied.
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“Word of advice, don’t get in too deep cause that might cloud your judgment. Remember Ivy, the oren don’t get involved in matters unless they endanger the family, only then are we allowed to act.” Wisteria explained. “This girl you are hunting is two years younger than you, correct?”
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“Yes she is.”
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“Then start thinking like a child would and that might lead you to the answers you seek.” Wisteria waved at the camera again before hanging up her phone. A moment later a text came across my screen. Tell Benjamin I say hello. “My sister says hello.” I said tossing my phone onto the small nightstand beside my bed.
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“That's nice to hear, she hasn’t hired my services from me in a while.” Mr. Benny said with a small smile. “So what is your next plan of attack?”
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“First I need to get answers to some of these questions but now I need to figure things out. Schedule a trip to the library tomorrow and don’t wake me up tomorrow, I need to wake up naturally.” I explained.
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“If I don’t wake you up, then you are gonna stay until three in the afternoon.” I rolled my eyes as I pulled my covers up covering my purple pajamas shorts. “Goodnight Lady Ivy”
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My eyes began to flutter open like the wings of a butterfly before it took flight. Above me were perfectly clear blue skies, there was no sun anywhere I looked. A hand was tracing its fingers through my long hair, occasionally rubbing against my scalp. I realized my head was resting on someone’s lap, I moved my head a bit to see that man looking out across the sparkling waters. He glanced down at me with a small smile and I found myself returning it. “Who are you?”
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Once again he spoke his name but nothing came out. “It seems you are still deaf to my name,” he said, placing a hand on my forehead.
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“Or maybe you are just really quiet?” I suggested.
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He let out a small laugh. “Sometimes it is better to speak quietly instead of having a voice like thunder.” As I began to sit up he placed a hand on my back to help me in the process.
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“You said that the name Immanuel means God is with us? Do all names have a meaning to them?” I asked.
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His eyes softened a bit, his eyes shining like the sky above. “Almost all names have a meaning to them.”
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“Do they?” I asked.
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He slowly nodded his head. “For example, your name while called after the plant of poison. It represents eternity or fidelity.”
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“What does fidelity mean?”
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“Faithfulness to a belief, a person or cause.” He explained. “So your name means, eternity faithful. So let me ask you, what are you eternally faithful to?”
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“My family of course.” For some reason those words didn’t feel right for some reason. Almost leaving a bad taste on my tongue, so bad that I reached out to pour myself some water but found the pitcher was too heavy.
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Immanuel reached out taking the pitcher and poured me a cup of water. Although it was sitting underneath the sunless sky and it was quite warm outside, the water was letting off the frost like mist that came from the cold. “Sometimes lies leave a bad taste in the mouth.” He began. “And the only thing to get rid of that bad taste is to speak truthfully.”
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I took a few sips of this ice cold water. “But I wasn’t lying.” I said. “I am faithful to my family. Or at least I want to be, I have to be, I don’t have a choice.”
265Please respect copyright.PENANAryH5SwhlEm
“Then maybe you are not as faithful to your family as much as you claim to be.” Immanuel said much to my surprise. “Being forced into something or not having a choice isn’t being faithful. It is doing it out of fear or worry.”
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“Okay, then who are you eternally faithful too?” I asked.
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“My father.” He said looking out across the water. “I suppose I am also eternity faithful to mission he had given me.”
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“You're on a mission too?”
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“Yes but mine only ends with one man’s blood being spilled.”
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“You're gonna kill someone?”
265Please respect copyright.PENANAjIhZWu2Z1R
“No I am not.”
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“Then whose blood needs to be spilled.”
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He reached out and placed a hand on my head gently ruffling my hair. “You will understand when you can say my name. Only then will you understand who I am, and who my father and yours is.”
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“You know my father?” I asked.
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“I know your father and your mother but they don’t know their true father or rather then don’t want to.” He said, lifting me up to my feet. “Look around and tell me what you see?”
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I spun around in a circle taking in the endless sea of green grass gently blowing in the breeze, a single tree was off to the side that had what looked to be an old looking swing. In front of me was the sparkling blue water, so still that it was almost scary. “Grass, a tree, and water. Why do you ask?”
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My vision was suddenly darkened as his hands were placed over my eyes. “Now tell me what you can see?” He asked.
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“Nothing, your hands are over my eyes.” I said with a small giggle.
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“What can you hear?” He asked.
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“Your voice.” I answered.
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He turned me around to face him and he put his hands over my ears. “What can you hear?” He mouthed out to me.
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“I can’t hear anything, again you're covering my ears.” I answered, he removed his hands and placed them on my shoulders. “Why did you do that?”
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“I wanted to show you what is going on with you right now. At times your eyes are open to seeing but your ears are deaf. Your ears can hear but your eyes can’t see. You will be amazed, what happens when both your eyes and ears open the world, and you will understand that even the smallest slights are important and the softest sounds can be so sweet.”
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“I don’t understand.” I saw with a small yawn. “I’m tired.” I whispered, falling forward only for him to catch him and bring me back to resting my head on his lap.
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“You will understand what I mean in all due time.” He whispered, sliding his hand over my eyes to close them. “And when you wake up, start to ask yourself something. The meaning of your name. What does that truly mean to you?”
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